All things considered the damage of Saltaken is well worth the price of taking out a black ark or two. In like 10 years it'll be as good if not better than before and the Druchii will still need 10x that much to recoup these losses.
Is ship breaking the black ark feasible? I imagine the Eonir has the skills and ability to safely break up the ark whilst recovering materials of value, whilst the Asur would just blow it up.
I personally think we could sell it to the Asur for a lot of money, especially since it is a literal piece of their homeland that was stolen in civil war, and if anyone could reattach it it would be them.
It's good that we've established it as a fact for House von Hohenzollern and Ostland as a whole that wealth is just a means to an end. And that end is the safety and prosperity of our people.
Regardless of race and creed, after the blow they had suffered, the near total eradication that everyone knew in their hearts they had been threatened with, one truth had arisen in the aftermath.

Salkalten still stood.

Ostland once again proving "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". I'm really glad people become more united after each crisis/threat. Best of luck to Anneliese for days to come.

torroar regarding this line ""I'll need the families of the other settlements of the coastal march to meet with me,". I think news of beastide should at least arrive soon after this( or it already had as Arthur left), will they still send coastal civilians not from Salkalten back home or will they stay there for the time being?
I think it would technically belong to Nordland, wouldn't it? It's Stephen who took it.

Yes they sacked it and took all that they wanted. I am sure great wealth was shipped off west, leaving an empty husk of an ark, even though it was the guns of Salkalten that made it all possible.

But good on Stephen. He deserves it. He has long desired a military victory to no longer be seen as the lesser prong of the trident. Annihilating a drucii raiding fleet and capturing an ark should certainly count.

It is now salvage.
Yes they sacked it and took all that they wanted. I am sure great wealth was shipped off west, leaving an empty husk of an ark, even though it was the guns of Salkalten that made it all possible.

But good on Stephen. He deserves it. He has long desired a military victory to no longer be seen as the lesser prong of the trident. Annihilating a drucii raiding fleet and capturing an ark should certainly count.

It is now salvage.
Ostland troops also helped take the ark so Ostland most certainly took part of the sacking , pillaging and burning too
Thank you for the update. Good insight is always welcomed. Do hope the Von Sterneck manage to mourn and move forward.
Cult of Morr will be both welcomed and busy in Salkaten. The comforting alone. Esspecially if people stary seeing the dead in their dreams.

"I swear it, Manann, I swear it," she whispered again.

High, high above her, though the clouds were long clear, there was a distant rumble of thunder.

HE heard. Godspeed Annalise.
So something to remember about ships, docks and yards: There are 5 categories of them and their shape/appearance depends on the culture, technological level, accumulated experience in sailing environments and logistical support.

- The Docks - Your usual ship facilities where a ship can well dock and be used.

Depending on the tech level this can be just a simple place to tie a ship to, a fishing village that lives trough their docks, a town on a river and/or sea, a full blown city with access to water, a conurbation with water routes going trough it, a space station, a space settlement, a closed ecological system, a space colony, a space sphere.

- The Drydocks - Your usual ship facilities where ships are maintained and sometimes the lower classes are built.

Depending on the tech level this can be a space on the shore of a fishing village, an earth basin in a town with connections to a body of water that can be closed and pumped dry so that the ship can be worked on, a facility with cranes, docks and warehouses that can pull ships up onto the dry land to be worked on, a floating dock made up of cranes and tools to repair and relaunch a ship, a full on tamed natural/constructed artificial lagoon for ships to traverse and be serviced in, a space outpost with its own supply of tools and resources for repairing ships that dock to it, a construction in space with its own internal recycling system that can trade its recycling capacity for repairs and resources, a space colony with a proper spaceport, a space sphere oriented towards construction and maintenance, an actual planned space with its own dedicated construction and repair zones.

- The Shipyards - The first of the yards where ships are both constructed and maintained. Sometimes does construction work to build heavy and above classes of ships.

Depending on the tech level this can be a boatyard (an expanded space for building ships near the body of water that is connected to it by some sort of a road), a dockyard (a space in a body of water with multiple cranes, dock and warehouses built on and around it that is at least regularly used to build ships), a wardyard sometimes also called an arsenalyard (a segment or segments of a city's territory zoned for nothing but ship component manufacture that serves the purpose of building and maintaining the ships belonging and allied to the city), a lagoonyard (an obscure term for an entire lagoon, originally natural but as technology advanced more and more of them are at least tamed bodies of water if not outright artificial lagoons, turned into a naval yard for construction and maintenance of ships), a marineyard (a city in and of itself dedicated to nothing but shipbuilding, shipping, docking and maintenance as part of a larger conurbation), a construction in space dedicated to ship construction and maintenance, a proper spaceport, a space sphere with dedicated zones/structures for the construction and maintenance of ships, a planned space designed to construct and repair ships, a dedicated spaceship district in a full habitat.

