2314.Q4.M2.F2 - Arcadian Crisis
[X][PRESIDENT] Addressing Council Division
[X][PRESIDENT] Seek Individual Diplomatic Contact with Major Licori Houses
[X][PRESIDENT] Need to hold off and investigate further

[X] Plan Iron Lady
-[X] Retired Admiral Vitalia Yukiko Kahurangi - Personal Diplomatic Consultant (5pt cost for Starfleet, gain Special Asset)
-[X] Federalise Auxiliary Units from Tellar: One Cargo Ship (2 Cost from Tellar)
-[X] Federalise Fleet Units from Vulcan: 1 Oberth (1 cost from Vulcan)
-[X] Federalise Fleet Units from Rigel: 1 Oda-Gach (1 cost from Rigel)
-[X] Dhara Heavy Industry Park - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Andoria, gain Heavy Industry asset)
-[X] UESPA Deep Space Engineering - Engineering Team (10 Cost from United Earth, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 3 Cargo Ships, 1 Freighter)
-[X] Vulcan Survey Corps - Recon team (3 cost for Vulcan, gain +1 to outpost and starbase atttempts to detect incoming ships, gain 1 Civilian Research Cruiser)
-[X] Andorian Orbital Guard Runabouts (3 cost for Andorian Guard, gain +1 to outpost and starbase atttempts to detect incoming ships)


It has been, suffice to say, an "interesting" week.

The President is hardly thrilled to have been pulled up short by you in private, but then you aren't here to make fan clubs for each other, are you? Madame President has taken your words to heart, though. If anything, she is a little shaken to realise that Councillors have been approaching you to complain about her. After your meeting, the President called in her party stalwarts, and then began a new campaign of outreach within the Council.

[+5 War Support to Vulcans, Betazoids, Humans, Andorians]

The Arcadian approach is full of promises, but the FDS is ruthless in pointing out the various ways that their promises are toothless. The last year of working in the palaces of Morshadd, and the estates of various Houses, has taught them much about the dysfunction of the Imperial political system. They're trying to mollify you with a gift of exotic resources and empty promises, and the FDS are quick to point out that it isn't a case of active malice: they simply are not capable of controlling this matter without systematic political reform.

The FDS are also rather ruthless in asking you what happened around the Igrund Duk colony.

But what the diplomacy does grant you is a chance to make contact with the Houses Major representatives. You learn about them, and what makes each House tick.

[Report on the component Houses of the Licori soon]


The political strife at Igrund Duk has lessened the number of assets the Tellarites have been able to deploy. Nonetheless, some have come, with the promise of the TSS Miracht Agrad once their crisis is resolved.

Tellar has turned over:
1 Constitution-B
1 Constellation
3 Miranda-A

You have called up
1 Rigellian Oda-Gach Frigate
1 Vulcan Oberth Science Frigate

[ ][FLEET] Assign newly arrived fleet units to Task Forces


State of Emergency, 2314.Q4.M2.F2 (Turn 4 of State of Emergency)

You are currently operating in a State of Emergency.

This entails an increased operational tempo and an increase to available assets.
These assets usually will require no additional resources from Starfleet, as you are directing the resources of a Federation that does not embrace money. Any additional requirements will be noted on the actions themselves. The most notable brake on your mobilisation of assets comes from their effect on the war support of the various member groups. You have already been provided control over a large fraction of fleet assets from the member worlds nearest the LBZ, but more can be requisitioned.

This State of Emergency will endure until such time as the cause of the crisis is resolved. In this case, until the Mentats of the Arcadian Empire no longer poses a threat to the Federation.



Current Assets:

Special Assets

Ret. Admiral Vitalia Yukiko Kahurangi - Unassigned

Fleet Units
Starfleet Line Starships
Starfleet Auxiliary Ships
1 Oberth from Vulcan
1 Oda-Gach from Rigel
1 Cargo Ship from Tellar

Internal Diplomacy Teams
Vulcan Survey Corps - Unassigned
Andorian Orbital Guard Runabouts - Unassigned

Internal Diplomacy Teams
Federation Emergency Committee - Focus on increasing mobilisation (+10pt/mnth mobilisation rate)
Federation Diplomatic Service Consular Team 3 - Focus on increasing mobilisation (+10pt/mnth mobilisation rate)

