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You could put Tochter on the Dreaming Wood tributary for both actions. She probably would like to make connections in the region. It'd also mean that Mathilde wouldn't have to do all the talking to Nordland. She also can help wrangle Lingua Praestantia tutors for Laurelorn, though Mathilde is probably better for that specifically.
It might also be helpful to have the Imperial Wizard that made the ritual be on hand to say "yeah I swear this can't be used to attack or hurt Nordland in any way, and we designed it so that any blowback from the ritual failing falls soley on the Eonir" (that last part wasn't on purpose but Mathilde can imply that it was).
Good thought, I'll edit that in.
Damn, people go much harder on this quest than I would have thought. People are writing their plans with citations :lol2:
This is technology @Prime 2.0 pioneered for, as @Somic mentioned, making it clear that a particular common question has already been asked and answered.
Hmm. Isn't this something we could be putting Eike on for the duration of a stay in Lothern?
It is, and my original drafts from last night had it, but Boney said:
Eike probably won't be impressed at spending weeks at sea for a weekend at Lothern, but you can drag her along on it if you really feel a need to.
So now I'm less interested in dragging her along just for the experience. If there were an actual serious task Eike could do in Lothern to keep her busy for three months, that would be one thing, but the best I've heard is Eike doing trade analysis and I really think we've been leaning hard on her for EIC stuff and want to make sure she develops in other fields as well. So currently I prefer "leaving her behind to study Enchanting and talk to dwarfs."
I have no interest in Elfcation in general, and think that doing it right now is nearly impossible to justify in story.

Especially when most of the reasons people give for Elfcation are... unlikely, to say the least. Turning on the Protector is highly unlikely to amount to anything, we don't really have any money to spend in Lothern, and every time the question of what Eike would actually get up to in Lothern comes up the answer is 'not much, she'd probably have a terrible time'.

Also, the fact the half the reasons people give for Elfcation have nothing to do with the actual purpose of Elfcation and are instead about the port we'd be docking at on the way there is pretty telling, I think.

Elfcation feels like something that people have long been looking for excuses to justify, because the existence of the option means we need to do it eventually.
I'm sympathetic to this perspective, but as a counterpoint, I think it would be objectively very funny for Mathilde to drop the Orbs, drop the book about AV, drop the first new Waystone built by the people of the Old World in at least a millennium and a half, and then be like "please direct any questions to my Apprentice, I'm going on vacation, peace up A-town* down" and dip to another continent.

*Altdorf, obviously.
Huh, did the laurelorn books have anything on alchemy? They wouldn't have it hoarded for the Golds, but I could see it being the province of one of the houses or potentially militarily relevant.
I just realized something. Just a few turns ago, we were approached by a Drukhari ambassador with an offer of "partnership". Barely a year later, we show up at Nagarythe and start massacring Drukhari.

I wonder what their take on this will be?
I can understand people not wanting to go adventuring (Though of course I disagree), but I really don't get the idea that going now would be an abrogation of her responsibilities. This is literally the turn the deliverable is getting rolled out, phase one of the project is done (and even this was originally a stretch goal to some degree) and a complete success.

Seems like there could hardly be a better time to change things up a bit.
So now I'm less interested in dragging her along just for the experience. If there were an actual serious task Eike could do in Lothern to keep her busy for three months, that would be one thing, but the best I've heard is Eike doing trade analysis and I really think we've been leaning hard on her for EIC stuff and want to make sure she develops in other fields as well. So currently I prefer "leaving her behind to study Enchanting and talk to dwarfs."
I do feel the need to point out that talking to dwarves and studying Enchanting are things that Eike can do at any time, whereas study abroad in Lothern isn't going to come up again for the foreseeable future! If you feel that that opportunity wouldn't be worthwhile for her in comparison to a typical period of her normal (for a given value of 'normal') education, though, then fair enough - think that just comes down to difference of opinion.


