Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
And I am tempted to also pull together a variant that steals a T45 action to also make a new Waystone design that is more suitable for mass-deployment (since it didn't seem like the Gambler was very impactful on that last turn and I don't feel the need to wait for the Coin to be available), but I wanted to test the temperature on that; in general, I hate "embezzling" actions.
I'm perfectly fine with the action embezzling, personally. Though perhaps use it for something protector flavored like foreign relations or more preppy, like mastering our smoke mark.
  • Don't see the point of the write-in on Ward of Storm exploration if we aren't also Protectoring and there isn't a focus on getting Eike live combat experience.
Good point. I'll probably drop that (though as I said the exploration action itself is imo fairly important)
  • For the Forest of Shadows I think Johann might be a reasonable person to bring along, given his, uh, """diplomatic outreach""" the last time we dealt with the Hedgewise. I like bringing Zlata along, unsure about Thorek (I know he does a bunch of adventuring but I assume that's with a small Throng at his back). I don't think you should put the Hedgewise in the project participants section but that's just bookkeeping.
I thought about Thorek mostly because I figured he might have some insights into the Brass Keep, since it's in the Middle Mountains and we gave him the keys to Karaz Ghumzul. Might be that he has nothing to offer, but I don't think it'll hurt too much to ask.
  • I would take Eike off the KAU action for sure and maybe also Damsel negotiation.
The KAU action I might take Eike off from, but the Damsel neogation I'll stand by. I consider it part of Eike's diplomatic education, exposing her to more non-Imperial cultures for that xeno-affinity goodness. Plus Shallya is big in Bretonnia, and I'm tickled by the idea of taking our Shallyan apprentice on a meeting with a representative of a (likely) daughter of Ranald and Shallya.
Elves are not stupid. They aren't going to be cross with us if we put the first Waystone directly in the way of the upcoming Chaos invasion, in the nation that got hit the hardest by the last one and will be hit the hardest by the next. Sure, they'd be the happiest if we gave it to them, but they aren't going to have a childish and shortsighted mindset about not getting it, especially given how much they've already gained from cooperating with us (which has been their aim from the beginning).

I'd start getting worried if we bypassed them at all in the Waystonening of the land, but for now, we can easily afford putting Waystones where they're most needed, and even making implicit political statements about doing so.

Edit: and, like, I'm absolutely 100% in favor of tributarying Laurelorn this turn for the purpose of showing favor to them, and have always been. It's not as large of a gesture as the first Waystone, but Laurelorn isn't Praag either.
In-universe, no one knows about the incoming Choas invasion. All the Empire has is some vague warning about some possible sign it may be coming, given by a known lier. Sure, the Eonir won't instantly pull out o the Project but the prestige of the first waystones is still another nail in the coffin of the isolationists ambitions. Their influence is still too strong for my liking.

And delaying the installation of waystones in Kislev by 6 months is hardly going to impact its readiness to repeal the invasion. On the contrary, it gives us one Turn to investigate the Kislevite network and better tailor our approach to reinforcing it.
Today I learned that the Asrai respect people who fight Chaos more than the Eonir and Asur do. WFRP 2e: Realm of the Ice Queen, page 11:
"Do not underestimate these northern Humans, for they fight the warriors of the Dark Gods with a hatred that puts ours to shame. It is beholden to us to aid them, for their fight is our fight, and the secret war would suffer were they to fall."
—Nieadar Shadowfall, Waywatcher of Athel Loren

