So if this lobby effort crashes and burns as a waste of an action, will SWB be convincingly refuted?

Dude save the salt until after we see the consequences.


Actually not even then, since we all have imperfect voting histories and can play the blame game for ever. After all, you and SWB and others including me were all responsible for that disastrous Bajor diplo push, and it would be stupid to keep harping ourselves on it.
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I do think it would be good if we all agree to abstain from slinging mud at each other personally, calling each other 'stupid' or 'insane,' and otherwise acting in ways that create bad blood over the long run.

The longest duration SF game I've ever played, and it was something like a quest but more like collaborative omaketeering, ran for about twelve months. I'm hoping this lasts as long or longer... but the longer it goes on, the bigger the advantages of mutual politeness.
Dude save the salt until after we see the consequences.


Actually not even then, since we all have imperfect voting histories and can play the blame game for ever. After all, you and SWB and others including me were all responsible that disastrous Bajor diplo push, and it would be stupid to keep harping ourselves on it.
You know what to do to make amends for that, right?
Dude save the salt until after we see the consequences.

Actually not even then, since we all have imperfect voting histories and can play the blame game for ever. After all, you and SWB and others including me were all responsible that disastrous Bajor diplo push, and it would be stupid to keep harping ourselves on it.

Eh, I'm in a bad mood about things I guess. In all honesty, it would make me feel a lot better about the game if the response is that Sousa gets called to the President's office, chewed out for interfering in diplomacy, and we lose 20 political will. I'd regard that as the positive outcome, because it would steer us away from write-ins like that in the future and push more towards choosing from the options given unless there's a very good reason not to.
Eh, I'm in a bad mood about things I guess. In all honesty, it would make me feel a lot better about the game if the response is that Sousa gets called to the President's office, chewed out for interfering in diplomacy, and we lose 20 political will. I'd regard that as the positive outcome, because it would steer us away from write-ins like that in the future and push more towards choosing from the options given unless there's a very good reason not to.
But I mean uh...

We brought her back for diplomacy?

How Starfleet handles diplomacy has always been a little weird with our diplopushes that should be in the hands of the FDS, unless it was supposed to represent us giving backing to their own efforts.

Honestly even if she just flips through her space-Contacts lists and lights a fire under the FDS people responsible to do the same thing it's an acceptable outcome.
Eh, I'm in a bad mood about things I guess. In all honesty, it would make me feel a lot better about the game if the response is that Sousa gets called to the President's office, chewed out for interfering in diplomacy, and we lose 20 political will. I'd regard that as the positive outcome, because it would steer us away from write-ins like that in the future and push more towards choosing from the options given unless there's a very good reason not to.
It probably also butterflies away Jean-Luc Picard's entire career. Because setting the precedent that Starfleet doesn't have a role in diplomacy except as a delivery vehicle for the FDS is pretty far at odds with what we saw him doing in The Next Generation.

I don't think it's realistic or desirable for us to say "Starfleet doesn't do diplomacy anymore, let's just stick to fighty stuff while the FDS handles all the talking."
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Mentats are dedicated only to the pursuit of knowledge.

If Mentat use is curtailed, the pursuit of knowledge goes down the toilet.

So why not get some of the wiser Mentats together with some Betazoids and Vulcans and figure out how to make the process "safe for the galaxy"? Maybe amplify the part of their brains that keeps track of long-term consequences or personal responsibility. Get them involved in the solution, instead of sidelining them.
It probably also butterflies away Jean-Luc Picard's entire career. Because setting the precedent that Starfleet doesn't have a role in diplomacy except as a delivery vehicle for the FDS is pretty far at odds with what we saw him doing in The Next Generation.

I don't think it's realistic or desirable for us to say "Starfleet doesn't do diplomacy anymore, let's just stick to fighty stuff while the FDS handles all the talking."

Pull back from the in-universe.

For me it's more about elaborate write-ins votes that seem radically different and more specific than the options given. I don't like those, and I'd like to have us discouraged harshly from making them. It has nothing to do with using diplomacy even, really. Like, if the SWB write-in had been an actual option given, I probably would have voted for it. And the option "Kahurangi to Lobby the Council" had not been there but we had voted for it anyway, I would have been nearly as unhappy,

Or to sum up, screw write-ins. I hate, hate, hate the idea that we are going to have to be constantly on the look-out for write-in options that are superior to the options we're given. That the best gameplay is to constantly use write-ins.
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Uh... @Briefvoice ?

