If there is something else that catches our fancy or we are tired of the job, we can gracefully quit after whatever the current assignment is, which should be no more than a year or two, given our history as Loremaster. The problems we tackle on that end are specific and clearly defined.And when will you be happy with loremaster?
The answer is we both don't know.
This argument is just about undermining, not based on anything people know.
no, like, that's not what I'm saying.But we do know there are natural periods in the Loremaster job where we could make a graceful exit?
Like you're basically saying we have no idea how the jobs may work and can't make any assumptions about them, when literally the last two updates were about getting a sense of how the jobs would work.
Waystones and Markgraf were in the same preference category for me so despite the neck-to-neck I was still voting for neither. But I think that this just pushed me over the edge. And in the opposite direction of where I thought I would end up being pushed eventually.Things I don't like so much about it:
- Pushing back the Elfternship for yonks, because it's hard to justify going to Nagarythe and fighting Druchii when your mission is to clear out Sylvania
- A job that's kind of hard to walk away from because reaching a point of "done" seems unlikely
- Research projects in our spare time? What spare time?
Tutor and Nagarythe both do.Really none of the options presented to us have any sort of baked in end-by date, their termination is decided entirely by the quest itself.
Social actions often imply additional off-screen social engagement.Mathilde has spoken to Roswita like 5 times total on-screen. It's touching that Roswita trusts us, but we are absolutely not the only one Roswita can trust, and arguably not even the best candidate for Markgraf given it's primarily a Stewardship/Diplomacy position, not a Magic/Learning/Intrigue one.
Single choice voting would lead to the exact opposite result. People would stop voting for their favorite choice in order to support the "least bad" of the popular options. That in turn would distort the vote count and benefit not the most popular options, but the options that people think are popular. Like, Markgraf didn't have all that much discussion in support of it before the moratorium ended. People with it as their favorite might instead just have voted for Tutor, which got a lot of chatter.Single choice voting is a thing in other quests. It's not that hard to enforce. That DL uses approval voting is a choice made by BoneyM, not an issue with the site.
You know what would happen if we hid the tally while still openly voting through comments? People would dig out the old software that was used to tally things in this forum before Director Xon implemented their own. And then what? Only the savvy ones get to vote with a full picture at their disposal? And should we ban people who post their tallies? Should we ban people who do ballpark estimates with just their eyes and say things like "I'm pretty sure Margraf just beat Waystones"?This site should really have a Vote option that keeps the amount hidden and only lets you vote for one thing so people will vote for what they actually want
If you actively hate anything in a Quest you should maybe take a step back and re-center yourself. Like, I'd think you all a bit crazy if you had gone all in on Swamp Town, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. Sinecure would be the only one to worry me. And that's less because of my dislike of the content and more because I would start developing an irrational fear that BoneyM would grow bored and fed up not just with this quest in particular, but with the SV voter base.But there really isn't a point pretending that I don't actively hate loremaster.
It would a) make discussion useless after the moratorium because people aren't even allowed to genuinely change their mind anymore and/or b) give a massive advantage to late voters and make people literally start playing chicken with the QM closing the vote.i mean i can say the same thing about all the voters for all the options since basically all the votes have had multiple options selected but yes, if everyone only voted once it would be a lot clearer i feel
Given their power disparity I fear that Cython might take it similar to someone going up to a professional programmer and saying "My cousin also likes computers. I'm sure you'd be good friends."...You know, this reminded me that well aside from any attempts to poach Egrimm for one reason or another, we really should introduce him and Cython to each other at some point. They would both appreciate a fellow scholar to talk with, I imagine.
It was more of a 2v2 which, once we were behind, got our opponents ganked by four more people.And we got to solo fight and survive and anti-magic Chaos berserker!
That can't be the official title though because people would start asking why a Grey LM took a post like that.I do wonder if the option would have been doing better if the title was "head of city sewer jacks" or something.
It's not that you can't make more. It's that it costs you an extra half-action if you make more. And that Dwarves are too traditionalist to muck with the classic Council structure.Quest mechanics says there's 6 advisors and you can't make more, so if you want an advisor, you need to fit them into one of the slots. Spymaster fits better than the others.
I think the neck-to-neck-to-neck-to-neck nature of the vote also plays a large role. Like, when I see that my preferred option either is well in the lead or is most likely going to lose then I don't care much about voting. This way people feel like their voice really matters, on an important decision, for longer than 24 hours.Maybe just the large vote having an unexpected network effect, causing more people to vote, causing yet more people to vote (to participate in the biggest vote ever), repeat ad infinitum..
(e: There are 1500+ unique posters in the thread, unique viewers is probably around 2k, so if all of them came to vote..)
Don't twist Roswita's words in her mouth.We're being explicitly told that this is a job we could still be reporting to Roswitta's grandchildren while doing. I'm taking that at face value.
If we feel like we're not done we can still be reporting to Roswita's grandchildren. Being "done" doesn't mean transforming Sylvania into the Blessed Lands. If we decide it, it can mean anything from finding a trustworthy successor that can manage the institutions we set up to declaring any further improvement to be hopeless or bring marginal gain at best and leaving for where we are more actually useful."And the duration?"
"As long as it takes, as decided by yourself. Even if you become another Elspeth von Draken, if you feel the job's not done, then you can be delivering reports to my great grandchildren."
I really have to pick that comic back up again. Is the quality still as good as a couple of years ago?