- The Fleetyards - The second of the yards where entire fleets are constructed and maintained. Sometimes does construction work to build capital and above classes of ships.

Depending on the tech level this can be a really large dockyard that encompasses an entire port, a wardyard with fully vertically and horizontally integrated and independent production (see the Venetian Arsenal for a well known historical example, at least a fleetyard is what it started as), an industrialized lagoonyard with a tame and/or artificial lagoon, a militarized marineyard like the ones that show up after WWI, Newport (named after the Newport News Shipbuilding yard and Newtypes from Gundam) which is an entire city that is nothing but a fleetyard which is then either connected logistically with resource suppliers or is a part of a metropolitan conurbation (with modern technology think something like the Ports of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Singapore but as fleetyards in and of themselves instead of mostly being tradeposts), a spaceport specializing in shipbuilding and maintanence, a space sphere fully just dedicated to spaceship construction and maintenance, a planned space designed to only build ships connected to dedicated suppliers and maintainers, a full habitat dedicated to shipbuilding and maintenance, an industrial megastructre for fleetbuilding.

- The Capitalyards - The third of the yards where capital ships are built and maintained as if they were just regular ships. These are only built by Thalassocracies at the height of their power and only by the more militant ones. Carthage might have had one of these in its Great Harbor at one point, the Italian Maritime Republics did not have one of these, the Deptford Dockyard was possibly one for the British Empire during the 18th century depending on who one asked and I am not getting into the History of trade and trade wars of the indian Ocean to figure out if anybody there had any for this post especially because no one can even agree how often China was drunk at the wheel of (its various) Empire(s) during its history.

Depending on the tech level this can be an entire city state built around a wardyard to service its needs, at least a partially artificial lagoonyard usually in a nation's capitol, an artificial marineyard (think The Bethlehem Hingham Shipyard but for capital ships and operating with the expectation of multiple wars to fight soon if not now), a highly militarized Newport (so Newport News Shipbuilding during at least some parts of the Cold War according to some sources), a Militant Thallasometropolis, a space sphere that is in and of itself a military-industrial complex that grew a state around it, a set of planned spaces dedicated to supplying and building capital ships, a habitat void marine barracks, an industrial megastructure built around the nation's captiol or regional command (so the Rings of Iron during the Dark Age of Technology in 40k), a stellar lift megastructure or similar massive resources extrectors/constructors that are mine, processor, industrial and shipbuilding complexes all in one (think the Star Forge from KOTOR but usually less goofy in execution).

And all of this text to talk about the newest commisioned side-story @torroar dropped today/yesterday in full context. What we had here at Salkalten before the Black Ars hit was an artificial lagoon drydock constructed by the Dwarfs.

Now that the Black Arcs did their incidental dredging and there is a Dwarven Grudge involved in rebuilding Salkalten we're likely to have Salkalten be upgraded into either a lagoonyard or a marineyard depending on how Barak Varr and the rest of Karaz Ankor are feeling about this turn of events.

This is bad because as Frederick "Instinctual Tactician" von Hohenzollern could tell you you can't build these sorts of facilities tall. Ostland as it is lacks the infrastructure needed to support a full on shipyard at full capacity and upgrading Salkalten to one now is going to be painful both because our coast is not secure enough nor does it have the infrastructure to support such facilities on its own which means we will have to build deep for Salkalten to have resources to function once rebuilt, we will need more and better transportation trough Ostland to manage the intake of a larger port and we do not have enough sailors nor are they experienced enough to keep the Third Fleet in full use of such facilities.

Also since I'm talking about this topic Barak Varr is the Dwarven Lagoon Drydock, yes really it is measured by Dwarf standards and by those it is just an Old/Mastercrafted Drydock, Lothern is a decrepit capital/lagoonyard that was degraded to a level of a shipyard and is currently in IC 2344 only at the level of a fleetyard, yes I know what canon says about Lothern especially modern Lothern but we are not there yet so it is at about the level of a fleetyard by the reckoning of the Asur since it hasn't come back to being a full on capitalyard yet, and Naggaroth entire is Malekith's personal capital/wardyard state with the Druchii entire reason for existing is as the expert personnel part of the wardyard's resources.

Also Commorragh in 40k is a decrepit stellar lift megastructure type of a capitalyard that is being used as a glorified drydock by the Drukhari inhabiting it.

Edit: Spell checks and edits of text for better clarity of content.
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What's certain is that both Frederick and the Dwarfs are going to want even more defences than last time. "We now have an idea of what is needed to stop a Black Ark. Let's go from there and make it better"
If we can get the Ark decontaminated we already have an increase in covered area and ship yards - though not best configured to make Ostland designs. Oh, and if it's anything like the Claw there might be a few hulls in place, fish farms, pyramid farms &. Of course the Ark is Hohenzollern property rather than von Sterneck at the moment.

