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[ ] Waystone: Other Networks
Specify which: Karaz Ankor, Kislev, Laurelorn, Athel Loren, Nehekhara.
We already finished investigating the Karaz Ankor's network.

Is the lost Black Fire Pass nexus the same as the Forest of Gloom nexus or is it one that was meant to be in the Black Fire Pass? When did we learn about it?

Could do it in the same turn.
You cannot do that. Well, you can but you won't actually get the benefit of doing it subsequently. You'll be starting deploying waystones, then figuring out the network.

No. That'd be weaponizing the chronological wibbliness of everything theoretically taking place in parallel but the writing of it happening one after the other. You can't spend six months figuring out how to hook up the Waystones and then go back to the start of that six months and start hooking them up.

The Tzar isn't our main backer; our main backers are the Empire and Laurelorn. Which makes deploying the first waystone to Kislev a powerful statement. It is both a demonstration of the Empire and Laurelorn's belief that Kislev's recovery and strength are important and a statement of intent on using the fruits of this project to solve big problems all over rather than just for self-gain.
It's also a statement that the people who put in the most effort will be passed over by Mathilde and that there is less reason to share as much.
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@Boney, a couple of questions: if we were to find ourself in Lothern for some reason this turn by sheer happenstance, what sort of action would be involved to set up ongoing access to buy Asur books? Is that just "[ ] Seek the publishing contacts to start acquiring large amounts of books from a nearby realm"?

That'd be the most straightforward way to do it.

And is it something that is time-sensitive, i.e. "can only be done in the same turn as going to Lothern", or can it be taken in a future turn?

You can only do it in Lothern when you're going to be in or near Lothern. You can try to get Asur publishing contacts at any time, but it'd usually involve going through the Elf Quarter in Marienburg. Or Erengrad, I suppose.

@Boney : Are Mathilde, Baba, Zlata, or anyone else in the project confident that we can just connect this new waystone into Kislev's network? The update implies that it's not an issue.

Figuring that out would be part of the action. If it was outright impossible, someone would have brought it up by now.
It might be as little as fifteen centuries
On the one hand calling 1500 years 'little' feels wrong, it being longer than the history of any extant civilisation on Earth. On the other Mathilde is on casual speaking terms with several people who are personally older than that.

Choice picks:
[ ] Waystone: Deploy in Kislev (Praag Region)
The purpose of Waystones is to defend against and eventually drive back chaos corruption. Praag is the scar of the last Everchosen, the most visible sign of damage.

[ ] Tributary: Dreaming Wood (Nordland)
[ ] EIC: Assist in the creation of the magical route through the Schadensumpf, both personally and with the EIC's influence and resources
Laurelorn and its mages are doing a lot of the heavy lifting for Waystone production. They aren't getting the first one so we should give them tributaries at the least.

Aethyric Vitae (1/2)
Finish the book. Just glad we don't have to spend an action on dropping the Orbs off.
Any ideas for Eike?

Last turn we had her learn spycraft from the Hochlander, which revealed that she has 16 Intrigue, because she is Best Apprentice.

Ideally I'd like to find out her Piety, but I have no idea what an action for that would look like.
Is there anything actually stopping us from doing 2 Deployments this turn, 1 for Praag and another for either Mordheim or Sylvania? Because while I do definitely want to get started on Praag, very obviously also putting up a set in the Empire is probably a good idea just in case others in the Empire don't understand that Kislev's strength is their benefit.

Of the two, I'd lean towards Mordheim, as we can probably extract concessions if we want them, and also Mordheim's more likely to spit out enemies people aren't prepared for, Sylvania is being well stomped on at the moment.
Personally, deploying in Kislev makes the most sense, given the options presented to us.

And... I know there's a lot of enthusiasm for going on the Elfcation, but I feel like from a wider narrative perspective, this may be the worst possible time. Like... I don't know. It feels wrong.
Very much agreed. Both narratively and in universe, mathilde's current main project is at a truly critical stage, and while we have major deliverables, we've not yet arranged for *any* long term production or deployment concerns, we haven't even examined one of the biggest things we want to support with the fruits of the project, and we're sitting on a number of options to capitalize on the existing success and resources available to solidify and branch out from that success. Mathilde leaving for a dangerous adventure across the ocean without so much as making sure the first waystones make it more than a month without issues, without getting all the ducks in line for kislev/boris after they went all in, just feels wrong to me :/ I get it, the thread has wanted to go on the elfcation for ages, and the last "good" opportunity to do so was missed because, despite being a perfect lull in story, boney and the thread were all wanting a break from intense adventure updates after the Dum expedition, but doing it right now is just... it doesn't feel like it makes sense in universe, and while i'm not going to pretend that my mental picture of mathilde is the true one or anything like that, it really just doesn't mesh with my mental image of mathilde. in a year (or...a year and a half, since i think the way the overwork mechanics function means people were saying that would be the best way to do so) when the waystone project is truly in its "expand deployment, make minor tweaks and polishes as bulk production reveals them" phase, then it would make perfect sense both to me and to how-i-view-mathilde's-character to go off to ulthuan, but...not now.
It's also a statement that the people who put in the most effort will be passed over by Mathilde and that there is less reason to share as much.
Passed over? Laurelorn very much does not want a repeat of the Great War Against Chaos, but this time with a badly weakened Kislev and favorable terrain for the forces of Chaos all the way up to Praag. Same goes for the Empire.

