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I actually tried doing this and it didn't work, but I assume it was just Twitter having some sort of temporary error
Imgur should just allow you to just copy paste it directly—
- Right click the image on twitter.
- Copy image
- Paste image on Imgur (Ctrl+V, or Cmd+V)
If you do use Imgur I'd recommend being logged in, since there's been word that they plan on deleting old images that aren't tied to accounts.
Another thing we could at least hypothetically talk about without much impact on the actions we still have this turn is library purchases. I think that given how much stuff the Nuld library had it makes sense to save purchases for things we are unlikely to just stumble over and which we have some use for. So I was thinking something like

Barak Var: Nehekara, Land of the Dead, The Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan, ???
Purchase: The Druchii of Naggaroth Obscure and Esoteric Imperial (150 Gold)

Reasoning and a question:

  1. We are unlikely to find books on Nehekara in say the minor colleges or the Eagle Academy stacks and I do not think Karag Vlag even knows where that is but we do have those notes and they are likely to be quite useful as we learn more about enchanting and generally about how magic is bound to the material world
  2. Yes, I know we are only getting the equivalent of 300 Gold out of this not the maximum of 500, but as the Teclis showed the Asur are on their way, I would rather have as much context and information for that conversation as we can than just the greatest mass of book we can have
  3. The Druchi are literally just 150 Gold left it felt like a waste to take up a slot with only that much stuff and even so our coffers would grow by 70 gold even with the purchase this turn

So now for the obvious question of obviousness, what do you guys thing we should put in that third slot? I think it should be something we want dwarf books in particular for since this is by far the best ways to get dwarf books on any subject. I could have slotted in Ethics for more of a grounding to teach Eike, but let's be honest that is so marginal at this point I am not sure it would have any impact on the narrative.
I suspect the reason Nuln didn't give us Obscure and Esoteric Imperial books on the Druuchi is that the Empire doesn't have Obscure or Esoteric books on the Druuchi at all - the two states barely interact, with only the occasional raids on the Empire's north coast reminding the Empire that they exist.
I suspect the reason Nuln didn't give us Obscure and Esoteric Imperial books on the Druuchi is that the Empire doesn't have Obscure or Esoteric books on the Druuchi at all - the two states barely interact, with only the occasional raids on the Empire's north coast reminding the Empire that they exist.

Well that is something we can ask since the book contacts would know IC. @Boney is this as large far as the imperial collection of books on the Druchi goes or do they have the full +5?
I'm pretty sure Boney has every culture either give a full +5 or none at all for a topic, to simplify bookkeeping.

Though speaking of books, I guess the GUoN only does major gods (as in major enough to make chargen) since I didn't see any for, say, Handrich, even though there was one for Khaine. As for another god thing, should we out-of-pocket the remaining 100gc of Ulric books, what with that religious schism probably being relevant to us?
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Though speaking of books, I guess the GUoN only does major gods (as in major enough to make chargen) since I didn't see any for, say, Handrich, even though there was one for Khaine. As for another god thing, should we out-of-pocket the remaining 100gc of Ulric books, what with that religious schism probably being relevant to us?
We have Minor Gods of the Old World of the Old World in our library:
Minor Gods of the Old World +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
I would guess Handrich falls in that topic. I would also guess that Nuln University had at least a +1 on that topic, but we'll never know because we had the +5 in advance.
I would guess Handrich falls in that topic. I would also guess that Nuln University had at least a +1 on that topic, but we'll never know because we had the +5 in advance.
Then again, Boney did say yes about if Handrich was its own book category. Or maybe that's only for Marienburg stuff. (Does Marienburger even consistute a separate nationality on the shelves, or is it still functionally Imperial from not enough cultural divergence?) On the other hand, I can also find a WoQM saying Imperials didn't have books on Estalia, so the point seems to be that what appears in quest updates and official informational sheets overrides old WoQMs.
I believe Kragg know of Eike from when we ordered the Brahrune training sword and Kragg basically went "why are you bothering for the top runesmith in all of drawrven realm for a training sword", and sent us off to this runesmith family instead.

Dunno if Kragg meet her, but at very least he would know of her. I do also feel, that at least as a friend umgi of some competence, he'd at very least keep an slight eye out on for rumours and stuff surronding Mathilde
Well that is something we can ask since the book contacts would know IC. @Boney is this as large far as the imperial collection of books on the Druchi goes or do they have the full +5?
I'm pretty sure Boney has every culture either give a full +5 or none at all for a topic, to simplify bookkeeping.

