Lightning Round XVI
[X] Enemies are distracted, take the time to finish unification with the Gylruv
[X] You know who could use a whole bunch of angry philosophers taking about the obligations of the ruled and their rulers? The patchwork nightmare of provinces that is the Tortun

For the People, the gygo in the west was an opportunity to make the push to turn the semi-personal union between them and the Gylruv into a real union with the assurance that their most muscular enemies were otherwise distracted, especially since the Tortun were rapidly quite distracted by their territory going up in revolt from the discontent the People managed to stir up. The People also offered favourable trade with any Kielmyr or Sketch captain who showed up at their ports with Vortuga, Hespranxer, or UPM goods - the former two if they were obviously stolen goods, the latter to indirectly support the rebels there as best as possible. Safe and secure, the People went about the business of unifying with the Gylruv, which mostly involved moving both of their administrative apparati into the winter palace at New Blackmouth.

Slowly, distant war and revolution unfolded, and many considered with glee the results. Tortun went up in flames, allowing the Hespranxer to exploit the situation only to discover that holding the territory had become harder than taking it, and they were also already fighting the Vortuga, their colonies the UPM, and were being raided at sea by the Sketch and Kielmyr. At some point the Hespranxer had come to view themselves as the premier military power in Syffryn and the world, and their pride prevented them from backing down from the challenge of taking on the whole world at once. Unfortunately, they had apparently managed to hollow out a major chunk of their economy over the centuries, their colonies helping them to prop up fundamentally bad practices at home. With trade catastrophically disrupted, Hespranxer state coffers rapidly depleted even as they smashed their neighbours, only to discover that they were occupying territories full of angry revolutionaries who ended up talking to displeased soldiers.

The United Provinces managed to secure their independence and the Sketch stripped the Vortuga of numerous Monsoon Sea and Kus trade posts, and while this was irritating to replace one set of Syffrynites with another, everyone agreed that the Sketch were a far more reasonable people than the Vortuga. The Hespranxer managed to pull off a "win", but had essentially secured none of their strategic objectives and had exposed just how rotten their system was. A bad winter and a crop failure a few years later found the Hespranxer with no ability to pay their neighbours for food, and their peasants stirred up from interacting with the various revolutionaries from among the still smouldering wreckage of Tortun. Revolution was inevitable, and when the first series broke out the People - now unified under the twin Gylruv-Ymaryn crown - were happy to help.

But this revolution was of a different flavour. Rather than some member of the middle or upper nobility stepping up to speak for the peasants and secure the throne for their own on the back of a revolt, or the crown crushing the peasants, the lower classes had no intention of supporting any nobles. Initial revolts against famine and mismanagement soon spiraled out of control and turned into bloodbaths as whole dynasties of nobility were wiped out, the king himself having his head removed by the fury of the mob. While exhaustion from only just fighting off the Hespranxer, many of that sick nation's neighbours decided to send in military expeditions to try and restore the monarchy. It ultimately did not matter who was the monarch of Hespranxer, only that there was a monarch, lest the idea catch hold and unhappy subjects come after their heads.

What did the Gylruv-Ymaryn do?
[] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)
[] [War] Stayed neutral (2x)
[] [War] Joined in on the Alliance to Restore the Monarchy (major participants: Vortuga, Sketch, Tortun, Etal, Halvyni) (1x)

End Lightning Rounds, enter Industrial Age?
[] [Rounds] Keep going
[] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play

AN: Was it intentional that the Not!French king lost his head on the XVI Lightning Round update? As of yesterday, yes, yes it was
[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)

We need to intervene here, we lose too much by not doing so. The military tactics and support of the Republic would be good enough, but it will also help us start pushing a Constitutional Monarchy before it gets pushed on us.
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[X] [War] Stayed neutral (2x)

[X] [Rounds] Keep going

Let the western barbaroi burn. Its what they are good at.

I want space age dammit. There is an entire galaxy out there! The Trees will cover it All.
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So Hespranxer is not!France, Sketch is not!Scotland, Gylruv is not!Russia, Tortun is not!HRE, Vortuga is not!Portugal, and Kielmyr is not!Scandanavia, have I got all that right?