In this case, Oneiros specifically seems to have solicited write-ins for the "use Kahurangi for external diplomacy" option in the LADY vote. As in, it was his idea in the first place to offer us a write-in option. Rather than trying to foresee every way Kahurangi might be employed for external diplomacy in this situation, Oneiros left it up to us.

And of the ways we might have chosen to 'mobilize' her for that role, the one SWB picked is one of the better options. Because (IF those Licori envoys got here hella fast), she can actually start working on that immediately, rather than having to travel half way across the Federation and make contact with aliens she's never personally met or anything like that.


Now, if you have a long term beef with complicated write-in options that seem to exist only so that we can demand a better deal from Oneiros, that's fine. But if that's the war you want to fight, this isn't the hill you should be entrenching on. Because Oneiros literally used the words:

[ ][LADY] Convey a write-in request to <Non-Member Target> (Variable results)
Pull back from the in-universe.

For me it's more about elaborate write-ins votes that seem radically different and more specific than the options given. I don't like those, and I'd like to have us discouraged harshly from making them. It has nothing to do with using diplomacy even, really. Like, if the SWB write-in had been an actual option given, I probably would have voted for it. And the option "Kahurangi to Lobby the Council" had not been there but we had voted for it anyway, I would have been nearly as unhappy,

Or to sum up, screw write-ins. I hate, hate, hate the idea that we are going to have to be constantly on the look-out for write-in options that are superior to the options we're given. That the best gameplay is to constantly use write-ins.

Its been made pretty clear to us that write-ins are not, in fact, always the best choice.
There are three kinds of write-ins.

1) There are write-ins where the QM gives us a write-in option because the alternative is that they have to sit down and list all the dozen or more things in that category which we might conceivably want to do, all of which are reasonable. That way, the QM doesn't have so much work, we're not artificially penalized if they fail to think of something important, and the QM simply adjudicates the results in good faith after the vote resolves. This is the kind we're actually dealing with for the LADY vote here. This kind of write-in is usually good.

2) There are write-ins where the QM asks us an open-ended question like "what is your deployment plan" or "what advice do you give the president?" These write-ins can be good or bad. They're good in that they give the players a lot more agency in shaping the way the game proceeds, but they can become bad because they do represent open-ended creativity and sometimes Sturgeon's Law catches up with them.

3) There are write-ins that boil down to "we the voters don't like your options and demand better ones." These are usually bad, unless they reflect a genuine oversight or something the QM simply has not thought of.
2314.Q4.M3.F1 - Arcadian Crisis
[X][FLEET] Plan Even Distribution
-[X] Tellar Constitution-B to Task Force 1
-[X] 2 of Tellar Miranda-As to Task Force 2
-[X] 1 Tellar Miranda-A and Tellar Constellation to Task Force 3
-[X] Rigellian Oda-Gach and Vulcan Oberth to Task Force 4

[X][AOG] Assign to Betazed
[X][VSC] Assign to Clover
[X][ENG] Rush Betazed Starbase Construction (2x Speed)
[X][IND] Prepare components for 2x1mt Repair Yard Berths (3 Months)

[X][LADY] Convey a write-in request to Licori House of her choice
-[X] Feel out willingness to make and keep a deal on mentat control


Having retired Admiral Kahurangi around Starfleet Headquarters again was a special treat for everyone. The last few years of sun and relaxation have done her a world of good. You appreciate the opportunity to commiserate with one of the very, very few people who have any idea what it's like to be in your job. But at the end of the day, you brought Kahurangi back to do work. Her first opportunity arrives with the Arcadian yacht, His Arcadian Majesty's Yacht Morshanib. Representatives of the Imperial throne and the major Houses are in attendance. You send along Vitalia to to the New Seoul Summit, sending her along on a UESPA Constellation.

Despite the best efforts of all involved, no common ground can be found that might avert war.


There are glimmers of a post-bellum order that may come to pass. The urgency of the situation, plus the clout of Vitalia, prompt the deepest cooperation between Starfleet and the Diplomatic Service that you can recall in your decades of service. The Intel services of both sides work together and focus your efforts on the Tartresis and the Bene. Baroness Othid Tartresis, a cousin of the Duke, is the chief emissary of that House, and Kahurangi establishes an early rapport. They will fight alongside their liege, they won't turn their backs on Arcadia during a war, but they are a noble people, and if Starfleet fights in a noble fashion, then it is entirely possible to see peaceful relations with a Tartresis run Empire.

