Lies? Seems funny considernig that you claim that the only reason she is stayng is for the ice weaponry despite her mentioned that she also wants to turn Kislev into a better bulwark against chaosn and IIRC she outright mentions that she does have other reasons for staying. And no don't pull that strawmanning nonsense. I outright pointed out that it would be extremely weird that she would have absolutely no attachment to a place she has spent literally around- I think half her life in? Don't remember the exact number she has been there but she has been there a while. Considering all the quests where players have grown attached to places they have only been in for a few months that kind of thing is why I'm baffled that people are saying that there is no possibility of her being attached to the place.

Though I think that a major reason for this is the whole 'protaganist centered morality' thing that SB and SV are especially guilty of where people forget that other characters in-universe have their own agency and their attachments seperate from the players. That and SBs and SVs occasional control freak habits with one good example being a quest where a 'split personality' of the main character kept control for just around 30 extra seconds than she was supposed to to give the players advice and a lot of players ended up losing their shit and even a character in-universe practically told them they were overreacting. Another is Embers quest where players keep talking about bringing our daugher permanently home despite said daugther being literally hundreds of years old, her having an important career in the navy where she has an extremely high position and us living on one of the most dangerous deathworlds on the planet.

So yeah, SB and SV players can be extremely bias.

Well alright, I apoligize since I read/took that wrong.
People are saying she's not attached to the place because she was so fucked up the treatement and life style there she couldn't smile or trust her own family even when she got away.

Literally they are tearing her apart, but you want to ignore that because of your self righteousness, you are straw manning, you are misrepresenting people and the crux of your argument is that Alex wants to stay because of personal attachment, that someone with depression and obsession issues should be able to make her own decisions when she's falling in with an increasingly bad crowd, that's simply not true, she is depressed, paranoid, emotionally isolated and suffering constant assassination attempts.

That's not emotional attachment, that's a horrific duty she does due to her obsession. Look back and tell me she's happy there, you literally can't.
And, frankly, I feel like pulling her out now might just lead to a civil war in the future; one that could very well draw us is and take quite a bit of casualties to stop.

Care to elaborate?

She can take care of herself.

No one said she can't, but it's a fathers right to be concerned about the safety of his children.

She'd resist it heavily. She might just ignore us.

Do you take her to be a willful child? She might resist it or be against it, but ignoring it is a bit of a stretch.
This is an obviously tenuous situation. As it is, Katarina might be able to thread the needle and keep it from exploding, though it seems unlikely at this point. But if we force Alexandra out, the situation seems almost guaranteed to get worse from there. If there is a civil war, then we could find ourselves pulled into it; beyond the fact that she's gotten alliance agreements with both us in particular and the Empire as a whole, if a sizable Norscan force hits while it's going on, or one side starts summoning demons, or the Bohka just hate us enough to attack, then we'll be involved.
She is the diplomatic attache from ostland acting as aide to katarine. This is exactly the type of diplomatic incident that would cause the withdrawal of ambassadors in real life. Never mind the fact that as a member of our ruling family it's well within our purview to recal her.
No one said she can't, but it's a fathers right to be concerned about the safety of his children.

Do remember that a short while ago we let Magnus and Arthur lead a campaign without us. While it's natural for parents to be worried about their kids it's also important for parents to respect their kids choices and autonomy especially when they become adults.
Well, the last time they met Freddie said to Alexandra:
"Fuck the Bohka," you grunt, making her flinch. "I will not force you to remain in Ostland, and you can return to Kattarin's side if you wish, but never…ever forget that you can come home at any time. And she can rage and spit ice and whatever the hell she wants, but I won't give a damn, you understand me?"
Seems rather dishonest to order her back now.
She is the diplomatic attache from ostland acting as aide to katarine. This is exactly the type of diplomatic incident that would cause the withdrawal of ambassadors in real life. Never mind the fact that as a member of our ruling family it's well within our purview to recal her.

I just edited in our agreement with Katarina last page.

Pledge your secret support to Tzarina Romanov. In return, she – the most powerful Ice Mage alive who is not an Ice Hag - will personally tutor your daughter Alexandra in Ice Magic and lend her expert power, control, and knowledge to the Ledstali Project. Alexandra would be required to stay in Kislev for this

Unless there were further agreements then there is nothing keeping us from pulling Alexandra out if we do decide to do that.

