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Look guys I'm usually the one scrounging for mechanical advantages like a racoon in the newly filled dumpster, but this is a very marginal and circumstantial advantage to be frustrating the GM over. We can just play it as Mathilde not trusting potions since she is generally very conservative when it comes to magic risk. Why would she trust the potion of Magister What's-His-Name when she can't test the thing in advance the way she can with an enchantment?
Okay, i have my own ideas for a plan but now i don't have time. Maybe i will post it later.

[]Plan: Deploying the Waystones and Flexing our way out the door

Until now this is the plan i like the most.

Still, i would like to codify Knightbringer as part of the Gigaflex.
[ ] Plan You Must Deploy Additional Waystones
-[ ] Waystone: Deploy in Kislev (Praag Region)
--[ ] With Zlata and Baba Niedzwenka
-[ ] Waystone: Deploy in the Empire (Sylvania)
--[ ] With Tochter and Elrisse
-[ ] Tributary: Dreaming Wood (Nordland)
--[ ] With Cadaeth, Sarvoi, and Hatalath
-[ ] Waystone: Deploy in the Karaz Ankor (Black Water)
--[ ] With Thorek
-[ ] EGRIMM: Attempt to create an Auditory Seviroscope/Winds Chime (Spend 2 CF for a Journeyman with Auditory Magesight to assist)
--[ ] COIN: The Gambler
-[ ] MAX: Receive dictation: specify which two papers or one book will be written (Linguistic Drift in Lizardmen Glyphs (FADING), The Polyphenic Theory of Lizardmen Society (FADING))
-[ ] JOHANN: Study an Artefact: Kurgan enchanted weapons

-[ ] SERENITY: Aethyric Vitae 2/2
-[ ] EIC: Assist in the creation of the magical route through the Schadensumpf, both personally and with the EIC's influence and resources
-[ ] KAU: Seek an exchange arrangement with another Library or a Karak's archives to be able to make copies of their corpus (Karak Vlag)
-[ ] Eike Actions: Auditory Seviroscope, EIC action, KAU action
-[ ] Eike Study: Enchanting class at the Grey College (paid in CF), learn Khazalid
-[ ] Overwork: 1 AP

Here's my first stab at a non-elfcation plan, color coded for my convenience.

1 - Deploy, Deploy, Deploy, Deploy!
Deploying to all of the involved polities makes a statement about our priorities, and that we truly are going all in on this spreading waystones business, to everywhere we can. This takes 4 AP, and includes most of the team besides Aksel, who'd probably prefer not to be in the limelight of negotiations. The assignments are fairly straight forward; Kislevites to Kislev, Runelord to Karaz Ankor, etc. I picked Sylvania over Mordheim because it seemed fitting after that last conversation we had with Roswita about Mathilde's influence being felt there. Plus, Tochter has experience working in the area.

2 - WEB-MAT Research!
I'm not too tied to any one particular action here, and am open to swapping any of them out. With that said, I think this is a solid lineup, and it gets WEB-MAT back into doing what it was made to do—research. Max on Dictation will whittle away at our publishing backlog, Johann on an artifact will whittle away at our research backlog, and while the Cython action is very very interesting, I'd rather finish up the Seviroscope project first. As a bonus, it also fits well with the next bit:

3 - Eike on Enchanting and Khazalid!
This set of actions gives Eike a solid focus on Enchanting this turn: her lessons at the College, so she can pick up the skill herself, her involvement with the auditory seviroscope, where she can see first-hand two Lord Magisters at work, and her observation of Mathilde helping out the Eonir with the Rite of Way enchantment, seeing how they can be scaled up.