There is rather a hiccup in proceedings when the Ixarians present some of the after-action reports of the M5 computer fiasco, along with some fairly alarmist views on the potential fallout. Not a few current senior Starfleet officers had involvement in that incident. Kahurangi isn't the only one rubbing old war wounds after hearing that name. But the argument is made convincingly that an AI disaster is something that can be safeguarded against, but the full mentat process effectively produces its own failure state.

Meanwhile, the Bene show a certain flexibility. They may hold the key to avoiding a scenario where the war has to be prosecuted to bedrock. There is nothing concrete, of course, but your Intelligence officers tell you they have back-channels open now that will allow them to continue to talk to House Bene in the future.

At the end of the day, unfortunately, with the intransigence of the Ixarians, the Kortennon, and the reluctance of the throne itself, a path to averting war cannot be found. A new ultimatum stands, to expire at the end of the year, in one month's time.


State of Emergency, 2314.Q4.M3.F1 (Turn 5 of State of Emergency)

You are currently operating in a State of Emergency.

This entails an increased operational tempo and an increase to available assets.
These assets usually will require no additional resources from Starfleet, as you are directing the resources of a Federation that does not embrace money. Any additional requirements will be noted on the actions themselves. The most notable brake on your mobilisation of assets comes from their effect on the war support of the various member groups. You have already been provided control over a large fraction of fleet assets from the member worlds nearest the LBZ, but more can be requisitioned.

This State of Emergency will endure until such time as the cause of the crisis is resolved. In this case, until the Mentats of the Arcadian Empire no longer poses a threat to the Federation.



Current Assets:

Special Assets

Ret. Admiral Vitalia Yukiko Kahurangi - Licori Outreach (Single turn)

Fleet Units
Starfleet Line Starships
Starfleet Auxiliary Ships
1 Oberth from Vulcan
1 Oda-Gach from Rigel
1 Cargo Ship from Tellar

Recon Units
Vulcan Survey Corps - Assigned to Clover Outpost (+1 to Clover Outpost detecting ships)
Andorian Orbital Guard Runabouts - Assigned to Betazed (+1 to Rixx Defence Platform [Outpost] detecting ships)

Internal Diplomacy Teams
Federation Emergency Committee - Focus on increasing mobilisation (+10pt/mnth mobilisation rate)
Federation Diplomatic Service Consular Team 3 - Focus on increasing mobilisation (+10pt/mnth mobilisation rate)

External Diplomacy Teams
Federation Diplomatic Service Ambassadorial Team 4 - Lobby to integrate into forces if war commences - ETC 2315.Q1.M1.F1

Engineering Teams
UESPA Deep Space Engineering - Rush Betazed Starbase Construction (2x Speed) - ETC 2315.Q1.M2.F1

Heavy Industry Teams
Dhara Heavy Industry Park (Andor) - Prepare components for 2x1mt Repair Yard Berths (3 Months) - ETC 2315.Q1.M3.F1

The following units are available to be mobilised at relatively short notice. More options from each world will become available:

[ ] Please select up to a maximum of 30 war support of assets to mobilise from the start
(Please be aware of costs associated with assets)

Starfleet Reserve Personnel (20pt from Starfleet, +20 O/E/T for duration of SoE only, one-time)
Starfleet Engineering Command (5pt from Starfleet, to deploy will require 2 cargo ships and 2 freighters to be sourced from member worlds)

Federalise Fleet Units from <Member World> (5 cost for explorer, 2 cost for cruiser, 1 cost for frigate, paid against member world you are calling up fleet units from)
Federalise Auxiliary Units from <Member World> (3 cost for freighter, 2 cost for cargo ship, 3 cost for other auxiliary units)

Andorian Civil Service - Internal Diplomacy Team (20pt cost for Andor, gain Internal Diplomacy Team)
Earth Civil Service - Internal Diplomacy Team (20pt cost for Earth, gain Internal Diplomacy Team)

Starfleet Academy Red Squad Runabouts - Recon team (4 cost for Starfleet, gain +1 to outpost and starbase attempts to detect incoming ships)
Rigellian Customs Service Runabout Squadron 1 (6 Cost for Rigel, gain +1 to outpost and starbase attempts to detect incoming ships)

