Pledge your secret support to Tzarina Romanov. In return, she – the most powerful Ice Mage alive who is not an Ice Hag - will personally tutor your daughter Alexandra in Ice Magic and lend her expert power, control, and knowledge to the Ledstali Project. Alexandra would be required to stay in Kislev for this, however, though with Kattarin and her elite Kreml Guard standing to protect her, she might be better protected even than in Wulfenburg Castle. In return, when she…'breaks' the Merchant Princes of Erengrad, she will buy guns and cannons from you at the actual normal market price which would greatly increase your income. Also, she would like to make use of your channels to speak to the Magic Colleges to purchase the usage of the Jade Wizards for the farms of Kislev. At the same time, you would be allying yourself with a woman who is known to be using slave labor to build her Widow's Cradle, and who is fully willing to exterminate those who oppose her in Kislev. Still, a treaty of permanent defense and aid between Kislev and the Empire would be…pretty good. Should Kattarin ever go….'evil', for lack of a better word, however, you would be rather up a certain creek.