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Honestly, a massive library full of lore and skill books being temporarily closed due to the librarians losing their magical ability to speak and needing you brave adventurers to retrieve a magical item granting them speech again so you can reopen the library and get the hook to the next adventure or the lore on the big bad of whatever campaign you're on sounds like exactly something I could see popping up in a game.

Mandred should be kept out of the Bright College as much as possible to prevent the temptation of using a future Elector Count (and possible Emperor)'s influence to decide once and for all which spell of flaming sphere deserves the name Fireball.
If it doesn't risk causing a TPK because you cast it somewhere small enough to fill the room, does it really deserve to be called Fireball and not, I don't know, Emberball?
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Hoeth
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] A translation of the Indic Aqshy books obtained from the Elementalists (1 CF)
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
Adventure Hook
So, I was struck by inspiration and wrote a thing.

DM: "Your party enters the tavern, dejected after a week of being rejected or expelled from every library in Nuln. (Seriously, how do you fail *that* many diplomacy checks? Jeez.) It's a dim, smoky place, with a shadowy figure in every corner. The bar is relatively crowded, but there's plenty of open tables to choose from. What do you do?"

Imperial Dwarf: "I'll go grab us some drinks at the bar."
Journeyman Bright Wizard: "I'll grab us a table near one of the shadowy corners."
DM: Alright, you collect your drinks and gather around a table. At the table next to yours is an older man in grey, with... something strange about his beard. Roll perception.
ID: 4.
JBW: 9?
Ratcatcher 1: Nat 1, wow.
Wood Elf: 17.
Ratcatcher 2: 8 for me. But my dog rolled a 19?

DM: Sadly, the dog doesn't have the context for this, but your elven eyes see that the edges of his beard seem to flicker and dissolve into smoke occasionally.

Wood Elf: Oh wow. Demon?
R1: Probably. Should we kill it?
R2: Eh, might as well let him give us a quest first and kill him when he inevitably turns into a monster and betrays us at the end.
ID: Heh, sure, that works.
JBW: There's, probably a lot of things he could be. Might as well leave it alone for now. Anyways, so what are we going to do next? If we can't get any books about skaven where will we even start on following up on that lead we got from the Cult of Yellow Fangs?
R1: Well, we could always just head into the tunnels and wait to get ambushed.
WE: Pass.
ID: We could try to find some other dwarves to ask? They'd probably know. (Can't believe I crit failed that history check to see what I knew about skaven...)
R2: Heck, maybe the dwarves have a library that could help us translate those letters we found.

DM: Suddenly, the man with the smoky beard is standing at your table, grinning down at you all. "A dwarven library eh? Letters to translate? I know just the place. If you don't mind doing a little job, I'm sure I could get you an in."

R1: I panic at the sudden voice and punch him. *rolls* 19!
DM: Wow. *rolls* He vanishes before you touch him and reappears on the other side of the table. "Now, that wasn't very polite. But I'll give it a pass just the once." *passes a note to JBW*
JBW: Huh.
WE: "Sorry about that, he's, jumpy."
ID: Well, definitely *something* supernatural.
R2: "So, what's the job, and what's the place?"

DM: "Far to the south, in Karak Eight Peaks, lies the library of Kron-Azril-Ungol. The owner of said library has gathered lore and knowledge from across the world to it, including copying most of what you could find in this very city. Sadly, the librarians are having some magical difficulties and have lost all ability to speak. To remedy this, the Lady Weber, head of the library, commissioned an item from the mysterious Grey Lords of Laurelorn. She would have collected it herself, but she had urgent business. Something about an 'Elfcation', and how she wouldn't have free AP for years if she put it off again? Hm. Regardless, if you're willing, take this letter to the Grey Lords and bring the item south to Eight Peaks and I'm sure the librarians will help you learn whatever you could need."

WE: Oh wow. A trip home. That... will be interesting.
JBW: Hey, backstory tie in! We definitely have to do it. *rolls something after being prompted by the DM and gets another note.* Oh, cool.
R2: A dwarven library commissioning something from elves? Sounds fishy.
ID: Well, if it gets us the info, we'll deal with whatever shady stuff is up. Let's do it.

*Months of adventuring across the empire, seeing a cool fog bridge, retrieving the item and doing it all again back down the continent to eight peaks later, they've delivered the item and are about to receive entry into the library*

DM: You step inside the grand doors, passing into the library at long last. In the distance rows of stone shelves loaded with books extend as far as you can see. In front of you is what you assume to be a reception desk manned by a human. Roll perception.

R2: 6.
R1: Nat 20!
WE: Ugh, 5.
ID: 10.
JBW: 3.

DM: *passes note to R1*

DM: ... Alright, roll it.
R1: 18! Awesome!
ID: What is going on?
WE: Spiders? Like, normal or monstrous?
R2: This is going to be a mess, isn't it?
JBW: Oh, yeah, I forgot to share that note I got about this place, didn't I? Crap.
WE: Uhh...

DM: Your axe flies true, punching into the carapace of the horse sized spider lurking on the ceiling above you. An unholy shrieking arises throughout the library. A cunningly hidden trapdoor lifts in front of the party and several spiders lunge out at R1. *rolls* *rolls* *rolls* Roll 3 con saves.
R1: *rolls* Uhh.... 18, 7, 9? That sounds bad.
DM: You collapse, entirely paralyzed as several spiders dogpile (spiderpile?) you.
Entire party: "WHAT?!"
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Sounds realistic.
A party of semi-interested adventurers would propably go straight into the Library and be surprised by spiders, rather than rest a bit and ask literally any local anything about the library and its keepers.
The party and DM are clearly down for the shenanigans from accidentally attacking people.

