I had focused on the poachers because that is what my initial disagreement with your post. Did you not say that 'technically Laurelorn should have handed the poachers to Middenland'? That was you asserting that the Empire has an agreement of extra-territoriality with Laurelorn. Did you, or did you not say that? It's a simple yes or no question. (Executing poachers is also not evidence about whether the Eonir care about the lives of individual humans.)
I made no statements about whether Eltharion cares about individual human lives. What I would argue is that both pointing to him as a typical example of an elf and trying to apply facts about the Eonir to him are wrongheaded. It was Asarnil who said that the Empire is no slouch in the grudge department.
What blame can Laurelorn be assigned that is meaningful? Essentially none. Attempts to explain that the trees were important were guaranteed to go hilariously wrong. Nordland had agreed to abide by Laurelorn's restrictions, it failed. Obviously Laurelorn revoked the treaty once it was capable of it. Violence is never pretty, but it was made inevitable by the actions of Nordland.
You missed the meaning behind Cadaeth's statement. She mentioned that Laurelorn had chosen the path that would see the least dead. That's not the words of someone who was entirely fine with the deal, but they chose it because they felt they didn't have another alternative. It's not the words of someone from a society where they were entirely behind violently expelling colonists. Then she directly said that Laurelorn's government had been made fools of when they found out that the dwarves had a mage who understood foreign magic in Karak Eight Peaks. That Laurelorn could have gone without the violence at all by waiting and reaching out for Mathilde. So... yes. Your posts still read like there is a bias against the Eonir.
I'm back to the point where I ask you where you've been reading about Divided Loyalties' Nordland-Laurelorn conflict. Because this is almost all wrong again. The conflict is over. Boney's stated that if the Eonir had never made the deal, and gave the tresspassers the Athel Loren treatment, there wouldn't ever have been a war. But Laurelorn chose to compromise instead. In that same post Boney said that the problem has been solved. There's an entire update about how Nordland has instead turned to feuding with Middenland over the Cult of Ulric! Mathilde even mentioned that Laurelorn wasn't even guaranteed to ally with Middenland over it. What have you read that makes you think all of this? And there also hasn't been anything in-text to suggest that the terms of the treaty are ambiguous. Boney's mentioned before when treaties are ambiguous. The original treaty certainly still exists. You're making stuff up to try to pile more blame on top of Laurelorn!
But, ignoring that, it is funny that you brought up the Nazis. You know it wasn't Laurelorn doing the settler-colonialism here?
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