"Never trust a Human. Especially one who lives on the very edge of the Realm of Chaos."
—Eldain Hawkmoon of Ulthuan
I'm not really a fan of this - while I like the idea of getting Eike blooded, I don't really want Mathilde to spend an AP on something she's about to go on a crash course for. I'd much rather this was spent on something like learning Kislevarin, or even High Nehekharan.
To be fair, the idea is that we use the dwarfs to finish teaching us the basics so that the elven experts have more time to reach us the advanced stuff - and so that we more readily grasp what they're trying to teach.
We can have our light magister help out in the Dreaming Wood to help prevent tensions and our jade magister to Kislev to provide magical expertise, which is especially important here because the jade college provided important contributions for the waystones.
Grunfeld in Kislev makes sense to me, but could you elaborate on the Light in the Dreaming Wood? We have two Lights, Egrimm and Elrisse, and I'm not sure how either of them specifically would help with Nordland being leery about tributary deployment.
I'm not really a fan of this - while I like the idea of getting Eike blooded, I don't really want Mathilde to spend an AP on something she's about to go on a crash course for.
That's fair. Personally I think the narrative benefit to having the skill at Basic competency will be useful in Nagarythe, so I don't feel it's wasted.
To be fair, the idea is that we use the dwarfs to finish teaching us the basics so that the elven experts have more time to reach us the advanced stuff - and so that we more readily grasp what they're trying to teach.
Yeah, like this. It's a value judgment either way, but also I just love hanging out with dwarfs. It's always a great time, and Kazador is a bro.
In-universe, no one knows about the incoming Choas invasion. All the Empire has is some vague warning about some possible sign it may be coming, given by a known lier.
The warning we gave was one that's been added to the pile of others. Boris would not have had his father murdered unless he was pretty damn worried about the ticking clock. Nobody knows exactly when Chaos is coming, but the uptick in activity recently has been marked across numerous polities.
[]Plan: Deploying the Waystones and Flexing our way out the door
-[] Borrow - 2 AP from next turn
-[]Overwork - 6 AP total
-[] Waystone: Deploy in Kislev (specify which: Praag Region, Troll Country, Kalti Delta) [TBC] 1
--[] All major members of the project + Eike.
--[] Invite the Uluthan Ambassador and the Supreme Patriarch
-[ ] SELF IMPROVEMENT]Attempt to finish off the Grey College spellbook by learning Shadow of Death, Cloak Activity, and the MAPP. 2
--[] Bring Eike along to learn MMAP
-[ ] [SERENTITY] Write a paper: Aethyric Vitae
-[] Travel to Nagarythe at the invitation of Ambassador Daroir, and join their eternal war against Naggarothi invaders for three months. 3
-[] WEBMAT - MAX: Receive dictation: specify which two papers or one book will be written. 4
--[] Seviriscope
--[] Coins of Nehekhara's Fifth Dynasty (TIMELESS)
-[ ] Waystone: Other Networks [] 5
--[] Laurelorn with Lord Hatalath of the Grey Lords, Vicereine Cadaeth of the Ward of Frost, Lecturer Sarvoi of House Tindomiel
-[ ] Try to see through Pall of Darkness with your improved magical senses. 6
--[] Use this to work with Eike on moving quietly even when she cannot see. Give her the groundings of some more advanced magical theory (but don't let her try and cast it without magic 3).
-[] EIC (FREE) Found an auditors division, to make sure the ledgers are in order.
-[ ] Kron-Azril-Ungol Begin copying the full corpus of a Partner Library.
--[] Imperial School of Engineers

Finally, a good fucking plan. It has Grey Spellbook, so it has my vote. I didn't bother reading the other parts it contains.
Sure, but that's still where she developed her skillset. She'll generally stick with refining that unless she had some reason to believe she needed to add a completely new element to how she does things, and there's no indication that the Elfcation will be a dramatic escalation from the challenges she's faced before. So the scene where Mathilde pulls out a potion and downs it before she goes into battle when she's never done that before is one that really damages the narrative conceit of Mathilde being an actual person in an actual world, because the reason she'd be downing those now when she hasn't before is actually because the book those potions are in was only released a couple of years ago. Sure, I could just go "oh yeah these were only just invented by some clever potioneer in the Jade Order" but if I encountered that in some other story I would stop reading that story. If a vote makes me I'll come up with a justification for it that makes sense, but you won't like it because it will be coming from a dark place. I can feel The Old World looming on the horizon and with it the waves of people who are going to assume that all of it is canon to this quest, and you probably don't want to run me through a dress rehearsal of that.
If the vote does go that way, I can see a very adorable reason for it.