I'd also like for her to spend more time with dwarf-related things, as she's had a lot of actions involved with Laurelorn and picked up Eltharin, but not a lot of emphasis on the Karaz Ankor and she hasn't yet picked up Khazalid.
[ ] Plan You Must Deploy Additional Waystones
-[ ] Waystone: Deploy in Kislev (Praag Region)
--[ ] With Zlata and Baba Niedzwenka
-[ ] Waystone: Deploy in the Empire (Sylvania)
--[ ] With Tochter and Elrisse
-[ ] Tributary: Dreaming Wood (Nordland)
--[ ] With Cadaeth, Sarvoi, and Hatalath
-[ ] Waystone: Deploy in the Karaz Ankor (Black Water)
--[ ] With Thorek
You're still gonna have to pick which one of these gets the bragging rights, I'm afraid.
- You can deploy in multiple places per turn, but if you do, specify which one will be the 'first' in your plan.
Oh? Any advantage, you say?
At least think about any advantage. And then give us the option to grab a few. Likw with the dragonsbreath before the karag drum trip.

Edit: again, not neccesarily potions, but if there is one reason to say" screw it, im throwing the kitchen sink at it" its that.
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I'm pretty sure the Elementalist College is worth many many times Mathile's combat value in a pure combat engagement, so it's definitely a lot more efficient than upgrading Mathilde further.
We shouldn't let a vocal group of people dominate matters like this.

What does the Elfcation add to the story?
What does 'completing' the Waystone mean for the story? Are we going to stop interacting with Waystones? Stop living in Laurelorn? Get some reward that will have immediate consequences? Or does it just check another box that closes off some options and open up others and the story continues on?

Traveling to Nagarythe is a whole new location for the quest, one where we get to see centuries old experts of ulgu and guerilla warfare fight in their element and learn form them. It's exactly as important to the story as the orb flex and getting access to Laurelorn's library was - important if you already care and largely meaningless otherwise.
What does the Elfcation add to the story?
Ulthuan!!! We've legit never been there and I wanna.
Eike in Lothern!!! (And possibly straightforward book deals in Lothern. I'm currently sated on books after the Ithilmar action, but KAU is a super cool part of our legend and working to improve it is automatically good).
Sneaky elves!!! Actually, any elves of a flavor we've never seen in their natural habitat, but the sneaky elves can actually teach, or at least inspire us. Worst case, we will really impress them, unless everything goes pear shaped.

Also, it's been so long since full blown adventures of any kind. I respect the impact of research, but I'm increasingly craving for Mathilde to go out there and do things for an extended period of time, and have wanted it for a while.
No. The waystone project is important, but not as important as ending elfcation discussion.
There is another option.

A Polite Letter.

Daorir was working at his desk, when a soft thump came at his door, followed by the sound of quiet panting.

Pressing a button which activated an ingenious enchantment he'd found a few years ago, his papers flew into a neat arrangement in a temporary liminal space, place saved, ready for him to call them back out again when he was done.

Opening the door, he saw a friendly face of a full-grown wolf, appearing to be in good health, who proceeded to both give him a note, and then speak to him in the clipped pidgin form of Etharin that the local magic users called Praestantia, introducing himself and saying the letter was from one, Lady Magister Matilde Weber.

After acquiescing to giving the Very Good Boy a few scratches, he opened the note to read:

My dear Daorir,

Having checked my schedule backwards and forwards, I regret to inform you that I have been unable to find time between now and the end of the world to come and punch Druchii in the face in Nagarythe.

I greatly appreciate your most kind invitation, and I respectfully decline.

Sincerest regards,
Matilde Weber.

Having not thought of that grey wizard for a few years, it took a bit to recall the delivery of trussed up Druchii she had brought from Skaven lands.

A faint smile touched Daorir's face, as he recalled the event. That truly was a pleasant surprise.

He quickly penned a note in response and handed it back to Wolf.

My Lady Magister Weber,

Your note was received and appreciated. The fine art of punching Druchii in the face is understandably not for everyone. It would be lovely if you dropped by for tea sometime.

