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If Mathilde overworked herself too much, would her friends stage an intervention?

It's taken me an hour to find this quote (I had to read the entire post-expedition arc twice to find it), but yes, Belegar basically freaked out and told us to stop working after we took an excess overwork action to finish Rite of Way:

You nod thoughtfully. "That does sound interesting. I'll give it some thought over the next few months. Speaking of, what did you want me doing now that I'm back?"

He smiles. "On top of recovering Karak Vlag and ending the uncertainty around Karag Dum? You were mining the seam from both ends in the lead-up to the Expedition. If you're absolutely desperate for something to keep your hands busy then the Lhune Depths could use poking around in, but don't feel obliged if you need to spend some time recovering. As much as you do your best to prove otherwise, I know humans aren't quite as sturdy as Dwarves."

We spent the extra time Belegar gave us for relaxing on sword training because we just don't know when or how to stop working.
It's taken me an hour to find this quote (I had to read the entire post-expedition arc twice to find it), but yes, Belegar basically freaked out and told us to stop working after we took an excess overwork action to finish Rite of Way:

We spent the extra time Belegar gave us for relaxing on sword training because we just don't know when or how to stop working.
he also once sent one of his personal bodyguards to chaperone us because he thought we were about to pass out face down in the mud of the skull river
[X] [SCRIBE] Universities
Take students from the universities of the Empire who are looking for work to fund either their education or their drinking habits. Wide range of languages, but can tend to be a bit unruly. Reikspiel, Tilean, Estalian, Kislevarin, Old Reikspiel, Classical.
[X] [SCRIBE] Locals
Will demonstrate the value of literacy to the local population, and will be reasonably loyal and self-sufficient. Reikspiel, Tilean.
[X] Thorek
See what inroads Thorek has made with the Major Houses of Tor Lithanel.
Karak Eight Peaks
[X] Panoramia
In the wake of an apparently quite controversial paper, Panoramia is finally taking her Magisterial exams. Be there to observe the fallout and offer moral support.
[X] Okri
You've met Loremaster Okri of Karak Eight Peaks once before. Pay him a visit and see how his great ambitions for heavily-armed Ironbreakers delivered by Gyrocarriage are going.
Foreign Relations
[X] Sylvania
Meet this would-be Markgraf Nyklaus for yourself.
[X] Middenland
See how the Ulricans are going with their new Eonir coreligionists.
[X] The Black Water Canal
Pay another visit to the canal project, and see if there's any further signs of sabotage.
[X] Druchii Diplomats
Check in on these unexpected visitors to Tor Lithanel.
Friends Abroad
Following Up
[X] Brief the Emperor
Though the Waystone Project is in early days, you've had a few early wins and have uncovered some important information about the Waystone Network as it relates to the Empire's security.
[X] Gold College
See what's become of their research into Skaven technology.
[X] Skull River Ambush
Look into the investigation of the mining of the Skull River, and any consequences of it.
What Are The Odds?
What are the odds?

Mathilde sat in front of Algard's desk, the man himself across from her and his head in his hands. The door, closed when Mathilde had slinked into the office, was open just a crack, just enough for a fraction of the wizards horded outside to peek inside.

"So I have the best kind of news...!" She begins before Algard whips a single finger out upraised. For a mercy it's his index finger.

"No. Just no." His hand comes back to his head, a shuddering breath exhaled, before the Patriarch drags his face up to look Mathilde in her eyes. "Explain."

Mathilde gives a single deep nod, the rim of her hat flopping in response. "I was minding my own business..."


"I was!!! Literally! I'm the head librarian of what's going to be the greatest mortal library in the world and I need scribes. So I figured I could settle like, three or four problems at once and recruit orphans from across the Empire and train them and give them jobs working for me. So I figured I'd start with a trial run of 100 random orphans from the provinces."

"And how many of them are currently sitting in the proverbial front yard of the colleges because they have magical potential."

It's not even phrased as a question.


