Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
-[] 1 AP Overwork, no T45 actions used
-[] The Protector
-[] Spend time assisting or ingratiating yourself with someone else: Ward of Storm by fighting gribblies
-[] Spend time assisting or ingratiating yourself with someone else: Brettonia by solving the Iron Orc Conundrum
-[] Receive training: Scouting from the Rangers of Karak Azul
--[] Write-in: Try to get Eike live combat experience
-[] [] Travel to Nagarythe at the invitation of Ambassador Daroir, and join their eternal war against Naggarothi invaders for three months.
-[] EIC: Assist in the creation of the magical route through the Schadensumpf, both personally and with the EIC's influence and resources
-[] KAU: Seek the publishing contacts to start acquiring large amounts of books from a nearby realm (Lothern)
-[] SERENITY: Aethyric Vitae 2/2
-[] Eike Actions: Waystone deployment, Scouting training, EIC action
-[] Eike Study: Enchanting class at the Grey College (paid in CF), learn Khazalid

Here it is, the promised plan of increased murderousness. Every personal action is devoted to slaughter. In this plan, we stab Orcs (always a good time), we stab gribblies (such a fun grab bag of potential foes!), we stab Druuchi (as so many long to do), and we even stab Chaos Orcs (so exotic and unique!). And hopefully we can ask Brettonia to muster a force of knights for retaking a nexus next turn, so the murder doesn't stop! More blood! More skulls! What more could you want?
What do you mean they want Waystones? This is Warhammer, clearly they crave violence!
Ok, i'll be busy for a good chunk of the day, but i want to get a couple of outlines for plans for others to consider. In particular, i'm not entirely sure who to put on what action, both for waystone project members and for eike... @picklepikkl if you have the time and brainpower, would you be able to suggest a slate of "who goes on what?" that would fit this?
I was doing a family thing, sorry! But sure, here's my stab at it.
[ ] Plan Waystones before Ulthuan (No Overwork)
-[ ] Waystone: Deploy in Kislev (Laurelorn)
--[ ] With ?
-[ ] Tributary: International (Kislev)
--[ ] With ??
-[ ] Tributary: Dreaming Wood (Nordland)
--[ ] With ???
-[ ] Waystone: Other Networks (Kislev)
--[ ] With ????
-[ ] Waystone: Build a Waystone
--[ ] With ?????
--[] Gambler
-[ ] SERENITY: Aethyric Vitae 2/2
-[ ] EIC: Found an auditors division, to make sure the ledgers are in order.
-[ ] KAU: Hire educators to teach a language or group of languages to your scribes (Eltharin)
-[ ] Eike Actions: ???
-[ ] Eike Study: Enchanting class at the Grey College (paid in CF), ?
-[ ] Coin: the gambler

First up, a plan that is all about getting waystone stuff done in prep for going to ulthuan *next turn*, with the lack of overwork being my pledge that if this (or a plan that covered the high points here but changed EIC or KAU or whatever) plan won, i would vote for an elfcation plan next turn, no more delays, only requirement being that one of the 3 non-elfcation AP was spent on setting up waystone deployment in kislev.
Waystone: Deploy in Kislev (Laurelorn): I don't know what this means. Kislev or Laurelorn? Assuming you mean Deploy in Kislev, I'd say the two Kislevites, Sarvoi, and Tochter.
Tributary: International (Kislev): Just the Kislevites, maybe also Aksel if you feel like it.
Tributary: Dreaming Wood (Nordland): Cadaeth, Hatalath, Tochter.
Waystone: Other Networks (Kislev): Just the Kislevites, though now they're split across three actions and I don't love that.
Waystone: Build a Waystone: Depends on what you want the Waystone to do. If you want to make a more mass-produceable one, I'd say Hatalath, Thorek, Sarvoi, and the Lights.

For your other two plans, I don't think I'd change much about that deployment.
By contrast the Elector Counts have very little beyond a thumbs up from the Colleges. Even the Colleges don't really have that much knowledge of the Waystone network.

