They don't know Ulha'up is there. In this hypothetical situation it is at best coincidence.
Yes. But their actions in testing and enhancing his mental toughness (As well as the increased bandwidth of the Bond) have created a suitable and/or more importantly SURVIVABLE receiver for the Slaan's thoughts/will. Brilliant, Durable, reinforced, expanded and capable of touching the winds.

One we might not need because of the existence of the captured Skink priest.

We could try recharging the Slaan back in Ostland's arcane Fulcrum...
Might wake him up sooner. :lol:
Yes. But their actions in testing and enhancing his mental toughness (As well as the increased bandwidth of the Bond) have created a suitable and/or more importantly SURVIVABLE receiver for the Slaan's thoughts/will. Brilliant, Durable, reinforced, expanded and capable of touching the winds.

One we might not need because of the existence of the captured Skink priest.

We could try recharging the Slaan back in Ostland's arcane Fulcrum...
Might wake him up sooner. :lol:
I mean, on the one hand, a First Spawning Relic Priest was able to become active with an arcane fulcrum in a Storm of Magic.

On the other hand, it requires a large amount of factors that make it very unlikely. And might. It even be the same for a living Slann.
Absolutely not saying we should do this...but why didn't the guys who caused Mortkin, or anyone else, ever just genocide the Norscans completely and settle the land like the Empire had done here with Sylvania? Sigmar straight up led the mass genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Norsii, so it can't have been moral grounds.
Absolutely not saying we should do this...but why didn't the guys who caused Mortkin, or anyone else, ever just genocide the Norscans completely and settle the land like the Empire had done here with Sylvania? Sigmar straight up led the mass genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Norsii, so it can't have been moral grounds.

So the Norscan peninsula is larger than the entire Empire. And far more treacherous. Imagine trying to hunt down the Norsii in such a vast environment with only enlightenment era tech and logistics.

Next, the rate of your settlers falling to chaos and spreading cults will massively increase in Norsca.

The place is considered touched by the Dark Gods for good reason.

The end result may be losing your hold on Norsca entirely, but now the new chaotic inhabitants have all of your tech advantages.
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settle the land like the Empire had done here with Sylvania?

My understanding was it was a mix between logistical and "magical" problems. Empire's navy is not a major power and it either protects it's coasts or it's merchant vessels, an operation on this scale across the Sea of Claws is simply beyond their capacity. If they took the land route at best case there will still be a Troll Country sized problem on their path.

Even if these were to be solved and empire was in a good shape to undertake colonization efforts, Norsca is still under heavy influence from Chaos. It may not be as bad as Chaos Wastes(which from time to time extend and swallow Norsca too) it's still chaos's backgarden. Unless you are a dwarf with runes, elf with magic or a particularly zealous group of humans with blessing from Old Ones(which seem to heavy counter chaos and go toe to toe against big 4) you will sooner or later "fall".

A united empire that cleared it's domestic problems in a post End Times world may possibly manage this with magic/tech/faith but as things stand I think best we can do would be supporting Uxmaegr and maybe having some small outposts with their and Norscan dwarfs help.

Edit: Eshin'ed :(
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Absolutely not saying we should do this...but why didn't the guys who caused Mortkin, or anyone else, ever just genocide the Norscans completely and settle the land like the Empire had done here with Sylvania? Sigmar straight up led the mass genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Norsii, so it can't have been moral grounds.
Games Workshop simps for Chaos, and doesn't want them to suffer the obvious consequences. Everything else is just them justifying it in retrospect.
That's really not how we approach questions like this. No point, otherwise everything could come down to "because GW made it that way". We ask "how does this work in setting"
That's kinda the problem though, it only works due to that. There are too many issues with Norsca to ignore. Frankly, trying to make up explanations is like trying to cover a elephant with wrapping paper to hide it. It's still pretty obvious, even if your clear away most of the dung(this is extending the metaphor, I'm not saying your explanations are crap, if I thought that I'd be saying it without mealy-mouthing it).

