[ ] Waystone: Other Networks
Specify which: Karaz Ankor, Kislev, Laurelorn, Athel Loren, Nehekhara.
[ ] Waystone: Seek the lost Black Fire Pass Nexus (NEW)
Is the Karaz Ankor network supposed to be there? I thought we finished studying it. Also when did Mathilde learn about the lost Black Fire Pass nexus? I guess it's different than the Forest of Gloom menhir.
Laurelorn and its mages are doing a lot of the heavy lifting for Waystone production. They aren't getting the first one so we should give them tributaries at the least.
I genuinely think you'd be better off not giving them anything this turn rather than giving them tributaries. Have you ever been passed over something you really want, only for you to be given a few scraps of it? Like imagine the last slice of cake, and the guy gives you a about an tenth of the slice of cake and eats the rest.
Objectively, it is better than nothing. But most people are going to be pretty damn annoyed. It's not directly comparable, but the prestige of getting the First waystone isn't something that can be shared.
Passed over? Laurelorn very much does not want a repeat of the Great War Against Chaos, but this time with a badly weakened Kislev and favorable terrain for the forces of Chaos all the way up to Praag. Same goes for the Empire.
Laurelorn is famously isolationist. Laurelorn doesn't want a repeat of the Great War against Chaos, but that's only in a vague sense. It is not very connected to the Empire as a whole, much less Kislev. Kislev getting fucked over is something they would agree is Bad. But it is not particularly material for them. There's a lot of Kislev and the Empire between them and an Everchosen marching south. That's been changing as time goes on, but even for the diplomatic block changing opinions held for centuries and millennia takes a long time.
And that's a lot of
not acknowledging Laurelorn's efforts. All those benefits you mentioned are entirely peripheral to Laurelorn getting waystones. The Karaz Ankor has to be badgered into building waystones, so obviously they won't complain. The Empire's leadership doesn't understand waystones beyond them doing Good Things with magic, so they won't care. They'd like getting the first one, because everyone loves that. Luitpold is not going to be unhappy about not getting it. Laurelorn's leadership understands the value of waystones, and knows how much Laurelorn is pretty much 60% or more of the reason that the waystones even exist. It's certainly that much (or more) of the reason why the Project got waystones so quickly.
Planting waystones in Praag first raises the odds of the Everchosen not getting past Kislev. It is not a requirement for that to happen. Hell, the Bokha Palace Accords laid lot of the ground work for getting people to fight them off in Kislev. That's the biggest factor right there.