I love how the overall sentiment here is "This went really well and achieved all of its objectives. Now, how do we prevent the fourth great ninja war from starting?".

Doesn't matter in the end.

The place is full of hundreds of ninja. If they go along with the stampede in order not to give themselves away and not get disqualified then that is squarely on them.

Why should Hazou matyr himself from them when half of the stampede is made out of ninja that can easily get themselves out of the situation.

If someone is to take responsibility then it should be the brainlet that set the tag in the first place.

[X] Poll: Leave the Proctors to Protect People

That's my thinking as well. The majority of the crowd are ninja, the heat isn't actually dangerous to anyone, there are multiple proctors present, and the candidates have to know that taking part in a stampede is all but guaranteed to pop their Henge. I don't think we particularly need to do anything, aside from guaranteeing Hazou's safety.

So, I wonder what was Keiko thinking when we proposed this bold plan.

I wonder what Nara was thinking when we proposed this bold plan.

Keiko was thinking what she told Akane. I would hazard a guess that Shikamaru was thinking along similar lines. They both failed to account for the possible actions of people much dumber than themselves.

We would be in jail, executed on the spot or disowned and put on the front lines as canon fodder in the inevitable war that ensues.

Regardless of the outcome Akatsuki has free reign to sink the world into the bottomless pits of nuclear hellfire or whatever the hell they want to do.

The Akatsuki want to save the world from Sage and Dummy, as confirmed in CfG.
Honestly the second someone starts getting stepped on their Henge is going to pop, they'll be DQed and if they had an INT score above 0 they would take that opportunity to aggressively get the fuck out of that situation.
A 'stampede' of 200 people in an open area is not that big of a deal - it's density that matters, and people aren't that packed initially. If they all go for the door, we might have a problem; but a ninja - even genin - seeing a blocked in door is probably not gonna limit their own mobility by running and pushing into the crowd, and will either go around, try to scale the wall to get to a window, or become creative.

I think this is a 'you trip, you get ran over by a couple people and have bad bruising', not 'you trip, you dead' scenario.
This is important to keep in mind: I would hazard a guess that most regular humans would come out in this scenario unscathed besides some nasty bruising.

The majority of the crowd isn't regular people, they're trained super soldiers.

By and large this is problematic for us if and only if we are caught in the mansion before everyone gets in there. If we are then it truly does look like we just set off a stampede directly into our alcoholic mist trap.

This is to be avoided at all costs.
Nihil supernum is all very well and good when you're a designated protagonist with unique superpowers and a uniquely superpowered mentor too and a time machine and free adulthood and and and. Here, though, it seems to me Hazou has mostly standard ninja abilities available and it's mostly lots of other people who have the both the unique powers and the super powers.
Nihil supernum is all very well and good when you're a designated protagonist with unique superpowers and a uniquely superpowered mentor too and a time machine and free adulthood and and and. Here, though, it seems to me Hazou has mostly standard ninja abilities available and it's mostly lots of other people who have the both the unique powers and the super powers.

The point of Nihil Supernum isn't "I'm the only one in a position to be a hero, so I have to do it because no one else can", it's "I can't be sure that everything will be fine if I don't help, therefore I must do everything I can, and if I fail then it's my own fault for not having previously amassed enough power to succeed here".

Not advocating for or against, just explaining the position.
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As soon as henges start popping (which will happen fast with the shoving and whatnot going on), the genin are going to get out of the crowd.

I don't think the stampede is that much a risk.
Aren't we going to hurt civilians and proctors? If not, let's spam them!

This is all but guaranteed to get us disqualified and reprimanded afterwards, and causing significant injury.
I'm moderately serious. Most scenarios are going to end up with us getting fucked. Thinking our game should be escalation

I don't think escalating this into a chaotic brawl /death match melee is to our advantage.
I'm moderately serious. Most scenarios are going to end up with us getting fucked. Thinking our game should be escalation

Well I think we should be channeling the protagonist of Twig. This kind of chaos is unpredictable in predictable ways. If, right now, we picked some nearby ninja and yelled "How dare you! There are fucking civilians here! Are you trying to kill them?!" then suddenly the crowd has a target for their fear and anger. We slip away while the accused tries to defend themselves.
Well I think we should be channeling the protagonist of Twig. This kind of chaos is unpredictable in predictable ways. If, right now, we picked some nearby ninja and yelled "How dare you! There are fucking civilians here! Are you trying to kill them?!" then suddenly the crowd has a target for their fear and anger. We slip away while the accused tries to defend themselves.
And then it turns out that person is a civilian.

Cue shitpocalypse.
[X] Poll: Leave the Proctors to Protect People

CfG!Akatsuki wants to save the world from Sage and Dummy, our Akatsuki has unknown motivations.

I would expect the QMs to give Akatsuki that motivation in CfG whether or not it was true in MfD, if for no other reason than to mess with us, so I can't derive any information out of that.

That's the joke.gif

Another thing that's confirmed in CfG is that the Hokage's civilian advisor is the Sage, by the way.