Interesting point I thought I'd bring up, since I don't think I've seen much discussion on it. Our current
minions friends in K8P's are unlikely to follow us for several of the options, if that might influence your vote.
Currently we employ Max and Johann, and watch over the Ducklings. Max has his apprenticeship so anything outside of K8P's is off the table, but he might be available for helping with papers if we devote an action to it. Johann was originally there for Skaven warp tech, but we passed all that stuff along to his College. However, he did come along with us to Karag Dum so he might be up for adventures elsewhere.
The Duckling club are doing their own things. Herbert will follow the Winter Wolves and they would be guaranteed to join the Border Princess job. Gretchen we could hire the mercenary company she's with for a fair few of them. Adelia... dunno. She's doing nepotism stuff so she might be free in K8P's if we help her with that?
For the shippers among us, Mathilde's girlfriend, Panoramia is busy with the multi year project of getting the soil fertile enough in K8P's. She would be available for the Waystone project, since it would be based where she works, and I could see her also being partly available for the Border Princess job as it's practically next door to her home. Sylvania is a bit further away so I doubt she'll be there other than in winter. Even then, why would she want to spend her free time in a Dhar choked land when she can stay with Mathilde in her cosy cottage at K8P's or Mathilde's tower?
People have mentioned Egrimm a few times and we could try and grab him for a few of the options. Depends on his Patriarch letting him go. The impression I got was it would have to be something important for him to let Egrimm go. Waystones and Bodyguard would fit that category, Loremaster might since Mathilde could pitch it as improving dwarf relations with other Colleges or something like that. Sylvania already has a load of Battle Wizards roving through it so I doubt that would count? I could be wrong, though.
Finally, we come to one of the most important points. At K8P's we have our friend, and prospective love interest at one point in the quest, which I honestly found hilarious, Cython, the Ice Dragon of Hysh. They've been around for a very, very long time. They quite likely know more about magic than most elves and I'd imagine they would be quite happy to work on the Waystone Project with us if we asked. Hysh is generally opposed to Chaos more than the other winds and the waystones help with that.
I also want the scene where everyone gathers for the initial meeting in the Dragon room in Mathilde's tower and Cython flies in and joins them