What does a Riala look like, anyway? My headcanon is that it looks something like an Advent Radiance-Class Battleship from SoaSE, but that's probably not right because there's nowhere for nacelles on a Radiance.

It would explain that shield rating - they can fit more hull, and thus bigger power plants, in a much smaller hull area because a Radiance doesn't have any big empty spaces between bits of hull ala non-Defiant feddie designs.
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Omake - Space is Wide II - nocarename
AN: Link goes to AO3 for NuTrek fic. So. Also, the theme song for 'Gaeni Science Heroes' is the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers theme with slightly different words, just because that's why.

Space is Wide II (The Booze and the Bees)
Ship's Log, Stardate 22704.8 Prince of Thebes
Apparently the Apiata have asked for additional cultural information on the Federation, but discretely enough that the Federation doesn't want to throw an Excelsior at the problem.


So my next port of call is Irrizizza, and I've been supplied with the complete collection of Starship Sesame Street, and equivalents, for basically everyone we've ever bumped into with mass media, warp drive and no desire to shoot us.

Since data tapes aren't the most massive cargo, even when they are box sets, I've filled the rest of hold with a selection of Terran hardwoods and all the quality booze I could get my grubby hands on.

Still no progress on a hydroponics setup that makes more than kitchen herbs for spicing once a month.

I think I'll give 'Gaeni Science Heroes' a try on the way out. It looks the most promising.


Ship's Log, Stardate 22706.3 Prince of Thebes.
Note to self: Find more material from whoever produced Science Heroes and get copies.

=Opteza - Irrizizza (Opteza II)=

"Prince of Thebes, be advised that we will require a complete crew manifest for those requesting shore leave."

Sam blinked and leaned over to key the pick up, "Irrizizza Orbital Control, this is Captain Sam Jones of the Prince of Thebes. You have my entire crew manifest. It's me just."

"I... see. How long do you expect to be here until replacement crew members arrive?"

"Uh, no missing crew Control. The Prince of Thebes is a single sapient ship, no other crew required or desired."

"Prince of Thebes, wait one."

Sam had hummed about half way through the theme to 'Gaeni Science Heroes' when the communications link started up again.

"Captain Jones, let me confirm for the record: You are traveling alone by choice and do intend to make a stop on the surface here."

"That's correct. Mostly I'm looking for a buyer for a load of Terran hardwoods and, well, I'm wondering what kind of alcohol you produce locally."

"Un-understood Prince of Thebes. There will be a customs shuttle up to make an initial physical screening and to check your cargo."

"Acknowledged control. Prince of Thebes, out."

Sam punched the disconnect key and went off to take a shower and change his jumpsuit. First impression count.


The Apiata had no idea about personal space. Sam, on the other hand, had a ship to himself most of the time, and not infrequently light-years between him and any other jackass. Of the six Apiatans that had shuttled up, two had peeled off from the group immediately and all but glued themselves at his shoulders.

"Can you please move away from me a little?" he asked his paired escort, "The hatch swing-"

He got another hand span of space and opened the inspection entrance.

"Thanks. So by mass, the majority of the cargo is unsawn Terran hardwood logs. These are mostly poplar, but there's some maple and oak as well. They've all been kiln dried at temperatures that destroy any known pests and shipped physically from the logging camp to here - no transporters. That usually gets more value from people who demand the highest levels of authenticity."

"But we have wood here already," commented the lead Apiatan, Hizzodri, "Lots of wood."

"Foreign wood usually does pretty well as a luxury good," said Sam, "That and booze of course."

"We have alcohol as well," said Hizzodri. She sounded a little like she thought Sam was supposed to be in the slow class.

"Ah, but you don't have these types of alcohol. If we trade, then we both get chances to try something new, which is the best reason for being in space."

Well, new booze and actual privacy. Both were great thing.

"Hmmmz. Provisional clearance to land cargoes is granted. I recommend that you contact the local security office for an escort. We haven't had many Federation traders yet and some of the younger colony members might swarm you if they see you alone."

"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks."


As they walked across the palace administration center, Sam leaned a little towards his escort.

"Don't take this the wrong way," he said, "But I really hope your people get a full trade arrangement with the Federation soon. This is the most work I've ever had to do to unload a crate of whiskey."

"It's mostly because you were alone," said his guide shaking her head and making her antenna bob, "How can you stand the separation? It would drive me mad."

Sam shrugged, "I socialize enough at planets, I don't need to do more in between them. Vulcans have a phrase, 'Infinite Diversity, in Infinite Combinations'. Things go a lot smoother when you really internalize that not everyone has to, or even should, be like you."