Those deepwater channels are no doubt bad for crab pots but if we ever want to build big ships they'll be handy. Since the channels were carved magically rather than displacing the rock to the sides there isn't a chance to prospect great moraines of turned material.
Robust Soul Trait Clarified: Something of the incredible solidness of the Underearth and its God have seeped into the soul of one who willingly took it in. Later somewhat revealed to be that Gazul infused Frederick's weakened and reduced soul with that of portions of those who had long-passed into the Underearth. It was this influence which granted an unintended fluency with written and spoken Khazalid, with other effects still unknown. (+2 Piety, Other Effects ???)
I can't believe all those years of jokes and memes about Frederick being a Dwarf turned into Cannon hahahahahahahahahahaha

Frederick is not part dwarf.
Oh 😞

Kind of. Eh. His soul was shredded to bits, and then all but one of those bits...went away. Leaving the one bit. Which got...other bits added to it. To make it a full...bit.
Almost...eugh, I guess...a soul...kind of...version of Kintsugi? I guess?
.... Okay, if I understand this correctly, Only a piece of Frederick's Soul remained after the Changeling tore out his heart and sacrificed him, So Gazul..... Stitched? Together? Pieces of already dead Dwarf Souls to Frederick's Soul so that he could return to something resembling him Was it before? Or is it something like... ehhhhhhh.... An empty vessel whose core is the only piece of Frederick's Soul left, And everything around it is pieces of dead dwarves?

So that makes Frederick's Soul......Mostly Dwarf then?

Did I get it right? Did I get it wrong? Am I getting closer to the answer?
If we can get the Ark decontaminated we already have an increase in covered area and ship yards - though not best configured to make Ostland designs. Oh, and if it's anything like the Claw there might be a few hulls in place, fish farms, pyramid farms &. Of course the Ark is Hohenzollern property rather than von Sterneck at the moment.
It's neither. It's more von Kessel property, as we have been told before.
I want a map. Why don't we design what Salkalten will become? If Torroar likes it, then that's less work for him.

Get working! I'd help you, I've got an Inkarnate account. We have this to go off of:

  • Recently, a new addition has been made to the Naval Forces of the province, the Salkalten Guard, a unique coastal military force made up in the tradition of the High Elven Lothern Sea Guard and the Kislevite Kossars.
  • Shrines of Manann have been built all along the coast in various settlements small and large.
  • Following the usage of almost four years worth of Imperial Stipend money, Salkalten was forged anew, and greatly expanded in terms of size, capacity, and defensive capability. Facing the sea, the first of three new city rings stands mighty and strong. All are made of thick stone and wood, armed with entire batteries of cannons along the walls while a dozen towers jut defiantly into the air, with a vertical line of cannons pointing outward along their lengths while atop lie even more cannons. The Salkalten Guard has guard points, armories, checkpoints, and more all to help them protect the city, while the Temple of Manann that you built there has been upgraded further in terms of size and defensibility. Your docks have been expanded enormously, as have your facilities for maintaining ships. The militia itself are better equipped, better than any other part of Ostland. The second ring is built to defend against an invasion force that has breached the docks and broken into the first ring, and is equipped with taller walls, cannons, and guns accordingly. The third is built with the exact same thing in mind.
  • As of 2325, money poured out of your coffers and has been exchanged for dozens of cannons along each of the now five rings of defensive walls for Salkalten, two thousand more Salkalten Guard, and a tight string of forts all along the coast. Some would say that there are too many close together, but to hell with that, you want them all capable of supporting one another. Towers, walls blocking walls, defensively oriented courtyards presented as the acknowledgement that sometimes the enemy might break through. Every single hamlet is protected now, every isolated village. From your border with Nordland to your border with Kislev, you have widely increased your defensive capabilities. Even if you were to lose your entire Navy, any invading opponent would immediately be blunted in its efforts to invade the coast or further inland unless they possessed an extremely large amount of forces or powers beyond the mundane.
  • As of 2327, the decision to add cannons onto the ships constructed and maintained by the 3rd Fleet was made. This raises the cost of these ships, but their effectiveness as well in combat. Of particular note is the smaller but far more dextrous swivel cannons, which can be used to greater and more accurate effect than great cannons against Norscan longships and their crews.
  • As of 2333, the docks were expanded somewhat, with room to expand, behind the Salkalten Sea Wall. A wall which dwarfs the others thus far, a sixth ring which ends at the farthest possible western waterfront of Salkalten to the eastern. Built by the engineers and experts of Barak Varr, with runic work to its foundations, it is a towering edifice which stands tall against even the greatest furies of Manann suffered thus far. Three massive gates are the only passage in or out of the docks and city behind it. Within the walls are numerous chambers filled with cannons and guns, with openings for them facing the sea that can be closed when not in need that are watertight. Regularly patrolled by the Salkalten Guard.
  • As of 2336, the docks were further improved, along with the defenses were further improved. The streets and buildings behind the walls were rebuilt and reorganized defensively. Gatehouses and defense posts have laden the city as well. Bird Bomber flocks have now gained maintained roosts in the city near the walls and regularly undergo training to be able to fly out over the ocean and return safely. The defense reefs, artificially created, now laid in secret patterns in the waters outside the walls, demanding that ships travel along said predefined paths lest they be torn apart. New towers have risen up along the walls and just behind them, where scorpions and great cannons now lie in wait. Other sets were also delivered to the walls, increasing overall coverage.
  • As of 2341, Wing-Suit Scouts have been added to certain ships in the fleet, able to launch themselves from crows nests and masts to begin flying. Their ability to ascend through the air and sight distant targets past the lip of the horizon with spyglasses as well as fire crossbow bolts downwards out of the range of enemy attacks are quite valuable indeed.
  • As of 2342, the Greatships were given over to the control of the Cult of Manann, and are now crewed by zealous templar knight-sailors and priest-officers of Manann after negotiations were completed with the High Matriarch of the Cult. The ships still continue to patrol the waters of the Sea of Claws, and in effect still work alongside the fleet. Having become essentially mobile temples to Manann, there are occasional reports have come out that on occasion, so long as one of the Greatships is present nearby, there have been notably consistent good winds and weak or strong tides depending on certain situations. Not always, of course, but a notable uptick all the same.