Do remember that a short while ago we let Magnus and Arthur lead a campaign without us. While it's natural for parents to be worried about their kids it's also important for parents to respect their kids choices and autonomy especially when they become adults.

Two things. They were not in Foreign territory and they had multiple armies with them.

Seems rather dishonest to order her back now.

He said he will not force her to remain in Ostland, not that he would not order her to return to Ostland. Dishonest kinda, but not truly.
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OK, another approach.

Whether it is right or not, if Alexandra should just decide to ignore our orders we have no way to force her into compliance. And as she can be rather stubborn and hot-blooded, there is a real risk that she will do just that. IMO, asking Alexandra to return home is more likely to be successful than commanding her.
What a catch-22. A personal action to call back Alexandra or an intrigue action to meddle in Kislev affairs both carry consequences, but sitting still and watching is usually not the type of thing the proactive participants of this quest prefer. Though there's been good arguments from both sides in the past couple of pages.

At least she wasn't hanging Sigmarite and Ulrican priests in the streets.
if Alexandra should just decide to ignore our orders we have no way to force her into compliance.

There is a term for that... Yeah, there's a term for ignoring the orders of your liege lord... Treason, yeah that's the word.

I'm not saying that Freddie would consider it Treason, but it's a fact. I do not believe Alexandra would ignore an order. She might ignore a request, but not an order.

IMO, asking Alexandra to return home is more likely to be successful than commanding her.

Pretty sure the general idea here is to ask her to return before we fall into plan B which is to order her to return.
Already corrected to be proper bronze, so no worries! As for the blood thing, it's holy blood! Sometimes, blood of good people does good stuff. When combined with divine rituals of warrior gods like Sigmar, at least.

We should watch out for people wanting to use Freddy's blood for rituals involving alcohol. :lol

The dawi have already drawn samples of his blood to try and figure out the Gazul brew. But who knows who else might want his blood to make magic booze, for good or ill.
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We should watch out for people wanting to use Freddy's blood for rituals involving alcohol. :lol

The dawi have already drawn samples of his blood to try and figure out the Gazul brew. But who knows who else might might want his blood, for good or ill.
Have the dwarves continued trying to replicate Gazul's Brew or have they given up yet?
If we get the option to do it. We should bring Alexandria home. but first we should request that she come home. If she refuses and doesn't give a good enough for not coming back when requested. We should send Magnus or Arthur to Kislev to bring her back with a written order that she return home. If her reason is good enough than we should wait until it is done or a year passes in game than order her home.
Religious Enforcement Woes: The Tzarina, madwoman that she is, has already begun a brand new program which infringes upon the rights of all who live within Kislev. She cast out the southern gods, for this, she cannot be entirely blamed, for there are none who could say they liked the endless braying about Ulric or Sigmar. But claiming their temples for her own, destroying and then rebuilding them into new forms? Under her control? Far more of an issue. She claims the Gods do something, and her puppets repeat her words. But now, she has unleashed a new plague upon the good peoples of the land, a strange form of religious enforcement who preach the word of 'the pantheon' and look to ensure that all in Kislev give credence to 'proper' and consistent worship. Those that acquiesce to them, those officials and headmen who give way, receive bribes and lowerings of taxes for certain seasons! Is there nothing that the Tzarina will not stoop to, so that her 'vision' is completed?! These new Nadzirateli are blasphemers, for all that their number is made up of priests of 'the gods' and their guards.
Reading through the comments I think people are forgetting to read what isn't written here.
1. First, the Empire priests got cast out first (which no one in country seems to take as a bad thing) and the dissenters are happy with that part... what they aren't happy with is that the temples where remodeled and not left empty. So its the establishment of the new temples that are the issue. Reading between the lines I think the priests left on their own with their stuff... So yes, diplomacy was involved behind the scenes. This wasn't the diplomatic crit fail people think of it as. Note the complete lack of blood shed involved in this rumor.
2. Note the part that draws hate is the new temples popping up in there place... specifically the bits about how the central church taking over the holy spots.
3. Note how she is blatantly standardizing the religion. Considering all the crazy tribals and their habit of cooperating with or invading Kislev at semi-random this needs to be done. This new pantheon does have all/most of the salvageable parts of the Northern religions involved. Note the proper (judgement call) worship and the consistency are what people are ranting about. How dare religion make sense consistently!
4. Then the rumor rants about the Unholy act of providing tax incentives to people cooperating with the ruler! Its clearly bribery and shenanigans! Why the complete lack of corpses is making it crazy hard to have a rallying point against her! She dared to do things that we actually said we wanted! 'Stap the Tzarina! She isn't doing things bloody! Stap doing things we can't really use as uprising propaganda!'
5. At this point they run out of steam and start name calling the priests as committing blasphemy against... the religion they are priests in. Its kind of a nonsense complaint. Note the reason the priests are unpriestly is they are siding with the Tzarina.