"Infinite diversity-"

"-In Infinite Combinations. Be the best you you can be, and keep an open mind. After that, things generally take care of themselves. So!" Sam slapped his palms on the legs of his jumpsuit, "One more meeting and then, I'm wondering if you have a local bar you'd be willing to introduce me to?"


Ship's Log, Stardate 22708.3 Prince of Thebes.
Apiatan Mead is going to get me the good stuff the next time I'm trading in one of the other border zones. Good times! I might just see if there's anyone who wants to deadhead out the next time I'm stopping at one of their colonies if the next visit doesn't go smoother though.

The constant company from the locals gets a little smothering and it'd be nice to skip that.

End Log.
Shipyard Ops - 2308.Q1

Few places are as buoyant about the Enterprise's victory over the Cardassian ambush as Shipyard Operations and Ship Design. Their pride in the Excelsior-class extends to the near border of hubris, but you have to admit, the performance of that ship class so far justifies their pride. Vice Admirals Sousa and ch'Vohlet were both beaming as you arrived at the meeting. Rinias ch'Vohlet in particular is proud, as he had been the Berth Superintendent for the Enterprise-B when it was completed and always feels a little kinship there.

Of course, there is one other reason for the smiles on faces.

"So, after four long years of construction, the Utopia Planitia Shipyards is three months away from taking on assignments," begins VAdm Sousa. "It is already full crewed, and I would like to extend my personal congratulations to her new Director..."

[ ] Rear Admiral Patricia Chen
Human Female
Current Posting: Director, Shipyard Industrial Command, Shipyard Ops
A known factor to you, Patricia has spent two years at her current posting and would love the chance to take on the new shipyards. May expend 10pp to double progress over the next year for Explorers.

[ ] Commodore Trinnarv Xursh
Tellarite Male
Current Posting: Director, Ana Font Shipyard
A man who detests waste with a keen eye for mineral quality. Ships built at UP get a 5% discount on SR costs, rounded to the nearest multiple of 5.

[ ] Commodore Maynard Banks
Human Male
Current Posting: Chief, Warp Core Fabrication Division
A meticulous craftsman who makes a point of personally inspecting every part of each warp core his division builds. Ships built at UP may re-roll Warp Core reliability failures.

"...who I am sure will do credit to the position."



Starfleet Personnel Command Report - Furnishing Ship's Complements

Unnamed Excelsior-class (NCC-2008) @ Ana Font Shipyard is deducting crews
[ ][CREW] Standard Starfleet Crew
[ ][CREW] Explorer Corps Crew

Four Centaurs will deduct crews in Q4
4 Officers, 8 Enlisted, 8 Technicians will be required

[ ][NAME] Name the Excelsior that will launch Next Year

[ ][ASSIGN] Assign the home station for the USS Endurance


Starfleet Shipyard Operations Command Report


Ships Commissioned:


Federation Council Missive

A request has come in from United Earth to be allowed to build an Excelsior-class starship for their home fleet. All raw materials would be supplied by United Earth, plus crews, and the ship would be placed under their command upon commissioning. We wanted to run this through Starfleet Command first. We would understand if Starfleet wishes to maintain its monopoly on Explorers, or berth space is insufficient, though we do not oppose earth's desire to build these useful ships in principle. You should be aware that the Tellarites are considering a similar move.

[ ][EARTH] Allow the Excelsior build
[ ][EARTH] Deny the Excelsior build


[ ][BUILD] Submit a Build Plan
You may select up to ONE ship of 3m ton mass, and up to ZERO ships of 1m ton displacement that will commence in Q1. You may select up to TWO ships of 3m ton mass, and up to TWO ships of 1m ton displacement that will commence in Q2.

To make a plan, pick a ship you would like to build and put it in one of the available berths that can handle the mass. All ships have a price in materials and time that are noted in the square brackets after the word "Cost". You can now build Excelsiors in any of the large berths at San Francisco, 40 Eridani A, Ana Font, or Lor'Vela shipyards, while the small berths can make all of the others. The Utopia Planitia Shipyards will become available as of 2308.Q2

The amount of resources you have right now are listed below, as are the classes you can make, and the shipyards you have available.

