So the story goes that Teclis showed up to the druids, showed them they were worshipping Ghyran, and then two thirds joined up with the Colleges while the rest went back into the woods, where they presumably still exist to this day.
But there were non-Ghyran druids, weren't there? The ones in White Dwarf 311 get the choice of Lore of Death and Lore of Ulgu. (No Lore of Life, but that might just be because they're undead, or because they're in an undead army and that lore is mechanically useless to them). What happened to them? Did they join the Colleges too? If they were non-woodlands type druids, maybe they got almost entirely wiped out by the cults by the time Teclis showed up.
If I remember what the Jade college said in the quest (I think it was Tochter) only when the druids stood firm on drawing energies from the waystones did he show them how to draw Ghyran out, and only Ghyran. This may be reading into it but this says to me that the faith was heavily changed from this split. We do have to remember that they believed they were worshipping the earth mother and a great deal of lore was likely lost from Teclis's actions. The most faithful (and presumably most knowledgable) would have been the ones to reject the interloper, this likely included the ones who didn't fit into the order that Teclis was trying to create, so the ones who drew on different winds. I imagine some joined the hedgewise, but that is more of a pet theory based purely off of the statement in the quest of the Grey being accepted more in eastern provinces from Egrimm.
I was honestly just guessing based off of very hazy memories of the map and no measurements. Still 75 miles from the sole remaining ruined tower of Kor Immarmor and seeing that the Eonir seem to prefer to spread wide rather than tall... Well within let's not piss off the humans even more range in addition to the do we want to live that close to people who hate us that badly in the best and only visible target.According to the thread canonical map listed in the Collection of Important Information Threadmark, it's about ~75 miles from Tor Lithanel to Kor Immarmor, and then another ~75 miles from Kor Immarmor to Salzenmund. Oldenlitz is between the latter two, around ~50 miles east of Kor Immarmor and ~25 miles west of Salzenmund.