And Kislev has indeed put in a lot of effort.

Laurelorn has already struck gold with the project as it is--lots of good ties with its neighbors and other regional powers, as well as incoming lucrative trade...and prestige.

The Empire has established better ties with Laurelorn than it has ever had, on top of securing a new production line of waystones. It's also helped improve relations with Kislev, developed a much better understanding of the essential magical infrastructure that allows for the Empire's continued existence, and established itself as an equal partner to elves.

The Karaz Ankor solved a serious rift in its own internal relations, established the beginnings of a potentially game-changing relationship with Laurelorn, has an eventual way to expand its own piece of the waystone network (by feeding it more energy into existing karak-waystones), and has helped develop the means to make places like Sylvania, the Black Water, and Mordheim a lot less nasty.

During the Great War Against Chaos, the Karaz Ankor and the Empire sallied with huge armies to fight the forces of Chaos at the gates of Kislev's cities before they'd be fighting those same forces individually at the gates of their own cities. Restoring and bolstering Kislev is definitely a good thing and works as well as a first step as anything.
I'm in the "not yet" camp regarding the elfcation. It'd be better done either after we finish the waystone project (so a break before what we decide to do next) or if we need to do a lot of elf diplomacy for the waystone project (assuming that said diplomacy actually benefits from us being in Ulthuan). We've got other stuff to do before that.

I think this turn we should investigate and deploy to Kislev (go for Praag, it's the big obvious "mutual benefit" statement), look for the missing Black Fire Pass nexus, study the foundation enchantment (the potential to make it easier was why we went with it despite the difficulty), and finish our AV book. Other things I'm vague on.
Any ideas for Eike?

Last turn we had her learn spycraft from the Hochlander, which revealed that she has 16 Intrigue, because she is Best Apprentice.

Ideally I'd like to find out her Piety, but I have no idea what an action for that would look like.
We should teach her more magic. Not only is Magic a unique stat, it also makes a big difference for each individual spell she has in her arsenal.
We should teach her more magic. Not only is Magic a unique stat, it also makes a big difference for each individual spell she has in her arsenal.
Well, the only remaining Petty Magic spell is Sounds. Previously training her to cast it went poorly, but it might go better this time.

Otherwise there's all the Lesser Magic spells, apart from Aethyric Armor which she already knows.

I would like to get her trained in Enchantment- she's at 1/2 on the skill- but that could wait.
-[ ] [ ] [ ] Travel to Nagarythe at the invitation of Ambassador Daroir, and join their eternal war against Naggarothi invaders for three months.
--[ ] The Protector
-[ ] Codify the spell Knightbringer
-[ ] EGRIMM: Introduce Egrimm to Cython with hopes of some sort of information exchange
-[ ] Waystone: Deploy in Kislev (specify which: Praag Region)
-[ ] EIC: Assist in the creation of the magical route through the Schadensumpf, both personally and with the EIC's influence and resources
-[ ] Begin copying the full corpus of a Partner Library. (Imperial School of Engineers)
-[ ] Write something else: Aethyric Vitae 2/2

So, this basically aims to get our giga flex with the AV, Power stones, way stone deployment and Knightbringer all in one go, then we dip to rack up protector cred with at least one faction of elves.

The EIC on the trade route because I kinda feel like more oversight here is kind of a joke given the lack of it in far more powerful orgs, and practical support of our other projects (the mist way bridge) is good.

Library I'd like to make sure we can support the branch engineering college fully, and to keep working our scholars up north.

Webmat is set aside this turn (we'll have to do something with everyone next turn out start letting them go on to other things) because for them it's going to be about the laurels of deploying the first way stone in fifteen centuries and getting a hero's welcome for it in Kislev.

Edit: with the orbs already created, I added introducing Egrimm to a dragon because it makes total sense to add more flexing to the GIGAFLEX turn.