External Diplomacy Teams
Federation Diplomatic Service Ambassadorial Team 4 - Lobby to integrate into forces if war commences - Estimated completion 2315.Q1.M1.F1

Engineering Teams
UESPA Deep Space Engineering - Unassigned

Heavy Industry Teams
Dhara Heavy Industry Park (Andor) - Unassigned


Fleet Units

Fleet Units

Starships and other assets that you can use to supplement your forces, create new task forces, replace losses, or reinforce attacks.
Recon Units

Recon Units

Supplementary patrol units that you can attach to your starbases, outposts, and fleet units.
Internal Diplomacy

Internal Diplomacy

Assets that you can employ to help bolster links between member worlds, or shore up flagging support. They can also be used to increase the rate with which you are able to mobilise assets, though that may become a double-edged sword.
External Diplomacy

External Diplomacy

Assets that you can employ to conduct relations with other nearby powers, such as the Ked Paddah, the Honiani, the Laio, the Gaeni, and others.
Engineering Teams

Engineering Teams

Field deployable units consisting of Engineering Ships, construction crews, and the like. They are capable of conducting operations abroad in unsettled systems.
Heavy Industry

Heavy Industry

You need heavy industry to provide extra boosts to ship production, repair, to produce the components necessary for constructing stations, outposts, and starbases.
Doctrine Specialists

Doctrine Specialists

All doctrines are plans, and no plan survives first contact with the enemy. War is the most unforgiving task master, so you best learn what works and doesn't work quickly.

Task Assignments:

Ret. Admiral Vitalia Yukiko Kahurangi
[ ][LADY] Increase Mobilisation Rate by +10
[ ][LADY] Act as Doctrine Team
[ ][LADY] Convey a write-in request to <Non-Member Target> (Variable results)
[ ][LADY] Lobby to have an <Affiliate Member> join the war effort (Will begin to build support in that world)
[ ][LADY] Lobby Council on your behalf (Chance of random war support gains)

Vulcan Survey Corps

[ ][VSC] Assign to <Orbital facility or World>
[ ][VSC] Keep in reserve for now

Andorian Orbital Guard
[ ][AOG] Assign to <Orbital facility or World>
[ ][AOG] Keep in reserve for now

UESPA Deep Space Engineering
[ ][ENG] Rush Betazed Starbase Construction (2x Speed)
[ ][ENG] Commence outpost build at <Target> (3 Months - apprx)
[ ][ENG] Commence starbase build at <Target> (12 Months - apprx)
[ ][ENG] Build listening post builds in <Subsector> (5 Months - apprx)
[ ][ENG] Build heliopause sensor pickets in <Target> (+1 to Sci-T against infiltrating craft) (3 Months - apprx)
[ ][ENG] Keep in reserve for now
(If you want to just place in a given subsector as a picket, just nominate the subsector instead of a particular world)

Dhara Heavy Industry Park
[ ][IND] Prepare components for 3 Outposts (3 Months) - You have 3 in stock
[ ][IND] Prepare components for 1 Starbase (3 Months) - You have 1 in stock
[ ][IND] Prepare components for 2x1mt Repair Yard Berths (3 Months)
[ ][IND] Prepare components for 1x3mt Repair Yard Berth (5 Months)
[ ][IND] Prepare components for 1x1mt Shipyard Berth (3 Months)
[ ][IND] Prepare components for 1x3mt Shipyard Berth (6 Months)
[ ][IND] Rush Starship Construction for <Ship under construction> (Variable, ship will proceed at 2x rate)

Additional task types may be requested of the QM.


The Home Front

Current War Support:
Starfleet - 175pt (-5 from Assets)
United Earth SPA - 135pt (+5 from Choices, -10 from Assets)
Vulcan High Command - 51pt (+5 from Choices, -4 from Assets)
Tellarite State Forces - 128pt (-2 from Assets)
Betazed Defence Forces - 50pt (+5 from Choices)
Rigel Defence Force - 99pt (-1 from Assets)
Andorian Guard - 97pt (+5 from Choices, -8 from Assets)
IT of Gaen - 150pt

NB: Starfleet's entry here is more to do with organisation-wide morale and depth.