Though speaking of books, I guess the GUoN only does major gods (as in major enough to make chargen) since I didn't see any for, say, Handrich, even though there was one for Khaine. As for another god thing, should we out-of-pocket the remaining 100gc of Ulric books, what with that religious schism probably being relevant to us?
This isnt the case. We know the Karaz Ankor only has books up to Extensive for Greatswords via the Cult of Gazul, but aside from them it's not a weapon they use, so they don't have Obscure or higher.

Back when we were Loremaster, people bought Karaz Ankor books on Sevir, the Winds of Magic, up to Extensive, and I assume that's the limit because a) the most Runesmiths get close to the Winds in general is to use them to charge runes, and b) if there were more the thread would have immediately bought them.

Edit: But to answer the question, I could swear that Boney confirmed the Empire does in fact have Druchii up to Esoteric.

Edit 2: Nevermind, I've been searching and all I found was that a) the Karaz Ankor has no actual knowledge on Druchii besides records on when their ships were attacked by them at sea, which is not enough to get even one point of a library bonus, and b) the Empire is the one polity on the planet that, besides dwarves, interacts the least with Druchii. It is possible that the most we have on them is up to Extensive.
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Well if we cannot get anymore books on the dark elves we cannot get anymore, the thing I am more focused on is what to take as a third option. Some ideas:
  1. Geography books on the Southlands or books about the lizardmen, they might help with writing the papers commenting on the work of the Asur explorer
  2. Finish off our books about the Mountains of Mourne or if we can grab it books about the Ogre Kingdoms. It is a very long term thing but it we could get some more Wasystone gold it would be very useful. I mean for one we would be able to do something closer to the design of the original and that has really stood the test of time. True we would never be able to do so for all Waystones, but some is better than none and we could save the titan mental capstones for high priority stones in places where they might get disturbed
  3. Books about er.. boats, not even sure what that would come under, naval tactics maybe. Eike loves those and it is a good thing for her to have hobbies, helps keep her sane. Just ask Mathilde about her romance and smut collection. :V
  1. Geography books on the Southlands or books about the lizardmen, they might help with writing the papers commenting on the work of the Asur explorer
Not available, I asked about this a few months ago when you first proposed the idea, because it was a good one for last turn's purchase round if it were viable:
For Boney (no rush hence no @): I am curious about to what degree can we acquire Imperial/Dwarf books on the following topics. I have spent some time searching through your old posts and could not find these previously asked; apologies if I missed something.
  • Civilized Realms topic on Tilea
  • Civilized Realms topic on Estalia
  • Geography topic on Lustria
  • Geography topic on the Southlands
  • Either Civilized Realms or Enemies of Man topic on Lizardmen (if Imperial books on this are available, would they have to be acquired through the Colleges rather than Barak Varr?)
I ask because I'm kicking around purchase round ideas and @DragonParadox's idea about getting books to support the work on the Asur Explorer's rubbings stuck in my head as a possible good use of our library budget, and/or books on Tilea and Estalia to support eventual mapping actions and visiting the Los Cabos Nexus.
Both available for Tilea and Estalia, neither available for the others.
I agree that there's no obvious third for an Ulthuan/Nehekhara Barak Varr purchase, but maybe one will turn up over the course of the rest of the turn. And if not, I am fine with just getting 10 points of books about naval warfare and letting Eike have some fun on her downtime, that's a cute idea. Or we could shrug off the inefficiency and just use it to flesh out the Dwarf half of a topic we have full Imperial books on, like Tilea or Estalia.
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How about a second set of books on Nehekara?

My preference would be for the Pantheon books, but Incantations could be interesting.

I mean could we even get those with a Barak Var purchase? They sound like the kind of exotic magical/religious books that one has to go to the Colleges for. I would love the pantheon books if we could get them, maybe we even learn a bit more about Ranald's serpentine alter ego.
There's also Nehekhara the Geography topic, if we're planning on examining their network.
Alas, not available from the Empire, but we could get the +5 Dwarf with a Barak Varr purchase.
Would it be correct to presume the Badlands, Araby and Nehekhara are their own separate geography topics? And if so, are there any that wouldn't be available from either the Empire or the Dwarfs?
Empire doesn't have Nehekhara.
How about a second set of books on Nehekara?

