- I definitely think Eike should be on the EIC action and not the KAU one. The Schadensumpf route is more directly relevant to her than going to Lothern.
I really want to bring Eike to Lothern. I guess if
@Boney okays it, I could write in "Bring Eike to Lothern with us and then send her back when we go on to Nagarythe", but in generally I don't like micromanaging the QM and prefer to work within the mechanical framework given to us.
- This is just me, but I would prefer to actually go train with the guy who has taught Greenskins to fear the mountains around Karak Azul rather than personally help the Faniour/get to know the Ward of Storms in this way.
Put me down as a nearly single-issue voter when it comes to murderizing Orks with Kazador and Eike. It's a scene I've desperately wanted to read for many moons, and it so neatly lines up getting scouting just before the Elfcation.
I too approve of mountainous ork slaughter. Both in traditional and chaotic flavors!
Given that I've seen a lot of interest in this and less interest in the other thing, OK, I'll make the switch.
- Are you sure you wouldn't rather sacrifice one action next turn, to have one more this turn and use it to obtain some more info about Druchii from Walther Kupfer?
If I were to sacrifice one action from T45, it would be to fit in a Design A Waystone action so we can make one that is less impressive and more practical to fart out by the dozen. I want to learn Murderize Druchii 201 from the Shadow Warriors and feel it's kind of redundant to also audit Kupfer's class.
I also think you have a much better idea of what actions would be good to put in if we avoid the elfcation than I do, so any thoughts would be appreciated.
I don't want to cook up a full plan, but in general the things I'd be looking for in a non-Nagarythe plan this turn would be intelligent use of the Father side of the coin or leveraging WEB-MAT actions to clear up our backlog a bit while also deploying new Waystones, designing a new Waystone, and maybe investigating another Nexus finally.
Did we not argue for pages that the Tsar was convinced to not take the money on the table and not take the short sighted decision of deploying untested say stones in kislev?
Yeah, and I was one of the people heavily pushing for that, but then when Boney clarified that the deployment action would involve investigating the feasibility of doing the hookup to the leylines I changed my mind.
Actually, this is an opportunity for me to plug a technique I get a lot of value out of: whenever I take a strong stance on a particular issue, I make a mental note of the form "what new information would cause me to change my stance?". I find that I am very bad at evaluating things "in the moment" as it were and so having a decision tree already preloaded in my mental cache is
very useful, because it means that I can pivot in realtime despite the fact that I'm actually pretty shit at thinking on my feet. And, of course, any position that is rooted in factual matters rather than something else (like axiomatic moral matters) must necessarily have a set of potential facts that would lead you to a different conclusion.
@picklepikkl I'd like to ask to get Eike onto the Praag waystone action. Besides the fact that she had an excellent time the last time she went to Kislev with Zlata, it's also an important bit of moral experience. Praag is the place where the Colleges' ultimate purpose is most tangible.
That's pretty reasonable.
@picklepikkl that's another thing, can you put an Eonir on the Praag action? The primary reason the Eonir got involved with the waystone project is to build bridges. Involving them in the creation of the first waystone is a powerful way of giving them prestige, and will give them greater relations with Kislev. Since they hosted the project, I think this would be good.
On the subject, would the ore trade route go through Kislev? I can't remember.
*joke about how we're already building bridges goes here*
That actually seems pretty reasonable, especially given that hooking them up to the leylines might be nontrivial. I think I'd move Sarvoi over, since Cadaeth and Hatalath between them have the Dreaming Wood stuff sewn up pretty well from both sides of the equation, whereas Sarvoi is a more "prosaic" magic-user who hangs out in our reality alone and, even more importantly, has demonstrated mental flexibility that will be advantageous when dealing with weird shit. He's a boy and thus has prophecy cooties, but he's not a
human boy and so I think they'd be a lot less worried about him when it comes to Ice Magic taboos.
Ore would have to come by sea to be economical at all, so yeah.
It would show loyalty to the imperial cause, which could be useful if somebody starts questioning Mathilde's loyalties at some point, it would avoid the issues of going first with eonir or dawi (I am convinced that those two need to be done at the same time to avoid prickly pride issues with either) and it means not putting a lot of valuable infrastructure in what is likely going to be the frontline of the next great war against Chaos, which Boris also expects to happen any day now.
Remember that Boris doesn't think that he has time for gradual improvement. That's the whole reasoning behind ordering the murder of his father.
If new Waystones would be too gradual to be an improvement, he would not have been so forceful about his desire for us to put the Waystone Project in Kislev. Also, Boney has said that ten Waystones could end Praag being a fucked-up place of fucked-up-ness -- not immediately, but:
Ten Waystones could put an expiry date on Mordheim or Mousillon or Praag being Like That. Twenty could carve the Drakwald in half. Fifty could ring the Middle Mountains or the Black Water and put a doomsday clock on the bad guys for a change.
A Waystone in Troll Country today is five thousand acres of grazeland next year. A Waystone in your village is a neighbour not burned at the stake, an infant not left out for the Beastmen, a Geheimnisnacht without anything clawing at your door.
If one Waystone can work in a timescale of
a year, then ten should be able to make visible dents in the Praag problem (or "Praagblem") on a similar order of magnitude of time. We're talking years, not decades, and that would actually matter a lot unless the Everchosen is coming in
real fucking soon.
[] Plan Shoot For The Moon
Well, you absolutely have my support for the best non-Elfternship plan I've seen. Though since it's not an Elfternship plan, I guess it doesn't need the actions from T45 annotation. I do think that's a few too many Eike actions, though, and would recommend cutting some (the KAU one is low-hanging fruit).
I can give more detailed feedback if you're interested, and my offer to post the plan when the vote opens if that is inconvenient for you is once again in effect.
We might want to get rid of the Rod then either for another item or a potion load out. Thing is we have a staff which while not as good at miscast management is still pretty damn good. Also we go out of our way to not roll miscasts.
I've been saying for a while that I'd be happy to drop either the Grounding Rod (since we have a Staff) or the Candle of Cleansing Radiance (since we have the Seed and are no longer in an active warzone with Skryre).