War Weariness increases with:
Resource Requests
Economic Policy changes
Failing set objectives

War Support increases with:
Some victories
Achieving set objectives
Releasing resources

UESPA - 3 Dev, 2 Exp, 1 Pac, 1 Haw
VHC - 1 Dev, 5 Pac
TSF - 3 Dev, 1 Pac, 1 Haw
BDF - 2 Pac
RDF - 4 Merc


Current Economic Settings:
Starfleet - N/A
United Earth SPA - Early Mobilisation
Vulcan High Command - Peacetime
Tellarite State Force - Early Mobilisation
Betazed Defence Forces - Pacifist
Andorian Guard - Peacetime
Rigel Defence Force - Peacetime
IT of Gaen - Wartime Economy
Honiani - Peacetime
Laio - Peacetime

Levels of Mobilisation
Pacifist - 75% of normal income, 100% of normal build
Peacetime - 100% of normal income, 100% of normal build time, no stockpile opening
Early - 125% of normal income, -1Qtr build time, open 25% of stockpile
Limited - 150% of normal income, -2Qtr build time, open full stockpile
Wartime - 200% of normal income, -25% build time, post-war economic slump,
Total - 250% of normal income, -50% build time, post-war economic crash,

There are maximum time-frames that a wartime economy can be maintained without income dropping again.

UESPA has moved from 110/60/2/2.2/2.2 to 140/75/2.5/2.75/2.75 - gained 50/40 from stockpile
VHC has moved from 40/35/1/1.75/1.5 to 55/45/1.35/2.35/2
TSF has moved from 95/50/1.45/1.95/1.95 to 120/65/1.8/2.4/2.4 - gained 50/40 from stockpile

Tailward Theatre Command - Vice Admiral Viraan zh'Dohlen

Licori Border Zone Commanding Officer - Rear Admiral Victoria Eaton
-LBZ Auxiliary Task Force CO - Commodore T'Mina (promote)
-LBZ Executive Officer - Captain Ferath zh'Kylarrth
-LBZ Chief of Staff - Captain Rosalee McAdams
--Staff Personnel Officer - Commander Staik
--Staff Intelligence Officer - Commander Elizabeth Faring
--Staff Operations Officer - Commander Hayden Kennedy
--Staff Medical Officer - Commander Prshrr Marhar
--Staff Science Officer - Commander Krabad
--Staff Engineering Officer - Commander Gordon Laver

-Clover Outpost Commander - Commander Ceisrud Ozei
--Vulcan Survey Corps
--Andorian Orbital Guard Runabouts
-Starfleet Intelligence Task Force - Captain Thren th'Panyth
--Intel Gathering
--- Office 25 (Other Field Desk) Detachment
--- Coreward Desk Detachment
--- Office 11 (Minor Powers Decryption) Detachment
--Special Security Ops Teams
--- Office 10 (Romulan Irregular Ops Team)
--- Office 19
--- Office 24
--Squadron 1, 2 Detachments (Runabouts + Shuttles)
-Andorian Orbital Guard Runabout Squadron

Task Force 1 CO - Commodore Michel Thuir
-Flag: USS Sarek
Task Force 2 CO - Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
-Flag: USS Enterprise

Task Force 3 CO - Rear Admiral T'Lorel
-Flag: USS Renaissance
-- Task Group 3.1 CO - Commodore Brufraogm Wev
---Flag: RDS Yagad-Tich
-- Task Group 3.2 CO - Commodore Erzath zh'Darlyth
---Flag: USS Endurance

Task Force 4 CO - Commodore Iorin Grann (promote)
-Flag: Thirishar

-Task Force 5 CO - Ms Alexia O'Conner, UESPA Deep Space Engineering
-- UES Kagutsuchi, Engineering Ship

[Captain McAdams appointment due to RAdm Eaton's Politics affinity]

Rear Admiral Victoria Eaton
Current Posting: Commander, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Commodore Brufraogm Wev
Current Posting: Commander, Task Group 3.1, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: High

Commodore Erzath zh'Darlyth
Current Posting: Commander, Task Group 3.2, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: High
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 3, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Commodore Michel Thuir
Current Posting: Operations Officer, Starfleet Tactical Field Command
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: High
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 2, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Captain Rosalee McAdams
Current Posting: Chief of Staff, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Commodore T'Mina
Current Posting: Commander, Auxiliary Task Force, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Commodore Iorin Grann
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 4, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Low
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: Medium

