May expend 10pp to double progress over the next year for Explorers.
Although crew may be an issue, if a crisis or war comes within a couple years, we can rush out Excelsiors with this. Looking at Briefvoice's spreadsheet, we currently have enough crew to last for 3 or so years even without academy expansions or similar.
Ships built at UP get a 5% discount on SR costs, rounded to the nearest multiple of 5.
Current UP capacity with most SR-expensive ships that can be built:
* 2x Excelsior w/ 4yr build time and 150sr
* 2x Centaur-A w/ 2yr build time and 70sr
So with the current berths and ship classes, benefit of the rounded 5% SR discount = 2*round(150*0.05,5)/4 + 2*round(70*0.05,5)/2 = 7.25 avg SR savings per year.
This will go up with more berths and more expensive ship classes, but it doesn't seem to be that much, and the calculation is based on building the most SR-expensive ships we have on all berths.
Ships built at UP may re-roll Warp Core reliability failures.
Considering all ship designers are doing their best to maximize warp core reliability (almost always >99%, even if overall reliability is less than that), and that this re-roll only applies for ships built here, I don't think this is that helpful.
Centaur 2300-Now [315m 800k t]
C3 S2 H2 L2 P2 D2
Cost[80br, 60sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]
We can still build the old Centaur model even with the
Centaur-B Centaur-A ready?
A request has come in from United Earth to be allowed to build an Excelsior-class starship for their home fleet. All raw materials would be supplied by United Earth, plus crews, and the ship would be placed under their command upon commissioning. We wanted to run this through Starfleet Command first. We would understand if Starfleet wishes to maintain its monopoly on Explorers, or berth space is insufficient, though we do not oppose earth's desire to build these useful ships in principle.
Huh, I wonder if we'll get some pp if we successfully fulfill this request.
You should be aware that the Tellarites are considering a similar move.
So we should keep a 2.5+ mt berth free for the Tellarites in the coming year. Looks like there's a potential opening in 2309Q1 (at Lor'Vela shipyard I think).
edit: sp/grammar