My preference would be for the Pantheon books, but Incantations could be interesting.
Alas, those are Collegiate books, not Barak Varr books, so not available to be combined with books on the polity of Nehekhara (which is a Barak Varr-eligible topic).
Nehekharan Cosmology
The Nehekharan Pantheon +0
The Mortuary Cult +0
The Lore of Nehekhara +0
Nehekharan War-Statuary +0

The Colleges have books on them all, the Dwarves on the Pantheon and War-Statuary.
@Boney I feel the need to ask for clarification because I think I'm tripping myself up: you listed some time back the Nehekharan Cosmology topics (including their Pantheon), and you said the Imperial books on them were via the Colleges.

But the Colleges library purchase options have said they are for magical non-divine topics. Is this one of those times that categorization just sort of shrugs and moves on?
It's an exception to the norm. The Empire's study of Nehekhara is a scholarly one, not something controlled by a living church with a presence in the Empire that will get stroppy about people publishing their secrets.
(We've asked a lot of questions about library topics over the last year and change, so a lot of stuff is available in old QM posts. That said, I agree with Parabola that we have not gotten a specific answer as to how deep the Druchii topic goes in Imperial books. I think it's likely available up to Esoteric, but it hasn't been ruled on.)
Boney confirmation on individual library topics that we don't possess:
(That I could find. Please inform me if you have specific quotes on certain other topics)

Araby - Dwarven and Empire
Nehakhara - Dwarven
Lustria - Neither Dwarven or Empire or Eonir (maybe the Asur have some?)
Southlands - Neither Dwarven or Empire or Eonir

Social Sciences
Tylos - Dwarven (Empire has only Tilean derived-or-translated books)
Strygos - Dwarven and Empire
Nehekhara - Dwarven and Empire
Araby - Dwarven and Empire
Druchii of Naggaroth - Empire (from Marienburg, for the more advanced books; meanwhile, Dwarves have nothing on their society proper besides records on how they met them as pirates)
Beastmen - Eonir (possibly the only other group apart from themselves that they have anything on)
Lizardmen - Neither Dwarven or Empire or Eonir (Asur might have some)

Beastman Wild Magic - Eonir (allowed despite being magical due to the basis of Laurelorn's alliance with Middenland being fighting Beastmen)
Forest Spirits - Eonir (confirmed that they see them as mundane and not a magical topic), Dwarven (presumably via Karak Norn)
Necromancy - Dwarven (presumably via the Cult of either Thungni or Gazul)
Hedge Magic - It's quite likely there aren't enough books on it for them to count as library-point-worthy, but if they did exist, we'd probably have to cozy up to one or several or all of the Wissenland Hedgewise, Templars, Longshanks and the Witch Hunter wing of the Knights of the White Wolf; or else find some other way to shake them down for reading material.

The Nehekharan Pantheon - Dwarven and Empire (via Colleges)
Nehekharan War-Statuary - Dwarven and Empire (via Colleges)
The Mortuary Cult - Empire (via Colleges)
Nehekharan Incantations - Empire (via Colleges)
Individual Nehekharan deities - Araby and Nehekhara only

Elven Gods - Dwarven (not available for purchase, but the Karaz Ankor as a whole probably has them somewhere), Eonir (some gods might not have a unique enough insight into them to count as separate from Asur books),
--Khaine - Empire (via Witch Hunter groups, including probably the Cult of Sigmar)

Dwarven Gods - Asur (unknown availability but almost certainly not public)

Sigmar - Both Empire and Dwarven (only Old World deity the dwarves have anything on)

Note: A library bonus represents a given source's perspective on the subject. As such, given that they've just barely come out of isolation, the Eonir have very little regarding other polities or Geography outside the Old World. They would have stuff on Beastmen because they fight them all the time, and maaaybe stuff on Greenskins due to Forest Goblins or possibly Daemons due to occasional incursions, but nothing at all on the Empire, for instance.

@Boney would "Gods of Nehekara" be a single library purchase category or is there enough written about them for individual gods to be their own category? Also who's the Nehekaran version of Nethu? I don't think a name was given in the update.
It would be a single category outside of Nehekharan and Arabyan sources.

But what book topics actually cover Strygos and Tylos for library purposes? I imagine Tilea for the latter, not so sure for the former.
Each would be its own topic. Strygos had a long and complicated history, and Tileans and Estalians have poured a lot of scholarship into Tylos.

