Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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The number of 'negotiate with Ultuan' options here suggests that now might be a good time to initiate the Elfcation alongside The Protector face of the coin (also I just want to see Boney write that). Also seems like we should start looking towards the end of the Waystone project and what exactly that looks like. We're not manually building all the waystones we'd want ourselves but it would be prudent to set up a long term future for that once the Fellowship of the Waystone goes its separate ways (using one of the remaining Dwarf boons for long term resource commitment and/or the Imperial Great Deed to get support into law could go far here). This might be something better suited for next turn (or the turn after that), but I think we should at least be open to winding it down in the next 2-3 turns.

Edit: My arrogant pride also feels compelled to point out that Turn 50 (51?) is when Supreme Patriarch is up for grabs again :lol2:
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Been a while since I've been this early.

Hmm. There's a lot of important places to put a Waystone. Cleaning up Mordheim is a hell of a statement and securing Sylvania is an excellent capstone for Mathilde's lifework. But... saving and securing Praag isn't just a statement. It's taking the fight directly to Chaos. Shore up the greatest wound still suffered from Asavar Kul, as a symbol of teamwork between all the races.

Putting it in the Empire would be nice, but putting it in Kisliv strikes me as the boldest and most impactful move to make.
I'd be up for that but only after we actually take a look at the kislevite network, currently we have no idea I'm what state it is or if it could accept a new waystone.
Considering the Tsar is our main backer I imagine putting the first ways tone in Kislev just makes the most sense.
I know it wouldn't make any practical sense to do it, but part of me wants to tackle the Wutroth issue just so we can continue Mathilde's trend of just appearing in loads of completely unrelated dwarf history books.
Could someone put together a list of possible (separate) ways Mathilde appears in the history books

Just a few I could think of off the top of my head

-with the help of a dwarven artillery leveled a castle full of foul magic (passing mention at best)
-karak eight peaks. Like, all of it. A chapter on the reclamation of K8P would be like, 80% Mathilde, and the inhabitation of it would still be like 10% Mathilde
-super weapon powered by the god of death
-expedition to Kor-Dum
-Karak Vlag
-provided the Runesmithing guild a method to replenish runes much faster
-waystone project
I would like to propose that we do multiple actions for setting up waystone building projects this turn, in different places. Show that the benefits of this are intended to be spread far and wide.
The number of 'negotiate with Ultuan' options here suggests that now might be a good time to initiate the Elfcation alongside The Protector face of the coin (also I just want to see Boney write that). Also seems like we should start looking towards the end of the Waystone project and what exactly that looks like. We're not manually building all the waystones we'd want ourselves but it would be prudent to set up a long term future for that once the Fellowship of the Waystone goes its separate ways (using one of the remaining Dwarf boons for long term resource commitment and/or the Imperial Great Deed to get support into law could go far here). This might be something better suited for next turn (or the turn after that), but I think we should at least be open to winding it down in the next 2-3 turns.
I think we'd have to get absurdly lucky (or unlucky) to actually have the chance to run into anything bad enough that stopping it would proc the Protector enough to matter with negotiations that will presumably feature Saphery and not Nagarythe.

Bit of a wild idea, but what if we went with the Father side? The Shadow Warriors are devoted in some fashion to Lileath. She might be a Daughter.
Been a while since I've been this early.

Hmm. There's a lot of important places to put a Waystone. Cleaning up Mordheim is a hell of a statement and securing Sylvania is an excellent capstone for Mathilde's lifework. But... saving and securing Praag isn't just a statement. It's taking the fight directly to Chaos. Shore up the greatest wound still suffered from Asavar Kul, as a symbol of teamwork between all the races.

Putting it in the Empire would be nice, but putting it in Kisliv strikes me as the boldest and most impactful move to make.
it is also a exquisite chaser to the emperor we assassinated and bought a canal with. The projections of another Waste incursion exactly the place to put the first strike in a very long logistic war.
Considering the Tsar is our main backer I imagine putting the first ways tone in Kislev just makes the most sense.
The Tzar isn't our main backer; our main backers are the Empire and Laurelorn. Which makes deploying the first waystone to Kislev a powerful statement. It is both a demonstration of the Empire and Laurelorn's belief that Kislev's recovery and strength are important and a statement of intent on using the fruits of this project to solve big problems all over rather than just for self-gain.

EDIT: I think negotiating with Ulthuan for information about nexuses can wait a little bit until we've studied some nexuses ourselves and have some deployed waystones as proof that the project is serious about both its intent and its ability.
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Is it really here? Elfcation vote? Yay!

I vote for north of Praag, or Troll country. I'd like to build a bulwark against chaos, and make a statement about reclaiming lands.
Not a complete plan (I'm missing at least an overwork action), but the basics I think most plans should have (also I need to update the format). I did stretch a little with the EIC action, but I think we should get this done.

[] Plan Travel Basics:
-[ ] [ ] [ ] Travel to Nagarythe at the invitation of Ambassador Daroir, and join their eternal war against Naggarothi invaders for three months.
--[ ] The Protector
-[ ] Waystone: Deploy in _____ {note: I haven't checked where is best to deploy, but we definitely want to deploy this ASAP}
-[ ] EIC: Found an auditors division, to make sure the ledgers are in order. {we should probably just get this done now so that nothing bad gets entrenched later}
-[ ] Hire educators to teach a language or group of languages to your scribes (specify which)
--[ ] Eltharin (Ulthuan's Tar-Eltharin and Laurelorn's Yen-Eltharin dialects)
-[ ] Write a paper - Aethyric Vitae (1/2)

We should definitely be doing the above this turn.