Active Starfleet Shipyards
San Francisco Fleet Yards - one (1) large 3mt Berth, two (2) small 1mt Berths
40 Eridani A Shipyards [Vulcan] - two (2) large 3mt Berths, two (2) small 1mt Berths
Ana Font Shipyard [Tellar] - one (1) large 2.5mt Berth
Lor'Vela Orbital Construction Facility - one (1) large 2.5mt Berth
Utopia Planitia Shipyard - two (2) large 3mt Berths, two (2) small, 1mt Berths - Opening 2308.Q2

Current Resource Stockpile
Bulk Industrial Resources: 810br
Special Industrial Resources: 365sr
Political Will: 139pp
Research Points: 144rp

Current Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet: 27.9 Officer, 36.4 Enlisted, 20.95 Techs
Explorer Corps: 7.75 Officer, 8.90 Enlisted, 10.25 Techs

Current Construction

1 Excelsior-class @ San Francisco Fleet Yards (ETC 2310.Q1 - Crews deduct 2309.Q1)
1 Centaur-class @ San Francisco Fleet Yards Berth 1 (ETC 2309.Q4 - Crews deduct 2308.Q4)
1 Centaur-class @ San Francisco Fleet Yards Berth 2 (ETC 2309.Q4 - Crews deduct 2308.Q4)

1 Excelsior-class @ 40 Eridani A Berth B (ETC 2310.Q1 - Crews deduct 2309.Q1)
1 Centaur-class @ 40 Eridani A Berth 1 (ETC 2309.Q4 - Crews deduct 2308.Q4)
1 Centaur-class @ 40 Eridani A Berth 2 (ETC 2309.Q4 - Crews deduct 2308.Q4)

1 Excelsior-class @ Ana Font Shipyard (ETC 2309.Q1 - Crews deduct 2308.Q1)

1 Excelsior-class @ Lor'Vela OCF (ETC 2311.Q1 - Crews deduct 2310.Q1)

Available Non-obsolete Ship Classes
2287-Now [511m, 2.3m t]
C6 S5 H4 L5 P5 D6
Cost [230br 150sr, 4 years], Crew [O-6, E-5, T-5]​

Light Cruisers
2284-2370 [310m 700k t]
C3 S2 H2 L2 P2 D3
Cost [70br, 40sr, 3 years], Crew [O-2, E-4, T-2]​
Long-range Explorer
2260-Now [120m 150k t]
C1 S5 H1 L2 P1 D0
Cost[15br, 60sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-4]​

Miranda 2280-Now [277m, 655k t]
C3 S1 H1 L2 P1 D2
Cost[60br, 40sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-1]​
Centaur 2300-Now [315m 800k t]
C3 S2 H2 L2 P2 D2
Cost[80br, 60sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​

Centaur-A Refit 2308-Now [315m 800k t]
C3 S3 H2 L3 P3 D3
Cost [80br, 70sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​

Okay, revised shipbuilding spreadsheet showing by quarter (turn) is a go. @Nix you'll want to take a look.


We will likely not have enough Techs to crew all of our ships until the Academy class of 2312Q1 graduations. Mind you, that's only 1Q away, but it would still be embarrassing to be left with ships we can't fill. (Note that I assume both the Science Academy Expansion and the regular Academy expansion have happened, also assume about 1.5T lost to hazards, but not assuming new members.) We may have to stagger a couple of those Connie-B builds back 1 quarter to avoid embarrassment.
[X] Rear Admiral Patricia Chen

(Get ships done faster? Yes please!)

[X][CREW] Explorer Corps Crew
[x][NAME] USS Odyssey
[x][ASSIGN] Cardassian Border Zone
[x][EARTH] Allow the Excelsior build

[x][BUILD] Plan More Ships More Ships
- Q1: United Earth's Excelsior
- Q2: Two Excelsiors
[X] Rear Admiral Patricia Chen

[x][CREW] Explorer Corps Crew
[x][NAME] Odyssey
[x][ASSIGN] Cardassian Border Zone
[x][EARTH] Allow the Excelsior build

[x][BUILD] Plan Refit Time
- Q1: United Earth's Excelsior
- Q2: Two Excelsiors, Refit Yukikaze and Generic Stock Centaur
Are we leaving a berth open for Member Fleets to do new Excelsior build in any of these build plans?
I'd like to be able to borrow Excelsiors when the solid waste hits the rotary air impeller.
@OneirosTheWriter, can we mothball or scrap ships at will, or does it require Council permission (and maybe pp)?

I'm asking because we may want to scavenge the crew of a Constellation occasionally to meet crew requirements for better ships (and optionally return that Constellation to service if we have a crew surplus).
Chen runs into the problem of our Crew bottleneck. I personally think we have "enough" Explorers in the pipe to meet our needs for the immediate future, and she doesn't influence our ability to replace our Constellations.

