
First of all, I can't imagine what you're going through, but you have my honest and sincere sympathies. And you are, frankly, an incredibly helpful and uplifting part of our lives. People underestimate how beneficial an engrossing piece of fiction can be for someone's mental health, and your quest certainly contributed positively to mine.

And being blunt, I would absolutely pay for a Patreon, assuming I have cash to spare. However, I'm concerned about whether you can legally make a Patreon to fund what is essentially fanfiction. Would you need to pad your portfolio with regular original fiction to stay above board?

First of all, I can't imagine what you're going through, but you have my honest and sincere sympathies. And you are, frankly, an incredibly helpful and uplifting part of our lives. People underestimate how beneficial an engrossing piece of fiction can be for someone's mental health, and your quest certainly contributed positively to mine.

And being blunt, I would absolutely pay for a Patreon, assuming I have cash to spare. However, I'm concerned about whether you can legally make a Patreon to fund what is essentially fanfiction. Would you need to pad your portfolio with regular original fiction to stay above board?
The big no no with derivative works like fanfiction and the like is that you can't gatekeep the content behind a paywall. Having a patreon for someone who writes fanfiction and quests is perfectly fine; having one where you can get early access to chapters via that patreon is also entirely fine. It only becomes a legal issue if you were to try to sell said works as a novel or something like that. So torroar is super in the clear.

I also want to throw my 2 cents here and say that as someone who's been here since the very beginning (almost 10 years ago god I feel old) this story has been the highlight of my day more times than I can count. Seeing an update is always an instant read, my mood improves, I can talk to people about it and our favorite moments, just...everything. It's been a constant in my life for so long that I can't imagine what I'd do without it haha.

Please make a patreon so I can repay you for all the good times you've given me torroar. Not even for this quest alone; I remember the snippets of the cyperpunk story you started, or the FNV magical shop story, and seeing you expand on those ideas or any story at all would be just as much of a treat to me.
The big no no with derivative works like fanfiction and the like is that you can't gatekeep the content behind a paywall. Having a patreon for someone who writes fanfiction and quests is perfectly fine; having one where you can get early access to chapters via that patreon is also entirely fine. It only becomes a legal issue if you were to try to sell said works as a novel or something like that. So torroar is super in the clear.

Games Workshop disagreed with this so hard a few years ago that If the Emperor Had a Text-toSpeech Device had to be shut down and rebooted as Hunter: The Parenting. Yes as a rule this is true, but it is a grey area and the more asshole companies like Nintendo or GW tend to cause messes just so they could feel more in control of their IP.

Torroar appears to have thought this trough though, so I'm going to trust him on this Patreon setting up.
I don't know. Email just says suspended for suspicious activity. I halfway finished it, had to take the parent to a dentist appointment, came home, finished it, and clicked launch and it said page not found. And when I tried to log in, they said my account was deactivated. Then I got the email.
I don't know. Email just says suspended for suspicious activity. I halfway finished it, had to take the parent to a dentist appointment, came home, finished it, and clicked launch and it said page not found. And when I tried to log in, they said my account was deactivated. Then I got the email.
Yeah, Patreon. They are notorious for this shit. You likely hit one of the automated flags when you left it for a time.
Well gang, I tried.

And subsequently had my Patreon account suspended pending removal for suspicious activity.

I'm so tired.
Ah, don't worry about it you likely just triggered a moderator bot flag , it happens just call them and they will fix it , something like that happened to me in discord where I was banned by a bot for no reason because I triggered a bot flag called the mods and was sorted out in less than a day
I sent them a 'I think you did this in error' thing as prompted in the email about the suspension, and now apparently according to the response I get to wait 24-48 hours for a response. Hurray.
Common Patreon L. Hope support will be helpful to you torroar. On the "bright side", once it's re-opened and you tie any loose ends, I think timeline may fit for 19/20th of January? It can be a quite a way to celebrate the 10th year anniversary of the quest 🎉
If they reopen it. I do worry that maybe it was the usage of Warhammer in part of the posting that might have made them take it down. I could try to make a different one, maybe, and just not mention it if that turns out to be the main issue. I hope it isn't, though. It really just totally blasted my mood. I was actually managing to feel a bit happy there. I hope it can be resolved well, I really do.
If they reopen it. I do worry that maybe it was the usage of Warhammer in part of the posting that might have made them take it down. I could try to make a different one, maybe, and just not mention it if that turns out to be the main issue. I hope it isn't, though. It really just totally blasted my mood. I was actually managing to feel a bit happy there. I hope it can be resolved well, I really do.
Maybe you could try using code talk to get around it? Like using Battlemace instead of Warhammer.
If they reopen it. I do worry that maybe it was the usage of Warhammer in part of the posting that might have made them take it down. I could try to make a different one, maybe, and just not mention it if that turns out to be the main issue. I hope it isn't, though. It really just totally blasted my mood. I was actually managing to feel a bit happy there. I hope it can be resolved well, I really do.
I doubt it considering just how many Warhammer content creators use Patreon , like Lysdanr and Coda has nearly a year's worth of Warhammer podcasts on their Patreon without issue and Majorkill has outright marketed his with commissioned Warhammer themed hentai , so its going to be fine if nothing's happened to them then you have nothing to worry about
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Hey Torroar. I've been reading along here on SV for about 5 years, and I have to admit that this is my favorite quest - probably even piece of literature. I've read it a couple of times (it's almost 3 million words, forgive me for not having read it more ;) ) and each and every time, without fault, I've cried, I've laughed, I've found myself nearly in disbelief of your writing skills and how I sympathize with Frederick and his family, and their trials and tribulations. For a long time I have wanted to write my appreciation, but it has always felt like an incorrect time to do so - though, now I have decided that late is better than never. So I just want to express how I value your writing and your management of the quest - it has brought me great joy in rough and tough, and joyous, times.

