huh, i wasn't aware skinks weren't also biologically immortal, all other lizardmen quests and such has them be such the same as saurus and others from what i have seen
And which ones do you know of?

Kinda curious then, but would it be possible for a Saurus or Kroxigor to be spawned that could touch one of the winds of magic?
Possible? Probably. If Tepok can have a personal magic beast he can have magic Saurus and Kroxigor.
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Magic existed before the Winds were actively blowing into the world in the form of earthbound magic.
I just realized that the Vortex is a reverse oil derrick. Pouring Oil back into the ground.
Kinda curious then, but would it be possible for a Saurus or Kroxigor to be spawned that could touch one of the winds of magic?
Would have to be by design.
And expensive.

Old Ones are no longer around to do Bespoke/custom orders anymore.
Slaan won't see the need for it but possibly might have the capacity.

Everyone follows the Great Plan tm.
Do want to note - perfectly fine with different decisions on how someone wants to do something in Warhammer. If skinks are biologically immortal in another quest, super cool! Not that weird, honestly, GW had the other 3 be as such, after all, and frankly skinks really are quite useful though in myriad ways so frankly it would have made plenty of sense to have 'em be that way too. Weird that they aren't, honestly. But for me, and DoDA, they ain't. No worries either way though.
But they are not biologically immortal in regular canon as near as I can tell.
I woud wager that a signinficant exeption of this. Are all the 'Blessed' spawned, priests and other 'marked for greatness' ones. Mayby not to the point of Immortality. But more plausible having elf like capability of 'keep going until its done'.
Then again. Humans thinks some of the Old Ones sites grant longgevity so perhaps there are meant of extending skink lifetime via 'expensive' rituals.
Who knows, Lizardman Lore is vague for a reason. They are meant to be Eldrich scions so it makes sense there are means to achive what should not be achived.

Who knows, its not like we'll go to Lustria any time soon.
Possible, but if that were so, you'd think that they would have done something for their uber respected Temple Guard granted Chief Astronomer who is uber ancient and so well regarded that it wholly shifted Lizardmen society around the omen of his spawning time being considered ill to good.

Like, not for nothing, but humans in Warhammer think a lot of things, not all of it correct. Plenty of humans think Lizardmen are daemon-creatures akin to beastmen, and think all their wards, temples, idols, and more are Chaos-related and require a righteous crusade to topple them all. All except Oxyotl and maybe Tehenahuin in modern 2520s IC Lizardmen skink roster are short-lived, with their greatest most respected Slann-like figure frail and ancient and withered. Everyone else is vibrant and young/recently spawned and positioned, or Chaos Realm warped, or whatever is going on with Tehenahuin. Rejuvenation pools enough to heal Slann from mortal wounds are noted to exist in canon materials, but will they work for humans? Or skinks? Maybe. Maybe skinks have a literal built-in time limit. Maybe they don't.

For DoDA purposes, Ulha'up doesn't have any skinks, because battle or age. S'about all that's relevant in DoDA for the moment.
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huh, what about Gnomes?

Reading about them honesly is giving me some sort of halflings shinoby vibes.
Ah. Yeah. No gnomes, no pygmies.

Gnomes do not exist in DoDA canon.

The new lore for gnomes is just too new. Like with Cathay in total war warhmmer 3, this quest is older, and worked with the canon available a decade ago. Nobody really expected any of the Warhammer Fantasy lore to get more lore after The End Times as mandated by GW happened.
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