Basically, the Tzarina talked the Empire priests into leaving and took over the holy sights, then rebuilt the sites to the standards the new holy people on the holy site. Apparently without bloodshed. Everything else is whining about how the religion she is organizing not against the one organizing it. Also, tax incentives towards those complying with the policies. Add in the drunken rioting attempts and I think they are mostly up in arms about not being able to complain about the Bloody Tzarina being bloody this year.

TL DR; Tzarina actually dimplomacied things for once and it has confused and infuriated her detractors. This was a calm year for once in Kislev.
TL DR; Tzarina actually dimplomacied things for once and it has confused and infuriated her detractors. This was a calm year for once in Kislev.

Yeah, but look at what she has her people doing. Referring to all the human gods as "the pantheon" and she's making worshiping the pantheon mandatory... If I were a betting man then I'd bet that she's trying to change the gods or somesuch. Not saying change in terms of Tzeench, but she's clearly up to something.
Staff Notice: Spaghetti Posting is against the rules. See Staff post.
I dare to hope that Kragg aims to forge our new ironfist and Urgdug's gift.

It would be nice, but I doubt Kragg would just leave for that, there might be more going on then just that

I think the beastmen have had a rough couple turns, we marched into the forest and wrecked them and a pivotal artefact, then they marched an army into the mountains and got stomped on by the Dwarves.

Just brutal, I think they will either try something soon( a turn or two) or settle down for a while.

I actually fear that these Beastmen were just the Vanguard to secure the passage for the whole Beastmen crusade

I mean if we look at the signs it certainly looks bad
1.the Omen was involved with the things in the North
2. beastmen probe borders from the south,
3. people are currently fleeing from the north towards Kislev
4. the lack of Norscanraids

That sounds to me like another invasion of chaos, which in worst case will attract the attention of the Orcs and convince them that the 'bestest foigt' is with the Empire

Ugh. People are overreacting a bit. Just follow Magnus's lead, whatever he does.

I gotta have to say I find it funny how in times of doubt we always pray to Magnus, through given what we always end up doing, I'm not sure how much that helps

Gunthar took exception. Gunthar the Imperial Supremacist who prefers Imperial things over non-Imperial things by default and dislikes the Gospodar on general principle because they've had a history of slavery that didn't exclude Imperial citizens.

Actually Gunthar has a problem with slavery in principle, which is one of his major beefs with Kislev

There's a great big Waagh preparing to bumrush somebody, and the beastmen are getting restless. Even if the Empire cares enough to muscle into Kislev, this really isn't the situation where they have the time to.

Actually with the Waagh bumrushing into the Skaven and the Empire as a whole not being aware of the upcoming Beastmen crusade this is the perfect moment to start shit like this
Especially with the Blackfire pass being reinforced like it currently is

Guys, Rumor Mill is called Rumor Mill for a reason. We dont know why Kat did this, so I suggest you all stop jumping to conclusions and just wait and see what happens next.

Actually, given that the Ostland rumors are 90% true and rumors are more reliable the closer their source is, we can safely say that much of this is true,
What we should consider however, is what we don't hear because it's not notable enough

Honestly speaking, Sigmar's missionaries had no bussiness preaching there, and even Ulric's presence causes some religious friction, due to the competing claims with the Ancient Widow.

Actually they had, given that Kislev was an imperial Colony at some point

We just need to support whatever the Emperor and the heads of th major religions decide on. She's not worth buring any political capital to help. We just can't be the ones starting this mess.

You know what I would dig, Magnus telling the religious heads not to do anything, because he has been aware of our goal to turn Kislev into a meat shield the whole time

The Sylvania crusades also exhausted the Empire's manpower reserves.

