I mean. I've definitely brought this up before multiple times in the thread about my feelings on technological advancement over the years. Like repeatedly.
To the point that I put it in the FAQ section? Like, when I mean multiple times, I mean it's been a major principle for literal actual years now. Going on for closer to a decade than not.
So, please, I get it. Don't ever think otherwise.
To the point that I put it in the FAQ section? Like, when I mean multiple times, I mean it's been a major principle for literal actual years now. Going on for closer to a decade than not.
Just gonna quote myself here:
I'll be honest. Technological overdrive/creep is a major concern of mine, and has been for quite a long time. In my head, the progression goes from matchlocks, to wheellocks, to snaplocks, to snaphaunce, to flintlocks. And while wheel-locks may come about, I really just...I'm very leery of jumping all the way to flintlocks anytime soon. Mallus has weird technological progression, obviously, so I don't necessarily want to go beyond, like, the earliest 1700/1800's in terms of most tech...barring things that are stupendously simple like the road thing you brought up earlier. I acknowledge the possibility that my aversion to such rapid advancement might be going beyond the realm of normal reason, but...I don't know, atm. You've just started on getting really improved matchlocks, and next step will be, for certain, wheellocks. Even if there are examples of it already (dwarfs, most likely), the research for that would be for making them more affordable and cheaper to make. Doomspheres and Deathspinners are extant creations, to be honest, things that shouldn't work IRL but happen to do so on Mallus, same as the lightning horse and pure steam warfare gyrocopters n'such. I don't necessarily want to use them as examples for 'cost' in terms of materials or otherwise, right now. I don't even want to think about percussion caps or the like right now.
^This suffices, for the most part, but as a small addition: Technology can advance, sprout, etc. in different/various ways over time. It's true. Drunken inventions might create things laterally, or skip some steps here and there. Studying other technology bases might result in the same. But either way, just don't expect to somehow reach assault rifles and what not, let alone bolters, in any capacity or manner throughout the quest, okay?
So, please, I get it. Don't ever think otherwise.