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Well, there's the social options each turn. But we're not doing those, either.How are we supposed to have evidence on them, when we haven't even started spying on them yet?
Well, there's the social options each turn. But we're not doing those, either.How are we supposed to have evidence on them, when we haven't even started spying on them yet?
Hmm, do we know if the Druids insist on passing down their teachings to biological kids, or are they cool and okay with adoption? Cause while I don't think Lady Magister "Ew, children? I ain't got the AP for that; get an apprentice instead" will care what the Druids think, I'd like to know what to expect from Pan's mother if/when Mathilde marries her daughter.She'd be the type to ask why there aren't any granddaughters yet. And then condenscendingly offer to help*. Which yeah, that would be intensely awkward. Ranald is doing us a solid there.
*IIRC, that's something the Jades can do? But I might be misremembering, and mixing up the Boney post of "Jades can help Wilhelmina" and "Mathilde can adopt".
We don't know that actually.
The response to an Elector Count complaining about the Greys having a passive information network in his province would be either:
* "Wow, that's sloppy of them. I've no idea where the one in my province is."
* "That's only the network they wanted you to find."
The EIC doesn't have assets in Nordland.I do not think he would complain, he would probably have the EIC expelled from Norland and confiscate all their assets, it is entirely within the prerogative of an EC do to so with merchants he does not like, though of course he would have to fgure out it is being done, which does not seem likely to happen as soon as we do it unless we crit fail the action or something.
Someone already replied to you, but yeah, Arburg is not Pan's mom. While Pan's mom spent her time politicking in the Jade College, Arburg was getting into naval battles and fighting Beastmen. I have serious doubts about Arburg even being involved in the internal politics of the College. Battle Wizards don't seem like the type to get involved.Isn't Pan's mom Lady Magister Arburg? She was noted as recently promoted to LM when we saw her duel Dragomas, which we know is also true for Pan's mom.
Hochlander can now train actual agents, so I don't think they need to be directly connected to EIC.
In order to establish a connection to Nordland, interstate trade needs to expand up the River Taub into Grimminhagen, and from there into the North Road, which can establish a connection in Middenheim, and then move along the Middenheim-Erengrad road, which is the only major trade route between Middenland and Nordland. It takes time to move assets, but it is something that can be done. The question becomes, what can the EIC provide that Nordland in particular would be greatly appreciative of? The first thing to come to mind is Peat, which we had a nice hefty amount of, but we traded that to the Dwarves. I'm sure someone else can come up with an idea, or maybe we decide it's none of our business.Minor presence in interstate trade in Averland, Wissenland, and southern Middenland.
Minor presence in Nuln, Altdorf, and Middenheim.
The price of timber crashed in the southern Empire thanks to the clear-cutting the fighters from K8P were doing in Sylvania.The question becomes, what can the EIC provide that Nordland in particular would be greatly appreciative of? The first thing to come to mind is Peat, which we had a nice hefty amount of, but we traded that to the Dwarves. I'm sure someone else can come up with an idea, or maybe we decide it's none of our business.
Is that road actually still seeing trade between them? With how they've been feuding I'd have figured that one party would've set increased tariffs at some point, and then the other party would've reciprocated, until it became uneconomical to do anything at all there. There was a Boney quote on how Middenland would prefer Nordland getting no trade than trade that benefits them, though the context for that was trade with Laurelorn.Last I checked the EIC had assets in Southern Middenland. They also have minor assets in Middenheim:
In order to establish a connection to Nordland, interstate trade needs to expand up the River Taub into Grimminhagen, and from there into the North Road, which can establish a connection in Middenheim, and then move along the Middenheim-Erengrad road, which is the only major trade route between Middenland and Nordland. It takes time to move assets, but it is something that can be done. The question becomes, what can the EIC provide that Nordland in particular would be greatly appreciative of? The first thing to come to mind is Peat, which we had a nice hefty amount of, but we traded that to the Dwarves. I'm sure someone else can come up with an idea, or maybe we decide it's none of our business.
Yeah, that's totally reasonable. The issue is the people thinking of using an eike action for it alone and thinking that's gonna go well.
This I don't really agree. Yes we should not overly interfre but it is a flashpoint and keeping an eye on it makes sense. Incase it looks like it is going to blow up. Having time to duck and cover might be useful. And Eonir-Empire relations is not internal matter to Empire so acting as a diplomat we can warn Eonir if it looks like Nordland is going to attack and thereby keep our reputation with Eonir intact for future relations.
How are we supposed to have evidence on them, when we haven't even started spying on them yet?
We don't know that actually.
The update specified that it was not certain when construction would start, or if it'd be soon, but that it would eventually happen.
That's correct, here's that quote:Is that road actually still seeing trade between them? With how they've been feuding I'd have figured that one party would've set increased tariffs at some point, and then the other party would've reciprocated, until it became uneconomical to do anything at all there. There was a Boney quote on how Middenland would prefer Nordland getting no trade than trade that benefits them, though the context for that was trade with Laurelorn.