Algard's face returns to the comforting darkness of his cupped hands. Maybe it wasn't too late to feign his death and make this someone else's problem. But then it would most likely just curve back onto Mathilde and then she'd do something else ridiculous.

"What are the odds that's even possible?" He mutters.

"Well assuming an average minimum talent is 1 in 10000..."

"That was rhetorical." There's no fire left in his voice. This is it. Forget feigning his death, he could almost feel Morr himself patting him on the shoulder.

"It's not even the fact there's 100 orphans with magic talent, or even that you brought them to the college to be trained. How did you find them!" Oh, there's fire.

Mathilde leans back from the spittle flying from the patriarch's furor. "Our current leading theory is Ranald."

"...I can't even be mad at that. What's the second."

The thought of denying her private second theory crosses her mind. " remember Eike? And Mandred?"

"You. You think that children develop magical talent by spending time around you."

The idea of it was... was stupid. That's not how magic worked. That wasn't how it worked at all! That wasn't how anything worked!!

"This isn't my problem anymore." He decided. Algard stood up and walked to the door, not even glancing at Mathilde's shocked face.

"Dragomas." He addressed the Supreme Patriarch, who was certainly not hastily standing up by the door alongside his other fellow high wizards. "I believe that Lady Magister Mathilde has proven herself beyond a doubt a credible teacher and leader of wizards, of all the colors of the Winds. I propose that she clean up this mess she's made... I mean, give her what's she's due. I propose an official Branch of the Colleges of Magic be established at Karak-8-Peaks and Lady Magister Mathilde Weber be made headmistress, and the one hundred students she has found," the word was ground out between his clenched teeth, "be the first of a new age of magical education."

Only then did he turn back to the aghast Mathilde, ignoring the uncomfortable talk between his various contemporaries, staring into her very soul as she broke, collapsing to her knees.

"Algard! No! You can't do this! What about my AP! My backlog of research materials! My elfcation!"

Algard showed no mercy, grabbing her by the scruff of her robes at the back of neck and threw her out of his office and slammed the doors shut behind her.

"Just what are the fucking odds?"

In the silence, though he would deny it, he heard the laughter of Ranald echoing.
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If the Light college didn't have the Pesky celibacy thing, it'd be my first choice.
Wait the light college demands celibacy? Why?! And doesn't that go against the entire "dont upset the beings whom you are handing the power to warp reality to" thing the colleges have going on? The vow of poverty at least has a concrete and obvious purpose, this just seems like a great way to ensure that many of your magisters are one or more of: blackmailable (cause they arent sticking to that), repressed, angry at the entire institution, looking to get away from any kind of oversight.
Come on, it would be far less time to train orphans and I really don't see the point of training stable working locals with family to fall back on about the value of literacy.

For narrative reasons it would be great if our adorable apprentice Eike make some friends her own age, having fun whenever she stay at Karak-8-Peaks, it would do her a world of good to have her own mini ducklings.

They could be a loyal group of friends for her to to rely on in the future that is separate from her status as future head of the Eastern Imperial Company and Magister, it would be harder to make loyal friends as a adult due to her rank.
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Wait the light college demands celibacy? Why?! And doesn't that go against the entire "dont upset the beings whom you are handing the power to warp reality to" thing the colleges have going on? The vow of poverty at least has a concrete and obvious purpose, this just seems like a great way to ensure that many of your magisters are one or more of: blackmailable (cause they arent sticking to that), repressed, angry at the entire institution, looking to get away from any kind of oversight.

The Light Order have deep ties to some sort of mystery cult thing that requires weird ascetic oaths about rejecting earthly desires and embracing the pursuit of pure knowledge.

It's also possible that attuning to the Wind of Holy Radiance sort of suppresses those desires in the first place. The Amethysts have similar rules for similar reasons.

I suspect it's not really enforced very strongly, and mostly a symbolic oath. It also gives the college an easy way to investigate any magister—if they are breaking the "no sex" oath, what other oaths might they be breaking? The Grey College uses the Vow of Poverty in much the same way.
The Light Order have deep ties to some sort of mystery cult thing that requires weird ascetic oaths about rejecting earthly desires and embracing the pursuit of pure knowledge.