It occurs to me that we could present the option to her and ask whether she'd be interested. She's mature enough to make that decision as a student thinking about broadening her horizons (either by navigating in a new environment in Lothern or by doing new things at home) rather than just as a tourist wanting to look all the shiny towers.
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I feel like you're ignoring the actual reasons people are giving, then, because more than half of them are about Nagarythe and adventuring. And there's a lot of reasons people are genuinely excited about.
I've been reading the arguments, and I have to agree with Grim. I've seen more excitement over visiting Lothern, winning prestige in Ulthuan, and getting it off our action list than I've seen for learning from the Shadow Warriors of Nagarythe. I remember it so keenly because I want to learn from the Shadow Warriors and it irritates me when people try to argue that Elfternship has benefits it mostly doesn't or are mostly peripheral to the offer.

I'm sympathetic to this perspective, but as a counterpoint, I think it would be objectively very funny for Mathilde to drop the Orbs, drop the book about AV, drop the first new Waystone built by the people of the Old World in at least a millennium and a half, and then be like "please direct any questions to my Apprentice, I'm going on vacation, peace up A-town* down" and dip to another continent.
I don't think you're going to get that joke though. Mathilde isn't going to be able to stop herself from elaborating. She'll just leave after talking about it.

The 'refuses to elaborate' meme would be great here, except that it would take extreme physical violence to prevent Mathilde from elaborating if anyone seems even slightly interested.

I wonder what their take on this will be?
"Wow, you killed a druchii? Great! I remember when I first did that like it was yesterday. I was just a wee youth. Oh, how naive I was then. Ah, the memories." :V
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I just realized something. Just a few turns ago, we were approached by a Drukhari ambassador with an offer of "partnership". Barely a year later, we show up at Nagarythe and start massacring Drukhari.

I wonder what their take on this will be?
"I see she's decided to get into the swing of our culture by murdering a few Druchii. We can share tips when she gets back." :V
I think it would be objectively very funny for Mathilde to drop the Orbs, drop the book about AV, drop the first new Waystone built by the people of the Old World in at least a millennium and a half, and then be like "please direct any questions to my Apprentice, I'm going on vacation, peace up A-town* down" and dip to another continent.

*Altdorf, obviously.

Even funnier would be to meet our match and die in Nagarynthe, so that Eike really will have to try answering all the questions by herself
Ok, i'll be busy for a good chunk of the day, but i want to get a couple of outlines for plans for others to consider. In particular, i'm not entirely sure who to put on what action, both for waystone project members and for eike... @picklepikkl if you have the time and brainpower, would you be able to suggest a slate of "who goes on what?" that would fit this?

Common things for these plans:
-deploy the first waystones in laurelorn, as the hosts of the project and one of the biggest contributors. The waystones we have now aren't ones entirely focused on this situation, but they're enough for it, and laurelorn is by far the easiest place to handle early teething problems, with so many of the experts who will be building them right here, without external politics to consider, with as full an understanding of the magical landscape as anywhere. That said, i can easily see plan variants where we do pragg for this instead, though personally i would say any plan that puts the first waystone in pragg also needs to have tributaries for laurelorn, so one of these plans wouldn't work that way
-Set up tributaries in kislev, to get a start on matters and also get a start on whatever organizational teething problems we'll have when deploying anything in kislev, which should help at least a little in lowering the teething problems when deploying full waystones
-Investigate the kislev network, giving us the best shot of handling any teething problems when setting up waystones there next turn.
-The KAU and EIC actions are the easiest to change, but i agree with some of the concerns about how necessary audits are, and i think having in house scribes who can make copies of our new book hoard is both good and also narratively satisfying.

[ ] Plan Waystones before Ulthuan (No Overwork)
-[ ] Waystone: Deploy (Laurelorn)
--[ ] With ?
-[ ] Tributary: International (Kislev)
--[ ] With ??
-[ ] Tributary: Dreaming Wood (Nordland)
--[ ] With ???
-[ ] Waystone: Other Networks (Kislev)
--[ ] With ????
-[ ] Waystone: Build a Waystone
--[ ] With ?????
--[] Gambler
-[ ] SERENITY: Aethyric Vitae 2/2
-[ ] EIC: Found an auditors division, to make sure the ledgers are in order.
-[ ] KAU: Hire educators to teach a language or group of languages to your scribes (Eltharin)
-[ ] Eike Actions: ???
-[ ] Eike Study: Enchanting class at the Grey College (paid in CF), ?
-[ ] Coin: the gambler

First up, a plan that is all about getting waystone stuff done in prep for going to ulthuan *next turn*, with the lack of overwork being my pledge that if this (or a plan that covered the high points here but changed EIC or KAU or whatever) plan won, i would vote for an elfcation plan next turn, no more delays, only requirement being that one of the 3 non-elfcation AP was spent on setting up waystone deployment in kislev.