Actually it didn't given that they were mostly made of common citizen, that were recruited by the Wolf and the Witch Hunter crusade
As such should most of the armies of the Empire still be fine an ready for war

"Consorting and harbouring people as bad as Norscans" describes Marienburg, Tilea and Araby as well.

And yet I don't see you arguing when people call for their deaths
Are these double standards that I smell there Qeqre :V:V

I actually have a good question. How is the Wild Hunt going for the wood elves and the braetorians.

What does interest me, is it just a Athel Loren thing or is the Wild Hunt something that happens across all Wood Elve holdings

I wonder if there are any special natural wonders in Ostland that could be converted into a holy site of Taal and Rhya.

It's called the Forest of Shadows and it 's not very nice :V

Alex is also helping her make sure that she doesn't get too bad.

I'm pretty sure that is already a failure, given the recent events,
I'm yeah Alex is preventing Kattarin from just going ahead with murdering her opposition, because it's literally 50% of Kislev at least at this point, but I think that's all she can do at this point anymore

Not to mention that people don't have have seemed to consider that she after all that time in Kislev has actually grown attached to the place especially since it's one of the places her ancestors come from and another place she calls home like how Natasha despite not being born in Ostland considers it home.

HAhaha, good one, you remember the passage of Alex visit, where she admitted quietly in the dark that she follows our politics of turning Kislev into a meatshield for the Empire right?
I don't know where you come from, but in my place we don't turn a whole people into meatshields if we are attached to them

Sounds like skaven-nip to me.

That was actually my first impression as well,

Still my hope is that this bell at least, won't ever be corrupted by the Skaven

Seriously? When I said bring her home Permanently I meant from Kislev. if Alexandria wants to travel the empire or beyond it to other places other than Kislev which I have problems with due to them scarring her as the post above your points out than that's fine. Its her decision but enough is enough.

Within the Nothern Hemisphere, given that as an Ice Mage she get's trouble the further she moves south

Alex has the trait Scholar of the Ancient Widow, which shows at least some attachement to Kislev.

Dude, I gotta have to tell you something, despite what Kattarin say, does Kislev not equal the Window

Can Freddie really just order around anyone born in Ostland? Does this mean that the Elder of the Moot could just tell the Halflings living in Ostland to come home and if they don't comply they are traitors? (Well, at least those born in the Moot.)

Freddy can order anybody who is a Citizen of Ostland, which Alex is

Also, Alexandra is, as far as I know, not our ambassador to Kislev. She is Kattarin's Royal Aide. So if anyone who gets to order her around it is Kattarin.

Actually her position is that of somebody who is being send to the Court of Kislev to from Kattarin about the ways of nobility and all that entails

The martial equivalent would Squiring under a Knight

one with, if memory serves, the potential to even be more powerful than Katarina.

That one is false, Kattarin is literally the Window's Chosen, you don't get any more powerful then that

She can take care of herself.

One vs One maybe
Given that this will become a full blown civil war, nothing is guaranteed and everybody can die by a lucky shoot,
Also Alex has never seen large scale warfare and as such could not be expected to make the optimum choices in regards of her survival during a civil war

And, frankly, I feel like pulling her out now might just lead to a civil war in the future; one that could very well draw us in and take quite a bit of casualties to stop.

At this point the civil war is unavoidable unless Kattarin steps down/ gets killed by chaos, so that Mattarin can succeed her and unify Kislev again
Which probably won't be happening given that Kattarin is Kattarin

As it is, Katarina might be able to thread the needle and keep it from exploding, though it seems unlikely at this point.

Dude, I think you might have missed the memo, from Alex visit, but Kattarin want it to explode, so that she can just go ahead and kill her opposition, never mind that her opposition at this point is half of her population

it's everybody else in her camp that keeps her from lightning everything up

beyond the fact that she's gotten alliance agreements with both us in particular and the Empire as a whole,

That's actually wrong, what she got is an agreement between Kislev and the Empire, which is all the difference needed, because that means that the Empire can stay out of a Kislev only civil war
Yeah, but look at what she has her people doing. Referring to all the human gods as "the pantheon" and she's making worshiping the pantheon mandatory... If I were a betting man then I'd bet that she's trying to change the gods or somesuch. Not saying change in terms of Tzeench, but she's clearly up to something.