[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play
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[x] [War] Stayed neutral (2x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play

I'm not touching that with a 10 km pole. Supporting either side is either a waste of resources or makes us lots of enemies.
[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play
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[X] [War] Stayed neutral (2x)
Our whole reason for doing this was making sure the Not!European powers were distracted while we consolidated our own power, let them weaken each other while we try to cut of their trade at the knees.
[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)

If it is less than popular then this will get voted down. Honestly wanna stay neutral, but I think the thread might like this.

[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play

Lets start playing the game properly again at what appears to be around 1800. Kinda worried about what running a future state will look like, so I wanna stay in the past as long as possible.
[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play
Okay, so we know irl that monarchies go out of fashion fairly soon, and that !notUSA and !notFrance will be powerful allies.

So we should hop on the democracy train early, so we can reap the rewards before everyone else.

It's probably won't win because of the weights, but a man can dream :V

[X] OliWhail
I would be very, very worried that we're about to see a Napoleon figure, in which case 'neutrality' may put us squarely between two hostile armies (cf. America in the War of 1812.) On the other hand, the War of 1812 was far preferable to the devastation that occurred to participants in the war. But on the other hand, being neutrality means we won't get an invitation to Not!Congress of Vienna, that determines the entirety of Europe's diplomatic future, sets up a century of peace ('Concert of Europe') and paves the way for WWI.

This is a big decision, and I have no idea which one we should prefer.
So Hespranxer is not!France, Sketch is not!Scotland, Gylruv is not!Russia, Tortun is not!HRE, Vortuga is not!Portugal, and Kielmyr is not!Scandanavia, have I got all that right?
Check the informational post.
Gylruv -> Russia
Kielmry Triple Crown -> Kalmar Union (Scandinavia)
Black Sheep -> Mughals
Kus Petty Kingdoms -> Indian Kingdoms
Greater Undikus Kingdoms -> South-East Asia
Khemetri -> Egypt
Greater Khem Eastern Kingdoms -> East Africa
Greater Khem Western Kingdoms -> West Africa
Hung -> China
Nohon -> Japan
Mapanca -> Mapuche + Inca
Sketch -> British
Halvyni -> Dutch
Styrmyr -> Hungary
Hespranxer -> Spain + France
Wyrmyn -> Poland
Vortuga -> Portugal + Spain

There are also other groups who are minor (Irish, Basques) or out of what you can really influence to your interests (Germany, Italy) and hundreds of other minor groups.

The Tortun actually aren't on there. Git it together Academia Nut you have dishonoured your ancestors.
Guys, from what I understand, sitting this out is pretty much going to mean we miss a shitload of military innovations, which means we get curbstomped the next time a European looks our way.

So yeah, vote neutral if you want to risk being made irrelevant in warfare for a few decades while the europeans start carving off our land like we were Ottoman Empire 2.0.
[X] [War] Joined in on the Alliance to Restore the Monarchy (major participants: Vortuga, Sketch, Tortun, Etal, Halvyni) (1x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play
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[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play
[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)

If it is less than popular then this will get voted down. Honestly wanna stay neutral, but I think the thread might like this.

[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play

Lets start playing the game properly again at what appears to be around 1800. Kinda worried about what running a future state will look like, so I wanna stay in the past as long as possible.

Dude, vote for what you want, besides, we should always strive for consensus because of that juicy juicy bonus.
[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)
I want to vote that now is the time to go suppport that independant new world colony with shipments of cheap guns and canons that are deliberately too large to mount on ships. Let them make armies and anti-navel forts, but not a major navy.
[X] [War] Joined in on the Alliance to Restore the Monarchy (major participants: Vortuga, Sketch, Tortun, Etal, Halvyni) (1x)

[X] [War] Stayed neutral (2x)
[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)

Okay, folks. A problem.

If we stay neutral and Hespranxer win, we are next. Like no shit, Revolutionary France was not opposed by entirety of Europe at first, first coalition was smaller.

If we support monarchy, our domestic free-thinkers, the ones who set Europe on fire like this, won't be happy - and as we, with the benefit of hindsight, know, future belongs to liberals of that age more than to reactionary forces. We, ultimately, want the ideas behind this revolution to win to some degree, even if this particular implementation is more than a bit problematic.

And, well...even if we do not want them to win, they eventually will because that's how things work with increasingly better educated, read and politically aware populace forming class consciousness and awareness of political realities.