Also the explanation basically boils down to that Chaos wants it to be like that, so even the in-universe explanations rely on divine intervention. That makes it not much different from my answer.
We ask "how does this work in setting"
I've thought about that for a while and my take on it is that it all comes down to magical infrastructure as pretty much every single major magical feat divine or arcane has its foundations in magical infrastructure to support it

the great vortex is not just Calador and his mages constantly casting a spell , he used the paths of the old ones from Giant Slayer to bump the magic he collects back into the warp , the waystone network the elves and dwarfs builds helps support the magic collection process , the the lizardmen use geomantic web to help keep the vortext stable and the mages of Albion reduced the burden on the vortex by using the Ogham stones to sink as much magic as they could into their island

another example is the geomantic web of the lizard men that powers their magical infrastructure and helps the slaan cast a lot of their really big world altering magic

one more example is Nagash and his black pyramid , it was that pyramid that allowed him to scale his spell casting enough to raise all the dead in Nehakara all at once and its also what allows him to keep coming back from the dead

this logic also applies to gods as gods do not have power in lands where they are not worshiped its why gods in Ind don't do things in the empire for example , as the more temples , holy sites and worshipers a god has in an area the more power and influence a god has in said area vice versa
a good example of this is a story about a witch hunter being chased by vampires why hid an in old temple of Asuryan and said god manifested a miracle to scare the vampires away , if the witch hunter had been anywhere other than a temple then their would have been jack shit Asuryan could to help him

as for how this applies to how powerful the chaos gods are , it has to do with the fact that the polar warp gates and the green moon are massive magical and divine infrastructure that support the power the chaos gods projection and influence across the world , take those away and they would be massively weaker
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I mean, on the one hand, a First Spawning Relic Priest was able to become active with an arcane fulcrum in a Storm of Magic.

On the other hand, it requires a large amount of factors that make it very unlikely. And might. It even be the same for a living Slann.
We have an Arcane Fulcrum with an Elf Archmage that has been plumbing it's depths since Gruber.
I'm sure she could figure out how to get the Slaan to trickle charge like an EV.
Might be the only way to reactivate him in any sort of meaningful timeframe should we lose our skink priest/lizard lore technician.
This is making me sad because humans don't live long enough that this could still be an impossible scenario given the time scales involved.

It's certainly fun to think about the possibility of getting a mixed army of Norse Dawi(Possibly Snorri expy), Asur, Druchii interns, Brettonian, Imperial, Lizardman(w/Sleeping slaan)+ hisNorscan worshippers back home to have them all set up shop back in Ostland
. The logistics involved in marching them there, let alone getting them to abandon their position here seem rather difficult.

This refugee army would then have to march through Skaven/Kislev war before arriving in Beastmen war.
All the while being chased by Emperor of Chaos tm and his army.

Deus.... That's marching through 2 continent sized countries with no logistics train through warzones.
We'll have to leave the army and the Lizardmen in Norsca, possibly in Kraka Drakk because that's the only defensible thing for
This might be worse than mount vietnam. At least the enemy didn't replenish. at least our supplies were secure. At least we weren't surrounded.

No. Our win condition is getting picked up by the Zufbar Navy. And not dying to the angry Norscans.
Or maybe our arrival tips the scales and we can fight our way out of there with the new army towards the boats.

I've gotten way too far ahead of myself.
The situation will develop as it will.
Moving on.
as for how this applies to how powerful the chaos gods are , it has to do with the fact that the polar warp gates and the green moon are massive magical and divine infrastructure that support the power the chaos gods projection and influence across the world , take those away and they would be massively weaker
Wouldn't taking away the polar warp gates further weaken magic across the world? Perhaps too much?
Especially with the Vortex active?

Green moon is too far to reach, and we've seen what happens if you try to blow it up.
Do you have any ideas on how to approach that?
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Do you have any ideas on how to approach that?
more magical infrastructure deh , expand the waystone network to the point where its siphoning magic to the vortex faster than the warp gates bump it in , as for the green moon we already saw how the Ogham stones of Albion protected the island and its people from its corruption maybe a new version of the way stones than can do the same might cover it , their is also the way stones used by the wood elves at Atheloren that drain the energy out of warp stone (one of the reasons there is no Skaven presence in that forest)

the options are there for draining away chaos's advantages and evening the playing field are there
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Mixture of the two. A century is actually quite old for a skink to live, and Ulha'up has been doing this for more than that for a bit. He started with the kind of force that any Slann is expected to have escorting them on missions leading them out of Lustria, i.e. a lot, but they've been winnowed down as time went on without any replenishment.
huh, i wasn't aware skinks weren't also biologically immortal, all other lizardmen quests and such has them be such the same as saurus and others from what i have seen
Slann are biologically immortal and their bodies are largely extraneous to their magical dominance and spiritual magnitude, like as proven by Relic Priests, even when killed, they don't fully die.

