[X] Commodore Trinnarv Xursh
[X][CREW] Explorer Corps Crew
[X][NAME] S'harien
[X][ASSIGN] Sol System
[X][EARTH] Allow the Excelsior build in one of the UP berths when they open in 2308Q2.
[X][BUILD] 1 Excelsior, 1 Centaur-A, 1 Centaur-refit
-Build Excelsior in 40 Eridani A Berth A
-Refit the Centaur [Yukikaze] in Utopia Planetia 1mt berth in Q2
-Build Centaur-A in Utopia Planetia 1mt berth in Q2
We can still build the old Centaur model even with the Centaur-B ready?
You mean you want to refit the Centaur again even though we already have the Centaur A? That would be expensive PP wise, even if it's possible.
so do I, but my writing skills amount to that of somewhere between Twilight and NOT GOOD!
So? Do it anyway! Not only will your writing skills get better, but we'll get to see all your cool ideas.
The Cardassians should really stop poking us. I know they won't, but they should.
Yeah, but bringing all that power to bear would be very expensive - the Cardassians are probably aiming to poke enough to make the Federation to pull back, but not so much that the Federation decides to pull ships back from other borders and exploration missions...
Mind you... The Enterprise just made Starfleet's 7 explorers look alot more scary. Either they'll poke less, or they'll start to gamble. (Mind you, it's hard for them to Pearl Harbour us before they know where our main fleet base is...)
What sort of system did you have in mind?
I can think of a few options which could either be done on their own or in combination with other options:
*A joint funded project (would reduce the pp cost of requesting the design)
*Information sharing (Starfleet would get access to the already developed components the Vulcans have)
*Joint development (starting the project would give more bonus rp and flavor-wise, Vulcan ship designers would be coming over to Starfleet to work with our tech teams for the project)
*Economies of scale (making the eventual refits of the design cheaper in pp)
*Ask the Vulcans to design the ship for us (not really sure how that one would work)
The cost for all the options of course would be that the vessel would need to fit the Vulcan's stat requirements.
Some of these ideas (and more powerful rewards for cooperation, like gaining a new Vulcan tech team perminantly) could also be used as omake rewards.