So the people that require to be sold on aren't abroad but at home.
I really don't think the Empire has the least buy-in because the Empire is making out like gangbusters. An Imperial wizard is the leader of this project, which is a massive boost in prestige; we've gotten examples of elven enchantment and improved on them (to the great smugness of the Lights and the Jades); we've signed a treaty on equal terms with the Asur; we've gotten the entire Library of Mourning with absolute mountains of magical lore. Once we've proven the benefits of the Waystones by beginning the healing of Praag, the Counts will start wanting them more actively -- I remember a Boneypost about that but cannot currently find it and need to catch a train Real Soon.
I was mostly thinking of Egrimm since he has the position (Lord Magister), the social skills and the magical ability to keep up. The social skills are important here because we want an important human around to keep things from getting volatile and someone with good magical skills so we can grab as much tasty knowledge and skill as possible.

I didn't think to have Tochter there because Kislev is pretty far away and working on the waystones could be pretty intensive. I didn't want to split the focus there if we had someone else capable of being the imperial wizard on site. Also I'd definitely like to have a wizard who's dedicated to the each site, especially since Cadaeth and Hatalath are likely to be appear extremely alien to any humans.

Therefore my thoughts were that Tochter (Jade) would be best in Kislev and Egrimm (Light) would be best in Dreaming Wood.
That's a good point. I think it should be fine to split Tochter between them -- they're not that far and we can use Adela to ferry her around -- but I would welcome input. She contributed to both sides of the equation, so it makes sense to make use of her expertise (she worked with Cadaeth to make the ritual for the tributaries and also took point on the Riverine Transmission).
I missed a lot of the discussion, what is the rough consensus re plan?
There is none. A lot of people are borrowing elements from SHADOW WIZARD MURDER GANG, which of course I find flattering, but I think it's very possible that a non-Nagarythe plan will win. There are some that go heavy on Waystones, some that go heavy on adventures, @mathymancer is gung-ho about The Father (and I will absolutely approval vote for it)... it's going to be pretty wide-open until the initial voting rush ends and we start seeing frontrunners.

My prediction is that there will be several broadly similar Nagarythe plans in contention, while the people who don't want to go to Nagarythe end up rallying behind one plan.
What's the countdown on the mass Powerstone Delivery to the colleges?
We made them last turn but elected to not deliver them "early" but rather at the same time as the completed AV book, which should happen this turn unless we roll like actual garbage and need to take another turn to polish it.
I just want to hit up Kazador for that Basic Scouting before Nagarythe, because getting your high school diploma before going to college just makes sense. I don't want to waste the Shadow Warriors' time catching us up on the basics before they get to the cooler shit.
I've reread the section it's mentioned in, and I am not convinced it's an elven nexus rather than a dwarven one.
It's an Old One menhir though. That's why asking Ulthuan how to build nexuses would let us build it. I also didn't get the impression that Dwarf nexuses could be moved all that well, if at all. They weren't stolen by the skaven and greenskins at least.

Ulthuan's method requires an Old One menhir as a component. They have a finite supply of them and nobody likes their chances of getting them to share. But what Thorek uncovered is that Barak Varr has one from a nexus that was never completed in their backyard, and there's one unaccounted for in the Forest of Gloom, which means that Ulthuan's method goes from being useless to having a very specific utility in setting up a Karaz Ankor annexation of the Border Princes spur of the network.

Once we've proven the benefits of the Waystones by beginning the healing of Praag, the Counts will start wanting them more actively -- I remember a Boneypost about that but cannot currently find it and need to catch a train Real Soon.
Here it is.

The most straightforward way to get widespread utilization of new Waystones would be to do plenty of impressive little things or a few impressive big things with the Mathilde-driven Waystone rollout that everyone understands their utility and will start pulling strings and calling in favours of their own accord to get it done in their backyard. There are other ways to go about it, but that's the way that's probably the most efficient and probably the most interesting to read about.
I just want to hit up Kazador for that Basic Scouting before Nagarythe, because getting your high school diploma before going to college just makes sense. I don't want to waste the Shadow Warriors' time catching us up on the basics before they get to the cooler shit.
In fairness to the folks who think this is a poor use of our time, we have our high school diploma in a lot of the stuff that will be covered. I just really like the symmetry of taking Eike to learn from our allies on the same turn that we're doing the same -- I also kind of like the idea of taking her along for learning, because it shows that for all that we project Smug Wizard, we have our own areas of improvement and we're both dedicated to fixing it and willing to show her that.

(is my mental model of Eike maybe unduly biased by the version of her I wrote in my omake? yeah, probably.)
I'll try to do a new version of my analysis post before voting starts. Hopefully, it'll help.
Thank you. I often do these for turnvotes, but I would feel weird doing one in a vote where one of the plans is mine. I'm glad someone else has the thread covered.
Thanks! I misremembered it as mentioning Elector Counts specifically.