The idea of her fretting over her beloved going off to the other side of the world, for months at least, far beyond the range of a gyrocarriage to fly her back and forth as needed.

And she couldn't help at all with the Chaos Wastes expedition, so she's been looking into ways she could contribute to the next adventure, even if she can't go along herself.

So Panoramia has been practicing her potions, and Mathilde now has an entire potion case pressed into her hands, and more stored in her luggage, and they'll probably help? Hell, even if they were completely superfluous, she'll use them anyway, because Pan is giving her the eyes and she can't refuse her.
I've been wanting Eike in Lothern since the option came up. She's old enough to be there without babysitting, and it's a place she's unlikely to go otherwise. Opportunity!

But there's kind of a big reason why she's unlikely to go there otherwise: even with months of discussion nobody's come up with a good idea for what she should be doing there once the initial "Wow, Lothern!" shine wears off. It's all either make-work, or study she could do anywhere.
For something that Eike could do in Lothern, could we pay/arrange for her to go on something that could let Eike get experience in fighting at the sea? Iirc she liked maritime warfare.
Honestly, I'd be up for asking Eike to do something fairly mundane, like creating an up-to-date report on trade flows through and around Lothern. It's probably something we could find out about elsewhere, of course - if not necessarily as well, because we know that Eike is good at this stuff and being right at the source helps - but it would be something she would enjoy doing and would be useful to have in preparation for the canals redirecting trade around Marienburg. Might even be publishable somewhere, to prepare her for that side of her wizarding career.
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The warning we gave was one that's been added to the pile of others. Boris would not have had his father murdered unless he was pretty damn worried about the ticking clock. Nobody knows exactly when Chaos is coming, but the uptick in activity recently has been marked across numerous polities.
Nobody knows, but it's unlikely that delaying the waystones for 6 months will significantly worsen the situation. Furthermore, waiting one turn allows us to investigate Kislev's network first.
Taking feedback into account:

-[] 1 AP Overwork, no T45 actions used
-[] The Protector
-[] Waystone: Deploy in Kislev (Praag Region)
--[] With Zlata, Baba Niedzwenka, Tochter, and Sarvoi
-[] Tributary: Dreaming Wood (Nordland)
--[] With Cadaeth, Hatalath, and Tochter
-[] Receive training: Scouting from the Rangers of Karak Azul
--[] Write-in: Try to get Eike live combat experience
-[] [] [] Travel to Nagarythe at the invitation of Ambassador Daroir, and join their eternal war against Naggarothi invaders for three months.
-[] EIC: Assist in the creation of the magical route through the Schadensumpf, both personally and with the EIC's influence and resources
-[] KAU: Seek the publishing contacts to start acquiring large amounts of books from a nearby realm (Lothern)
-[] SERENITY: Aethyric Vitae 2/2
-[] Eike Actions: Waystone deployment, Scouting training, EIC action
-[] Eike Study: Enchanting class at the Grey College (1 CF), learn Khazalid

Small tweak to who is on the Praag action.

-[] 1 AP Overwork, 1 T45 action used
-[] The Protector
-[] Waystone: Deploy in Kislev (Praag Region)
--[] With Zlata, Baba Niedzwenka, Tochter, and Sarvoi
-[] Tributary: Dreaming Wood (Nordland)
--[] With Cadaeth, Hatalath, and Tochter
-[] Waystone: Build a Waystone
--[] With Hatalath, Sarvoi, Thorek, Egrimm, and Elrisse
-[] Receive training: Scouting from the Rangers of Karak Azul
--[] Write-in: Try to get Eike live combat experience
-[] [] [] Travel to Nagarythe at the invitation of Ambassador Daroir, and join their eternal war against Naggarothi invaders for three months.
-[] EIC: Assist in the creation of the magical route through the Schadensumpf, both personally and with the EIC's influence and resources
-[] KAU: Seek the publishing contacts to start acquiring large amounts of books from a nearby realm (Lothern)
-[] SERENITY: Aethyric Vitae 2/2
-[] Eike Actions: Waystone deployment, Scouting training, EIC action
-[] Eike Study: Enchanting class at the Grey College (1 CF), learn Khazalid