Daorir, Ambassador
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Did we not argue for pages that the Tsar was convinced to not take the money on the table and not take the short sighted decision of deploying untested say stones in kislev?
[ ] Plan You Must Deploy Additional Waystones
I really like this!

I'm pretty sure the Elementalist College is worth many many times Mathile's combat value in a pure combat engagement, so it's definitely a lot more efficient than upgrading Mathilde further.
Depends. If it's against non-Wind users, then probably, because Boney noted they contributed against Waaagh Grom.

But against Wind users (of which the Everchosen army will have a lot)... well, there's a reason why Boney said Mathilde would be on the shortlist to take down the Elementalists, if it came to that.
We shouldn't let a vocal group of people dominate matters like this.

What does the Elfcation add to the story?
What the Elfcation adds has been talked to death. Action-adventure, training with Elves, interacting with Ulthuan, ephemeral protector rewards and loot. Books.

As for why we have to do it now? Purely because it has momentum. I've been part of this thread for years, and it has constantly been brought up as something we'd like to do but never have the time for. And I've only been here since a little after the waystone project! The lobby is passionate, ever-growing, and frustrated. We've had multiple turns denying their pushes because "it's not the right time." There was a major push a full year ago, but it was denied in favor of waiting for overwork and/or training for it.

To be honest, I'm ambivalent on the Elfcation. But we've made a Waystone, we've trained, we've finished AV and we have overwork. I don't think there's ever gonna be a better chance for the Elfcation, this perfect storm of opportunity and preparation and voter momentum. And I don't have the heart to postpone it yet again because it doesn't feel perfect.
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On potions:
I figure the only way mathilde would use potions is if they were made by somebody she trusted and they were given as a gift or something of the sort.

If max or Johann or Eike gave Mathilde a potion I could see her maybe use it, but she's not gonna pursue potions.

Nah if she's gonna get any consumables it's more likely gonna be magic or gunpowder related. Unfortunately I don't think anybody has evented grenades yet, so no big booms for our gurrellia war with the knife ears
Malekith explictly only burned down Anhara Draconis, which is the only place where Starwood trees grew big enough to make Dragonships (Elven warships are made out of a single tree trunk).

But they very much still have smaller Starwood trees, which they make all of their ships from:

-Man o' War
Isn't the biggest problem with dragonships the inability to create their magical ram? Because using magic to put several smaller trees together doesn't sound that difficult.
@picklepikkl I'd like to ask to get Eike onto the Praag waystone action. Besides the fact that she had an excellent time the last time she went to Kislev with Zlata, it's also an important bit of moral experience. Praag is the place where the Colleges' ultimate purpose is most tangible.
And Kislev has indeed put in a lot of effort.
Kislev did fuck all for that waystone. They helped create none of its components, and more generally Zlata was perfectly useless for the Project with only Baba Yaga doing anything useful.

On the other hand, Laurelorn did most of the heavy lifting, both in general and for that specific waystone. Snubbing them leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Actually @picklepikkl that's another thing, can you put an Eonir on the Praag action? The primary reason the Eonir got involved with the waystone project is to build bridges. Involving them in the creation of the first waystone is a powerful way of giving them prestige, and will give them greater relations with Kislev. Since they hosted the project, I think this would be good.

On the subject, would the ore trade route go through Kislev? I can't remember.
I think this is the first time that Mathilde has indicated she thinks it's possible that waystones could have been being constructed in what is now Bretonnia after they were last built in the Empire, before the Lady arrived. While it's "who knows" what they were getting up to, it's in her thoughts on the same mental level as the Belthani lingering and building waystones. I find that interesting, and an intriguing plot hook.

I don't think it's the time for Bretonnia to come in as bringing them in now is giving them waystones before others rather than research (unfortunately, given how much I want to see it), but I will be really sad if it's decided to move on from waystones before we find out more about their experiences (and seeing more of Bretonnia's current and fascinating culture, particularly testing if the Lady is a Daughter of Ranald).
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