Captain Ferath zh'Kylarrth
Current Posting: Executive Officer, LBZ
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: High
Politics: High

Tailward Theatre, Vice Admiral Viraan zh'Dohlen
Sol Sector
Rigel Sector
Vulcan Sector
Andor Sector
Klingon Border Zone
Romulan Border Zone
Licori Border Zone

-Task Force 1, Commodore Michel Thuir
USS Sarek, Excelsior-class, NCC-2004 - Captain Straak
USS Excelsior, Excelsior-class, NCC-2000 - Captain Yamada Ichigo
USS Lexington, Constitution-B-class, NCC-1741 - Captain Winslow
USS Blizzard, Centaur-A-class, NCC-2108 - Captain Senok
USS Lightning, Centaur-A-class, NCC- 2105 - Captain Khrerg bak Arguk
UES Calgary, Miranda-A-class, NCC-1903 - Captain Tan Ming
USS Torbriel, Oberth-class, NCC-1511 - Captain Diego Zaardmani

-Task Force 2, Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
USS Enterprise, Excelsior-class, NCC-1701-B - Captain Samhaya Mrr'shan
UES Liberty, Excelsior-class, NCC-2017 - Captain Olesya Sokolov
USS Hood, Constitution-B-class, NCC-1742 - Captain Angela Curtis
USS Winterwind, Centaur-A-class, NCC-2104 - Captain Abigail Taggart
UES Shanghai, Miranda-A-class, NCC-1904 - Captain Gao Yang
UES Yorkshire, Centaur-A-class, NCC-2109 - Captain Angus Connelly
USS Hawking, Oberth-class, NCC-1509 - Captain Bruce Ponting

-Task Force 3, Rear Admiral T'Lorel
USS Renaissance, Renaissance-class, NCC-2601 - Captain Larai Leaniss
--Task Group 3.1, Commodore Brufraogem Wev
RDS Yagad-Tich, Megatortoise-class, NCC-2901 - Captain Irdask
RDS Hadabat, Turtleship-class, NCC-2903 - Captain Rumo
RDS Monsad, Turtleship-class, NCC-2904 - Captain Caagid
BDS Radlawxa, Patrol Cruiser-class, NCC-2501 - Captain Viamelo Gru
RDS Oda-Gach-3, Oda-Gach-class Cutter, NCC-3005
USS Svai, Miranda-class, NCC-1658 - Captain T'Atring
--Task Group 3.2, Commodore Erzath zh'Darlyth
USS Endurance, Excelsior-class, NCC-2007 - Captain Pavel Chekov

RDS Pagatat, Turtleship-class, NCC-2907 - Captain Zukeik
UES Jupiter, Constellation-class, NCC-1813 - Captain Roberta Sherman
USS Calypso, Miranda-class, NCC-1632 - Captain Tomiq zh'Pohren
USS Thunderhead, Miranda-class, NCC-1656 - Captain Amos Bao
USS Inspire, Oberth-class, NCC-1510 - Captain Amelia Currie

-Task Force 4, Commodore Iorinn Grann
USS Thirishar, Excelsior-class, NCC-2011 - Captain Norkair ch'Gharist
USS Gale, Centaur-A-class, NCC-2106 - Captain Gorth th'Hashok
BDS Harmony, Centaur-A-class, NCC-2120 - Captain Eneram Idrai
BDS Astute, Patroller-class, NCC-2507
BDS Assist, Patroller-class, NCC-2508
RDS Oda-Gach-4, Oda-Gach-class Cutter, NCC-3006
RDS Oda-Gach-5, Oda-Gach-class Cutter, NCC-3007
USS T'Mir, Oberth-class, NCC-1507

-Auxiliary Force
3 Tellarite Cargo Ships
1 Tellarite Freighter
2 Andorian Cargo Ships
1 Andorian Freighter
1 Vulcan Cargo Ship
2 Human Cargo Ships
1 Human Freighter
1 Betazoid Cargo Ship

-Research Attachment
1 Vulcan Civilian Research Cruiser

-UESPA Deep Space Engineering
2 UESPA Engineering Ships
3 UESPA Cargo Ships
1 UESPA Freighter

Illuminated Technocracy of Gaen

Recon Units

Inid Uttar Institute (Runabouts + Research Cruiser) - Assigned to Gaen
Nitta Oian Institute (Runabouts + Research Cruiser) - Assigned to Thunti