It's also possible that attuning to the Wind of Holy Radiance sort of suppresses those desires in the first place. The Amethysts have similar rules for similar reasons.

I suspect it's not really enforced very strongly, and mostly a symbolic oath. It also gives the college an easy way to investigate any magister—if they are breaking the "no sex" oath, what other oaths might they be breaking? The Grey College uses the Vow of Poverty in much the same way.
Ah yes, the oldest reason for nonsense of them all: Tradition, and tradition that is useful for the current administration at that.

I still think its a stupid idea mind you, but it makes sense how it got there.
Wait the light college demands celibacy? Why?! And doesn't that go against the entire "dont upset the beings whom you are handing the power to warp reality to" thing the colleges have going on? The vow of poverty at least has a concrete and obvious purpose, this just seems like a great way to ensure that many of your magisters are one or more of: blackmailable (cause they arent sticking to that), repressed, angry at the entire institution, looking to get away from any kind of oversight.

The actual rule that the Lights and Amethysts have is against forming romantic relationships. It's not hard to argue that being deeply in love might make it more difficult or distressing to attune yourself to the Winds of merciless objective truth or inevitable death. Long-term exposure to those Winds are said to remove the desire for it, too. Or it could just be cultural holdovers from their precursor organizations.

A very strict reading of the wording of the rule could be used to argue that it only forbids forming unique relationships, so only monogamous romance is forbidden.
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I keep being tempted to hope that Orphans will win and that there will then be a Wizards roll and we'll roll a 100.

I should know better! I know how statistics work! I will almost certainly be disappointed if I hope for that result!

But my stupid monkey brain keeps going "hehe, but it happened TWICE IN A ROW, it could totally happen again!"
[X] [SCRIBE] Orphans
[X] [SCRIBE] Locals

[X] Panoramia
[X] Brief the Emperor
[X] Skull River Ambush
[X] Gold College
[X] Sylvania
[X] Thorek
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I keep being tempted to hope that Orphans will win and that there will then be a Wizards roll and we'll roll a 100.

I should know better! I know how statistics work! I will almost certainly be disappointed if I hope for that result!

But my stupid monkey brain keeps going "hehe, but it happened TWICE IN A ROW, it could totally happen again!"

Technically there have been four wizard rolls (Roswita, Eike, Mandred, Anton III), but only two of those are wizards.

So on average, only half of the orphans we recruit will have magic.
Technically there have been four wizard rolls (Roswita, Eike, Mandred, Anton III), but only two of those are wizards.

So on average, only half of the orphans we recruit will have magic.
Ah, but 100% of the children whose lives we were actually involved with turned out to be wizards! Roswita wasn't a child, and Anton III we barely interacted with!

...actually, did we ever actually interact with Anton III? I don't recall.

But yes, as you can see I am very happily jumping on excuses as to why Wacky Wizard Infection can still happen. Because my brain just can't resist, apparently.
...actually, did we ever actually interact with Anton III? I don't recall.

He said hello and then ran away from us one time.

As much fun as it is to appear unexpectedly, courtesy won out this time, and when you arrive in Blutdorf Anton is ready to welcome you. Apart from the usual greetings and gossip he has an important introduction to make to you: that of his first cousin twice removed and now adopted son, Anton.

"The name was his idea," Anton says to you after the boy makes a formal and overawed greeting to you and is allowed to flee. "He's very earnest and serious about everything, I don't think he's capable of doing anything halfway. He was an ensign aboard a Wolfship in the Imperial First and doing quite well at it."

Roswita had a magic roll? I remember her having a roll for her opinions on Wizards, but not one to see if she had magic.

It's the same roll—there's a Boney quote somewhere buried deep in the thread that if he'd rolled a nat 100 on the magic opinion roll, she would have been a wizard herself.
[X] [SCRIBE] Locals

[X] Panoramia
[X] Brief the Emperor
[X] Gold College
[X] Thorek
[X] Skull River Ambush
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