Now, the promised hypothetical:
As the armies are preparing for a major clash, magister patriarchs are tasked with assigning their wizards to the areas where they can provide the most impact. Mathilde, who is both a great fighter and a rider, and is alsocapable of getting her unit through an otherwise impassable terrain is assigned to a large unit of knights. That unit is supposed to counter charge across a bog and hit the enemy in the flank or a rear.
So, the moment comes, they charge through, smash a unit of Chaos Warriors with power of surprise and MMM... only to be confronted with a herd of trolls.
Now. Without pit of shades or other killy BM we don't exactly have much to do. Flask can kill a few, but this is a herd, it won't be enough. MMM will help, but there is only so slow and clumsy a troll can get. We can sword them good, but again, this is a herd, it will take a lot of time to kill them and they will take plenty of knights with them. Worse yet, the charge stalls, the counter attack gets stuck in a grind and we are at a risk of being counter attacked in turn and potentially routed.
With Pit of Shades on the other hand, we cast it and significant chunk of the herd is gone. At that point we can kill the rest with other means and move on.
Or perhaps we are confronted with Hellcannons. Unlike normal cannons those things are nasty melee combatants, maybe we can beat them, maybe not, but in any case prologned combat risks us getting counter attacked and overwhelmed. Pit of Shades will straight up remove them. Or at least destroy most of them so we can clean up fast and keep rampaging or retreat safely.
- Mathilde is... probably sleeping after a hard night of assassinating part of the enemy leadership the night before.
- As for Hellcanons use our wealth of unwholesome knowledge to get in close and unbind the demons
Rolling for Codifying Rite of Way: Learning, X+29+5(Library: Ulgu)
Er, I think there might be another +20 in there from the Gambler.
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