At least in pickle's plan, the "look for gribblies" action could be replaced with Kazador scouting - seems like a good thing to bring Eike on, too.I had a reflexive "no!!!" reaction before reading the rest of it xD
Kazador trip sounds fun, but this turn has a lot of fun things competing for our attention...
I still want her to come to Lothern! That's why I have her on the KAU action!
Yeah, I was torn between the Ward of Storms one (to make better use of Protector and maybe skill up Eonir Diplomacy) vs "[ ] Receive training: Scouting from the Rangers of Karak Azul" and putting Eike on that, along with maybe a write-in for looking for an opportunity to give Eike combat experience (to get an Intrigue skillup).At least in pickle's plan, the "look for gribblies" action could be replaced with Kazador scouting - seems like a good thing to bring Eike on, too.
Don't worry, I shall make a plan involving it. Mostly because Shadow Wizard Murder Gang doesn't have nearly enough murder in it for the name.Ah, good.
Is there any interest in finishing up our Scouting skill before going to Ulthuan by taking a trip with Kazador and getting Eike blooded along the way? I know people were talking about it previously.
That is a good point about stuff she can do while Mathilde isn't around. My concern is that I would ideally like her to learn Bless Weapon before taking her fight gribblies in either Eastern Stirland or Laurelorn Forest. I don't mind adding Learn Khazalid as another study action, but I am worried about giving her to much to do. Maybe she doesn't need to learn Bless Weapon yet, I'll think about it. Overall however I disagree that "finding shinies" is uninteresting and I really prefer Eike study actions with good writing hooks because I want to read more of Boney's writing about Eike's adventures while she is not just tagging along with whatever we do.I just don't think that spending an Eike Study action on "finding shinies" is very interesting. I have every confidence in our ability to find appealing shinies without doing that. I'd rather the Study actions be stuff she can do during the three months we're gone, such as taking Enchanting classes and studying Khazalid per @Andres's idea. The issue with your proposed Eike Study action, even though I agree it has more writing hooks than mine, is that all of it requires Mathilde's attention or at least presence and Eike is stuck twiddling her thumbs when we're gone.
With Mathilde most of the way there already I would be surprised if the scouting training involved some live fire action, being honest.Yeah, I was torn between the Ward of Storms one (to make better use of Protector and maybe skill up Eonir Diplomacy) vs "[ ] Receive training: Scouting from the Rangers of Karak Azul" and putting Eike on that, along with maybe a write-in for looking for an opportunity to give Eike combat experience.
Sure, it'll generations before it is a problem. But this time lines of communication exist, beyond just Nordland and the people currently making money off the trees. Now Laurelorn and the Empire have signed a treaty with the Karaz Ankor, Ulthuan, and Kislev to stating that they will respect the waystone network. It'll be a hell of a lot harder for humans to cut down the trees from now on. The treaty breaches happened because Laurelorn kept on forgiving incursions and eventually they grew into a portion of the Ward of Frost being under human control. Why would Laurelorn even allow a single breach now? Is Ulthuan going to start encouraging the decline of the Waystone Network? Is the Karaz Ankor going to stop being dwarfs about agreements?I think that Laurelorn probably cares about the long-term stability of a human alliance and are way, way too familiar with the notion that our good intentions erode over time. Trust but verify, you know? Don't dangle temptation in front of the Middenland or Nordland peasants, because in a few generations the political will to punish them for treaty breaches might just not be there. This is especially important given the increased interaction with humans they'll have as a result of the fog bridge. Waystones would be more valuable for them, sure, but the current Waystone design just isn't optimized for their needs.
@Boney, I'm looking at Eike's character sheet. What's alchemy, how's it different from potions, is anyone but the Golds allowed to do it, and what books cover it?
I like this plan, though spending 2 actions in Laurelorn feels like a lot after how much time we've spent there. If our goal is to ingratiate ourselves with them, deploying tributaries seems like a much more significant action. Given we'd need to choose between actually using the protector (focusing on finding the big gribbly) and exploring the ward to train Eike, it seems even more tenuous.
This would let us build an alternate design with different strengths to the existing one. My thought is to focus more on easier/faster construction (not requiring archmages) and deployment away from rivers. That would be a good way to signal that everybody is getting a waystone, not just people with convenient rivers.My main concern with a parallel rollout is that now our different stakeholders are fighting for limited Archmage-hours spent doing the Storage enchantment and everything gets really ugly really fast.
@Boney, normally we get magic items and the like in the purchase update and that's usually fine. If we end up going with a plan that doesn't use the magic item, we still have it. Potions spoil though, which makes it problematic to get them. Would it be feasible to get them during a turn update or would that cause problems?
-[] 1 AP Overwork, no T45 actions used
-[] The Protector
-[] Waystone: Deploy in Kislev (Praag Region)
--[] With Zlata and Baba Niedzwenka
-[] Tributary: Dreaming Wood (Nordland)
--[] With Cadaeth, Sarvoi, and Hatalath
-[] Explore one of the Wards of Laurelorn (Storm)
--[] Write-in: Try to aid the local Faniour against gribblies and get Eike live combat experience
-[] [] [] Travel to Nagarythe at the invitation of Ambassador Daroir, and join their eternal war against Naggarothi invaders for three months.