I'm so very sorry to hear about your family. My partner, whom I've told about your quest ad nauseam despite not being a Warhammer fan, and I wish you and yours the best!

a very belated welcome!
Patreon is just a crapshoot on this shit. And with how they are screened it's impossible to figure out what specifically triggered the automated system. My bet is the delay during creation.
Guess I'll only find out on Monday. I gave them the info they asked for, but they didn't respond after that, and they don't do stuff on Saturday or Sundays, which, you know, is good for the employees. Still disappointing.

Nothing else to do now. Hopefully I might be able to write tomorrow though, so there's that.
Thoughts And Anniversary
Patreon is still being quiet on me, so that's not great. But it is what it is. I have to try and forge on. Despite everything, I still persist, as does the parent.

I will say that reading over ya'lls posts of encouragement means a lot to me. A whole lot. I went pretty dark there, in my thoughts. The world is a vampire, as it were. Good bit of it made me cry, not going to try and hide that fact. I did look into caretaker care spaces for a bit there, as some of you mentioned, and boy, did that not help. Basically a whole swathe of people trying desperately to hold each other up above water that kept rising up to drown them. Lots of shared attempts comfort, and so many more questions and expressions of exhaustion, and a fair few of them asking 'what's next' in the same sort of vein as someone on their knees outside of a burnt down house after their 'shift' finally came to an end. Because it consumes their lives. They become isolated, utterly, caring for their siblings, or parents, and a lot of them were even in their 40s, 50s, and more, and that was it, in an uncertain world full of people they used to know that have long since moved on.

I don't want to think about 'what's next' for a long time, but even when it does come, I want to be more than someone standing in the ashes of a half-life that was quarter-lived and have no idea what to do next. I want now to be a time of creation and joy, and actual livelihood so I can claw back some small measure of 'me' to hold close so I don't lose myself entirely.

So I'll keep hoping Patreon responds in a positive manner, and that when they do, like a funny little painter from the Renaissance that I'll maybe someday make enough to make a living from my patrons from my various works, and keep trying to write, because for better or worse, writing is about the only thing I've sorta got at this point. The scheduling around the parent, the costs of trying to get another carer compared to doing it myself...yeah. I could try and make funny Youtube videos, or become an entertaining Twitch Streamer, but goodness knows how low the success rate at that is out of everyone who tries.

In the meantime, this. We sort of missed the anniversary, as the front page states this was all started on Jan 19, 2025, but that's fine. we can do it now. Had some discussions, about what to do for it. Didn't and don't have the money for a fancy commission or the like, but that's okay. We'll make it.

I'm not ready to give up. Not yet.

So bereft of anything else I can offer you all as thanks for all you've done for me, kept me going through participation and analysis and enjoyment and compliments and criticisms and more, a 10th Anniversary Vote hopefully seems acceptable.