North America Productivity Commission - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Earth, gain Heavy Industry asset)
Shorc Xurth Resource Combine - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Tellar, gain Heavy Industry asset)
East Asian Productivity Commission - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Earth, gain Heavy Industry asset)
Cheleb-Kor Industrial Centre - Heavy Industry Team (8 Cost to Vulcan, gain Heavy Industry asset)
Morchell Arebb Complex - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Rigel, gain Heavy Industry asset)

Gorc Belth Colonial Engineers - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Tellar, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 3 Cargo Ships, 1 Freighter)
Andorian Imperial Star Engineers - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Andor, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 2 Cargo Ships, 1 Freighter)
Hadad Pradesh Mond Engineering - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Rigel, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 2 Cargo Ships, 2 Freighters)
Calixx Reisu Engineering Corps - Engineering Team (8 Cost from Betazed, gain Engineering Team with 1 Engineering Ship, 1 Cargo Ship, 1 Freighter)

Generate Generic Heavy Industry from <Member World> (10 Cost to Member World, gain Heavy Industry asset)
Generate Generic Engineering Team from <Member World> (15 Cost to Member World, gain Engineering team)
Generate Generic Internal Diplomacy Team from <Member World> (10 Cost to Starfleet, 5 Cost to Member World, gain Internal Diplomacy Team)
Generate Generic External Diplomacy Team from <Member World> (10 Cost to Starfleet, 5 Cost to Member World, gain External Diplomacy Team)

Retired Vice Admiral Heidi Eriksson - Doctrine Specialist (5pt Cost to Starfleet, gain Doctrine Specialist)
Retired Vice Admiral Lachlan Ablett - Doctrine Specialist (5pt Cost to Starfleet, gain Doctrine Specialist)


Fleet Units

Fleet Units

Starships and other assets that you can use to supplement your forces, create new task forces, replace losses, or reinforce attacks.
Recon Units

Recon Units

Supplementary patrol units that you can attach to your starbases, outposts, and fleet units.
Internal Diplomacy

Internal Diplomacy

Assets that you can employ to help bolster links between member worlds, or shore up flagging support. They can also be used to increase the rate with which you are able to mobilise assets, though that may become a double-edged sword.
External Diplomacy

External Diplomacy

Assets that you can employ to conduct relations with other nearby powers, such as the Ked Paddah, the Honiani, the Laio, the Gaeni, and others.
Engineering Teams

Engineering Teams

Field deployable units consisting of Engineering Ships, construction crews, and the like. They are capable of conducting operations abroad in unsettled systems.
Heavy Industry

Heavy Industry

You need heavy industry to provide extra boosts to ship production, repair, to produce the components necessary for constructing stations, outposts, and starbases.
Doctrine Specialists

Doctrine Specialists

All doctrines are plans, and no plan survives first contact with the enemy. War is the most unforgiving task master, so you best learn what works and doesn't work quickly.


The Home Front

Current War Support:
Starfleet - 175pt
United Earth SPA - 135pt
Vulcan High Command - 51pt
Tellarite State Forces - 128pt
Betazed Defence Forces - 45pt (-5pt from Mobilisation)
Rigel Defence Force - 99pt
Andorian Guard - 97pt
IT of Gaen - 150pt

NB: Starfleet's entry here is more to do with organisation-wide morale and depth.

War Weariness increases with:
Resource Requests
Economic Policy changes
Failing set objectives

War Support increases with:
Some victories
Achieving set objectives
Releasing resources

UESPA - 3 Dev, 2 Exp, 1 Pac, 1 Haw
VHC - 1 Dev, 5 Pac
TSF - 3 Dev, 1 Pac, 1 Haw
BDF - 2 Pac
RDF - 4 Merc


Current Economic Settings:
Starfleet - N/A
United Earth SPA - Early Mobilisation
Vulcan High Command - Peacetime
Tellarite State Force - Early Mobilisation
Betazed Defence Forces - Pacifist -> Peacetime
Andorian Guard - Peacetime
Rigel Defence Force - Peacetime
IT of Gaen - Wartime Economy
Honiani - Peacetime
Laio - Peacetime

Levels of Mobilisation
Pacifist - 75% of normal income, 100% of normal build
Peacetime - 100% of normal income, 100% of normal build time, no stockpile opening
Early - 125% of normal income, -1Qtr build time, open 25% of stockpile
Limited - 150% of normal income, -2Qtr build time, open full stockpile
Wartime - 200% of normal income, -25% build time, post-war economic slump,
Total - 250% of normal income, -50% build time, post-war economic crash,

There are maximum time-frames that a wartime economy can be maintained without income dropping again.