-[] EIC: Assist in the creation of the magical route through the Schadensumpf, both personally and with the EIC's influence and resources
-[] KAU: Seek the publishing contacts to start acquiring large amounts of books from a nearby realm (Lothern)
-[] SERENITY: Aethyric Vitae 2/2
-[] Eike Actions: Explore Ward of Storm, KAU action
-[] Eike Study: Enchanting class at the Grey College (paid in CF), learn Khazalid
Wait is it a flat 2% chance of instant death no matter what, or is it like in Realms of Sorcery where it's 2% chance if an Extreme Volatility potion has spoiled?
I think Potion of Perceptive Clarity should be about regular hearing and seeing.Wait is it a flat 2% chance of instant death no matter what, or is it like in Realms of Sorcery where it's 2% chance if an Extreme Volatility potion has spoiled?The answer to 'can I specify in a plan to acquire something instead of having to wait to the end of turn' is 'yes'. That said, everything related to potions needs to be explicitly okayed by me before it comes anywhere near entering into a plan because people love to come up with cunning plans on the assumption that I won't actually roll for the 2% chance of instant death, and I haven't read and absolutely don't feel myself bound by whatever 4e has come up with regarding them.
The two potions I'm interested in are the Potion of Pain Denied (Major Volatility) and the Potion of Perceptive Clarity (Moderate Volatility). Would Mathilde benefit from the latter or do her magical senses mean she doesn't benefit from better hearing and seeing?
Any ideas for Eike?
Last turn we had her learn spycraft from the Hochlander, which revealed that she has 16 Intrigue, because she is Best Apprentice.
Ideally I'd like to find out her Piety, but I have no idea what an action for that would look like.
Wait is it a flat 2% chance of instant death no matter what, or is it like in Realms of Sorcery where it's 2% chance if an Extreme Volatility potion has spoiled?
The two potions I'm interested in are the Potion of Pain Denied (Major Volatility) and the Potion of Perceptive Clarity (Moderate Volatility). Would Mathilde benefit from the latter or do her magical senses mean she doesn't benefit from better hearing and seeing?
The Potion of Perceptive Clarity is about regular hearing and seeing, but what I'm not sure is if Mathilde benefits from regular hearing and seeing, or if her magical senses obsolete them.I think Potion of Perceptive Clarity should be about regular hearing and seeing.
And, to piggyback on this, is Potency Draught, also from 2e, okay? It has Minor Volatility (because those spoilage tables are scary).
Oh, sorry, I was trying to run things past you but I didn't try hard enough.The only way there's any chance at all of me okaying this is if you tell me exactly what it is you're trying to do. Asking extremely specific questions to lock an answer in before I know what your plan is just makes me assume the worst and think I should give a blanket no to all potion-related shenanigans.
The potions are for elfcation. The Potion of Perceptive Clarity is intended to be for when Mathilde is infiltrating a camp or interested in detecting highly skilled Druchii. In the former case, the purpose is to gain greater spatial awareness (hearing patrols and the like) and finding things of interest. In the latter case, it's to avoid getting assassinated while on a mission where there's a high chance of that or else to hunt an assassin that's good at hiding.
The Potion of Pain Denied is to assist in battle. The intent is to make Mathilde harder to injure, as well as to withstand pain, which is good because the Druchii are good at causing pain. If Mathilde is in pain, she fights and magicks worse.
If a flat 2% chance of death is the case, then I agree.Neither of these seem worth the chance of things going wrong, to me. Mathilde is very good at both these things without chemical aids and the possibility of side effects is harder to mitigate than just...avoiding or dealing with the situations that would necessitate them.
@Boney to be clear this was being sincere and admitting fault, not being sarcastic. Apologies if it came off as sarcasm.Oh, sorry, I was trying to run things past you but I didn't try hard enough.
Oh, sorry, I was trying to run things past you but I didn't try hard enough.
The potions are for elfcation. The Potion of Perceptive Clarity is intended to be for when Mathilde is infiltrating a camp or interested in detecting highly skilled Druchii. In the former case, the purpose is to gain greater spatial awareness (hearing patrols and the like) and finding things of interest. In the latter case, it's to avoid getting assassinated while on a mission where there's a high chance of that or else to hunt an assassin that's good at hiding.
The Potion of Pain Denied is to assist in battle. The intent is to make Mathilde harder to injure, as well as to withstand pain, which is good because the Druchii are good at causing pain. If Mathilde is in pain, she fights and magicks worse.
Then, would you be open to making a plan without elfcation too?I don't think that that would still be a version of this plan at all, since the Coin and almost every main Mathilde action would be different.
Would not be my favorite use of time compared to so many other actions we might be doing.defending Ulthuan's shittiest real estate against the latest wave of disposable mooks that the Druchii kicked off the boat here