Why does it matter when Jyn is happy with leaving? They aren't our elected pro-Markgraf representative or anything.Okay, so when will you be happy with it? When we accomplish Roswitta's goal of the province not immediately reverting when the next Von Carsten shows up? How long do you expect that to take?
But the premise of Markgraf is that we have absolute carte blanche to handle it. It's entire up to us!I think my counterargument to this is that whatever we pick, we're going to sit down and have a conversation with our Employer about how we'll approach the job and what concessions we want.
People are saying that the thread will have trouble sticking to a plan to leave a job after a certain amount of progress, if it isn't 110% complete with the bonus stage cleared. Which is a reasonable concern! But knowing that, I think we can say during the conversation "Hey, my goal for this job is to get as far as X, at which point I will probably gracefully bow out and let someone else take over." An explicit commitment to such a plan would solve the problem.
but pretending that 'it will never be done' to undermine it when the same can be said of two of the other options is unfair and just a argument tool, expeally when rose said its up to mathy to pick when to level. in 100s of years to 10 years. its up to us.
.... do you really think Boeny will not wake up a powerful vampire at some point?But the premise of Markgraf is that we have absolute carte blanche to handle it. It's entire up to us!
And unless we get to test it, we can't possibly know it's a done job. We can't set a reasonable standard when we can't measure objectively what would happen.
We can only guess if it will be enough, and that in itself is incredibly hard to do well.
What would be catching fire of we do our own stuff during the Tutor/Bodyguard job? Mandred isn't actually in danger on a daily basis and if Heidi doesn't literally get a pledge of loyalty from every single Elector, so what?And I just don't see that with edgelord, and to some degree with bodyguar
We invite a Vampire to take over Sylvania and sit back. If he fails without our intervention then we know we succeeded, clean up the mess, and say our goodbyes.But the premise of Markgraf is that we have absolute carte blanche to handle it. It's entire up to us!
And unless we get to test it, we can't possibly know it's a done job. We can't set a reasonable standard when we can't measure objectively what would happen.
We can only guess if it will be enough, and that in itself is incredibly hard to do well.
That's the issue. How do we set that goal? How do we measure our completion?
Okay, but if we go into that conversation and say "my goal is to achieve [X, where X is not the complete and total pacification of Sylvania] and probably to not be in this position for longer than a decade."But the premise of Markgraf is that we have absolute carte blanche to handle it. It's entire up to us!
And unless we get to test it, we can't possibly know it's a done job. We can't set a reasonable standard when we can't measure objectively what would happen.
We can only guess if it will be enough, and that in itself is incredibly hard to do well.
That's the issue. How do we set that goal? How do we measure our completion?
Isn't that literally just Mannfred? I don't think Konrad came back, Vlad didn't outside of the ET, Isabella the same.canon* wise, all the major players will wake up in the next few years.
Your argument is invalid. It's like saying that the only way the Waystone crowd will know they succeeded is by working on the Waystones until the next Storm of Chaos hits, and watching if they break it. No. The Waystone project is done when we can fix or enable, or turn on some of them.Yeah, I think discussing has helped me realize it. The way I'd be satisfied we are done with "make Sylvania not vampire country" is canceling the apocalypse, more or less. A real Von Carstein shows up, tries to do their usual thing and it doesn't work out for them because the people won't listen.
That's how we know we are done. The one stress test that matters, as it's the true goal of the job.
Otherwise we will never know. There will always be one more institution to build, tweak or improve. One more infrastructure job that could tip the scales for one more village.
Because developing a province isn't a job that ends, and we need to develop it enough that it will be happier with us than with hundreds of years of tradition.
And when will you be happy with loremaster?
The answer is we both don't know.
This argument is just about undermining, not based on anything people know.
I think Boney will do that if the dice dictate it, and the dice might be slanted towards producing that outcome, but, uh. Over the last nearly 700,000 words, which exactly have made you think that Boney feels beholden to conventional narrative pacing if the dice and the player decisions say otherwise?.... do you really think Boeny will not wake up a powerful vampire at some point?
canon* wise, all the major players will wake up in the next few years. (some a couple of times.)
* yes, I know 'don't take canon as quest canon'
no GM would not throw something that juicy at us at some point.
Boney isn't running a novel that we happen to be guiding. Reasoning on the meta level of "this is what the narrative beats ought to be" is going to steer you wrong, and has steered questers wrong in the past.So Asarnil keeps showing up, Abelhelm died, Birdmuncha decided against a climactic showdown, Edda ended up worse at her job than she deserved, Wisdom's Asp was a joke of an antagonist, Kragg didn't want to play with the Vitae, Johann blinded himself... a thousand ways things have gone differently than if I had been in ultimate control. But ultimately each time it has lead to a richer narrative.
Okay, but if we go into that conversation and say "my goal is to achieve [X, where X is not the complete and total pacification of Sylvania] and probably to not be in this position for longer than a decade."
I think that having explicitly laid out a shorter victory condition and gotten Mathilde and Rosie to buy into it, that voters will be okay with leaving after achieving X or only overshooting a little.
Ho yez. It is a pentacle of luff nowI really have to pick that comic back up again. Is the quality still as good as a couple of years ago?
What would be catching fire of we do our own stuff during the Tutor/Bodyguard job? Mandred isn't actually in danger on a daily basis and if Heidi doesn't literally get a pledge of loyalty from every single Elector, so what?