Saurus are biologically immortal and noted to literally grow eternally stronger and tougher as time goes on, scales and muscles growing denser and thicker and gaining spikes and so on, even as they get scarred up all to hell. Also grow more experience and capability in tactics and strategy quite effectively. Not dumb, but super singularly focused on military matters, like, it's all they ever think about, threats, dangers, combat, war, siege, defensive action, etc. and little else, ever. No real contemplation on stars, plans of the Old Ones, or anything like that, near zero capacity for even conceptual understanding of leisure save as something other beings do.

Kroxigor are biologically immortal and incredibly dull in intelligence most of the time, built very well to follow orders, and little else, dropping weapons and tools the moment a task is done to move into the next. Used more for construction, repair, etc. and combat as secondary occasional necessity as decided by others. A lot of the time they act out an eternal task list in order, with orders added or subtracted by other Lizardmen. But little sign of constant physical improvement like saurus, but they do get festooned with more and more talismans, trinets, etc. as they continue living, and some are just straight blessed, like Nakai.

Skinks are numerous, dextrous, far more mentally open and flexible compared to saurus and kroxigor, from being fishermen, warriors, trackers, fliers, priests, attendants, interpreters, organizers, etc.

But they are not biologically immortal in regular canon as near as I can tell.

An exception exists in Oxyotyl, who got trapped in the Realm of Chaos during the Great Catastrophe, and popped out thousands of regular causality years later, and pops in out of sight and existence, and went through such hell and mind bending trials that Slann straight up will not touch his brain lest they themselves be driven mad and be corrupted. Besides, he doesn't even pop out until 2500s, so Realm of Chaos aside, for all we know he's just a regular biological age skink for all cumulative real space time.

Another exception only sort of exists in Tehenahuin, but in that whenever he dies or goes away, inevitably another red crested skink shows up claiming to be the Prophet of Sotek, and is recognized as such by the worshippers of Sotek.

It would seem impossible for a short-lived Skink to attain this length of years, but it is whispered that as a snake sheds its skin and is renewed, so too is Sotek's Chosen. Since those days, at times of great import a single red-crested Skink Priest has emerged from the deep jungle, claiming the tide o f Tehenhauin, the once and future Prophet of Sotek.
Like, either original T died more'n a thousand years ago, or he is a specifically insanely long lived skink specifically because he is the chosen Prophet of Sotek.

On the other hand, the incredibly super talented oracle and foresight fellow EVA mentioned, so respected even Slann think he's all right, worthy of Slann-grade Temple Guardian Saurus, is ancient at around 100 years old in 2520s, carried around on a palanquin because of how crazy old he is and frail because of OOOOOOOLD.

Possibly all of which is because of the abundance and regular spawning of skinks. Zero Slann are spawned, kroxigor are spawned in accompaniment to skink spawnings, and saurus are spawned, and skinks are spawned in red crested, oracle, priest, regular, or chameleon varieties all in great number. So....yeah.
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So excluding Slann, Skinks are the ones with highest capability for independent thought. For some reason, they are also the ones without biologic immortality. Kinda suspicious design by Old Ones :thonk:
Not really.
Since Lizardmen are engineered/bio 3d printed, they do not follow the enviro-societal adaptations and pardigms one would think about, but rather an internal logic.

My theory is that, essentially, Slann are meant to store and process data, and apply long and broad term solutions, while Skinks are there for over and underhead.
Skinks were designed to deal with small-scale/localized/immediate issues, and thus do not need immortality to perform their functions.
Also, I speculate, by not having immortality be a part of their blueprints, Skinks are, for lack of better terminology, cheaper and more mass producible.
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Skinks are numerous, dextrous, far more mentally open and flexible compared to saurus and kroxigor, from being fishermen, warriors, trackers, fliers, priests, attendants, interpreters, organizers, etc.

But they are not biologically immortal in regular canon as near as I can tell.
Maybe cause if they were, they would not be as mentally open since they would get stuck in their ways like elves and such.

Skink always need to be open-minded, for lizardmen, so to best serve the Great Plan as needed while the other lizardmen types only serve very singular purposes and therefore get better as they age.