And apparently they didn't have a lot of trade connections even before the current tensions:Yeah, remember that time when Middenland sent their holy warriors into Nordland with the explicit goal of massacring ten thousand citizens of Nordland? Even if they weren't totally comfortable with it and they ended up relieved instead of outraged when it went sideways on them, that they saw it as a price they were willing to pay at all is indicative that Middenland-Nordland relations aren't exactly rosy. Middenland and Nordland fight like two cats in a sack on religious, cultural, economic, and racial grounds. Middenland wouldn't just rather they get the trade profits instead of Nordland, Middenland would see no trade as preferable to trade that profits Nordland.
Middenheim itself doesn't have river access, but about 75 miles down the Old Dwarf Road (though it's called the Old Forest Road in that part of the Empire) is Grimminhagen, which is on the Taub, which flows into the Talabec. About half of the towns in Middenland are on rivers that flow into the Talabec or the Reik.
In contrast Nordland's towns are almost all built on rivers, but all of those rivers flow into the Sea of Claws. This is probably a factor in the long-term rivalry between the two, because despite their proximity they have next to no economic connections. There's only one road that links the two and it's usually known as the 'Middenheim-Erengrad road'.
Last I checked the EIC had assets in Southern Middenland. They also have minor assets in Middenheim:
In order to establish a connection to Nordland, interstate trade needs to expand up the River Taub into Grimminhagen, and from there into the North Road, which can establish a connection in Middenheim, and then move along the Middenheim-Erengrad road, which is the only major trade route between Middenland and Nordland. It takes time to move assets, but it is something that can be done. The question becomes, what can the EIC provide that Nordland in particular would be greatly appreciative of? The first thing to come to mind is Peat, which we had a nice hefty amount of, but we traded that to the Dwarves. I'm sure someone else can come up with an idea, or maybe we decide it's none of our business.
The answer, as it turns out, is both simpler and more complicated than you expected: Tor Lithanel will, at some point in the near future when the time is right and sufficient political capital is brought to bear, expand its walls for the first time in its history.
Given the emphasis on 'when the time is right', I don't think we can say with any confidence that it'll be this year or next year or etc.If they're importing the stone, construction is bound to start soon. We don't know when, but we want the RoW bridge to happen first so they're not left with stranded assets.
Why would they talk to us? we haven't interacted with anyone of importance from middenland since we got their message that the wood elves want to talk to us.
But I think spying on Nordland specifically is going to be tricky when they don't have a presence in that area, when as I understand it the spying is done by piggybacking off of existing trade infrastructure.
If we want to spy on Nordland, we might have to put some effort into expanding the EIC into Nordland, in the first place.
This was my impression too:Hochlander can now train actual agents, so I don't think they need to be directly connected to EIC.
Letting the Hochlander recruit and train people separate from using existing EIC personnel was the whole point of the shadow HQ action; it's not like taking it unlocked new options in our AP list, so presumably he's been doing stuff with it in the background over the last couple years. If it turns out that, no, the shadow HQ didn't change anything in that regard and we still need EIC presence in a province to get agents somewhere, then the obvious thing for us to do is to insert agents into Middenland instead and see if we can piggyback on their intel apparatus to make sure there are no political shitstorms in the works that we might want to be careful about.It gives the Hochlander an out-of-the-way base of operations to do the sorts of things that require a base of operations. Large-scale information-gathering, recruitment, training, that sort of thing.
Nordland does have the Forest of Shadows to get timber from, but it presents an obvious downside just because it's the Forest of Shadows.The price of timber crashed in the southern Empire thanks to the clear-cutting the fighters from K8P were doing in Sylvania.
Importing timber to Nordland almost sounds like it should be a joke, but depending on how the timber industry in Nordland has been doing since the Eonir exerted their property rights, the 2nd Fleet still needs timber.
Well, on the upside, getting timber from the forest of shadows means there's less forest of shadows. That's pretty much why they've been clean cutting down in Stirland.Nordland does have the Forest of Shadows to get timber from, but it presents an obvious downside just because it's the Forest of Shadows.
Bright side, every tree they cut down means there's less Forest of Shadows around.Nordland does have the Forest of Shadows to get timber from, but it presents an obvious downside just because it's the Forest of Shadows.
We talked to the Graf's son during Kazrik and Edda's wedding, and we'll probably get to talk to more Middenland leadership once they learn that we have a magic trick that will solve the lack of road. Right now Mathilde is only kind of aligned with Middenland, if the Eonir agree to the Mist Road and the project goes actually goes through Boris Todbringer might just kiss Mathilde. Well, he'll try at least, Mathilde's taken.Why would they talk to us? we haven't interacted with anyone of importance from middenland since we got their message that the wood elves want to talk to us.