she is totally trying to change the gods, that has not at all been unclear. at least one of the gods had not actual dogma before she wrote it for them wholesale. She is 100% activly working to reshape her gods into something useful. I don't really see that as a bad thing truth be told, they where pretty useless before she started hammering them into shape.
Reading through the comments I think people are forgetting to read what isn't written here.
1. First, the Empire priests got cast out first (which no one in country seems to take as a bad thing) and the dissenters are happy with that part... what they aren't happy with is that the temples where remodeled and not left empty. So its the establishment of the new temples that are the issue. Reading between the lines I think the priests left on their own with their stuff... So yes, diplomacy was involved behind the scenes. This wasn't the diplomatic crit fail people think of it as. Note the complete lack of blood shed involved in this rumor.
2. Note the part that draws hate is the new temples popping up in there place... specifically the bits about how the central church taking over the holy spots.
3. Note how she is blatantly standardizing the religion. Considering all the crazy tribals and their habit of cooperating with or invading Kislev at semi-random this needs to be done. This new pantheon does have all/most of the salvageable parts of the Northern religions involved. Note the proper (judgement call) worship and the consistency are what people are ranting about. How dare religion make sense consistently!
4. Then the rumor rants about the Unholy act of providing tax incentives to people cooperating with the ruler! Its clearly bribery and shenanigans! Why the complete lack of corpses is making it crazy hard to have a rallying point against her! She dared to do things that we actually said we wanted! 'Stap the Tzarina! She isn't doing things bloody! Stap doing things we can't really use as uprising propaganda!'
5. At this point they run out of steam and start name calling the priests as committing blasphemy against... the religion they are priests in. Its kind of a nonsense complaint. Note the reason the priests are unpriestly is they are siding with the Tzarina.

Basically, the Tzarina talked the Empire priests into leaving and took over the holy sights, then rebuilt the sites to the standards the new holy people on the holy site. Apparently without bloodshed. Everything else is whining about how the religion she is organizing not against the one organizing it. Also, tax incentives towards those complying with the policies. Add in the drunken rioting attempts and I think they are mostly up in arms about not being able to complain about the Bloody Tzarina being bloody this year.

TL DR; Tzarina actually dimplomacied things for once and it has confused and infuriated her detractors. This was a calm year for once in Kislev.

That's because, y'know, it's a Kislev rumor mill? Their priority isn't the health and safety of the priests or really even the ransacking of Imperial temples, they're outraged because Katarina is using their gods as a tool for centralization and power. I'm sure that the people of the Empire will have different things to be outraged about.

It might be a calm year for Kislev, but I bet there would be a lot of clamoring down south in the Empire.
Just in case anyone was wondering:

According to the front page Alexandra was born in 2306
As of turn 31, it is 2335
Alexandra is 29 years old and y'all are treating her like she is a child.

If she truly desires to come home she will do so, and if she does not think she can do so of her own volition she will ask her family and they will bring her home, regardless of what anyone in Kislev thinks. But until that time comes, she is perfectly capable of making her own decisions and taking care of herself.
People are saying she's not attached to the place because she was so fucked up the treatement and life style there she couldn't smile or trust her own family even when she got away.

Literally they are tearing her apart, but you want to ignore that because of your self righteousness, you are straw manning, you are misrepresenting people and the crux of your argument is that Alex wants to stay because of personal attachment, that someone with depression and obsession issues should be able to make her own decisions when she's falling in with an increasingly bad crowd, that's simply not true, she is depressed, paranoid, emotionally isolated and suffering constant assassination attempts.

That's not emotional attachment, that's a horrific duty she does due to her obsession. Look back and tell me she's happy there, you literally can't.
Uh, Alexandra almost immediately in the 'Of Daughters Interludes' dropped her paranoia, and cold mask within the first day of her return. Which led to her mental state becoming relaxed and healthy during the following years Alexandra stayed in Ostland. Do you know how long Alexandra has stayed in Kislev since she left Ostland? 3 years as of the end of turn 31. Now at the first excuse, the drag Alexandra to Ostland for her health arguments are here, again.

We don't know Alexandra is under constant assassination attempts, or depressed. Or even know what her mental state is right now. For all we know Alexandra could have been enjoying a tea party with Kattarin this turn, no mental issues at all. We can only dramatically guess.