This can describe what it it was like, then we'd have to update based on the arks landscaping.

Here's a GW canon, but not quest canon (not canon I lied), picture:

Funnily enough I spent some time today working on a map of Wulfenburg.
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She bade her mother and siblings goodbye as they took the most direct path towards Castle Sterneck, while she and the steward took a more circuitous route through the city. She needed to see it with her own eyes, now that she was no longer upon the shore hauling bodies or moving stone. Now that she wasn't doing that or being holed up in the castle with her grief, that is. Prince Arthur was an intimidating sort on the face of it, being a servant of the God of Death and Dreams, tall and lanky and with that curious supposedly Morr-blessed grey skin, but for all of that he had been…kind. Kinder than his sister, that was for damned sure. After the battle's end, she had been the one to inform the rest of their family as to her father's fate, black and red as if she'd pulled herself from a fresh mass grave. A horror, a walking breathing corpse of a woman. Burning the bodies, unfeeling treatment of the living and the dead, it was a wonder that she was related at all to Prince Arthur. The one who had shouldered the burden for as long as he could before his departure. A boon she didn't deserve, but had made full use of.
2 things I'm getting from this.

1) I can't help but feel like it sounds like she might have a little bit of a crush (okay, bad word to use given the circumstance but still) on Arthur. Not anything serious, he's happily married after all but still just something I could see from this.

2) Anna was the one to break the news to them. Anna. Dear gods I don't know how exactly that went but it was never going to go well. For all that we love our daughter breaking the news of a death to their loved ones requires basically the exact opposite of her skillset. Did they not have literally anyone else that could have done the job? Even if sending someone of lower rank might have been considered a bit of an insult it'd still be better than her doing it.
Here's a GW canon, but not quest canon, picture:

Weirdly enough, that doesn't even necessarily fits with, like, the front page map of Ostland. There's a huge gap between Salkalten and the forests to the south, has a large trade route separating them as well. But that map has has the Forest of Shadows riiiiight there. So like...huh? Just one of those Warhammer things, I guess. Where did you find that map, anyhow?

2 things I'm getting from this.

1) I can't help but feel like it sounds like she might have a little bit of a crush (okay, bad word to use given the circumstance but still) on Arthur. Not anything serious, he's happily married after all but still just something I could see from this.

2) Anna was the one to break the news to them. Anna. Dear gods I don't know how exactly that went but it was never going to go well. For all that we love our daughter breaking the news of a death to their loved ones requires basically the exact opposite of her skillset. Did they not have literally anyone else that could have done the job? Even if sending someone of lower rank might have been considered a bit of an insult it'd still be better than her doing it.

1. Arthur is a cool dude, gentle and kind, incredibly understanding and non-judgemental after spending so many years helping people process their dreams whether truly prophetic or otherwise. Also tall, I hear some women like that, lol. But overall he's generally just a comforting presence after death and devastation, because his whole thing is bridging the living and the dead in ceremony and respect, rather than just wholly focusing upon the dead. People crying after funerals, etc. he's dealt with a lot.

2. Arthur was super busy with the aftermath of the fighting, and in one sense, having one of the highest noble blood in the province aka a Hohenzollern reporting to you directly is a signal of honor and respect. One of the daughters of the Steel Bull personally came to pay her respects. Is, you know, a way you could take it. If you wanted to.