This is an identical plan, but embezzles an action from T45 to make a new Waystone design: a much more straightforward leyline-only model. I don't want to chaotically throw everyone at it, so I just put in Hatalath (to keep our options open on the Capstone), Sarvoi (to keep our options open on the Storage), Thorek (for the dwarf Rune), and the Lights (for the Foundation), based on who did what last turn.
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Nobody knows, but it's unlikely that delaying the waystones for 6 months will significantly worsen the situation. Furthermore, waiting one turn allows us to investigate Kislev's network first.
Boney already said that the investigation will be part of the action, and nobody so far thinks it's impossible or they would've brought it up. The chaos contamination situation in Kislev is horrible AND actively getting worse year by year, six months of improvement instead is actually a significant amount of difference for a whole bunch of people in there.

Also, I take issue with the idea that our loud-and-clear political statement should be "we'll help the people we like, rather than the people who need it". Regardless of Laurelorn's contribution, the idea was to turn back the tide of Chaos (and the politicking and favor-trading was the means to it), and to neglect the most important front in favor of putting Waystones somewhere not even in the top-3 of magic badness feels wrong.
Taking feedback into account:

-[] 1 AP Overwork, no T45 actions used
-[] The Protector
-[] Waystone: Deploy in Kislev (Praag Region)
--[] With Zlata, Baba Niedzwenka, Tochter, and Sarvoi
-[] Tributary: Dreaming Wood (Nordland)
--[] With Cadaeth and Hatalath
-[] Receive training: Scouting from the Rangers of Karak Azul
--[] Write-in: Try to get Eike live combat experience
-[] [] [] Travel to Nagarythe at the invitation of Ambassador Daroir, and join their eternal war against Naggarothi invaders for three months.
-[] EIC: Assist in the creation of the magical route through the Schadensumpf, both personally and with the EIC's influence and resources
-[] KAU: Seek the publishing contacts to start acquiring large amounts of books from a nearby realm (Lothern)
-[] SERENITY: Aethyric Vitae 2/2
-[] Eike Actions: Waystone deployment, Scouting training, EIC action
-[] Eike Study: Enchanting class at the Grey College (paid in CF), learn Khazalid

Small tweak to who is on the Praag action.

-[] 1 AP Overwork, 1 T45 action used
-[] The Protector
-[] Waystone: Deploy in Kislev (Praag Region)
--[] With Zlata, Baba Niedzwenka, Tochter, and Sarvoi
-[] Tributary: Dreaming Wood (Nordland)
--[] With Cadaeth and Hatalath
-[] Waystone: Build a Waystone
--[] With Hatalath, Sarvoi, Thorek, Egrimm, and Elrisse
-[] Receive training: Scouting from the Rangers of Karak Azul
--[] Write-in: Try to get Eike live combat experience
-[] [] [] Travel to Nagarythe at the invitation of Ambassador Daroir, and join their eternal war against Naggarothi invaders for three months.
-[] EIC: Assist in the creation of the magical route through the Schadensumpf, both personally and with the EIC's influence and resources
-[] KAU: Seek the publishing contacts to start acquiring large amounts of books from a nearby realm (Lothern)
-[] SERENITY: Aethyric Vitae 2/2
-[] Eike Actions: Waystone deployment, Scouting training, EIC action
-[] Eike Study: Enchanting class at the Grey College (paid in CF), learn Khazalid

This is an identical plan, but embezzles an action from T45 to make a new Waystone design: a much more straightforward leyline-only model. I don't want to chaotically throw everyone at it, so I just put in Hatalath (to keep our options open on the Capstone), Sarvoi (to keep our options open on the Storage), Thorek (for the dwarf Rune), and the Lights (for the Foundation), based on who did what last turn.