And diplomacy checks is obviously an injoke, and what they call when he attacks someone by accident. Ergo, they're banned from every library in Nuln because they punched every librarian in the face. Damn those sneaky, quiet librarians.
I just realized:

It's known that projecting a 3 dimensional shape (like the surface of a planet) onto a 2d plane (like a map) introduces distortion, and that in a Mercator projection, which is/was the most commonly used form for world maps, that distortion manifests as an inflation of size the closer you get to the poles, such that the poles are projected as infinite and can't be displayed.

That sounds quite familiar, doesn't it?

So we can explain the weird anomalies of the Chaos Wastes as Chaos trying to make the planet conform to an idealized 2 dimensional plane instead of a real 3 dimensional curved surface, and the further you get into the Wastes, the greater the distortion, such that when you reach the Polar Gates, it becomes effectively infinite in size, which is how we get large Chaos groups that we can't otherwise explain the logistics of—they have infinite territory.

That sounds like overcomplication tbh. On Earth, there's very large amount of space near poles that can't support much life because it's simply too cold there. All Chaos needed to do was to raise ambient temperature to the point where it can sustain grazeland and graze animals. Humans would do the rest by themselves.
Also about the smoky beard, is there not one player who knows all the arcane marks by heart and call that out as a variant of an Ulgu Mark?
You'll note that the wizard of the party kept getting notes and is very bad at explaining to the rest of the party what's going on. The note after Regimand teleported/was always actually on the other side of the table was totally, "That was grey wizard magic, you're pretty sure." lol.

Honestly, I was looking for a part to slip in a joke about only 1 of the players having read the campaign/setting notes and being surprised when the rest of the party didn't know something but I ended up going for the note joke instead after I realized I'd set it up. Wish I knew enough about the warhammer rpg to have written it in that, but I'm a dnd player at heart.
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You did this a hundred times in your teenage years. Your Master picked a random citizen, and you tailed them for a week or two, learning as much as you could about them and then coming up with plans to kidnap, kill, or suborn them. But you never actually went through with it.
Was doing a spot of rereading and found this passage. One of the activities Mathilde did as an apprentice was, er, tailing practice.
Nordland infiltration is also something Eike can do, so that'll be a good way to train intrigue with her—especially with the Hochlander assisting. He specialises in that sort of stuff, after all, and I want to do more spy stuff with him.

It's kind of a shame that the spy stuff is competing with the economy stuff. I know we can just use normal actions for EIC stuff—we're not limited to just one EIC action a turn, we just get the first one free-ish, but then it starts conflicting with all the other stuff we want to do as well.
I think we could assign Eike to try doing the Nordland infiltration herself? Rather than Mathilde leading it, Eike would be in charge.
By the way, I'm getting tired of referring to her as Pan's mom. Hope we get a name for her eventually.
She keeps showing up as an option in dice rolls, but sadly Mathilde always just misses her. Could she be part Wisdom's Asp? :thonk:
Was doing a spot of rereading and found this passage. One of the activities Mathilde did as an apprentice was, er, tailing practice.

I think we could assign Eike to try doing the Nordland infiltration herself? Rather than Mathilde leading it, Eike would be in charge.
I wonder how much of Mathilde's apprenticeship tailing practice was Regimand using her to supplement his Altdorf focused spywork, like we're contemplating with Eike.

Ranald's just being a bro and helping Mathilde avoid having to make awkward conversation with her girlfriend's mom.

If there was ever an Entity that knows just how it feels to have some slight sympathy but also a massive amount of intractable differences with your partner's mom, it would be Him :p
Reminder that even the traditionalists have factions. Panoramia's mom is one of the most extreme, Tochter is also part of the Druids and she is perfectly fine with male Wizards, at least one of her sons in canon is a Wizard. Pan's mom isn't the only example we have of traditionalists.

By the way, I'm getting tired of referring to her as Pan's mom. Hope we get a name for her eventually.
Isn't Pan's mom Lady Magister Arburg? She was noted as recently promoted to LM when we saw her duel Dragomas, which we know is also true for Pan's mom.
Ranald's just being a bro and helping Mathilde avoid having to make awkward conversation with her girlfriend's mom.
She'd be the type to ask why there aren't any granddaughters yet. And then condenscendingly offer to help*. Which yeah, that would be intensely awkward. Ranald is doing us a solid there.

*IIRC, that's something the Jades can do? But I might be misremembering, and mixing up the Boney post of "Jades can help Wilhelmina" and "Mathilde can adopt".
Personally I would like to supervise eikes first spy mission. We know she is decent in it but we do not know anything specific.

Also nordland is still a rather angry state and having a grey apprentice bungle something there is just a bad look...
Isn't Pan's mom Lady Magister Arburg? She was noted as recently promoted to LM when we saw her duel Dragomas, which we know is also true for Pan's mom.
Her hand squeezes yours. "I guess I had fooled myself into thinking that I could just put it off forever. The worst part is, if I had just done it as soon as possible, Ma would have still been just a Magister. But now she's a Lady Magister, so she'll be part of the Sonnstill gathering, who adjudicate the Magister tests.

"Arburg of the Order of Life challenges Dragomas of the Amber Brotherhood," comes a rich but stilted voice, and a woman steps forward from your right.

"Kurtis?" Algard prompts.

"Former Battle Wizard, promoted a few years ago. Fought alongside the forces of Ostland and Nordland against Beastmen, and with the Second Fleet against Norscans."
Her mother was magister and Arburg was battle wizard.
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