UESPA has moved from 110/60/2/2.2/2.2 to 140/75/2.5/2.75/2.75 - gained 50/40 from stockpile
VHC has moved from 40/35/1/1.75/1.5 to 55/45/1.35/2.35/2
TSF has moved from 95/50/1.45/1.95/1.95 to 120/65/1.8/2.4/2.4 - gained 50/40 from stockpile

BDF will move from 35/35/1.15/1.45/1.15 to 45/45/1.45/1.8/1.45

Tailward Theatre Command - Vice Admiral Viraan zh'Dohlen

Licori Border Zone Commanding Officer - Rear Admiral Victoria Eaton
-LBZ Auxiliary Task Force CO - Commodore T'Mina (promote)
-LBZ Executive Officer - Captain Ferath zh'Kylarrth
-LBZ Chief of Staff - Captain Rosalee McAdams
--Staff Personnel Officer - Commander Staik
--Staff Intelligence Officer - Commander Elizabeth Faring
--Staff Operations Officer - Commander Hayden Kennedy
--Staff Medical Officer - Commander Prshrr Marhar
--Staff Science Officer - Commander Krabad
--Staff Engineering Officer - Commander Gordon Laver
--Staff Industrial Liaison - Tash sh'Petreth (Andorian Chamber of Industry)

-Clover Outpost Commander - Commander Ceisrud Ozei
--Vulcan Survey Corps

-Starfleet Intelligence Task Force - Captain Thren th'Panyth
--Intel Gathering
--- Office 25 (Other Field Desk) Detachment
--- Coreward Desk Detachment
--- Office 11 (Minor Powers Decryption) Detachment
--Special Security Ops Teams
--- Office 10 (Romulan Irregular Ops Team)
--- Office 19
--- Office 24
--Squadron 1, 2 Detachments (Runabouts + Shuttles)
-Andorian Orbital Guard Runabout Squadron

Task Force 1 CO - Commodore Michel Thuir
-Flag: USS Sarek
Task Force 2 CO - Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
-Flag: USS Enterprise

Task Force 3 CO - Rear Admiral T'Lorel
-Flag: USS Renaissance
-- Task Group 3.1 CO - Commodore Brufraogm Wev
---Flag: RDS Yagad-Tich
-- Task Group 3.2 CO - Commodore Erzath zh'Darlyth
---Flag: USS Endurance

Task Force 4 CO - Commodore Iorin Grann (promote)
-Flag: Thirishar

-Task Force 5 CO - Ms Alexia O'Conner, UESPA Deep Space Engineering
-- UES Kagutsuchi, Engineering Ship
-- UES Norn, Engineering Ship
-- 3 UES Cargo Ships
-- UES Freighter

Sol Sector Command - Rear Admiral
-Rixx Defence Platform [Betazed Outpost] - Commander Pirala Narax
--Andorian Orbital Guard Runabouts

Rear Admiral Victoria Eaton
Current Posting: Commander, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Commodore Brufraogm Wev
Current Posting: Commander, Task Group 3.1, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: High

Commodore Erzath zh'Darlyth
Current Posting: Commander, Task Group 3.2, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: High
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 3, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Commodore Michel Thuir
Current Posting: Operations Officer, Starfleet Tactical Field Command
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: High
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 2, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Captain Rosalee McAdams
Current Posting: Chief of Staff, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Commodore T'Mina
Current Posting: Commander, Auxiliary Task Force, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Commodore Iorin Grann
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 4, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Low
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: Medium

Captain Ferath zh'Kylarrth
Current Posting: Executive Officer, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: High
Politics: High

Tailward Theatre, Vice Admiral Viraan zh'Dohlen
Sol Sector
Rigel Sector
Vulcan Sector
Andor Sector
Klingon Border Zone
Romulan Border Zone
Licori Border Zone

-Task Force 1, Commodore Michel Thuir
USS Sarek, Excelsior-class, NCC-2004 - Captain Straak
USS Excelsior, Excelsior-class, NCC-2000 - Captain Yamada Ichigo
USS Lexington, Constitution-B-class, NCC-1741 - Captain Winslow
USS Blizzard, Centaur-A-class, NCC-2108 - Captain Senok
USS Lightning, Centaur-A-class, NCC- 2105 - Captain Khrerg bak Arguk
UES Calgary, Miranda-A-class, NCC-1903 - Captain Tan Ming
USS Torbriel, Oberth-class, NCC-1511 - Captain Diego Zaardmani

