I fell like this discussion has gotten away from where it started I'm going to bow out but I want to reiterate my main point is that I don't see how the we would be locked to the library eternally. The morality thing is more a side debate that only really applies if they are locked there forever.
The We can make copies and probably will have to as librarians. The We can change and grow as an indivdual coming to view the sacrifice of some "bodies" (books) as an acceptable price to move. The We will (hopefully) be paid a fair wage for an entire library worth of librarians and can use that to hire whatever they need to move, assuming they aren't just moving to somewhere else in the karak.
Yes a fundamental shift in how they see themselves and reality as a whole could happen, but as I said before I think that is up there with dwarfs deciding that K8P is a silly place.