Gorc Belth Colonial Engineers - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Tellar, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 3 Cargo Ships, 1 Freighter)
Andorian Imperial Star Engineers - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Andor, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 2 Cargo Ships, 1 Freighter)
Hadad Pradesh Mond Engineering - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Rigel, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 2 Cargo Ships, 2 Freighters)
Calixx Reisu Engineering Corps - Engineering Team (8 Cost from Betazed, gain Engineering Team with 1 Engineering Ship, 1 Cargo Ship, 1 Freighter)
I'm wondering if all engineering teams are equal in capability. Of the above, one does not "belong" - literally half the size of another option!
FDS Consular Team
[ ][CON] Focus on increasing mobilisation (+10pt/mnth mobilisation rate)
[ ][CON] Lobby to raise war support on <Member> (+2 war support per month for target)
[ ][CON] Lobby to increase economic mobilisation on <Member> (chance of forcing an economic push)
[ ][CON] Reassure <Member World> (Chance to reduce support lost from combat or mobilisation)
[ ][CON] Work to add Member World <Target> to responding worlds
FDS Ambassador Team
[ ][AMB] Conduct half-strength diplomatic push on <Target>
[ ][AMB] Lobby to integrate <Affiliate Member> who is already at war into your forces (Will begin to build support in that world)
[ ][AMB] Lobby to have an <Affiliate Member> join the war effort (Will begin to build support in that world)
[ ][AMB] Convey a write-in request to <Target> (Variable results)
[ ][AMB] Extend peace talks feelers
Ret. Admiral Vitalia Yukiko Kahurangi
[ ][LADY] Increase Mobilisation Rate by +10
[ ][LADY] Act as Doctrine Team
[ ][LADY] Convey a write-in request to <Non-Member Target> (Variable results)
[ ][LADY] Lobby to have an <Affiliate Member> join the war effort (Will begin to build support in that world)
[ ][LADY] Lobby Council on your behalf (Chance of random war support gains)
Given how Kahurangi can act like an external diplomacy team for the options we care about, I'm questioning the need for another external diplomacy team.
FDS Ambassador Team is scheduled to finish the Gaeni integration push next month. Kahurangi is free this month, I think. If we're planning to vote for "Convey a request to Ked Peddah to begin planning for a coordinated war effort" as was proposed before for the FDS Ambassador Team, then Kahurangi may be able to do that just as well.
Meanwhile, I'm seeing a lot of heavy industry and engineering team use cases. Heavy industry for speeding up ship construction (as we already have a bank of components for 3 outposts and 1 starbase), engineering teams for building outposts and listening posts, and later the repair yard once the components are ready.
Hmm, I wonder if we could negotiate with Gaen to upgrade their outpost into a starbase. They may not be a member yet so it wouldn't be a Starfleet starbase, but the Amarki and Rigel member ratifications have proven that starbases can be handled over to Starfleet control. Gaen is also one of those future Fed homeworlds where it's going to be a bitch in pp costs to build a starbase at, assuming it stays grouped in the same sector as Sol and/or Betazed upon member ratification.
Possible heavy industry options:
Courageous repair/refit ETC 2315Q2
- Our 2 Excelsiors ETC 2315Q1 (although rushing this may not actually shave a quarter off - "2x rate" could mean they're complete in 2 months rather than 4 months)
- Vulcan's Connie-B ETC 2315Q4 (could we get a war support bump from this?)
- Starfleet Engineering Ship or Cargo Ship being built at Vulcan ETC 2315Q4 (possibly too late?)
- Later: rush repairs?
The only other S3+ ships that could be useful in this crisis would take too long to complete: 3 Rennies ETC 2316Q2, 10 Rennies ETC 2317Q1 (of which only 1 is Starfleet), 1 Turtleship ETC 2316Q4, 3 Excelsiors ETC 2316Q4 (1 of these is Andorian), 1 Mega-Tortoise ETC 2316Q4
edit: With Earth and Tellar now in Early Mobilization, their 6 total Rennies will finish a quarter sooner already, along with their other ship builds, but still too late to be relevant here.
Possible engineering team options:
- Build listening outposts in subsector 1C
- Build outpost at Kappa Tau (although can this be done this month before any of our fleet heads out of LBZ?)
- Build sensor pickets at Betazed (any better targets?)
- Start starbase at Gaen (may need coordination with Gaen though since they're not a member yet, but this is a really convenient opportunity)
- Rushing our Betazed 2x1mt berth shipyard ETC 2316Q2 (though components may still be being produced for it and ETC is rather late)
- Later: repair yard once we have the components for them
Note: Betazed's own 1mt berth and 400kt berth were already completed earlier this year
Can anyone else think of other useful options?