-Task Force 2, Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
USS Enterprise, Excelsior-class, NCC-1701-B - Captain Samhaya Mrr'shan
UES Liberty, Excelsior-class, NCC-2017 - Captain Olesya Sokolov
USS Hood, Constitution-B-class, NCC-1742 - Captain Angela Curtis
USS Winterwind, Centaur-A-class, NCC-2104 - Captain Abigail Taggart
UES Shanghai, Miranda-A-class, NCC-1904 - Captain Gao Yang
UES Yorkshire, Centaur-A-class, NCC-2109 - Captain Angus Connelly
USS Hawking, Oberth-class, NCC-1509 - Captain Bruce Ponting

-Task Force 3, Rear Admiral T'Lorel
USS Renaissance, Renaissance-class, NCC-2601 - Captain Larai Leaniss
--Task Group 3.1, Commodore Brufraogem Wev
RDS Yagad-Tich, Megatortoise-class, NCC-2901 - Captain Irdask
RDS Hadabat, Turtleship-class, NCC-2903 - Captain Rumo
RDS Monsad, Turtleship-class, NCC-2904 - Captain Caagid
BDS Radlawxa, Patrol Cruiser-class, NCC-2501 - Captain Viamelo Gru
RDS Oda-Gach-3, Oda-Gach-class Cutter, NCC-3005
USS Svai, Miranda-class, NCC-1658 - Captain T'Atring
--Task Group 3.2, Commodore Erzath zh'Darlyth
USS Endurance, Excelsior-class, NCC-2007 - Captain Pavel Chekov

RDS Pagatat, Turtleship-class, NCC-2907 - Captain Zukeik
UES Jupiter, Constellation-class, NCC-1813 - Captain Roberta Sherman
USS Calypso, Miranda-class, NCC-1632 - Captain Tomiq zh'Pohren
USS Thunderhead, Miranda-class, NCC-1656 - Captain Amos Bao
USS Inspire, Oberth-class, NCC-1510 - Captain Amelia Currie

-Task Force 4, Commodore Iorinn Grann
USS Thirishar, Excelsior-class, NCC-2011 - Captain Norkair ch'Gharist
USS Gale, Centaur-A-class, NCC-2106 - Captain Gorth th'Hashok
BDS Harmony, Centaur-A-class, NCC-2120 - Captain Eneram Idrai
BDS Astute, Patroller-class, NCC-2507
BDS Assist, Patroller-class, NCC-2508
RDS Oda-Gach-4, Oda-Gach-class Cutter, NCC-3006
RDS Oda-Gach-5, Oda-Gach-class Cutter, NCC-3007
USS T'Mir, Oberth-class, NCC-1507

-Auxiliary Force
3 Tellarite Cargo Ships
1 Tellarite Freighter
2 Andorian Cargo Ships
1 Andorian Freighter
1 Vulcan Cargo Ship
2 Human Cargo Ships
1 Human Freighter
1 Betazoid Cargo Ship

-Research Attachment
1 Vulcan Civilian Research Cruiser

-UESPA Deep Space Engineering
2 UESPA Engineering Ships
3 UESPA Cargo Ships
1 UESPA Freighter

Illuminated Technocracy of Gaen

Recon Units

Inid Uttar Institute (Runabouts + Research Cruiser) - Assigned to Gaen
Nitta Oian Institute (Runabouts + Research Cruiser) - Assigned to Thunti

External Diplomacy Teams
Technocracy Interstellar Ministry - Lobby for Federation entry to war

Internal Diplomacy Teams
Central Technocracy Council - Increasing Asset Mobilisation
Chamber of Commerce Council - Run Internal Recruiting Campaigns

Engineering Teams
Henn-Makad Engineering Institute (1 Cargo, 1 Super-Freighter, 1 Freighter, 2 Cargo) - Assembling Staging outpost (2315.Q1.M1)

Heavy Industry Teams
North Apada Industrial Council - Accelerating Tech-Cruiser Build in [Gaen Man. Coop Bay 1]
Thunti Industrial Council - Building Components for 2x1.5mt repair bays (will complete by 2315.Q2.M1)