Damn, people go much harder on this quest than I would have thought. People are writing their plans with citations :lol2:
In-universe, no one knows about the incoming Choas invasion. All the Empire has is some vague warning about some possible sign it may be coming, given by a known lier. Sure, the Eonir won't instantly pull out o the Project but the prestige of the first waystones is still another nail in the coffin of the isolationists ambitions. Their influence is still too strong for my liking.

And delaying the installation of waystones in Kislev by 6 months is hardly going to impact its readiness to repeal the invasion. On the contrary, it gives us one Turn to investigate the Kislevite network and better tailor our approach to reinforcing it.

The Eonir are not doing this for the prestige, it is nice to have but not required. They are doing this to diplomatically isolate Norland. That is still a concern no matter where we put the stone.
Damn, people go much harder on this quest than I would have thought. People are writing their plans with citations :lol2:
There's lots of people involved with lots of opinions! And the thread moves so fast that it can be hard to look up Boneyposts for supporting evidence when the tenth person questions your plan (or when you see a plan and have questions). The citations are great to have!
In-universe, no one knows about the incoming Choas invasion. All the Empire has is some vague warning about some possible sign it may be coming, given by a known lier. Sure, the Eonir won't instantly pull out o the Project but the prestige of the first waystones is still another nail in the coffin of the isolationists ambitions. Their influence is still too strong for my liking.

And delaying the installation of waystones in Kislev by 6 months is hardly going to impact its readiness to repeal the invasion. On the contrary, it gives us one Turn to investigate the Kislevite network and better tailor our approach to reinforcing it.
Delaying install is in fact a very bad idea. More, it slows down install also (as it's one less AP spent on install). We are at the exploit phase of the waystone project. We should be maximizing deploys (of both waystones proper and tributaries), because both of those basically have compounding interest.

I believe in going full out deploy. Ideally, starting with Kislev, as that's the most likely entrance for an attack. And for those worried about 'gradual' improvements not helping, then either the waystone project as a whole was a waste of time, or it's not just a small gradual improvement. Personally, I'm in the camp of it being a significant improvement over time, time which we have enough of if we hurry.
You could put Tochter on the Dreaming Wood tributary for both actions. She probably would like to make connections in the region. It'd also mean that Mathilde wouldn't have to do all the talking to Nordland. She also can help wrangle Lingua Praestantia tutors for Laurelorn, though Mathilde is probably better for that specifically.
It might also be helpful to have the Imperial Wizard that made the ritual be on hand to say "yeah I swear this can't be used to attack or hurt Nordland in any way, and we designed it so that any blowback from the ritual failing falls soley on the Eonir" (that last part wasn't on purpose but Mathilde can imply that it was).
I have no interest in Elfcation in general, and think that doing it right now is nearly impossible to justify in story.

Especially when most of the reasons people give for Elfcation are... unlikely, to say the least. Turning on the Protector is highly unlikely to amount to anything, we don't really have any money to spend in Lothern, and every time the question of what Eike would actually get up to in Lothern comes up the answer is 'not much, she'd probably have a terrible time'.

Also, the fact the half the reasons people give for Elfcation have nothing to do with the actual purpose of Elfcation and are instead about the port we'd be docking at on the way there is pretty telling, I think.

Elfcation feels like something that people have long been looking for excuses to justify, because the existence of the option means we need to do it eventually.
Also, the fact the half the reasons people give for Elfcation have nothing to do with the actual purpose of Elfcation and are instead about the port we'd be docking at on the way there is pretty telling, I think.
I feel like you're ignoring the actual reasons people are giving, then, because more than half of them are about Nagarythe and adventuring. And there's a lot of reasons people are genuinely excited about.
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