Happy 10th Anniversary (Choose 2): Vote Was Closed On 1/22/2025
[] Fighting Fate - Sometimes, it seems like the entire universe has been set against them, and yet, they persist. Sometimes, even, with a bit of aid from the Gods themselves. Gods, supreme beings that they are, often contest one another as well, and once again, it seems a locus point has been found where a great many are exerting their influence in a single place. For better or worse, influence becomes easier to push forward. A great many champions are present after all, and Gods are not above petty acts of vengeance. Frederick and Natasha both gain 1 Fate Point, and 1 Fortune Point To Use 'Per Day' I.E. In/around 24 hours within-universe.
[X] The Burning Bulwark of Love: It is a poison and an antidote, a balm and poultice and an open fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded. Love is many things, and in the case of Natasha and Frederick, it is a source of strength that has yet to be matched. In the distant past, elves were averse to performing the ritual binding their very souls together for all the pain that it could bring them. And yet it was done, and it is a strength beyond strength. Neither shall be the weakness of the other, ever. Though it was unintended, perhaps because of the usage of materials born of the Realm of Chaos to try and hurt or the influences of the Gods themselves, the bond has grown stronger still. The Soulbond Connection Between Natasha and Frederick Grows Stronger To Untold Levels, Protecting Both Parties All The More.
[X] By the Ancestors: The Greenskins have broken open Karaz-a-Karak, and yet they are finding it a difficult prize to plumb. The work of Kragg the Grim, never-ending, has provided a few more thorns than they might have ever expected. For the first time in a long time, new Gronti walk. Not the greatest of them, not yet, not quite, and yet that some have been forged anew, some reawoken from the deeper vaults, is a great boon to the dwarfs and their allies in the defense of their nation. The runes - and anger - of the dwarfs burn bright! Kragg the Grim has begun production of Gronti, powerful rune-golems, to help bolster the defenses of the Everpeak.
[] With A Bit Of Time And Space: No one, not even the elves, are entirely sure how long they were trapped within the Realm of Chaos by none other than Kairos Fateweaver himself. The absolute shifting of an Arcane Fulcrum was no mean feat, and yet it was done, trapping the Asur and their magical experts in a place outside of time and space. Yet whether or not the twisted whims of Tzeentch intended it or not, much was gleaned in that time. Some of it out of desperation, admittedly. Aurelion, master of the Eternity Stair, has lost friends and allies in that fight, but now that she has returned to Mallus, she returns stronger than before, and with greater knowledge over the Fulcrum that she has bound herself to. Woe betide her enemies, and may her allies find themselves bolstered by this. Aurelion has gained significant knowledge over her Arcane Fulcrum, has connected with it further, and is that much stronger. Waystone Research has advanced significantly, despite the efforts (or because of?) of Tzeentch.
[] Maligning Moulder: The greatest fleshcrafters and monstrous breeders and experimenters of the greatest (in their opinion) of all the Clans of the Skaven see now that their chance is nigh to finally scourge the lands above of those that could interfere with them. With all the potential extra space, their breeders could ensure that the man-things would never be able to dislodge the coming glorious lands of the Under-Empire. There is a chance they could fail, of course, that lesser leaders and foolish mistakes could doom them as they begin to make their move. That their efforts might be discovered early, would be even worse! And yet, such a thing just might occur. Clan Moulder's advance outwards from the Hellpit is blunted painfully, and early, forcing them to have to fight much, much harder to actually make successful gains in the War of Bitter Ice.
[] Raindrops Falling On Their Heads: It takes a great effort for a Slann to maintain focus and integrity at the best of times to remain conscious. Especially when they are far, far away indeed from their places of power, the fulcrums and temples built upon the Geomantic Web. Even worse, should their holy palanquin be destroyed, and be made to touch the corrupt world upon a platform of crude branches and the like. Yet Ulha'up persists as best he can, even in a land where the powers of Chaos are so long-standing and strong. The Slann awakens, this time, more fully than he has in a long time, and sees that those who follow the Old Ones are beset. While he can maintain himself before slumbering once more, great ruin shall fall upon the servants of Chaos, great ruin indeed. Lord Ulha'up, Voyager in the Rain Drops of Eternity, manages to reach notable wakefulness in his sanctum, and casts his prodigious power against the forces opposing the Norse Dwarfs and the Uxmaegr for a time before he must slumber once more.
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I have faith in you and your fortune @torroar and as always am here to support you. One way or another I will throw money at you.

[X] Fighting Fate
[X] The Burning Bulwark of Love:
[X] By the Ancestors
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In the meantime, this. We sort of missed the anniversary, as the front page states this was all started on Jan 19, 2025, but that's fine. we can do it now. Had some discussions, about what to do for it. Didn't and don't have the money for a fancy commission or the like, but that's okay. We'll make it.

I'm not ready to give up. Not yet.
So glad you want to keep on going, and know we are here to support you however we can!

Sorry about missing anniversary too, but happy 10 years!

Thank you so much for all the years of fun, emotions, ups and downs, and in general giving us all a space to escape to and enjoy over the years, and hope it has and will continue to bring you joy for as long as you want it to bud. :D 💙
Happy 10th Anniversary (Choose 2):
Oh boy, a lot of good things here that makes a person think, will get back to you after doing a deep analysis, lol.