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OK, now that I am home from a belated wedding anniversary dinner, it is time to post my updated plan. EDIT: Edited in response to feedback.

-[] 1 AP Overwork, no T45 actions used
-[] The Protector
-[] Waystone: Deploy in Kislev (Praag Region)
--[] With Zlata and Baba Niedzwenka
-[] Tributary: Dreaming Wood (Nordland)
--[] With Cadaeth, Sarvoi, and Hatalath
-[] Explore one of the Wards of Laurelorn (Storm)
--[] Write-in: Try to aid the local Faniour against gribblies and get Eike live combat experience
-[] [] [] Travel to Nagarythe at the invitation of Ambassador Daroir, and join their eternal war against Naggarothi invaders for three months.
-[] EIC: Assist in the creation of the magical route through the Schadensumpf, both personally and with the EIC's influence and resources
-[] KAU: Seek the publishing contacts to start acquiring large amounts of books from a nearby realm (Lothern)
-[] SERENITY: Aethyric Vitae 2/2
-[] Eike Actions: Explore Ward of Storm, KAU action
-[] Eike Study: Enchanting class at the Grey College (paid in CF), learn Khazalid

The idea is that we run out the first Waystones in Praag, because as mentioned the new Waystones are best-suited for this sort of territory and it is a useful symbolic action, but in order to show favor to Laurelorn at the same time we simultaneously get their Tributaries going (Dreaming Wood in Nordland means doing it in Laurelorn), fight gribblies in the Ward of Storm with Protector active, and work on the magic bridge. We then go to Nagarythe to fight dark elves and hopefully make a good impression on the Shadow Warriors, taking Eike to Lothern to get the limited-time chance at making Asur book contacts, but then send her back instead of leaving her there for three months.

I am, of course, open to feedback.

Tangentially, a request to planmakers: if your plan involves traveling to Nagarythe, please state explicitly how many actions your plan "borrows" from next turn, be that 0, 1, or 2, so that plans can be more easily compared.
Repeating this.
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Is the Karaz Ankor network supposed to be there? I thought we finished studying it.

Yes, there's further study that can be done that might have useful results.

Also when did Mathilde learn about the lost Black Fire Pass nexus? I guess it's different than the Forest of Gloom menhir.

Same thing, it was located in the Forest of Gloom (and hopefully still is) but its purpose was to establish a leyline through Black Fire Pass.
I'd be up for that but only after we actually take a look at the kislevite network, currently we have no idea I'm what state it is or if it could accept a new waystone.

@Boney : Are Mathilde, Baba, Zlata, or anyone else in the project confident that we can just connect this new waystone into Kislev's network? The update implies that it's not an issue.
Recall Boney said that these waystones are planned to be put on a river, upstream of a nexus.

The waystone just puts the winds in the water, and the nexus gets them out.

No need to directly interface with Kislev's network at all.
I'm categorically against any sentiment of "shoring up our skills before going on the Elfcation". We've already done that! It's an unending treadmill, and we already had a turn plan lean SUPER HARD into self-improvement for the purpose of going to Ulthuan Next Turn! Regardless of other concerns, I'm super hard against continuing the treadmill and delaying the payoff forever.

Put me down in support of a Praag Waystone. I think we can, and probably should, do multiple Waystone-setting actions and borrow an action for the Elfcation from the next turn (we are explicitly allowed to do that).
Honestly, I'm inclined to do the elfcation mostly on the basis of "let's just get this over with". Like I'm sure it'll be fun and all, Boney's good at writing adventures, but the main thing is that I don't want to spend yet more months with people talking about elfcation. Cross it off the list and be done with it.
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What would, hypothetically, a version of your plan look like without the side trip to punch Druchi in the face?
I don't think that that would still be a version of this plan at all, since the Coin and almost every main Mathilde action would be different.
I know I talked about Enchanting earlier, but I do want to note that we are running very low on CF.

Would this cost 5 CF?