Adds on building a waystone, with the intent being to get a cheaper and closer-to-mass-producible model going
[ ] Plan Waystones and Webmat, Tributary Version (1 Overwork)
-[ ] Waystone: Deploy (Laurelorn)
--[ ] With ?
-[ ] Tributary: International (Kislev)
--[ ] With ??
-[ ] Tributary: Dreaming Wood (Nordland)
--[ ] With ???
-[ ] Waystone: Other Networks (Kislev)
--[ ] With ????
-[ ] EGRIMM: Attempt to create an Auditory Seviroscope/Winds Chime (Spend 2 CF for a Journeyman with Auditory Magesight to assist)
--[ ] COIN: The Gambler
-[ ] MAX: Receive dictation: specify which two papers or one book will be written (Linguistic Drift in Lizardmen Glyphs (FADING), The Polyphenic Theory of Lizardmen Society (FADING))
-[ ] JOHANN: Study an Artefact: Kurgan enchanted weapons
-[ ] SERENITY: Aethyric Vitae 2/2
-[ ] EIC: Found an auditors division, to make sure the ledgers are in order.
-[ ] KAU: Hire educators to teach a language or group of languages to your scribes (Eltharin)
-[ ] Eike Actions: ???
-[ ] Eike Study: Enchanting class at the Grey College (paid in CF), ?
-[ ] Coin: the gambler

This plan uses overwork and drops the waystone design in order to do a full set of webmat actions. For now i've copied over @ReImagined 's actions, though i feel like theres probably something else we could do with johann? This does use overwork, which means a longer wait for an overwork backed elfcation.

[ ] Plan Waystones and Webmat, Waystone Design Version (1 Overwork)
-[ ] Waystone: Deploy (Laurelorn)
--[ ] With ?
-[ ] Tributary: International (Kislev)
--[ ] With ??
-[ ] Waystone: Build a Waystone
--[ ] With ?????
-[ ] Waystone: Other Networks (Kislev)
--[ ] With ????
-[ ] EGRIMM: Attempt to create an Auditory Seviroscope/Winds Chime (Spend 2 CF for a Journeyman with Auditory Magesight to assist)
--[ ] COIN: The Gambler
-[ ] MAX: Receive dictation: specify which two papers or one book will be written (Linguistic Drift in Lizardmen Glyphs (FADING), The Polyphenic Theory of Lizardmen Society (FADING))
-[ ] JOHANN: Study an Artefact: Kurgan enchanted weapons
-[ ] SERENITY: Aethyric Vitae 2/2
-[ ] EIC: Found an auditors division, to make sure the ledgers are in order.
-[ ] KAU: Hire educators to teach a language or group of languages to your scribes (Eltharin)
-[ ] Eike Actions: ???
-[ ] Eike Study: Enchanting class at the Grey College (paid in CF), ?
-[ ] Coin: the gambler

This plan uses overwork and drops the laurelorn tributary action in order to get another waystone design up.

Ok, my friend is a few minutes from my house now so have fun thread i'll see you again tonight :V
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I have no interest in Elfcation in general, and think that doing it right now is nearly impossible to justify in story.

Especially when most of the reasons people give for Elfcation are... unlikely, to say the least. Turning on the Protector is highly unlikely to amount to anything, we don't really have any money to spend in Lothern, and every time the question of what Eike would actually get up to in Lothern comes up the answer is 'not much, she'd probably have a terrible time'.

Also, the fact the half the reasons people give for Elfcation have nothing to do with the actual purpose of Elfcation and are instead about the port we'd be docking at on the way there is pretty telling, I think.

