[] Plan Shoot For The Moon
-[] 1 AP Overwork, no AP from T45
-[] The Father
-[]JOHANN: Explore the Ward of Storm
--[] Try to aid the Ward of Storm Faniour against local gribblies
-[]EGRIMM: Learn written High Nehekharan from the Colleges (2 CF)
-[]EGRIMM: Study an artefact: Kurgan moon shrine
-[] Waystone: Deploy in Kislev (Praag Region)
--[] With Zlata and Baba Niedzwenka
-[] Tributary: Dreaming Wood (
--[] With Cadaeth, Sarvoi, Hatalath, Tochter, and Max
-[ ] Attempt to bring a non-Order magical tradition into the Waystone Project (Bertonnian Damsels)
-[ ] Waystone: Nexuses (Forest of Shadows) (Aksel, Ostland Hedgewise, Ostermark Hedgewise,
Cadaeth? Thorek? Zlata?)
--[ ] Personally reach out to the Ostland and Ostermark Hedgewise in the hope that the Father face of the coin will earn their cooperation
-[ ] EIC: Attempt to establish a trade route with the Eonir (ore)
--[ ] Attempt to broker a deal between Kislev and the Eonir. Personally work with Kalita worshipping Kislevite traders if possible.
-[ ] KAU: Seek an exchange arrangement with another Library or a Karak's archives to be able to make copies of their corpus (Karak Vlag Archives)
-[ ] Eike actions: EIC action, KAU action, Damsels negotiation, Storm Ward exploration, Shrine research
-[ ] Eike study: Learn
sounds, learn Khazalid
-[ ] SERENITY: AV 2/2
"B-b-but mathymancer, what about..." SHUT UP! I am NOT waiting for another turn and however long a fucking
adventure arc takes! We're doing this, and we're doing it NOW!
"But didn't Boney say, like, 'giving Bretonnia Waystones first will be kind of a huge diplomatic fuckup on our part?'" Boney DID NOT SAY THAT! He did not say
those exact words! He said some other words, which arguably, when read, could be sort of taken to
very strongly imply that, but SO FUCKING WHAT? We're giving Waystones to Kislev in this plan. We're giving tributaries to Laurelorn in this plan. We
are taking care of our project members first.
And you know what else we're probably going to do soon? We're going to design new Waystones, because our current Waystones are kind of
overdesigned pieces of
shit, and deploying them in Laurelorn is
insane. Guess what's our most complicated parts? The Windy parts. Guess which magical tradition that uses Winds we haven't recruited yet? THAT'S RIGHT, IT'S THE DAMSELS! Recruiting the Damsels before we make new Waystones
just makes sense. It's
totally sensible. This is
not a stupid plan, and I am
not obsessed. If anything,
you are obsessed with
not recruiting the Damsels! What's wrong, bucko? Do you not want to recruit yet another female magical tradition? Do you
hate women?!
We're also going to look at the Forest of Shadows nexuses, because why the fuck are we talking about dragging a nexus out of the Forest of Gloom to set up some sort of magical network in the fucking
Border Princes when there are
three nexuses to reclaim smack dab in the middle of the Empire, controlled by vampires and
Chaos, in Ranald's daughter's home turf?! We're also going to make an ore deal with Kislev because of Kalita
and yeah I know the mist path is a better action but this works better with the Father coin, honestly if you're still onboard at this point I doubt you're going to let this be the dealbreaker
Honestly, what's the worst that can happen are?
"Isn't it possible that The Lady is not a daughter, and also that the negotations with the Damsels go badly enough that we don't recruit them at all this turn, wasting an AP and delaying Elfcation for no reason?" I guess. It's also possible that Mathilde
will fucking die in any Elfcation plan, you
pathetic coward. Without risk there can be no gain. Shoot for the moon, and possibliy you will crash and die, but if you don't you may land among the stars.
"I'm not scared of a Father plan, I just don't really care about the Father" understandable, have a nice day