Doctrine Teams
Kedaia Naar Institute - Developing Anti-Licori techniques (will gain +1% at 2315.Q1.M3)

Gaen Central Technocracy Logistics Network
(Income 90/100)
Hubs - Gaen (30/20), Thunti (10/10)
Sources - = 50br 70sr 20rp
Targets - 5 minor colonies
Industry -
Destination -

Total for Feeder Network -
Source - 90s 50b
Minors - 40s 20b
Route Penalty = 1.1
Total x Route Penalty = 143s 77b
Per Bi-Monthly = 24s 13b
1 Freighter, 3 Cargo Ship Assigned

Total for Trunk Network -
Homeworld + 1 Major Worlds = 20s 10b
Route Penalty = 1
Per Bi-Monthly = 4s 2b
1 Cargo Ship Assigned

Total for Industry Network -
90br/100sr = 20s 18b
Route Penalty = 1
Per Bi-Monthly = 4s 3b
1 Freighter Assigned

Fleet Support -
6 Cruisers = 6s
7 Frigate = 4s
15 Auxiliary = 15s
Total = 25s
4 Cargo Ships Assigned

2 Freighters, 8 Cargo Ships assigned to networks
1 Super-Freighters, 3 Freighters, 9 Cargo Ships free for other tasks
Under 50% capacity - no strain
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@OneirosTheWriter, two questions.

1) According to my understanding of @lbmaian 's analysis, we have more transports than are strictly required. COULD we call up the Starfleet Engineering Corps right now and deduct the necessary transports out of our pool? Are there any obvious bad consequences to doing so? Remember that very few of your players have a clear understanding of the logistics/transport rules, so "you can call up the Engineering Corps but you have to supply the transports" has unclear implications for many of us.

2) What does the new ultimatum say? What are we asking the Arcadians to do, exactly? This may impact whether, for example, we'd want a second diplomacy team to concentrate on liaison work with the Ked Paddah, or on covertly approaching House Bene.


[?] Please select up to a maximum of 30 war support of assets to mobilise from the start
-[?] Starfleet Engineering Command (5pt from Starfleet, to deploy will require 2 cargo ships and 2 freighters to be sourced from member worlds)
-[?] Shorc Xurth Resource Combine - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Tellar, gain Heavy Industry asset)
-[?] Retired Vice Admiral Heidi Eriksson - Doctrine Specialist (5pt Cost to Starfleet, gain Doctrine Specialist)

These options would cost us 15 points, giving us 15 more to call up a second external diplomacy team. Even if we don't keep working on the Licori, we probably need two external diplomacy teams, because we've got liaison and coordination work to do with the Ked Paddah and the Gaeni at an absolute minimum, and potentially also with the Laio, the Honiani, and others. During the Biophage I think we got away with only one external diplomacy asset... but frankly that was because Nash was doing the work of an entire war asset keeping our channels with the Romulans open, and because Sulu was doing the same towards the end of the war by enlisting the Klingons to help us out. Without them doing their unique awesomeness, we'd have needed three external diplomacy teams' worth of effort just to set up the coalition that fought in Kadesh orbit.

Alternatively, we could:

A) Get engineers and 5 points of something else instead of an external diplomacy team.
B) Not get a second heavy industry team (most of the things available for them to do aren't so pressingly needed so there's less of a rush), and pick a different engineering team INSTEAD OF the Starfleet Engineering Corps. This may be necessary if it turns out that we can't use our own already-mobilized transport assets for them.
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EDIT: Retiring this for a new plan.

[] Diplomacy, Doctrine, and Industry
-[] Retired Vice Admiral Heidi Eriksson - Doctrine Specialist (5pt Cost to Starfleet, gain Doctrine Specialist)
-[] Retired Vice Admiral Lachlan Ablett - Doctrine Specialist (5pt Cost to Starfleet, gain Doctrine Specialist)
-[] North America Productivity Commission - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Earth, gain Heavy Industry asset)
-[] Generate Generic External Diplomacy Team from <Earth> (10 Cost to Starfleet, 5 Cost to Member World, gain External Diplomacy Team)

My logic:
Our doctrine specialists are cheap, probably need to get started well in advance, and there are bound to be at least two doctrine tasks that need doing. Grab them both.
Yes, yes, everybody wants an External Diplomacy team. Fine, let's grab one from Earth since it has the most reserve of war support.
Heavy Industry is also one that needs a lot of lead time, so we might as well grab a 5 pointer from Earth.