First, prepping to do the AV turn means finishing the book.
Second, we want to go on the journey, and we did promise to go, so let's actually go.
Third, deploy that waystone somewhere.
Fourth, let's teach Eltharin to our scribes so we can copy stuff from the big library.
Fifth, the EIC stuff should have been handled a while ago, but better late than never. Let's not accidently end up on the Bursar's Shitlist.
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I'd be up for that but only after we actually take a look at the kislevite network, currently we have no idea I'm what state it is or if it could accept a new waystone.
Could do it in the same turn.

Also, remember that we can defer part of elfcation's AP cost to next turn, to fit more things into this one.

[ ] Study the Waystone foundation enchantment for enchanting technique insights (NEW)
Mathilde wants in on the party I see, lol.
[ ] Codify the spell Knightbringer
Important. Part of the gigaflex, even - this spell covers a niche unmet in the grey corpus. I definitely wouldn't want to leave on the elfcation before passing this on.
[ ] EIC: Found an auditors division, to make sure the ledgers are in order.
I continue to want this. You find lots of things, following the numbers.
[ ] EIC: Assist in the creation of the magical route through the Schadensumpf, both personally and with the EIC's influence and resources
Seems inevitable. Not sure if this turn though?
Aethyric Vitae (1/2)
@Boney, a couple of questions: if we were to find ourself in Lothern for some reason this turn by sheer happenstance, what sort of action would be involved to set up ongoing access to buy Asur books? Is that just "[ ] Seek the publishing contacts to start acquiring large amounts of books from a nearby realm"? And is it something that is time-sensitive, i.e. "can only be done in the same turn as going to Lothern", or can it be taken in a future turn?
@Boney : Are Mathilde, Baba, Zlata, or anyone else in the project confident that we can just connect this new waystone into Kislev's network? The update implies that it's not an issue.
Personally, deploying in Kislev makes the most sense, given the options presented to us.

And... I know there's a lot of enthusiasm for going on the Elfcation, but I feel like from a wider narrative perspective, this may be the worst possible time. Like... I don't know. It feels wrong.
Has anyone got the Giga-flex plus elfcation plans handy?

If we have spare actions I'd like to do the Seviriscope paper before we go as well, but I don't think we do.

[ ] Study the Waystone foundation enchantment for enchanting technique insights (NEW)

It is almost physically painful that we won't be able to fit it in this turn.

Anyway if somehow we don't do Elfcation this turn, then I'd be up for finishing off the grey spellbook so we can go next turn. But I'd prefer this turn.
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Oh dear, time for the elfcation knife fight...

First of all, a simple diffchecker showing the changes in the action choices and also Eike's char sheet:

Diffchecker - Compare text online to find the difference between two text files

Diffchecker will compare text to find the difference between two text files. Just paste your files and click Find Difference!

As for the vote itself...i'll have to put my brain to figuring out what a turn plan would look like, but i feel strongly that going on vacation to fight dangerous elves very much should wait until after we have at least:
-Figured out what limitations there are on kislev waystones, in particular if the simple transmission can work with their lesser 'vortex'
-started at *least* one action to work on deploying into kislev, preferably two, one for tributaries and one for a waystone
-developed a cheaper and closer-to-mass producible waystone alternative

Because thats i think the minimum that we need to do to actually meet the spirit of our deal with boris, and fucking off to another continent and throwing ourselves into battle unnecessarily before doing so would be shitty of mathilde, imo
Important. Part of the gigaflex, even - this spell covers a niche unmet in the grey corpus. I definitely wouldn't want to leave on the elfcation before passing this on.
I'd honestly not introduce this with the gigaflex. It's a little dubious, so maybe better to have that separate. The gigaflex is the AV gigaflex, AFAICT.
Didn't we already make the Orbs?

That would be a second set that you're proposing.
Honestly, I forgot, but you are completely correct. I'll edit it.
Tangentially, a request to planmakers: if your plan involves traveling to Nagarythe, please state explicitly how many actions your plan "borrows" from next turn, be that 0, 1, or 2, so that plans can be more easily compared.
Personally, deploying in Kislev makes the most sense, given the options presented to us.

And... I know there's a lot of enthusiasm for going on the Elfcation, but I feel like from a wider narrative perspective, this may be the worst possible time. Like... I don't know. It feels wrong.
From a comedic standpoint though it makes perfect sense! Codify knightbringer, erect the first waystone, submit the AV book and the morbs, leave for 3 months without comment.
I'd honestly not introduce this with the gigaflex. It's a little dubious, so maybe better to have that separate. The gigaflex is the AV gigaflex, AFAICT.
I disagree, but don't feel the need to press. I mean, yeah, the gigaflex is mainly morbs, but piling stuff on on top is the fun of it, right?

Regardless I don't want to go off on a dangerous adventure before passing knightbringer on.
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Second, we want to go on the journey, and we did promise to go, so let's actually go.
So I really want to kill Druchii before any negotations with Asur
Anyway if somehow we don't do Elfcation this turn, then I'd be up for finishing off the grey spellbook so we can go next turn. But I'd prefer this turn.
I would rather wait, Elfcation is an incredible opportunity to get access to a lot of unique assots if we can afford them, and we are pretty short on cash...

Besides that, I want to take a few self-improvement actions to round up Mathilde before going there...
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