@Boney, would books on Nehekharan gods be their own subject (like Minor Gods of the Old World), their own section (like Old World Pantheon), or part of books on Nehekhara? Do Bretonnia, the Empire, or the dwarves have books on them?
Nehekharan Cosmology
The Nehekharan Pantheon +0
The Mortuary Cult +0
The Lore of Nehekhara +0
Nehekharan War-Statuary +0

The Colleges have books on them all, the Dwarves on the Pantheon and War-Statuary.

@Boney, do the dwarves have books on the major Old World gods? (I'm guessing no on the minor ones.)
No, the Empire and Nehekhara's pantheons differ in a lot of ways that make it so that the Dwarves can safely regard the Gods of the Empire as the Empire's business, but they had to take the Gods of Nehekhara into account when dealing with them. Nehekhara's Gods and the worship thereof were a lot more centralized, static, interconnected, and societally dominant than the Empire's.

That said, they would have books on Sigmar specifically.

Does this mean that if we used our Barak Varr library purchase on Tylos, we would only get Dwarf books? Or does it mean that the "Imperial" books we get would be, mechanically, translated Tilean books (the way our Geography of Cathay books are mechanically Cathayan (T))? If the latter, would we still get Extensive and Esoteric, or a lower level due to not everything being available in translation?
You'd get a less than +5 amount of what is effectively translated Tilean books.

For Boney (no rush hence no @): I am curious about to what degree can we acquire Imperial/Dwarf books on the following topics. I have spent some time searching through your old posts and could not find these previously asked; apologies if I missed something.
  • Civilized Realms topic on Tilea
  • Civilized Realms topic on Estalia
  • Geography topic on Lustria
  • Geography topic on the Southlands
  • Either Civilized Realms or Enemies of Man topic on Lizardmen (if Imperial books on this are available, would they have to be acquired through the Colleges rather than Barak Varr?)
I ask because I'm kicking around purchase round ideas and @DragonParadox's idea about getting books to support the work on the Asur Explorer's rubbings stuck in my head as a possible good use of our library budget, and/or books on Tilea and Estalia to support eventual mapping actions and visiting the Los Cabos Nexus.
Both available for Tilea and Estalia, neither available for the others.

Are there Imperial and/or Dwarven books on Araby (the kingdom)?
It's not currently a kingdom, but yes.

And, because I'm not too clear on it, are Araby and Nehekhara just part of the general (Geography) Old World topic?
No, they aren't part of the Old World. The Old World ends somewhere in the Badlands, though precisely where is a bit fuzzy.

Would it be correct to presume the Badlands, Araby and Nehekhara are their own separate geography topics?

And if so, are there any that wouldn't be available from either the Empire or the Dwarfs?
Empire doesn't have Nehekhara.

@Boney In general, should we assume the Eonir have no books on groups and polities aside from themselves and Beastmen (from all the invasions) due to how isolated they've been and their information being outdated?
They have some books on outside groups, but the information within them would be only of value for understanding the Eonir and their circumstances. Their view of the Empire in most of them is along the lines of that it consists of two parts, Nordland and Middenland, and possibly some others, maybe? Their main hobbies are chopping down trees and failing to abide by the deals they make.

However since we have access to the Library of Mournings and Lustria does not look like a military topic (maybe except the Slann?), I wanted to to ask does the Library of Mournings contain information about Lustria and Lizardmen (geography, history, Saurian lexicon, etc.)? And if so are we allowed to copy said books?
You can't ask the question inside the Library of Mournings without starting a raging debate about whether Zoats count, which are the only arguable Lizardmen that have any real information present inside the Library. There's only very passing references to the Slann, and you'd need to ICly know a lot more about them to recognize those references as such. Currently I think the most information Mathilde has on the Slann is one of the Wizards she's met once fought a 'magical frog'.

Given this, can we presume that the Karaz Ankor has books on the Elven Pantheon?
Not for general sale, but they'd exist somewhere.

By the way @Boney I think this was asked already, but what kinds of books does the Karaz Ankor have available on Human or Elven gods, if any?
The only God with books available for purchase is Sigmar. It's possible they might have books on Elven Gods, but if they do they'd be buried deep in some extremely old archives so wouldn't be available to Mathilde right now.

