Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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That's what I call a gateway quest. It starts at just posting a bounty, then it's just convenient to find a party you can trust, then a couple more, and soon enough you're not able to stop lurking ominously in the corner of bars, waiting for an intrepid band of adventurers to wander in. It needs to stop here, before Mathilde gets a taste for muttering ominous warnings and dramatically yelling about the true danger of the mcguffin.
You want to stop that? I am confuse.

Re: The Chaos Wastes and space, it also could be liminal realms.
Oh, liminal realms, of course. That'd fit quite well for a theoretical spatially distorted poles. After all, we already know it's possible:
Either you've uncovered a very small liminal realm - about two cubic meters, by your estimation - that just so happened to be where you performed this experiment, or your experiment has created it.

You peer through the hole, and begin extending the instruments you always have at hand for these sorts of experiments to gauge what's within. Temperature, normal. Air pressure, normal. Humidity, normal. Everything about the inside of this realm is entirely normal. Of all the various states of being, of the infinite variability of reality the Winds have apparently created new reality that is entirely typical for this place.
The EIC will take back the amount it invested plus any expenses or opportunity costs of having done so and the rest of the windfall will go to Mathilde.

This is definitely the "Mathilde gets a silly amount of money" action, then. I'm quite convinced that attention-wise the concern is other trading ventures, not Nordland, who are already watching.
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Hoeth
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Ladrielle
[X] [COLLEGE] A translation of the Indic Aqshy books obtained from the Elementalists (1 CF)

Approval voting for Ladrielle as well as the Hoeth version because I care more about the linguistics books to handle the likely very high DC tablet action. This is the library with Old One lore. If anyone would have relevant linguistic texts it would be them.
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[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Hoeth
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Ladrielle
[X] [COLLEGE] A translation of the Indic Aqshy books obtained from the Elementalists (1 CF)
5. Birbs. There's a spell in the Celestial spellbook called Birdspeak which allows you to talk to birds. Unlike The Talking Beast it is not cast on an animal, it's cast on your self hopefully meaning it doesn't rely on the caster's understanding of a language to work and instead simply makes it so the statement that the target can speak to birds is axiomatically true, in the same way Invisibility doesn't bend light around you or make you transparent, it makes you invisible because magic says so and reality knows better than to pick a fight with magic. An additional casting of The Talking Beast could allow any bird to act as a translator for the We but an even simpler solution is to skip that part and use birds who already have the natural ability to talk as translators. The most well known talking birds are parrots but there are others such as mynas, starlings, mockingbirds, lyrebirds, and plenty of corvids including crows, ravens, magpies, jays, jackdaws, and a familiar friend, choughs. A library filled with talking birds does have a nice fantasy vibe in my opinion and this option is probably my favorite. If we want the Verenans to still feel useful they can be subordinate librarians to the We even if they are completely redundant as actual librarians and their only actual use would be to deliver books to the reading rooms for those too arachnophobic to enter the library itself.
Or you could just cast Birdspeak on both yourself and the We and then you can talk directly to each other in birb language without needing an actual birb to act as a translator.
Or you could just cast Birdspeak on both yourself and the We and then you can talk directly to each other in birb language without needing an actual birb to act as a translator.
the problem with magic is that, while that seems sensible, that probably wouldn't work. the spell lets you talk to birds, and it is quite likely it will only let you talk to birds as the original caster understood the term.
About the Ithilmar trade, next turn our EIC action is going to be going towards getting the Eonir to make a magical pathway for trade. (Likely using the RoW, of course.) So any Ithilmar trading is going to have to wait until turn 43 at the earliest.
This is very much counting your chickens before they hatch. The fog-bridge is a popular action in-thread. It is not the only possible action—I'd personally vote for an infiltration action, and wouldn't be particularly sad to see ithilmar win either.

All it takes is enough voters who see the time-limited nature of the ithilmar trade as being more pressing than the time-limited problem of the feud boiling over. Neither are wrong.
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Nordland infiltration is also something Eike can do, so that'll be a good way to train intrigue with her—especially with the Hochlander assisting. He specialises in that sort of stuff, after all, and I want to do more spy stuff with him.

It's kind of a shame that the spy stuff is competing with the economy stuff. I know we can just use normal actions for EIC stuff—we're not limited to just one EIC action a turn, we just get the first one free-ish, but then it starts conflicting with all the other stuff we want to do as well.
Would require that the We have the ability to manipulate magic which we have seen no sign of. The only reason Wolf can speak it is because he's a familiar and has some level of magical ability.
Not quite. Here is what the story had on it:
Theoretically, any creature with even a sliver of magical ability could learn the cantrips to turn magic into spoken word, but as it requires that creature to already have a solid grasp of the language, in practice it is only of use to Familiars, who have the intelligence and inclination to attempt it in the first place and can use their bond to accelerate the learning process.
The Library-We clearly understand language as it can read and write in several.

As to the 'sliver' of magic… they have souls. They interact with the winds. Presumably they have non-zero magic potential.
Worth trying at least.

Actually that would be a good external social activity. The We read a book on Lingua Praestantia and come to Mathilde for lessons.
[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Linguistics, Hoeth

[X] [COLLEGE] A translation of the Indic Aqshy books obtained from the Elementalists (1 CF)
IIRC we've been told it doesn't really translate to Ulgu manipulation, which is the reason we care about mists.