I guess that means it's time for another reread of every Boney post in the thread. My game is clearly suffering.
Waystone: Deploy in Kislev (Laurelorn): I don't know what this means. Kislev or Laurelorn? Assuming you mean Deploy in Kislev, I'd say the two
Wow, i really must have been distracted when doing the copy pastes for that, that should have been deploy in laurelorn, i guess when i was copying them i grabbed one that had it written out as deploy in kislev instead of deploy (kislev); i'll fix that real quick while jj is in the bathroom :p
Personally, I want elfcation because that has just been outstanding so very, very long. And to finish the AV book, build the first waystone, and formalise knightbringer. The other stuff I'm pretty free.
They just dislike extra-Karak infrastructure a hell of a lot more nowadays.

This seems less of a Waystone issue and more of an protection issue. Obviously making the Karaks into Nexii is better if we could manage it but we can't so the Dawi are going to deal with the inconveniences even if they're going to grumble about it.

The concept is as tried and tested as Anvils of Doom - we're just proposing a risky implementation.

we've gotten examples of elven enchantment and improved on them (to the great smugness of the Lights and the Jades)

The issue is if ECs actually understand the benefits.

we've signed a treaty on equal terms with the Asur; we've gotten the entire Library of Mourning with absolute mountains of magical lore

That's Mathilde's library not the wider Empire.
In fairness to the folks who think this is a poor use of our time, we have our high school diploma in a lot of the stuff that will be covered. I just really like the symmetry of taking Eike to learn from our allies on the same turn that we're doing the same -- I also kind of like the idea of taking her along for learning, because it shows that for all that we project Smug Wizard, we have our own areas of improvement and we're both dedicated to fixing it and willing to show her that.
Would Mathilde do that though? Do you recall when Mathilde first attended classes as a Magister? She acted like she was keeping an eye on the teacher or students. Not that she was trying to learn something. She also has a tendency to launder when she learns things. Boney's mentioned that she phrases things in her thoughts to suggest she had foreseen a random skill she picked up would come in handy. I don't think Mathilde would show that kind of, ignorance I guess? I don't know how to phrase it.

I'm interested in reading Eike talk to Kazador, but I don't think Eike will see Mathilde learn something unless Mathilde really bungles something.

And no problem about finding the quote. The 'interesting' part about it is what stuck in my mind.

When you were a mere Apprentice, it wasn't unusual for a Magister to show up towards the end of classes and lectures and lurk in the back row, and you remember assuming that they were there to keep an eye on a specific student or possibly the teacher. Now it is you who is lurking in the back row, and you make no effort to dispel the assumptions of the Apprentices who have become your classmates. And not out of entertainment, though it certainly supplies plenty of that, but to get them used to the idea that they are being watched.

This seems less of a Waystone issue and more of an protection issue. Obviously making the Karaks into Nexii is better if we could manage it but we can't so the Dawi are going to deal with the inconveniences even if they're going to grumble about it.

The concept is as tried and tested as Anvils of Doom - we're just proposing a risky implementation.
What do you think I have been saying? I've been saying that the Dwarfs won't be more enthusiastic about waystones than the Empire. Are you agreeing with that or not? Here's the link for the mountain-waystone quote anyways.
Wow, i really must have been distracted when doing the copy pastes for that, that should have been deploy in laurelorn, i guess when i was copying them i grabbed one that had it written out as deploy in kislev instead of deploy (kislev); i'll fix that real quick while jj is in the bathroom :p
Ah; for Waystones in Laurelorn I would go with just the three Eonir. The Jade component is not a big deal, given Laurelorn's geography.
Personally, I want elfcation because that has just been outstanding so very, very long. And to finish the AV book, build the first waystone, and formalise knightbringer. The other stuff I'm pretty free.
That's very reasonable. Personally I don't want to codify Knightbringer until we've used it For Real in Real Combat who are For Real Dangerous instead of just a random test against a random goblin we could style on in any number of ways; even if it doesn't impact the roll, it feels narratively better to me for us to say "I relied on this in an uncontrolled combat situation and here's how it went" instead of just "this worked fine in testing", if you know what I mean. But feel free to modify SHADOW WIZARD MURDER GANG to swap that in for the scouting action or borrow a T45 AP for it.
The issue is if ECs actually understand the benefits.
Ah OK, you're talking about the purely political stakeholders wondering about how the Empire is benefiting from this. In that case yeah, the ECs haven't seen much benefit... but they also haven't been asked to bear any of the costs. The stakeholders we should be worried about appeasing are the Patriarchs and Matriarchs of the Colleges and Dragomas above them, because this is a project that has an incredible three Lords Magister devoted to it (which when you remember that the total number of Wizard Lords is on the order of "fifty" is kind of an insane number when you think about it), as well as three more Magisters, which is an incredible concentration of expertise that could be doing any number of other things, and we need to show benefits worth that level of investment. And we have been, was my point.

