No. The waystone project is important, but not as important as ending elfcation discussion.
There is another option.
A Polite Letter.
Daorir was working at his desk, when a soft thump came at his door, followed by the sound of quiet panting.
Pressing a button which activated an ingenious enchantment he'd found a few years ago, his papers flew into a neat arrangement in a temporary liminal space, place saved, ready for him to call them back out again when he was done.
Opening the door, he saw a friendly face of a full-grown wolf, appearing to be in good health, who proceeded to both give him a note, and then speak to him in the clipped pidgin form of Etharin that the local magic users called Praestantia, introducing himself and saying the letter was from one, Lady Magister Matilde Weber.
After acquiescing to giving the Very Good Boy a few scratches, he opened the note to read:
My dear Daorir,
Having checked my schedule backwards and forwards, I regret to inform you that I have been unable to find time between now and the end of the world to come and punch Druchii in the face in Nagarythe.
I greatly appreciate your most kind invitation, and I respectfully decline.
Sincerest regards,
Matilde Weber.
Having not thought of that grey wizard for a few years, it took a bit to recall the delivery of trussed up Druchii she had brought from Skaven lands.
A faint smile touched Daorir's face, as he recalled the event. That truly was a pleasant surprise.
He quickly penned a note in response and handed it back to Wolf.
My Lady Magister Weber,
Your note was received and appreciated. The fine art of punching Druchii in the face is understandably not for everyone. It would be lovely if you dropped by for tea sometime.
Daorir, Ambassador