EDIT: Note that after the war starts, we're probably going to reassign our Internal Diplomacy teams to shoring up support rather than requisitioning new stuff.
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Internal Diplomacy Teams
Vulcan Survey Corps - Assigned to Clover Outpost (+1 to Clover Outpost detecting ships)
Andorian Orbital Guard Runabouts - Assigned to Betazed (+1 to Rixx Defence Platform [Outpost] detecting ships)

Internal Diplomacy Teams
Federation Emergency Committee - Focus on increasing mobilisation (+10pt/mnth mobilisation rate)
Federation Diplomatic Service Consular Team 3 - Focus on increasing mobilisation (+10pt/mnth mobilisation rate)

There is some mistake here since I am pretty sure that neither the survey crops nor the runabouts are diplomats, at least officially^^.

External Diplomacy Teams
Federation Diplomatic Service Ambassadorial Team 4 - Lobby to integrate into forces if war commences - ETC 2315.Q1.M1.F1

I have honestly very little idea what you want to say with that sentence...
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I'd rather grab the heavy industry team from Tellar. Earth has high war support, but has also committed a lot of ships and is closer to the zone of combat. If something goes wrong they could LOSE a lot of war support quickly. Tellar has committed fewer ships and is therefore at less risk of a sudden decline.

I think I'd like a second engineering team more than a second doctrine team. We really need strong surveillance and patrol nets over our border near the Licori. And we probably need them before our heavy fleets move out to take the offensive, so time is critical.

The most likely times for the Licori to try nova-bombing one of our star systems are:

1) As a pre-emptive attack, probably by Kortennon acting on their own initiative. This could happen any minute now, and our main defense is the sheer number of Eaton's ships that currently have nothing better to do than patrol looking for Licori ships penetrating our space. Hopefully it's a good defense... but it's also temporary, and to maintain it we have to sacrifice our offensive capability.

2) After the first round of battles between Licori and Federation ships, at a point where the Licori still have enough forces to contemplate sneaking a ship or two past us, but after they realize we're kicking their ass in terms of conventional warfare. Now, that attack scenario would be likely to hit while Eaton's fleet is mostly out in space between us and the Licori, either attacking a Licori system or licking its wounds from a difficult battle. That is what we need to fortify against... and it's going to be very risky for Eaton to attack aggressively before those fortifications are in place.
So vindication on a lot of sides. Diplomacy was partially successful and Kahurangi played a substantial role, at least giving us a decent exit strategy option. At the same time, war could not be averted, as expected. Meanwhile, new options have appeared, so waiting a bit does grant us more options:
Earth Civil Service - Internal Diplomacy Team (20pt cost for Earth, gain Internal Diplomacy Team)
Rigellian Customs Service Runabout Squadron 1 (6 Cost for Rigel, gain +1 to outpost and starbase attempts to detect incoming ships)
Morchell Arebb Complex - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Rigel, gain Heavy Industry asset)
Hadad Pradesh Mond Engineering - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Rigel, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 2 Cargo Ships, 2 Freighters)
Calixx Reisu Engineering Corps - Engineering Team (8 Cost from Betazed, gain Engineering Team with 1 Engineering Ship, 1 Cargo Ship, 1 Freighter)
Retired Vice Admiral Lachlan Ablett - Doctrine Specialist (5pt Cost to Starfleet, gain Doctrine Specialist)

1) According to my understanding of @lbmaian 's analysis, we have more transports than are strictly required. COULD we call up the Starfleet Engineering Corps right now and deduct the necessary transports out of our pool? Are there any obvious bad consequences to doing so? Remember that very few of your players have a clear understanding of the logistics/transport rules, so "you can call up the Engineering Corps but you have to supply the transports" has unclear implications for many of us.

You mean the pool of member fleet vessels originally allocated to the LBZ (the 8 cargo ships and 3 freighters), right? I hope you don't mean our own over-taxed Starfleet logistics :p

Hmm, that may not be a bad option that I didn't consider before. Let me run the numbers...
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I think I'd like a second engineering team more than a second doctrine team. We really need strong surveillance and patrol nets over our border near the Licori. And we probably need them before our heavy fleets move out to take the offensive, so time is critical.

Unfortunately a second engineering team costs 10 points, while the doctrine team costs 5 points. So it's not an even trade.