[ ] Eike Actions:
[ ] Eike Study

These in not sure about. Leaving a girl alone in a foreign port for three months isn't something I'm real happy with, but neither is take m taking her with to fight or leaving her behind entirely.
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I think there's a very much simpler reason to choose kislev: The everchosen bowl is happening right now. This is fortification for the next great war, and the earlier the waystones at the front go down, the better off everyone will be.

A lot of grumbling about this will get much quieter when the available intel gets spread around.
I would like to study the Kislev network first before setting up waystones there, considering what they've juryrigged it into. Otherwise I'd be fine with Laurelorn or somewhere in the Empire being first, maybe around Drakenhof.

And I also agree that going to Ulthuan now for three straight months during probably the most critical point in the project does not fit narratively to me. I'd rather do that once we got the major kinks in the process down and a pipeline going.
For context Elfcation was first introduced as an option five years ago in November 2019, and with the slower real world turn speed I don't know if I can survive it being put off until 2025 😥
This is not the most critical part of the project. This is the victory lap. Deploy to Praag, let everyone get a few months of seeing it work. Every member of the project knows how we built it and what the options are for building more, we aren't needed for that right now.

We already made the Orbs.

We couldn't actually make more right now, we don't have enough College Favor for the Powerstones.

Updated to use that AP to introduce Egrimm to Cython, because that too is a flex.
When? I know we did - it's in our character sheet - but I don't remember the update in which we did that and I'm interested in rereading it.
Right here.

Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest Fantasy - Users' Choice!

With a few measurements of viscosity in hand, it is a straightforward affair to commission an apparatus that will drip Aethyric Vitae at steady intervals. The power stones themselves, recently arrived from Altdorf after cashing in years of accumulated Collegiate goodwill, will supply the...

Edit: Weber'd.
The number of 'negotiate with Ultuan' options here suggests that now might be a good time to initiate the Elfcation alongside The Protector face of the coin (also I just want to see Boney write that
I am pretty sure that helping with the equivalent of a rat fight will not meaningfully affect the negotiate with Asur. Surely not compared to either Etharion's existing impressions or the Waystone project.
[ ] Waystone: Other Networks
Specify which: Karaz Ankor, Kislev, Laurelorn, Athel Loren, Nehekhara.

[ ] Waystone: Seek the lost Black Fire Pass Nexus (NEW)
Is the Karaz Ankor network supposed to be there? I thought we finished studying it. Also when did Mathilde learn about the lost Black Fire Pass nexus? I guess it's different than the Forest of Gloom menhir.

Laurelorn and its mages are doing a lot of the heavy lifting for Waystone production. They aren't getting the first one so we should give them tributaries at the least.
I genuinely think you'd be better off not giving them anything this turn rather than giving them tributaries. Have you ever been passed over something you really want, only for you to be given a few scraps of it? Like imagine the last slice of cake, and the guy gives you a about an tenth of the slice of cake and eats the rest.

Objectively, it is better than nothing. But most people are going to be pretty damn annoyed. It's not directly comparable, but the prestige of getting the First waystone isn't something that can be shared.

Passed over? Laurelorn very much does not want a repeat of the Great War Against Chaos, but this time with a badly weakened Kislev and favorable terrain for the forces of Chaos all the way up to Praag. Same goes for the Empire.
Laurelorn is famously isolationist. Laurelorn doesn't want a repeat of the Great War against Chaos, but that's only in a vague sense. It is not very connected to the Empire as a whole, much less Kislev. Kislev getting fucked over is something they would agree is Bad. But it is not particularly material for them. There's a lot of Kislev and the Empire between them and an Everchosen marching south. That's been changing as time goes on, but even for the diplomatic block changing opinions held for centuries and millennia takes a long time.

And that's a lot of not acknowledging Laurelorn's efforts. All those benefits you mentioned are entirely peripheral to Laurelorn getting waystones. The Karaz Ankor has to be badgered into building waystones, so obviously they won't complain. The Empire's leadership doesn't understand waystones beyond them doing Good Things with magic, so they won't care. They'd like getting the first one, because everyone loves that. Luitpold is not going to be unhappy about not getting it. Laurelorn's leadership understands the value of waystones, and knows how much Laurelorn is pretty much 60% or more of the reason that the waystones even exist. It's certainly that much (or more) of the reason why the Project got waystones so quickly.

Planting waystones in Praag first raises the odds of the Everchosen not getting past Kislev. It is not a requirement for that to happen. Hell, the Bokha Palace Accords laid lot of the ground work for getting people to fight them off in Kislev. That's the biggest factor right there.
Praag. Pushing back the Za was Kislev's table stakes coming in, and its the one with the sharpest time limit. Sylvania, mordheim, black water, can wait another little bit to the centuries people have known they were bad news. Though my second choice would be the river drak
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