Elfcation feels like something that people have long been looking for excuses to justify, because the existence of the option means we need to do it eventually.
I mean you're not wrong, but people voting for what they want to see happen in the quest isn't a failure state of voting, even if it is a little awkward.
@Boney Could developing a purely collegiate Waystone count as a WEBMAT action?

For example :
[] [CAPSTONE] Collegiate Fascis.
[] [RUNE] Wizard.
[] [STORAGE] Material, Enchanted or NONE.
[] [FOUNDATION] Grey Lord or Collegiate.
[] [TRANSMISSION] Leyline.
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As mentioned earlier, I think that having a Sylvania first plan in the table is not a bad idea, so here is my stab at making one such plan. It owes quite a bit to various other plan-makers.

[ ] Plan Driving The Stake
-[ ] 1 Overwork Bonus AP
-[ ] Coin: Protector
-[ ] [ ] [ ] Travel to Nagarythe at the invitation of Ambassador Daroir, and join their eternal war against Naggarothi invaders for three months.
-[ ] Waystone: Deploy in Sylvania (First)
--[ ] LM Elrisse, M Tochter Grunfeld
-[ ] EGRIMM: Attempt a Windherder enchantment with Egrimm (Auditory Seviroscope) Spend 2 CF for a Journeyman with Auditory Magesight to help out
-[ ] JOHANN: Involve yourself in the Eastern Stirland pacification masquerading as the Dämmerlichtreiter
-[ ] MAX: Receive dictation: specify which two papers or one book will be written (Linguistic Drift in Lizardmen Glyphs (FADING), The Polyphenic Theory of Lizardmen Society (FADING))
-[ ] EIC: Assist in the creation of the magical route through the Schadensumpf, both personally and with the EIC's influence and resources
-[ ] KAU: Seek the publishing contacts to start acquiring large amounts of books from a nearby realm (Lothern)
-[ ] SERENITY: Aethyric Vitae 2/2
-[ ] Eike Actions: Auditory Seviroscope, EIC Action, Eastern Stirland pacification
-[ ] Eike Study: Enchanting class at the Grey College (paid in CF)

If anybody is interested in the idea, feel free to suggest changes, improvements or anything along those lines.

I've offered before my reasoning: Sylvania is a job almost done and this could very well seal the deal.

It is a great service to the empire and that goodwill and political capital can be useful in the future. Mathilde already has a ton of that, but more is better. We are now in the big leagues and a quiver full of arrows never hurt anyone.

It is likely that nobody is going to be hugely outraged about the project head suggesting for initial deployment the bad juju hotspot that she spent some of her early years fighting against and which also happens to be next to her homeland.

Finally, it could very well help Roswita Van Hal's prospects of getting the big chair in some not-so-distant point of the future. That'd be pretty neat.
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[]Plan: We have two hands and 12 AP.
-[] 1 Overwork Bonus AP.
-[] 2 AP borrowed from the next turn for Elfcation.
-[] Coin: Protector
-[] Waystone: Deploy in Lauleron (First)
---[] Hatalath, Sarvoi, Cadaeth
-[] Waystone: Deploy in Kislev
--[] Pragg
---[] Zlata and Baba Niedzwenka
-[ ] MAX: Receive dictation: specify which two papers or one book will be written (Linguistic Drift in Lizardmen Glyphs (FADING), The Polyphenic Theory of Lizardmen Society (FADING))
-[ ] JOHANN: Study an artefact: (Branulhune - investigate the odd flash when it is desummoned underwater)
-[ ] EGRIMM: Attempt a Windherder enchantment with Egrimm (Auditory Seviroscope) Spend 2 CF for a Journeyman with Auditory Magesight to help out
-[][][] Travel to Nagarythe at the invitation of Ambassador Daroir, and join their eternal war against Naggarothi invaders for three months.
-[] Tributary: Dreaming Wood
--[] Nordland
---[] Hatalath, Sarvoi, Cadaeth
-[] EIC: Assist in the creation of the magical route through the Schadensumpf, both personally and with the EIC's influence and resources
-[] KAU: Seek the publishing contacts to start acquiring large amounts of books from a nearby realm (Lothern)
-[] SERENITY: Aethyric Vitae 2/2
-[] Eike Actions: Explore Ward of Storm, EIC action, Eggrim action
-[] Eike Study: Enchanting class at the Grey College (paid in CF)
Ok, so gonna shill for my plan a bit. It, in my opinion, completely resolves the dumb argument on giving back to Lauleron, and fighting the Za by, you know, just doing both. Like, it is trvial for us to just do both. We have enough AP, especially if we are willing to push back some AP costs on the next turn. Bam, done.