Though on the other hand, I understand the desire to have her learning from someone else while we're gone.
1 CF or 50gc. Since we want to buy things in Lothern, spending the CF is fine; we drop from 5 to 4 and we get an influx from finishing the AV book (along with whatever we get from turning in the Orbs).
I think the absolute minimum actions a plan would need for me to vote for it this turn would be:

[ ] Waystone: Other Networks (Kislev)
[ ] Tributary: International (Kislev)
[ ] Waystone: Deploy (Probably pragg, but not 100% on that)

Though the specifics as to where to deploy...i'm torn on. I can see arguments for Pragg or Laurelorn, or even to an extent Black Water (between being on the shortlist of well suited locations, and as a "the dwarves let us look at their deepest secrets so they get first pick, remember that when we come looking for *your* network secrets..." sort of thing) or stirland/sylvania (the fact that with the tributaries already there, plus our existing relationship with roswita, it's likely to be the smoothest rollout of the 'well suited' options)

But yeah, get the first waystone out, make sure we know what we're doing when doing work in kislev, and get started on the tributaries in kislev like we tried to do like a year ago in universe. Personally i'd also probably want to consider doing some more waystone research, try and get some components together for a cheaper and leaner waystone, but those 3 are, imo, nonnegotiable
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@Boney this is now a mountain-sized tree.

I've thrown together a plan that makes use of WEB-MAT, deploys to Praag, sends the EIC to Nordland and gets started on getting Vlag's magic books. Oh, and it goes on Elfcation.

[] Plan: Deathbybunnies Couldn't Think Of A Cool Name Sorry Guys
-[ ] [ ] [ ] Travel to Nagarythe at the invitation of Ambassador Daroir, and join their eternal war against Naggarothi invaders for three months. (2 AP this turn)
--[ ] The Protector
-[ ] MAX: Receive dictation: specify which two papers or one book will be written (Linguistic Drift in Lizardmen Glyphs (FADING), The Polyphenic Theory of Lizardmen Society (FADING))
-[ ] JOHANN: Study an artefact: (Branulhune - investigate the odd flash when it is desummoned underwater)
-[ ] EGRIMM: Introduce Egrimm to Cython with hopes of some sort of information exchange
-[ ] Waystone: Deploy in Kislev (specify which: Praag Region)
-[ ] EIC: Insert agents into a particular province, cult, company, or institution to start gathering their secrets. (Nordland)
-[ ] Seek an exchange arrangement with another Library or a Karak's archives to be able to make copies of their corpus (Karak Vlag Archives)
-[ ] Write something else: Aethyric Vitae 2/2

EDIT: Overwork is available this turn!
- Mathilde's part in Waystone deployment will be sorting out the politics and logistics of making it happen, and then handing it off to others to handle the years of rote work involved.
Should we include specific Project members for the deployment action? Like, should we include the members who'd be presumably contributing X component to our current waystone, like Hatalath and Thorek and Tochter, at a minimum? Or not, for simplicity's sake, since Mathilde would be talking to these people anyway?
1 CF or 50gc. Since we want to buy things in Lothern, spending the CF is fine; we drop from 5 to 4 and we get an influx from finishing the AV book (along with whatever we get from turning in the Orbs).
If it's just 1 then I'm in favor.

Not 100% certain we're getting CF for the AV Book. If this is a sufficiently Big Deal, we might get paid in another way, like with the Queekish lexicon.
[] Plan: Deathbybunnies Couldn't Think Of A Cool Name Sorry Guys
-[ ] [ ] Travel to Nagarythe at the invitation of Ambassador Daroir, and join their eternal war against Naggarothi invaders for three months. (2 AP this turn)
--[ ] The Protector
-[ ] MAX: Receive dictation: specify which two papers or one book will be written (Linguistic Drift in Lizardmen Glyphs (FADING), The Polyphenic Theory of Lizardmen Society (FADING))
-[ ] JOHANN: Study an artefact: (Branulhune - investigate the odd flash when it is desummoned underwater)
-[ ] EGRIMM: Introduce Egrimm to Cython with hopes of some sort of information exchange
-[ ] Waystone: Deploy in Kislev (specify which: Praag Region)
-[ ] EIC: Insert agents into a particular province, cult, company, or institution to start gathering their secrets. (Nordland)
-[ ] Seek an exchange arrangement with another Library or a Karak's archives to be able to make copies of their corpus (Karak Vlag Archives)
-[ ] Write something else: Aethyric Vitae 2/2
Are you not using Overwork? It's free this turn.
If it's just 1 then I'm in favor.

Not 100% certain we're getting CF for the AV Book. If this is a sufficiently Big Deal, we might get paid in another way, like with the Queekish lexicon.
Maybe! But even if we drop to 4 CF and get nothing from our other stuff, we're still safe to pay the Hochlander and then start gaining again with Serenity and/or Max next turn, so I'm not worried.
-[] KAU: Seek the publishing contacts to start acquiring large amounts of books from a nearby realm (Lothern)
Does Eataine count as a nearby realm for the purposes of KAU?

