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Celestials and Golds are the only real options for Mandred. All the other orders are too poor and low-status. Unfitting for someone of his rank, and they don't mingle with nobles as much as Celestials and Golds.
The Jades have one of the better reputations, being literal plant wizards in a province known for being the breadbasket of the Empire. Life certainly isn't the worst choice for him, especially since he won't ever get the title of Emperor. Might as well be known as a literal breadwinner.
Otoh, there's probably a bunch of Light wizards who would rather like to be able to get married, thanks, and giving Mandred an exception (even and possibly especially if it's because he's the Emperor's son) seems tailor made to cause resentment. Which is not exactly something you want in a class of people who can easily bring a whole bunch of gribblies directly into your capital.
After we dropped the plant magic wellspring bombshell in his lap, I quite suspect if his son IS going a wizard ANYWAY Luitpold will be rather keen on him being able to personally take advantage of that plant magic wellspring for Regional Generalissimo Purposes.
You might be able to get it from someone in Tor Lithanel, but not from one of those two specifically unless you can come up with a convincing explanation for why it's necessary for the Waystone Project.

Would the argument that the commands for the Waystones are in Aonoquean, even the commands for dwarven Waystones; work? That means that resonance with the inherent magic of Aonoquean is probably somehow built into the functioning of the stones, and if not, it's the language the sapience managing the network understands, and understanding the language it's using might help understand and interact with it.

Also, I think eleven enchantments from Caledor's era are long passages of Aonoquean written on/in the object using magic as ink. If you're trying to reverse engineer an elven enchantment from that era, understanding what the enchantment is saying would help.
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The Jades have one of the better reputations, being literal plant wizards in a province known for being the breadbasket of the Empire. Life certainly isn't the worst choice for him, especially since he won't ever get the title of Emperor. Might as well be known as a literal breadwinner.
Reikland is the centre of Sigmarite worship, which means maximum wizard bigotry, and it already being a magically fertile place means there'd be less demand for Jades specifically. And besides all that, it's peasants who'd most appreciate Jades, and they don't matter.
Yeah, but is the cost of messing with their vows greater or lesser than the opportunity to teach, guide, and influence the heir apparent? I think you'll find most orders would be willing to bend over backwards, oaths and traditions be damned.

Besides, the Light oath is mostly a secular "Don't form long term, intimate attachments with people because Hysh doesn't like that and it'll end poorly" sort of thing. I don't think a political marriage actually disrupts that at all?

Technically I think marriage vows imply a kind of emotional attachment even if it does not show up in practice. Going further than that, being a prince, caring for the land and its people, being involved in their development, defense, that is a lot of material attachment compared to the normal light perspective of serving the abstract ideals of the Empire.
Celestials and Golds are the only real options for Mandred. All the other orders are too poor and low-status. Unfitting for someone of his rank, and they don't mingle with nobles as much as Celestials and Golds.
I don't see why the Brights and the Jades wouldn't be options for Mandred, the Greys' Vow of Poverty is deliberately filled with loopholes, as long as he doesn't abuse his power he should be fine, both the Amethyst and Light Orders could make an exception to the inheritance and celibacy rules for him, obedience to he who is rightfully elected Emperor of Sigmar's Holy Empire trumps obedience to the laws and ideals of their Order in the Articles, and while Ghur might not seem like the ideal mindset for the ruler of a civilized society we've seen Dragomas manage to adequately fulfill his role as administrator of the Colleges for 24+ years now despite his natural Ghur inclinations.
You know, Magister Patriarch Feldman seems to have a take on his Wind that allows him to be personable and a good politician. Having him be Mandred's master and pass on his personal paradigm would seem like it could work very well. He may also, based on the papers have a daughter, so his paradigm may, particularly at lower levels of mastery, be compatible with marriage and children.

His character also means that he'd personally value the influence that being master of the heir to the Reikland would have so would go out of his way to make it work.

This would seem like a very good solution for Mandred. Gold Magic is great for a ruler. Law of Logic and Trial and Error would make you enormously better at the job. Pair that with Feldman's apparent personal paradigm and you could make something truly great.

I don't see why the Brights and the Jades wouldn't be options for Mandred, the Greys' Vow of Poverty is deliberately filled with loopholes, as long as he doesn't abuse his power he should be fine, both the Amethyst and Light Orders could make an exception to the inheritance and celibacy rules for him, obedience to he who is rightfully elected Emperor of Sigmar's Holy Empire trumps obedience to the laws and ideals of their Order in the Articles, and while Ghur might not seem like the ideal mindset for the ruler of a civilized society we've seen Dragomas manage to adequately fulfill his role as administrator of the Colleges for 24+ years now despite his natural Ghur inclinations.

