Not A Nice Person At All
- Location
- Jerkville
Sevirric Naturally Emitting Kaleidoscope"The bodily fluids of Mathilde's snake". Yeah, it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.
Sevirric Naturally Emitting Kaleidoscope"The bodily fluids of Mathilde's snake". Yeah, it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.
I think Boney said they still have the old method written down, and if they have a way to draw Ulgu from it, Mathilde could use it.
Can you pull up a quote? I tried looking (with "Waystone" as a keyword because "Druid" didn't get me anywhere) and didn't find anything.Boney already said the Jade order has it written down somewhere.
Mathilde's Magical Snake Oil.
Can you pull up a quote? I tried looking (with "Waystone" as a keyword because "Druid" didn't get me anywhere) and didn't find anything.
- After Eike becomes our apprentice, would it be possible to do a WEBMAT action with Johann to train Eike's Windsight?
- I'm having trouble conceptualizing how much a "copy all of a library's books" option would actually add...
-- How many books does the Kron-Azril-Ungol have right now, compared to something like the University of Nuln or Altdorf?
-- Should I be thinking in the scope of like half as many, or five times fewer, or fifty times fewer?
- Can we take teaching or powerstone creation lessons with someone else as a WEBMAT action?
-- If the teaching action is possible, does Mathilde know if any other members of WEBMAT have displayed an interest in taking on an Apprentice?
Actually, speaking of Johann's windsight - was it always magnetoreception, or is it because he went all in on gold magic? Or was the gold college really the only option for him because of his windsight?
Yeah, even subtracting books we likely already have from that, it would be a delicious amount of new ones. I imagine next turn the KAU action will likely be getting scribes, since that's a prereq for copying books via the Great Deed.Hm.
So - the Kron-Azril-Ungol currently has 407 points worth of books. (if my calculations are correct, anyway)
Obtaining ten times that many points with, say, the Barak Varr acquisition would require us taking the Barak Varr acquisition 136 turns in a row.
The University of Nuln apparently has more books than that. While it's entirely plausible that these comparisons wouldn't translate to quest mechanics this way, it does put into perspective the sheer amount of books they have.
I think I'm on board with using our Great Deed to get the right to copy the University of Nuln's books.
I think I wanna bookmine next turn, but I'll very likely be up for getting scribes the turn after.Yeah, even subtracting books we likely already have from that, it would be a delicious amount of new ones. I imagine next turn the KAU action will likely be getting scribes, since that's a prereq for copying books via the Great Deed.
Yeah, bookmine's the best thing to go for next. It does the same thing of getting us a great library's worth of books (potentially two, really) while also being prudent about the 1-2 great libraries of dark magic just kinda laying there.I think I wanna bookmine next turn, but I'll very likely be up for getting scribes the turn after.
In my opinion, the fact that it's very commonplace in real life doesn't make it any less gauche.Yeah, that would be weird. Imagine if fundamental cosmic forces that are constantly relevant to our everyday lives, like Watts or Volts or amperes or degrees Celsius or coulombs or hertz or joules or newtons or ohms or pascals were named after people instead.
Besides, if we named it Weber, we'd get confused and think it was a unit of measure of magnetic flux. Because Wilhelm Eduard Weber has done it in real lfe before we could .![]()
There are two main proposals for windherding items with Egrimm that I am aware of and have had some support in turn plans, Jyn Ryvia's Ring of Sudden Dawn, and my Cloak of Flashy Escapes. There are probably others, but you could add these to your list.Windherding
Dammerlichtreiter Thurible
Various other enchantments I can't recall or find right now
The Ring of Sudden Dawn (Take No Heed or Cloak Activity/Radiant Gaze)
'A ring of twisted black and white metal coloured strands of metal with a cat-eye jewel in the centre, for some odd reason no one seems to notice that the owner is wearing it, even as it is being lined up for a shot: that is, until after the laser of light is already coming for them.'
one auto-surprise attack, even in the middle of a fight, unless they pass some sort of passive perception check on the 'don't look at me ring'.