@Boney Does the Empire have enough experience dealing with Khaine cults for them to have Khaine as a separate book topic as opposed to part of the overview on the entire elven pantheon? If so, would that be a College topic?
Not available through the Colleges.
Would it be a Sigmarite thing due to the Witch Hunters being on the front lines against Khaine cults?
Any of the major Witch Hunter groups, or through a well-established Cult of Khaine.

@Boney In general, should we assume the Eonir have no books on groups and polities aside from themselves and Beastmen (from all the invasions) due to how isolated they've been and their information being outdated?
They have some books on outside groups, but the information within them would be only of value for understanding the Eonir and their circumstances. Their view of the Empire in most of them is along the lines of that it consists of two parts, Nordland and Middenland, and possibly some others, maybe? Their main hobbies are chopping down trees and failing to abide by the deals they make.
Well, that answers that question. Might as well ask the other one outright: Does the Empire have any books on the Ancestor Gods?
No. There are some Imperial books on the subject, but they're so surface-level that they don't really give any insight on the Ancestor God, just Dwarven society, so they go in the Karaz Ankor section.
For that matter, does anyone else that we know of? I certainly don't think we'll find Eonir or Bretonnian books on them.
The Asur would.
@Boney Could we copy stuff on forest spirits out of the Library of Mournings, or does that count as a magical topic and therefore not work?
You could. It would count as a magical topic for just about anyone else, but the Eonir treat it them as mundane.
Spirits could theoretically be studied as a holistic category, but Mathilde is not aware of anyone that has done so. Apparitions is its own category, Spites and Dryads fall under Forest Spirits, formerly human spirits would fall under either Necromancy, Shyish, or the lore of various death gods. Dwarves would have Forest Spirits, Necromancy, and Gazul lore.
Mathilde is not aware of the existence of any such books, since they're heavily suppressed practitioners of an outlawed art that has had their legitimacy actively undermined by the three most powerful Cults in the Empire. If enough books to fill a few shelves do exist, you'd probably need to cozy up to either or both of the Wissenland Hedgewise or the Templars, Longshanks, and the Witch Hunter wing of the Knights of the White Wolf to get them, or find some other way to shake them down for reading materials.

Edit: We have successfully acquired the Library of Mournings. Rejoice, everyone.
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I'd think they'd have some, but I'd expect no more than, like, the Empire does. So some but not very many.
I believe Boney has it that the colonies were kept out of the Sundering entirely?

And then post-Sundering the Druchii first surfaced when they attacked Ulthuan during the War of Vengeance, which was immediately before the colonists isolated to Laurelorn.

The Eonir don't even have actual-topic books on the Empire, and they have definitely had more exposure to them than the Druchii.
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The Dwarves (most likely) have books on the Elven pantheon as a whole, but they're not publicly accessible and we'd need to make a deal with the right Karak's archives to get them. IIRC the Colleges also have Imperial books for the Elven pantheon, but I can't find the citation for it. Imperial Khaine books also exist, but we need to get them from non-College sources.

It's possible they might have books on Elven Gods, but if they do they'd be buried deep in some extremely old archives so wouldn't be available to Mathilde right now.
Given this, can we presume that the Karaz Ankor has books on the Elven Pantheon?
Not for general sale, but they'd exist somewhere.

On Imperial Khaine books:
Not available through the Colleges.
Any of the major Witch Hunter groups, or through a well-established Cult of Khaine.

I'm not even sure if the Eonir have books on the Empire, and they have definitely had more exposure to them than the Druchii.
Yeah, only Beastmen and Eonir. They don't have books on anyone else due to isolation.
@Boney In general, should we assume the Eonir have no books on groups and polities aside from themselves and Beastmen (from all the invasions) due to how isolated they've been and their information being outdated?
They have some books on outside groups, but the information within them would be only of value for understanding the Eonir and their circumstances.
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Social Sciences
Tylos - Dwarven (Empire has only Tilean derived-or-translated books)
Strygos - Dwarven and Empire
Nehekhara - Dwarven and Empire
Araby - Dwarven and Empire
Druchii of Naggaroth - Empire (unknown amount; Dwarves have nothing on their society proper besides records on how they met them as pirates)
Beastmen - Eonir (they fight them a lot)
Lizardmen - Neither Dwarven or Empire or Eonir
Probably worth including a note that the Eonir have nothing except for Beastmen?
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