They're both not very useful in terms of spells and having to fight the natural inclinations of a Wind without an obvious teacher who's already done that makes them more trouble that the other options.

Dragomas eccentricies/lack of pants would make him a pretty poor ruler of the Reikland, so isn't a great example. Also, he may not actually be a human and may really be a Cathyan dragon pretending, so isn't a good example.
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Jades... Oh gods I hope not. Whilst a Grand Prince channeling the Wind of Growth and Fertility is, on paper, a very good idea, it would be like launching a cluster bomb into the Order. A prize like Mandred might actually trigger a civil war in the college.
He's a man and not from a historical Druid family, so the hardcore Druids won't want anything to do with him.
Here's what Boney has said about the Celibacy vows:

The actual rule that the Lights and Amethysts have is against forming romantic relationships. It's not hard to argue that being deeply in love might make it more difficult or distressing to attune yourself to the Winds of merciless objective truth or inevitable death. Long-term exposure to those Winds are said to remove the desire for it, too. Or it could just be cultural holdovers from their precursor organizations.

A very strict reading of the wording of the rule could be used to argue that it only forbids forming unique relationships, so only monogamous romance is forbidden.

So political marriages are fine, casual sex is fine, one night stands are fine, deep and intimate relationships with a singular person are not.


He's a man and not from a historical Druid family, so the hardcore Druids won't want anything to do with him.

Zero sun game. Gaining control of Mandred would be a massive political win for the Secularists, and could lead to a diminishing of the Traditionalists influence.
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Zero sun game. Gaining control of Mandred would be a massive political win for the Secularists, and could lead to a diminishing of the Traditionalists influence.
I think the traditionalists would be more likely to argue that he shouldn't be allowed to join the Jades at all than to break part of the bedrock of their beliefs and have a Druid teach him.
That is for 'can they be a wizard'.
There is a vast range of options between having enough power for full on wizardry and being an absolute magic null.
It was the same kind of roll that made Eike a wizard. I'm pretty sure it made Mandred a full on wizard. And he full on recharged an echantment. A minor one, but I doubt a perpetual level wizard would manage that subconciously with no training.

Also: magic is inheritable. Not fully, but it's definitly a pretty strong factor. And Mandred's mom is a pretty powerful caster. Incidentally, I do wonder if there isn't a pretty broad low-level inclination for magic, the same way Wilhelmina has. A small advantage, but over time it would help people rise up, and stay on top. (And some further, mostly baseless speculation: I believe humans doing superhuman shit also partially runs on magic).
I think the traditionalists would be more likely to argue that he shouldn't be allowed to join the Jades at all than to break part of the bedrock of their beliefs and have a Druid teach him.
Panoramia as the compromise candidate: She's got a connection to the tranditionalists, but isn't set against them like the secularists.
Of course, they may be relucant to allow that because it might make her attitude and actual, relevant section.

Mind, being the girlfriend of the Empresse's best friend probably matters as well. Being really far away from Altdorf is a mixed bag. Being out of sight could be quite usefull, but it could also be a real disadvantage. Though it would also be an oppertunity for stronger ties with K8Ps. It depends on how the silk and channel work out how important that is. The channel would also make K8Ps much less out of the way.
It was the same kind of roll that made Eike a wizard. I'm pretty sure it made Mandred a full on wizard. And he full on recharged an echantment. A minor one, but I doubt a perpetual level wizard would manage that subconciously with no training.

Also: magic is inheritable. Not fully, but it's definitly a pretty strong factor. And Mandred's mom is a pretty powerful caster. Incidentally, I do wonder if there isn't a pretty broad low-level inclination for magic, the same way Wilhelmina has. A small advantage, but over time it would help people rise up, and stay on top. (And some further, mostly baseless speculation: I believe humans doing superhuman shit also partially runs on magic).

Panoramia as the compromise candidate: She's got a connection to the tranditionalists, but isn't set against them like the secularists.
Of course, they may be relucant to allow that because it might make her attitude and actual, relevant section.

Mind, being the girlfriend of the Empresse's best friend probably matters as well. Being really far away from Altdorf is a mixed bag. Being out of sight could be quite usefull, but it could also be a real disadvantage. Though it would also be an oppertunity for stronger ties with K8Ps. It depends on how the silk and channel work out how important that is. The channel would also make K8Ps much less out of the way.
I do think they would want mandred in Altdorf, or at least the empire... It's one thing to have him roam around, it's another to have him completely outside his future lands...
Reikland is the centre of Sigmarite worship, which means maximum wizard bigotry, and it already being a magically fertile place means there'd be less demand for Jades specifically. And besides all that, it's peasants who'd most appreciate Jades, and they don't matter.
Reikland, specifically Altdorf, is the most "magically accepting" place. The colleges were built in their backyard and Altdorfers take pride in being "okay" with Wizards, and those who aren't know full well the consequences of being openly bigoted against them. It doesn't matter that the current Cult of Sigmar is centralised in Altdorf, when the Emperor changes, they're moving out of Altdorf. The only reason they're here is because they want to be next to the Emperor. Their previous capital was Nuln after all, and it's where their biggest Cathedral is.