We do some old research and papers to grind up our CF. Since we don't want Eike in Lothern without something substantial, she continues to help us with Sevirophone. We help finish the bridge. We build up the wood. And we finally do the GIGADUNK.
-[] Eike Study: learn Khazalid
I will laugh if this is written up as Mathy ordering Eike to learn Khazalid and Eike asking why Mathy thinks she needs to. In Khazalid.
Bonus points if she speaks with a Karak Azul accent suspiciously similar to Thorek's.

Probably the best plan we are going to get that involves going to Ulthuan.

Really don't like the idea of stealing AP from next turn.
Especially for an action that is in no way time sensitive. If we were doing something like setting up Tributaries in Kislev I would get the rush but as we need to spend AP to deploy Waystones it will be some time before we run out of places in urgent need of our beachhead model. There is no disadvantage in this waiting a turn and saving us, and Boney, the headache of moving AP between turns.
Ok, so gonna shill for my plan a bit. It, in my opinion, completely resolves the dumb argument on giving back to Lauleron, and fighting the Za by, you know, just doing both. Like, it is trvial for us to just do both. We have enough AP, especially if we are willing to push back some AP costs on the next turn. Bam, done.
I agree that deploying waystones in both Praag and Lauleron resolves the the concerns about Lauleron seeing the investment into the project as a waste, however I think that the benefits of deploying in Lauleron first as opposed to second are less important as they are still getting a return on investment. (And I think that any theoretical objections from isolationist Eonir to Praag getting the first waystone as a statement that the Old World is united against Chaos would be upset regardless and have no real leg to stand on if Lauleron is getting a waystone too, even without the added prestige of having the first new waystone)
In the matter of the Waystone rollout I'm worried that we're neglecting the place with the least buy in...

The Empire.

This may sound odd but:
- in Kislev we have anti-Chaos Boris
- the Dawi absolutely love Mathilde
- the Eonir leadership has a lot of knowledge on the benefits of Waystones

By contrast the Elector Counts have very little beyond a thumbs up from the Colleges. Even the Colleges don't really have that much knowledge of the Waystone network.

So the people that require to be sold on aren't abroad but at home.
In the matter of the Waystone rollout I'm worried that we're neglecting the place with the least buy in...

The Empire.

This may sound odd but:
- in Kislev we have anti-Chaos Boris
- the Dawi absolutely love Mathilde
- the Eonir leadership has a lot of knowledge on the benefits of Waystones

By contrast the Elector Counts have very little beyond a thumbs up from the Colleges. Even the Colleges don't really have that much knowledge of the Waystone network.

So the people that require to be sold on aren't abroad but at home.

Apropos of nothing, can I interest you in the merits of a Sylvania First strategy?
Especially for an action that is in no way time sensitive. If we were doing something like setting up Tributaries in Kislev I would get the rush but as we need to spend AP to deploy Waystones it will be some time before we run out of places in urgent need of our beachhead model. There is no disadvantage in this waiting a turn and saving us, and Boney, the headache of moving AP between turns.
The only place Boney listed that is really urgent are Troll Country and Praag. The rest of it can be done whenever. Mordheim, Sylvania, and Stirland are not in danger of chaos incursions. We'd also get better results if we restored Mordheim's nexus first. Cleansing the Black Water would be nice, but it's not a threat.

Personally, I would rather get rid of the Kazador training action, because we will surely be learning scouting from the century-old guerilla warriors. Spending an action to learn something we'll already be learning irritates me. But I don't think that is going to happen. We haven't talked to Kazador for a long time and I admit I'd like to talk to him.