The real question is between Xursh and Banks. Xursh strait up saves us SR, but Banks allows us to push Warp Cores a bit further, which also effects costs.

Can one of the Design people check what the savings for a 1 or 2% reliability reduction to Warp Core reliability is?
[X] Rear Admiral Patricia Chen
I didn't realized her bonus means all Explorers under construction.

[X][CREW] Explorer Corps Crew
[X][NAME] Odyssey
[X][ASSIGN] Cardassian Border Zone

Another Excelsior in the CBZ sounds good.

[X][EARTH] Allow the Excelsior build in one of the UP berths when they open in 2308Q2.

Sure, letting them build one might hopefully reduce the Defense requirement for Sol. If not, oh well, that's another Excelsior flying around that we didn't have to pay for or crew ourselves.

[X][BUILD] 1 Excelsior, 1 Centaur-A, 1 Centaur-refit
-Build Excelsior in 40 Eridani A Berth A
-Refit the Centaur [Yukikaze] in Utopia Planetia 1mt berth in Q2
-Build Centaur-A in Utopia Planetia 1mt berth in Q2
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EDIT: Anyone looking at this later on, I changed my vote to drop the Oberth and revoted.

[X] Rear Admiral Patricia Chen

EDIT: Eh, she's an old friend. Not sure we'll use her ability, but if we need it we'll really need it.

[X][CREW] Explorer Corps Crew
[X][NAME] Odyssey
[X][ASSIGN] Sol System
( @Nix convinced me. It can respond to more locations from here.)

[X][EARTH] Allow the Excelsior build in one of the UP berths when they open in 2308Q2.

[X][BUILD] 1 Excelsior, 1 Centaur-A, 1 Centaur-refit, 1 Oberth
-Build Excelsior in 40 Eridani A Berth A
-Refit the Centaur [Yukikaze] in Utopia Planetia 1mt berth in Q2
-Build Centaur-A in Utopia Planetia 1mt berth in Q2
-Build Oberth in Utopia Planetia 3mt berth in Q2
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AN: Link goes to AO3 for NuTrek fic. So. Also, the theme song for 'Gaeni Science Heroes' is the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers theme with slightly different words, just because that's why.

Space is Wide II (The Booze and the Bees)

I think that I'm going to funnel your omake rewards into a new Xenopsych/Communications team - Federation Subspace Broadcast Cooperative :) (Edit: if that works for you)
[x] Rear Admiral Patricia Chen
[X][CREW] Explorer Corps Crew
[X][NAME] S'harien
[X][ASSIGN] Cardassian Border Zone

[X][EARTH] Allow the Excelsior build

I'll wait for discussion to settle down for the build discussion to settle down.
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Guys, listen to him when it comes to Shipyard ops. Guy built a friggin spreadsheet for chrissake!
[X] Rear Admiral Patricia Chen

[x][CREW] Explorer Corps Crew
[x][NAME] Odyssey
[x][ASSIGN] Cardassian Border Zone
[x][EARTH] Allow the Excelsior build

[x][BUILD] Plan Refit Time
- Q1: United Earth's Excelsior
- Q2: Two Excelsiors, Refit Yukikaze and Generic Stock Centaur
[X] Commodore Trinnarv Xursh

[X][CREW] Explorer Corps Crew
[X][NAME] Odyssey
[X][ASSIGN] Cardassian Border Zone

[X][EARTH] Allow the Excelsior build in one of the UP berths when they open in 2308Q2.

[X][BUILD] 1 Excelsior, 1 Centaur-A, 1 Centaur-refit, 1 Oberth
-Build Excelsior in 40 Eridani A Berth A
-Refit the Centaur [Yukikaze] in Utopia Planetia 1mt berth in Q2
-Build Centaur-A in Utopia Planetia 1mt berth in Q2
-Build Oberth in Utopia Planetia 3mt berth in Q2

Because there's more to Earth's naval history than the West. Mikasa was the Japanese flagship at Tsushima Straits, one of the deciding battles of the Russo-Japanese War.
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[x][BUILD] Plan More Ships More Ships
- Q1: United Earth's Excelsior
- Q2: Two Excelsiors

[x][BUILD] Plan Refit Time
- Q1: United Earth's Excelsior
- Q2: Two Excelsiors, Refit Yukikaze and Generic Stock Centaur

I have been doing projections and we will drain ourselves dry of crew if we build two Excelsiors. Please before you commit to this vote play with my spreadsheet and see what happens to our crew pool if we're building two Excelsiors at once.