You're also assuming that people know that Reikland is magically gifted. They don't. People see Reikland as being naturally gifted and have no idea it's the cause of magic. It is therefore more likely for nobles to see the opportunity for Jades and hire them to make their crops more lively. Peasants aren't the only ones who care about crops, Nobles outside Altdorf have a great degree of their income determined by their crop yield, especially the Vorbergland.
I think the traditionalists would be more likely to argue that he shouldn't be allowed to join the Jades at all than to break part of the bedrock of their beliefs and have a Druid teach him.

And that would give the Secularists ammunition to say "look at how the Druidic Traditions are damaging our order, they won't let us recruit this highly promising and politically important candidate simply because he is the wrong gender!"

The Traditionalists might not want him, but they can't afford to let the Secularists have him either, so either they have to bend their traditions, or risk being sidelined as the Secularists take all the glory.

Either way, Mandred gets used as a political playing piece, rather than getting the full and well rounded magic education he needs. The Jades are just too politically unstable to host the Emperor's son and heir. I would have said the same about the Lights, before Alric retired, and even then I'm still a bit wary of him floating around.
I'm not sure why we'd even consider the Jades as Mandred's College.

Fundamentally, safely mastering magic is a time intensive occupation, so it will take a lot of time away from the business of learning and being a ruler. That means that the spells that Mandred learns need to be worth the opportunity cost of being a less good ruler in other ways.

If you look at the spell list, that basically means the Gold College with the Light College as a runner up, and the Gold College has the additional advantage that Feldmann's personal paradigm might mitigate the normal mental issues a Gold Magister has with politics.
Reminder that even the traditionalists have factions. Panoramia's mom is one of the most extreme, Tochter is also part of the Druids and she is perfectly fine with male Wizards, at least one of her sons in canon is a Wizard. Pan's mom isn't the only example we have of traditionalists.

By the way, I'm getting tired of referring to her as Pan's mom. Hope we get a name for her eventually.
Would the argument that the commands for the Waystones are in Aonoquean, even the commands for dwarven Waystones; work? That means that resonance with the inherent magic of Aonoquean is probably somehow built into the functioning of the stones, and if not, it's the language the sapience managing the network understands, and understanding the language it's using might help understand and interact with it.

Replace 'probably somehow' with 'proven to be' and you might be on to something.
Reikland, specifically Altdorf, is the most "magically accepting" place. The colleges were built in their backyard and Altdorfers take pride in being "okay" with Wizards, and those who aren't know full well the consequences of being openly bigoted against them. It doesn't matter that the current Cult of Sigmar is centralised in Altdorf, when the Emperor changes, they're moving out of Altdorf. The only reason they're here is because they want to be next to the Emperor. Their previous capital was Nuln after all, and it's where their biggest Cathedral is.

You're also assuming that people know that Reikland is magically gifted. They don't. People see Reikland as being naturally gifted and have no idea it's the cause of magic. It is therefore more likely for nobles to see the opportunity for Jades and hire them to make their crops more lively. Peasants aren't the only ones who care about crops, Nobles outside Altdorf have a great degree of their income determined by their crop yield, especially the Vorbergland.
Altdorf is an exception to the rest of Reikland, and whether Reiklanders know about the magic fountain doesn't matter. The Reikland is naturally fertile, so Jades aren't that needed.
We're getting dangerously close to turning Mathilde into an RPG questgiver that hires a fantasy roleplay party to find and retrieve a translator mcguffin.
Honestly, a massive library full of lore and skill books being temporarily closed due to the librarians losing their magical ability to speak and needing you brave adventurers to retrieve a magical item granting them speech again so you can reopen the library and get the hook to the next adventure or the lore on the big bad of whatever campaign you're on sounds like exactly something I could see popping up in a game.
Honestly, a massive library full of lore and skill books being temporarily closed due to the librarians losing their magical ability to speak and needing you brave adventurers to retrieve a magical item granting them speech again so you can reopen the library and get the hook to the next adventure or the lore on the big bad of whatever campaign you're on sounds like exactly something I could see popping up in a game.
Even down to the part where it lets you assume that they're just magically muted somehow and only at the end offhandedly admits that oh right the librarians are a hivemind of giant spiders, no big deal, here's fifty gold and a library pass for your troubles, which you will have to accept from said spiders.
[X] [LIBRARY] Barak Varr booksellers: Druchii of Naggaroth, Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan, Kingdom of Nehekhara
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