I had another idea for a windherding enchantment that we could try. The idea is a riding cloak that has Shadowcloak and Dazzling Brightness enchantments. The idea is that it is useful escape/utility item that we could use as windherding practice because it combines 2 Relatively Simple spells. There could be one quick incantation to activate both the dazzle and Shadowcloak, and a different incantation to activate just Shadowcloak. The idea is that if you are sneaking and get spotted you can break line of sight and then hide, or the user can just become really sneaky on demand. It feels like a useful item we could either use ourselves, or give to the Hochlander, or give to Eike when she becomes our apprentice. It might be over-complicated and less effective to use windherding for something like this compared to just making a cloak with Shroud of Invisibility but that is a more difficult Moderately Complicated spell so maybe it balances out. As for the name I am calling it the Cloak of Flashy Escapes.
That's the beautiful thing about being clever. If you're clever often enough, people assume everything you do is clever.That's fair, and I'm not too salty about it, but something like Branalhune is still better. It's a cool name, but it's also clever wordplay and has a hidden meaning. Same for the alternate name Bar Rikkaz. I just wish it was more like that.
My only consolation is that future scholars will spend endless pages debating over the hidden meaning that surely must exist, because Mathilde named it.
Yeah, bookmine's the best thing to go for next. It does the same thing of getting us a great library's worth of books (potentially two, really) while also being prudent about the 1-2 great libraries of dark magic just kinda laying there.
Not that it's all dark magic, mind. The Vampire Counts kinda looted everything they came across when invading the Empire, and that includes libraries.
There are two main proposals for windherding items with Egrimm that I am aware of and have had some support in turn plans, Jyn Ryvia's Ring of Sudden Dawn, and my Cloak of Flashy Escapes. There are probably others, but you could add these to your list.
Yeah, okay, that works. I can't think of anything else we buy from the Colleges specifically for helping her with magic that can't wait until after we, hopefully, get CF back from the orb thing.We never used our Grounding Rod. We still have it in reserve. If need be we can give it to her.
Can e solely use it for spell invention/refinement/research, and not carry it out onto the field with us?
Good to know.
@Boney Sorry to bother you about this, but I've had a question in mind for ages but I've never found the opportunity to ask it, so I thought I should just come out and ask it. For the longest time I was under the impression that Luitpold was a mild-mannered and skinny, unassuming man who didn't exude much of an intimidating aura, and I was under the impression that he probably wasn't much of a war leader. Looking back at the sections involving him, my impression seems to be mostly off of vibes and not actual description, since it seems I concocted this image of him subconciously and not from any narrative signs.
What I'm asking is essentially if Luitpold is physically muscular/active or looks like a warrior/general, or if he looks like an unassuming politician. Some Emperors seem to lean towards the "General" archetype (Karl Franz and Magnus come to mind), but others are just politicians. It might be a bit of a waste of Ghal Maraz for it to sit unused in the vaults, but better that than a turbulent dynasty.
Oh I understand that, but Warhammer is a bit different in real life. In a world of such grim and perilous circumstance, the image of your Emperor charging into battle wielding the sign of Sigmar who united the Empire millenia before you has an effect that is much greater than just the brute force of one of the Greatest Runic Weapons of all Time. It's a large part of what makes Karl Franz such an inspiring leader, and I will admit to some bias because the Total Warhammer Empire trailer is an amazing depiction of what I like about the Empire and Karl Franz is an essential part of it.Octavian looked more like an unassuming politician, and it's him who ended up being the first emperor of Rome. Sure Ghal Maraz is a great weapon, but at the end of the day it just one weapon for one man. When not facing a Choas invasion and an Everchosen, having a non-Martial emperor is not necessarily a bad thing.
That is a compelling image and about what I expected. I think you've done a great job in establishing his personality then, that I could take a guess at what he's like purely from his commentary rather than acquiring it from Mathilde's internal musings.He's of average height and slender frame, and in the context Mathilde has seen him in he did seem like an unassuming politician, but he does have a sort of wiry energy to him that means he shouldn't be completely dismissed as just that. He does have a deep well of patience when dealing with the Elector Counts that gives them a fair bit of latitude, but there's hints of what's lurking at the bottom of that well that mean they don't completely ride roughshod over him.