External Diplomacy Teams
Technocracy Interstellar Ministry - Lobby for Federation entry to war

Internal Diplomacy Teams
Central Technocracy Council - Increasing Asset Mobilisation
Chamber of Commerce Council - Run Internal Recruiting Campaigns

Engineering Teams
Henn-Makad Engineering Institute (1 Cargo, 1 Super-Freighter, 1 Freighter, 2 Cargo) - Assembling Staging outpost (2315.Q1.M1)

Heavy Industry Teams
North Apada Industrial Council - Accelerating Tech-Cruiser Build in Gaen Man. Coop Bay 1
Thunti Industrial Council - Building Components for 2x1.5mt repair bays (will complete by 2315.Q2.M1)

Doctrine Teams
Kedaia Naar Institute - Developing Anti-Licori techniques (will gain +1% at 2315.Q1.M3)

Gaen Central Technocracy Logistics Network
(Income 90/100)
Hubs - Gaen (30/20), Thunti (10/10)
Sources - = 50br 70sr 20rp
Targets - 5 minor colonies
Industry -
Destination -

Total for Feeder Network -
Source - 90s 50b
Minors - 40s 20b
Route Penalty = 1.1
Total x Route Penalty = 143s 77b
Per Bi-Monthly = 24s 13b
1 Freighter, 3 Cargo Ship Assigned

Total for Trunk Network -
Homeworld + 1 Major Worlds = 20s 10b
Route Penalty = 1
Per Bi-Monthly = 4s 2b
1 Cargo Ship Assigned

Total for Industry Network -
90br/100sr = 20s 18b
Route Penalty = 1
Per Bi-Monthly = 4s 3b
1 Freighter Assigned

Fleet Support -
6 Cruisers = 6s
7 Frigate = 4s
15 Auxiliary = 15s
Total = 25s
4 Cargo Ships Assigned

2 Freighters, 8 Cargo Ships assigned to networks
1 Super-Freighters, 3 Freighters, 9 Cargo Ships free for other tasks
Under 50% capacity - no strain
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Tellar has turned over:
1 Constitution-B
1 Constellation
3 Miranda-A

You have called up
1 Rigellian Oda-Gach Frigate
1 Vulcan Oberth Science Frigate

[ ][FLEET] Assign newly arrived fleet units to Task Forces

I guess there's no harm in dropping this in since there was going to be a vote anyway, but I wouldn't have complained if you had just gone ahead and had the NPCs assign the ships as they saw fit.
@OneirosTheWriter can we reshuffle the task forces to accommodate the new ships or is this just assignment?

Related, can we put one or both of our EC ships on detached duty and if so can we task then on diplomatic assignments? It would be nice to get some assets in the field, so to speak.
@OneirosTheWriter can we reshuffle the task forces to accommodate the new ships or is this just assignment?

Related, can we put one or both of our EC ships on detached duty and if so can we task then on diplomatic assignments? It would be nice to get some assets in the field, so to speak.

Ahhh yes we should have Nash take Enterprise out, to seduce some Licori noble ladies and cut treaties, the way Gene Roddenberry God intended.

> ; 3
Just a few thoughts:

[X][LADY] Increase Mobilisation Rate by +10
Right now this is what we need; later we'll need her doing something else.

[X][VSC] Assign to Betazed

[X][ENG] Rush Betazed Starbase Construction (2x Speed)
Self-explanatory. Good thing we have an engineering team to actually do this, not just a heavy industry team!

[X][IND] Prepare components for 2x1mt Repair Yard Berths (3 Months)
We already have components for our initial construction. And we could surely use that repair yard. We'll want more heavy industry teams in my opinion, they're great, but this one can profitably work on repair yards.

I wonder if in the meta Kuznetsova is just as much a Fan Favorite as Barclay was.

They both fill in the category of "Would be a Huge Star Trek Fan if they weren't actually in Star Trek" after all

"What, you think I don't love life? I am a HUGE fan of life!"