If Alexandra is brought back, Alexandra would be giving up everything she has worked for. Would be far more permanent a solution if Alexandra chose to return to Ostland, so the decision can't be blamed as Freddy had no idea what he was doing. The best place where Alexandra can gain the greatest benefit for the Empire is in Kislev, there isn't any other place she can certainly gain the same benefits. The High elves have more important things to do than aid a human for a curiosity. Wood Elves are isolationists with only very severe circumstances creating a situation they would speak with Freddy. We might be able to do something with the wood elf mercs, but that's probably not what we agreed to pay them for.

Politically we shouldn't remove Alexandra, because Freddy made the blue-steel concoduit possible. Which publicly places Freddy in Kattarin's side, if we remove Alexandra, we would be removing one of the few remaining Imperial influences/connections Kislev has linking itself to the Empire. And Freddy shows a moment of no-confidence in Kattarin.

Turn 17 = 2320 IC (Kattarin's husband dies)
Turn 18 = 2321 IC (Alexandra moves to Kislev)
Turn 19
Turn 20
Turn 21
Turn 22, Elector's Meet = 2325 IC (Blue steel concordit, Alexandra confirms she has created ledstali by this point, Sigmar stops Freddy from burning at the stake)
Turn 23 = 2326 IC (Kurgan raids affect Kislev, the KU campaign begins near the later half of the year)
2327 IC (KU ends, Alexandra stars in the 'Alexandra Hohenzollern and the Sapphire of the Ice Queen, Part 1' film)
Turn 24 = 2328 IC ('Alexandra Hohenzollern and the Sapphire of the Ice Queen, Part 2' completes, Romanof family takes over the Kislev religions, Logan is put in the flame of Ulric)
Turn 25 = 2329 IC (Kislev's civil war is in the shadows for the most part, but this is the year Kattarin is revealed to be low on cash. Anna traveled South.) A Cold Hearth likely happens this turn.
Turn 26 = 2330 IC (Alexandra moves to Ostland to give her brother Magnus a wedding gift frrom Kislev, Kattarin's influence over Kislev is visibly being chipped)
Turn 27 = 2331 IC (Alexandra is in Ostland making good memories, Elector's Meet, Kattarin succeeded in things that were needed)
Turn 28 =2332 IC (Alexandra is in Ostland making good memories, events outside of Kattarin's control visibly threaten Kislev)
Turn 29 =2333 IC (Alexandra finally returns to Kislev at the beginning of the year, Kislev is grumpy)
Turn 30 =2334 IC (Kislev politics get strange)
Turn 31 = 2335 IC (rumor mill not released)
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That one is false, Kattarin is literally the Window's Chosen, you don't get any more powerful then that
I'm just taking from the story, man.
"They are some of the most skilled I have ever seen. But Alexandra seems far more dedicated to the art. Anna spends more and more of her time with her machines. She prefers the whirring of gears and cogs to the song of the land," Veronika says with a shrug.

"How skilled is the first?"

What is she getting at…?

"Incredibly so, my Lady. For her age she is the most powerful of our kind that I have ever seen," Veronika gushes.

Kattarin quirks an eyebrow.

"More than me?"

Both of the elder Ice Mages pale slightly.

"I…that is to say…."

"Pride. Is. Worthless," Kattarin wraps her lips around each word, almost relishing them. "When pride prevents food from being in the people's belly, from shields and armor from protecting their flesh from the hordes, from weapons better than what we have from reaching the pulk's hands, it is worthless."
One vs One maybe
Given that this will become a full blown civil war, nothing is guaranteed and everybody can die by a lucky shoot,
Also Alex has never seen large scale warfare and as such could not be expected to make the optimum choices in regards of her survival during a civil war
She's got a squad of Ogres and all the forces Katarina can provide. And the war hasn't broken yet; I agree, if full scale war breaks out, we should ask for her to come back. But the longer that is delayed, the better.
That's actually wrong, what she got is an agreement between Kislev and the Empire, which is all the difference needed, because that means that the Empire can stay out of a Kislev only civil war
I'm not sure what you mean by this? Because there is an alliance. Unless you mean that we would be able to ignore a civil war?
In the end, one of the most important things agreed upon is the one you care about most, and it manages to be signed by every single Elector's Count, and given the official approval of the religious leaders, while Moro agrees as well: A mutual defense pact. Should the lands of the Empire be truly threatened, then the Grand Army of Kislev shall send an appreciable amount of its strength in response, and should the same happen to Kislev, the response of the Empire shall be brutal and swift.