By the time Electors start being asked to pony up resources, we'll have more of a track record to show.
That's Mathilde's library not the wider Empire.
It's true, but also we're an affiliated library of the Colleges of Magic, meaning that in theory they have access to our stuff. It's an official Colleges resource.
Would Mathilde do that though? Do you recall when Mathilde first attended classes as a Magister? She acted like she was keeping an eye on the teacher or students. Not that she was trying to learn something. She also has a tendency to launder when she learns things. Boney's mentioned that she phrases things in her thoughts to suggest she had foreseen a random skill she picked up would come in handy. I don't think Mathilde would show that kind of, ignorance I guess? I don't know how to phrase it.

I'm interested in reading Eike talk to Kazador, but I don't think Eike will see Mathilde learn something unless Mathilde really bungles something.
I suspect Mathilde would care more about showing an aura of infallibility in front of other Wizards, who are her peers in her same domain that she is trying to impress, as opposed to dwarfs who are experts in their own field; certainly the Rangers would not be happy with Mathilde being like "ah yes I am an incredible space genius who knew this all along," it runs very counter to dwarf culture. So I do think Eike will have an opportunity to see Mathilde, well, learning.

But again, I definitely have headcanon here that might be biasing my thinking.
Is there a reason Khazalid is not listed?

Unless I'm misremembering, because they haven't been taught Khazalid. Many K8P humans can at least get by in spoken Khazalid, but written isn't widespread.

Huh, did the laurelorn books have anything on alchemy? They wouldn't have it hoarded for the Golds, but I could see it being the province of one of the houses or potentially militarily relevant.

Houses and Grey Lords.

@Boney Could developing a purely collegiate Waystone count as a WEBMAT action?

For example :
[] [CAPSTONE] Collegiate Fascis.
[] [RUNE] Wizard.
[] [STORAGE] Material, Enchanted or NONE.
[] [FOUNDATION] Grey Lord or Collegiate.
[] [TRANSMISSION] Leyline.

Sure, that makes sense. It does mean that the various Waystone Project members won't be giving input to its design, though.

... @Boney, is "Waystone: Seek the lost Black Fire Pass Nexus" a valid action to take alongside Johann, given our previous experience infiltrating dangerous locations alongside him?

Yes. You wouldn't be walking into the Forest of Gloom on minute one of day one, but there are parts of how that investigation is likely to go that he'd be well suited for.

I've reread the section it's mentioned in, and I am not convinced it's an elven nexus rather than a dwarven one.

It's an Elven one. Dwarven ones are part of the mountain they're located in, and so would be considerably harder to haul off.
Unless I'm misremembering, because they haven't been taught Khazalid. Many K8P humans can at least get by in spoken Khazalid, but written isn't widespread.


I think you are misremembering (slipped my mind too for what it's worth). They should have learned this turn. We took 'Old World languages'

Some package options: Old World Languages (Khazalid, Estalian, Bretonnian, Kislevarin), Eltharin (Ulthuan's Tar-Eltharin and Laurelorn's Yen-Eltharin dialects), Academic Languages (Classical and Old Reikspiel) (NEW)
i'm all for elfcation as long as we set up that auditing option before we go, seeing it there is like listening to a ticking sound coming from a bomb or a alarm, and we won't know which or from where until it goes off.
I suspect Mathilde would care more about showing an aura of infallibility in front of other Wizards, who are her peers in her same domain that she is trying to impress, as opposed to dwarfs who are experts in their own field; certainly the Rangers would not be happy with Mathilde being like "ah yes I am an incredible space genius who knew this all along," it runs very counter to dwarf culture. So I do think Eike will have an opportunity to see Mathilde, well, learning.