[X][FLEET] Plan Even Distribution
-[X] Tellar Constitution-B to Task Force 1
-[X] 2 of Tellar Miranda-As to Task Force 2
-[X] 1 Tellar Miranda-A and Tellar Constellation to Task Force 3
-[X] Rigellian Oda-Gach and Vulcan Oberth to Task Force 4

Rationale: Putting the high science ships on Task Force 4, which runs defense. Distributing the combat power of the other ships pretty evenly among the three offensive task forces.

EDIT: Putting in my other votes now.

[X][LADY] Lobby Council on your behalf (Chance of random war support gains)

[X][VSC] Assign to Clover
[X][AOG] Assign to Betazed

EDIT2: Since Clover is our operating base, I'm willing to assign a squadron there. Convinced by SWB.

[X][ENG] Rush Betazed Starbase Construction (2x Speed)

[X][IND] Prepare components for 2x1mt Repair Yard Berths (3 Months)

Agree with @Simon_Jester on these.
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The political strife at Igrund Duk has lessened the number of assets the Tellarites have been able to deploy. Nonetheless, some have come, with the promise of the TSS Agrad Miracht once their crisis is resolved.
Okay this has been bugging me the last couple updates. I swear to high heaven her name is Miracht Agrad.

(I assume that's Tellarite for Miracht Once More With Feeling)
Now fully updated my vote above. I could probably be argued to do something else on the LADY vote, though I don't want her pushing mobilization even faster. I think we put the patrol squadrons on both Betazed and her major colony world of Onos IV, which is hanging out there and very vulnerable. Rushing the Betazed starbase and building repair berths also seems like a great idea.

[X][FLEET] Plan Even Distribution
-[X] Tellar Constitution-B to Task Force 1
-[X] 2 of Tellar Miranda-As to Task Force 2
-[X] 1 Tellar Miranda-A and Tellar Constellation to Task Force 3
-[X] Rigellian Oda-Gach and Vulcan Oberth to Task Force 4

Rationale: Putting the high science ships on Task Force 4, which runs defense. Distributing the combat power of the other ships pretty evenly among the three offensive task forces.

EDIT: Putting in my other votes now.

[X][LADY] Lobby Council on your behalf (Chance of random war support gains)

[X][AOG] Assign to Onos IV

If you look at the map, Onos IV (the major Betazoid colony world) is just a vulnerable as Betazed itself.

[X][VSC] Assign to Betazed

[X][ENG] Rush Betazed Starbase Construction (2x Speed)

[X][IND] Prepare components for 2x1mt Repair Yard Berths (3 Months)

Agree with @Simon_Jester on these.
I mean, if Nash steals the Enterprise all it means is we retroactively make it legal.

[X][LADY] Increase Mobilisation Rate by +10
Right now this is what we need; later we'll need her doing something else.

That's such a waste. She can do diplomacy, even.

[X][VSC] Assign to Betazed

Also a waste, we should have one runabout squad cover Gaen (the one with the science cruiser) and the Andorians cover Betazed.

[X][ENG] Rush Betazed Starbase Construction (2x Speed)
Self-explanatory. Good thing we have an engineering team to actually do this, not just a heavy industry team!

[X][IND] Prepare components for 2x1mt Repair Yard Berths (3 Months)
We already have components for our initial construction. And we could surely use that repair yard. We'll want more heavy industry teams in my opinion, they're great, but this one can profitably work on repair yards.

That's fine though.

[X][FLEET] Plan Even Distribution
-[X] Tellar Constitution-B to Task Force 1
-[X] 2 of Tellar Miranda-As to Task Force 2
-[X] 1 Tellar Miranda-A and Tellar Constellation to Task Force 3
-[X] Rigellian Oda-Gach and Vulcan Oberth to Task Force 4

Rationale: Putting the high science ships on Task Force 4, which runs defense. Distributing the combat power of the other ships pretty evenly among the three offensive task forces.

I recommend re-distributing the Oda-Gach in TF3 to TF4 and placing the Vulcan Oberth to TF3 instead. The Oda-Gach is an ideal patrol cutter with S4 P4 D2, it's not merely a good ship for science. The Connie-B and Miranda-As can go to TF1 if we shuffle the UE ships there into TF2, that will keep ships from one fleet together. I see no reason to strengthen TF3 at this time.