Honestly I feel like we could find some cool information about Mists there, in the same way if we wanted we could get deep gazul lore about souls. And maybe with time we could get some deep mist secrets or something.

You might be able to get it from someone in Tor Lithanel, but not from one of those two specifically unless you can come up with a convincing explanation for why it's necessary for the Waystone Project.

NIce, in that case would starting to learn Anoqeyån and searching for the person who will teach (and paying them) be th same action or would they be different actions.
I honestly wonder which college Mandred will end up in. Assuming Ranald doesn't play silly buggers with us and puts him in the Grey Order, I could see him going into Celestial or Gold. Light is also possible, as long as Alric stays away from him.

Ambers are obviously out, and Amethysts might cause an actual riot. Brights... Maybe, he has expressed an interest in knights (which is pretty much the only character trait of his we know off), so going into the militarised order kinda makes sense.

Jades... Oh gods I hope not. Whilst a Grand Prince channeling the Wind of Growth and Fertility is, on paper, a very good idea, it would be like launching a cluster bomb into the Order. A prize like Mandred might actually trigger a civil war in the college.
People (me) have joked about being the old gray wizard who sends a party (perhaps one consisting of dwarfs and halflings? 🤔) to check out the Dum conundrum.
Everyone knows that any adventuring party worth its salt contains exactly one elf and one dwarf among it's assortment of ratcatcher humans. That's how you know they're Big Time, those two managing to be in the same party.
I honestly wonder which college Mandred will end up in. Assuming Ranald doesn't play silly buggers with us and puts him in the Grey Order, I could see him going into Celestial or Gold. Light is also possible, as long as Alric stays away from him.

Ambers are obviously out, and Amethysts might cause an actual riot. Brights... Maybe, he has expressed an interest in knights (which is pretty much the only character trait of his we know off), so going into the militarised order kinda makes sense.

Jades... Oh gods I hope not. Whilst a Grand Prince channeling the Wind of Growth and Fertility is, on paper, a very good idea, it would be like launching a cluster bomb into the Order. A prize like Mandred might actually trigger a civil war in the college.

Light does not work, they can't marry and while adoption is a thing that can happen within the cultural context of the Empire I do not think the Emperor is going to want to cut out the option of a marriage alliance.
Light does not work, they can't marry and while adoption is a thing that can happen within the cultural context of the Empire I do not think the Emperor is going to want to cut out the option of a marriage alliance.

Orders from the Emperor override the rules of the Order. Luitpold could order any Light Wizard to get married, including his son for the purposes of a political alliance.

Besides, I'm sure which ever order accepts him would be willing to bend the usual vows and oaths in order to accept his enrollment.
Celestials and Golds are the only real options for Mandred. All the other orders are too poor and low-status. Unfitting for someone of his rank, and they don't mingle with nobles as much as Celestials and Golds.
Orders from the Emperor override the rules of the Order. Luitpold could order any Light Wizard to get married, including his son for the purposes of a political alliance.

Besides, I'm sure which ever order accepts him would be willing to bend the usual vows and oaths in order to accept his enrollment.

I am sure the Emperor would but not without political cost to be paid by either him or his son. The lights take their mystical ritual stuff seriously as we have seen

Celestials and Golds are the only real options for Mandred. All the other orders are too poor and low-status. Unfitting for someone of his rank, and they don't mingle with nobles as much as Celestials and Golds.

I would pay to see a noble say that to a Bight Lord Magister's face... and then maybe roast marshmallows on the resulting blaze. :V
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Nordland infiltration is also something Eike can do, so that'll be a good way to train intrigue with her—especially with the Hochlander assisting. He specialises in that sort of stuff, after all, and I want to do more spy stuff with him.

It's kind of a shame that the spy stuff is competing with the economy stuff. I know we can just use normal actions for EIC stuff—we're not limited to just one EIC action a turn, we just get the first one free-ish, but then it starts conflicting with all the other stuff we want to do as well.

The RoW bridge is also a way to prevent Nordland getting uppity. It makes an alliance with the Eonir much more valuable for the Empire as a whole and Middenland in particular. That should act as a significant deterrent

I've said before but I'll emphasise again that the RoW bridge is not an economic action. Any commercial benefit to the EIC is at best irrelevant and at worst actually counterproductive to our goals. It's an act of statecraft designed to change the political and military situation of all the polities on the southern shore of the Sea of Claws and to change the internal political situation of the Empire.

It's using the EIC to advance our wider goals on the largest stage.

Celestials and Golds are the only real options for Mandred. All the other orders are too poor and low-status. Unfitting for someone of his rank, and they don't mingle with nobles as much as Celestials and Golds.

More than that, Hysh and Chamon just have much better spells for a ruler than the other lores.
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I am sure the Emperor would but not without political cost to be paid by either him or his son. The lights take their mystical ritual stuff seriously as we have seen

Yeah, but is the cost of messing with their vows greater or lesser than the opportunity to teach, guide, and influence the heir apparent? I think you'll find most orders would be willing to bend over backwards, oaths and traditions be damned.

Besides, the Light oath is mostly a secular "Don't form long term, intimate attachments with people because Hysh doesn't like that and it'll end poorly" sort of thing. I don't think a political marriage actually disrupts that at all?
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