-[] Eike Study: Enchanting class at the Grey College (paid in CF)
I'd prefer to have her learn Khazalid since she lives in a dwarf hold. The magic road is probably too magically advanced for her at this stage, so I don't think there'd be any synergy benefits here.
-[ ] MAX: Receive dictation: specify which two papers or one book will be written (Linguistic Drift in Lizardmen Glyphs (FADING), The Polyphenic Theory of Lizardmen Society (FADING))
-[ ] JOHANN: Study an artefact: (Branulhune - investigate the odd flash when it is desummoned underwater)
-[ ] EGRIMM: Introduce Egrimm to Cython with hopes of some sort of information exchange
Oho, I like the Max and Egrimm actions. Johann feels more tacked-on to me, but it's still a fun little bit of research so why not.
Should we include specific Project members for the deployment action? Like, should we include the members who'd be presumably contributing X component to our current waystone, like Hatalath and Thorek and Tochter, at a minimum? Or not, for simplicity's sake, since Mathilde would be talking to these people anyway?

Just assign people you want on hand for political wrangling and/or logistical troubleshooting. Mathilde will be handing off component construction to an off-screen team.

@Boney is establishing trade contacts in Lothern a viable EIC action? Would it be something Wilhelmina would find relatively useful?

Rocking up to Mercantilism Island and being all 'yes hello I would like to bypass your monopoly' during a layover is perhaps the sort of thing that would require a more trade-savvy individual than Mathilde actually is.
I'd prefer to have her learn Khazalid since she lives in a dwarf hold. The magic road is probably too magically advanced for her at this stage, so I don't think there'd be any synergy benefits here.
It'd be good to have her actually know some Enchantment the next time we put her on an enchanting action with Egrimm.
And Kislev has indeed put in a lot of effort.
I kind of feel like Kislev has contributed both the best and least of the many Waystone researchers involved. I like Zlata, but she hasn't been instrumental. Was Baba Zledwenka sent by Kislev, or did she just show up on her own?

For that reason, I do kind of like the statement about putting it in Praag.

But wasn't there something about Kislev having long reverse-engineered their own Waystone network and then telling nobody about it? And when called onto the mat about it, Zlata just went 'Eeeerh' and tugged at her collar nervously?

I kind of want to ding them for that.
study the foundation enchantment (the potential to make it easier was why we went with it despite the difficulty)
You're confusing the foundation with the storage component. The foundation was an art piece that any wizard could recreate but the elves believed humans could not deconstruct/understand, but then Egrimm came back with a modified version and a published research paper on the subject. The storage enchantment was a gigantic mess that will get streamlined as more of them are produced.
Honestly, I'm inclined to do the elfcation purely on the basis of "let's just get this over with". Like I'm sure it'll be fun and all, Boney's good at writing adventures, but the main thing is that I don't want to spend yet more months with people talking about elfcation. Cross it off the list and be done with it.
I would rather let people talk about elfaction for a few months rather than have all those people complaining until the end of time that we didn't have enough money to buy all the unique Shinies we could have picked in Ulthuan...
I am, of course, open to feedback.
Learning how to control the Arcane Mark that brings smoke toward our face would be pretty useful if we don't want to get smothered or poisoned...
Does Eataine count as a nearby realm for the purposes of KAU?

I'd prefer to have her learn Khazalid since she lives in a dwarf hold. The magic road is probably too magically advanced for her at this stage, so I don't think there'd be any synergy benefits here.
I asked Boney about the library action earlier.

The EIC action is an Eike assistance action, whereas learning Khazalid would be an Eike Study action, so those aren't in competition. I didn't have a great idea for another action for Eike to assist with beyond "Mathilde exposes her to combat under relatively controlled conditions" and "Mathilde brings her to Lothern and includes her in the library dealings" so I threw the bridge in; if you think she'd be better assisting a different action (or if I should swap one of Mathilde's actions to something Eike should do), let me know. But I prefer her finishing off Enchanting to learning Khazalid, since there's a reasonable chance that as our apprentice she learns it by immersion anyway, especially now that she has the Karaz Ankor Diplomacy skill.
I kind of feel like Kislev has contributed both the best and least of the many Waystone researchers involved. I like Zlata, but she hasn't been instrumental. Was Baba Zledwenka sent by Kislev, or did she just show up on her own?
Boris said he'd ask her via Erengrad's Boyar approximately ten seconds after Ljiljana went "I'll send Zlata".
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