[X] Rear Admiral Patricia Chen
[ ] Commodore Maynard Banks
I'll admit, I'm torn. On the one hand, Chen can expedite construction of our heavy hitters in a pinch, which may prove invaluable to us. On the other hand, Banks not only reduces the odds of certain issues with shipboard power plants, he could (from a roleplay perspective, at least) help establish a tradition of excellence for our new industrial center.
[X][CREW] Explorer Corps Crew
If we've got the crew to run missions of exploration, we should darn well use them!
[X][NAME] Odyssey
[X][ASSIGN] Sol System
[X][EARTH] Allow the Excelsior build
Hell. Yes. Did that kerfluffle with V'Ger happen in this continuity? That would be justification all by itself.
[X][BUILD] 1 Excelsior, 1 Centaur-A, 1 Centaur-refit
-Build Excelsior in 40 Eridani A Berth A
-Refit the Centaur [Yukikaze] in Utopia Planetia 1mt berth in Q2
-Build Centaur-A in Utopia Planetia 1mt berth in Q2