I think Sylvania would be better served if we investigated the Mordheim nexus first. If it can be restored, that changes a lot about our course of action in the region.

- the Dawi absolutely love Mathilde
Eh. The Dawi distrust magic even more than the Empire does. Thorek plainly wasn't happy about putting up waystones around the Karaz Ankor, and he's a runelord who knows how much the Karaz Ankor needs it. Other dwarf kings are going to need to be convinced to agree. It'll be a lot easier to get the Empire to agree than dwarfs imo.
In the matter of the Waystone rollout I'm worried that we're neglecting the place with the least buy in...

The Empire.

This may sound odd but:
- in Kislev we have anti-Chaos Boris
- the Dawi absolutely love Mathilde
- the Eonir leadership has a lot of knowledge on the benefits of Waystones

By contrast the Elector Counts have very little beyond a thumbs up from the Colleges. Even the Colleges don't really have that much knowledge of the Waystone network.

So the people that require to be sold on aren't abroad but at home.
That's even more reasons to begin with those places. Most Imperial nobles don't know about waystones, and even less about their usefulness. They look like big, expensive rocks that don't seem to do much, so convincing them to fund the deployment would be tricky. But if they see Kislev (whose national obsession is fighting Choas), the KA (who are trusted and close allies) and/or the Eonir (magic people who know a lot about it) dedicating time and resources to build them, it's going to be easier to convince them worth the expense.
In the matter of the Waystone rollout I'm worried that we're neglecting the place with the least buy in...

The Empire.

This may sound odd but:
- in Kislev we have anti-Chaos Boris
- the Dawi absolutely love Mathilde
- the Eonir leadership has a lot of knowledge on the benefits of Waystones

By contrast the Elector Counts have very little beyond a thumbs up from the Colleges. Even the Colleges don't really have that much knowledge of the Waystone network.

So the people that require to be sold on aren't abroad but at home.
Luckily we are the major power behind the empire contribution and also the one who has got all the other empire people to play ball and support this endeavor. So if Mathy says the empire can wait then the only one who can really say anything to her is the emperor and he currently has not shown a indication to want to meddle with this.
That's even more reasons to begin with those places. Most Imperial nobles don't know about waystones, and even less about their usefulness. They look like big, expensive rocks that don't seem to do much, so convincing them to fund the deployment would be tricky. But if they see Kislev (whose national obsession is fighting Choas), the KA (who are trusted and close allies) and/or the Eonir (magic people who know a lot about it) dedicating time and resources to build them, it's going to be easier to convince them worth the expense.
Beyond even that, I suspect that Praag - nicknamed 'The Cursed City', after all - looms fairly large in imperial memory as the place that suffered most during the Great War Against Chaos. As I understand it, the Empire's armies under Magnus helped to raze the place so it could be rebuilt, so there's probably still a vague sense of how bad things were there. If a whole bunch of imperial diplomats come to see the Waystone getting put up by just about every magical faction in the Old World (and one beyond), reminding them of the Empire's efforts and shortcomings in that war that the Colleges of Magic can claim to be helping to build upon, then the Elector Counts start hearing reports a few months or years down the line that Praag is being healed... Well, that's just about as good of an advert as we're going to get.
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In the matter of the Waystone rollout I'm worried that we're neglecting the place with the least buy in...

The Empire.

This may sound odd but:
- in Kislev we have anti-Chaos Boris
- the Dawi absolutely love Mathilde
- the Eonir leadership has a lot of knowledge on the benefits of Waystones

By contrast the Elector Counts have very little beyond a thumbs up from the Colleges. Even the Colleges don't really have that much knowledge of the Waystone network.

So the people that require to be sold on aren't abroad but at home.

I mean we did explain to the Emperor that a lack of Waystoners kills everyone, we did a magical model of the Old World and everything. I am also reasonably sure the Colleges also know that fact and are pro their own survival. Given that this was an Imperial project to start with with all the auxiliary benefits that comes with (elven secrets, new Ghyan nexus etc...) I think we are fine on the Imperial front.
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