5. Birbs. There's a spell in the Celestial spellbook called Birdspeak which allows you to talk to birds. Unlike The Talking Beast it is not cast on an animal, it's cast on your self hopefully meaning it doesn't rely on the caster's understanding of a language to work and instead simply makes it so the statement that the target can speak to birds is axiomatically true, in the same way Invisibility doesn't bend light around you or make you transparent, it makes you invisible because magic says so and reality knows better than to pick a fight with magic. An additional casting of The Talking Beast could allow any bird to act as a translator for the We but an even simpler solution is to skip that part and use birds who already have the natural ability to talk as translators. The most well known talking birds are parrots but there are others such as mynas, starlings, mockingbirds, lyrebirds, and plenty of corvids including crows, ravens, magpies, jays, jackdaws, and a familiar friend, choughs. A library filled with talking birds does have a nice fantasy vibe in my opinion and this option is probably my favorite. If we want the Verenans to still feel useful they can be subordinate librarians to the We even if they are completely redundant as actual librarians and their only actual use would be to deliver books to the reading rooms for those too arachnophobic to enter the library itself.