It was the same kind of roll that made Eike a wizard. I'm pretty sure it made Mandred a full on wizard. And he full on recharged an echantment. A minor one, but I doubt a perpetual level wizard would manage that subconciously with no training.
Also: magic is inheritable. Not fully, but it's definitly a pretty strong factor. And Mandred's mom is a pretty powerful caster. Incidentally, I do wonder if there isn't a pretty broad low-level inclination for magic, the same way Wilhelmina has. A small advantage, but over time it would help people rise up, and stay on top. (And some further, mostly baseless speculation: I believe humans doing superhuman shit also partially runs on magic).
Panoramia as the compromise candidate: She's got a connection to the tranditionalists, but isn't set against them like the secularists.
Of course, they may be relucant to allow that because it might make her attitude and actual, relevant section.
Mind, being the girlfriend of the Empresse's best friend probably matters as well. Being really far away from Altdorf is a mixed bag. Being out of sight could be quite usefull, but it could also be a real disadvantage. Though it would also be an oppertunity for stronger ties with K8Ps. It depends on how the silk and channel work out how important that is. The channel would also make K8Ps much less out of the way.