But again, I definitely have headcanon here that might be biasing my thinking.
There's several barriers I foresee in that. The first is base skill. Eike doesn't have much applicable knowledge for scouting. Mathilde has several skills related to it. She has completed 2/3 of scouting and has Advanced Infiltration. She also has Warrior of Fog which gives +10 to scouting while in command of forces. So that will shorten the stuff that Mathilde needs to learn, in comparison to Eike. Mathilde is also very skilled at subterfuge. I could easily see her keeping Eike from noticing her training subconsciously. The worst is the language barrier. Karak Azul's rangers are unlikely to speak Reikspiel. You have Eike learning Khazalid, but Mathilde obviously has a much greater grasp of the language. And a few months isn't a lot of time to learn languages.

Mathilde doesn't even really need to hide her lack of knowledge here. Eike just doesn't have the knowledge to even notice it. In my opinion, you would want to bring Eike to a different Karak for that to be a real possibility. Karak Vlag, Karak Kadrin, and the Grey Mountains should have rangers who speak Reikspiel. Karak Vlag would mean talking to Snorri again. Karak Hirn would be an opportunity to talk to Ulthar.
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Thought I'd put something together, as much to get my eye in with the process as anything else because I'm under no illusions that most people haven't already made their minds up on things! The main conceit is a heavy focus on preparations for, and making the most of, the trip to Nagarythe, with actions dedicated to training in Scouting with Kazador, making some potions for the trip with Panoramia as discussed a few pages ago and opportunities for Eike in Lothern while Mathilde's away killing Druchii. Also threw in my pet 'Gift Orbs to Teclis' concept for good measure, though if somehow people end up really liking everything about the plan except that I'd be happy to switch it out, and emphasised the need to make the Praag Waystone deployment as significant and well-publicised of an event as possible.

Feedback is welcome (especially if I've made any errors in the formatting, actions spent, etc.); happy to make changes if people latch onto this plan rather than all of the other probably better ones!

[ ] Plan: Doubling Down

- [ ] [OVERWORK] 1 Action
- [ ] Spending two actions from Turn 45 in Nagarythe
- [ ] [COIN] The Protector

- [ ] [WAYSTONE DEPLOYMENT] Deploy in Kislev (Praag Region)
-- [ ] With: Niedzwenka, Zlata, Hatalath, Sarvoi, Thorek, Elrisse, Tochter (ask Panoramia whether she'd like to come along as well)
- [ ] [TRIBUTARY] Dreaming Wood (Nordland)
-- [ ] With: Cadaeth, Hatalath, Sarvoi, Egrimm, Tochter, Aksel, Max
- [ ] [EGRIMM] Attempt a Windherder enchantment with Egrimm
-- [ ] Auditory Seviroscope
--- [ ] Spend 2 CF for the assistance of a Journeyman with Auditory Windsight
- [ ] [RECEIVE TRAINING] Scouting
-- [ ] With: Kazador
- [ ] [?] Make potions with Panoramia for potential use in Nagarythe
-- [ ] Focus on potions that can augment perception (for reconnaissance) and resilience (to avoid miscasts)
- [INGRATIATION] Teclis, High Loremaster of the White Tower
-- [ ] By gifting him Mathilde's newly created Orbs of Sorcery, paralleling his gift to the Colleges at their founding
- [ ] [ ] [ ] [FOREIGN RELATIONS] Travel to Nagarythe at the invitation of Ambassador Daroir and join their eternal war against Naggarothi invaders for three months.

- [ ] [SERENITY] Aethyric Vitae (2/2)
- [ ] [EIC] Found an auditors' division, to make sure the ledgers are in order
- [ ] [KAU] Seek the publishing contacts to start acquiring large amounts of books from a nearby realm (Lothern)

- [ ] [EIKE ACTIONS] Seviroscope Enchantment, Scouting Training, EIC Action, KAU Action, Ingratiation (finding a courier or representative of the White Tower to deliver the Orbs to Teclis)
- [ ] [EIKE STUDY] Compile a dossier on trade goods and trade flows in and around Lothern, as well as opportunities for the EIC, Colleges and Empire as a result of how the new canals will affect those trade flows (Eike should also feel free to show initiative regarding anything that jumps out at her while in the city)
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Voting is open