[X][FLEET] Base Plan Members Together
-[X] Tellar Constellation and 2 Miranda-As to TF1
-[X] Move the UES Calgary to TF2, assign the Tellar Constituion-B and 1 Miranda-A to TF2
-[X] Assign the new Oda-Gach and the Vulcan Oberth to TF4
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Oh, @OneirosTheWriter, can we get an option for heavy industry teams to 'accelerate repairs/refit' of a ship, or is that entirely covered under the 'rush construction' option? Also, can we get an option to reassign teams engaged in ongoing activities with no clearly defined endpoint (i.e. Kahurangi accelerating mobilization) once in a while?

[X][LADY] Increase Mobilisation Rate by +10
I still disagree with @Briefvoice, right now we want fast mobilization; in a few turns it won't be so helpful but it'd ease a lot of our issues right now.

[X][AOG] Assign to Onos IV
Thanks for picking a planet for this bunch, Briefvoice!

[X][VSC] Assign to Betazed

[X][ENG] Rush Betazed Starbase Construction (2x Speed)

[X][IND] Prepare components for 2x1mt Repair Yard Berths (3 Months)
I recommend re-distributing the Oda-Gach in TF3 to TF4 and placing the Vulcan Oberth to TF3 instead. The Oda-Gach is an ideal patrol cutter with S4 P4 D2, it's not merely a good ship for science. The Connie-B and Miranda-As can go to TF1 if we shuffle the UE ships there into TF2, that will keep ships from one fleet together. I see no reason to strengthen TF3 at this time.

Given the intensity of Vulcan complaints, keeping their Oberth in the defensive-oriented TF #4 seems wiser. It's not like it wouldn't be doing good work there.

Also a waste, we should have one runabout squad cover Gaen (the one with the science cruiser) and the Andorians cover Betazed.

Also, Gaen is not a member world and we have not yet secured their agreement to integrate our forces. Until they've signed off on that, I do not believe we can put a runabout squadron in their system.
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[X][LADY] Convey a write-in request to Licori House of her choice
-[X] Feel out willingness to make and keep a deal on mentat control

[X][VSC] Assign to Clover
[X][AOG] Assign to Betazed

[X][ENG] Rush Betazed Starbase Construction (2x Speed)
[X][IND] Prepare components for 2x1mt Repair Yard Berths (3 Months)

[X][FLEET] Plan Members Together

Given the intensity of Vulcan complaints, keeping their Oberth in the defensive-oriented TF #4 seems wiser. It's not like it wouldn't be doing good work there.

Eh, small potatoes. I'll swap it. Still would like to beef TF1 and TF2 over TF3.
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That's such a waste. She can do diplomacy, even.
What would you have her do instead? I honestly think that right now, for the next 4-6 weeks, having her work on mobilization is good. Later, that calculus changes.


Ah. I see what you want. I had hesitated to try that because Kahurangi's personal diplomacy will have a lot less weight with the Licori (who'd never heard of her until 2310 or so) than it would with internal Federation authorities or close neighbors.

Also a waste, we should have one runabout squad cover Gaen (the one with the science cruiser) and the Andorians cover Betazed.
Depends on whether we can put them in non-Federation systems. Would like Oneiros's word on that.
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Ah. I see what you want. I had hesitated to try that because Kahurangi's personal diplomacy will have a lot less weight with the Licori (who'd never heard of her until 2310 or so) than it would with internal Federation authorities or close neighbors.

It's more of a fact-finding mission than anything. We desperately need these facts. There's a reason why I'm not saying anything about success, but if we put feelers out we should get a good idea of which houses would be lukewarm about the war at the very least.
e: Their representatives are here on Earth right now too. This opportunity will pass us by if we wait until the end of this conference.

Not a Federation world, and they haven't yet signed an agreement to integrate our forces.

We based in Seyek space during Ghosts and Whispers. We even use affiliate repair berths for our damaged ships. I think it will be fine. @OneirosTheWriter?
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[X] Briefvoice

I have to say, I wish we had Eriksson to do doctrinal analysis. Elsewise, I think we should be careful of building too much infrastructure lest the council get a little leery. It could be seen as a way of circumventing their authority and, OOC the pp system and oneiros might give us a little smack if we're not careful.
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I have to say, I wish we had Eriksson to do doctrinal analysis. Elsewise, I think we should be careful of building too much infrastructure lest the council get a little leery. It could be seen as a way of circumventing their authority and, OOC the pp system and oneiros might give us a little smack if we're not careful.
I think we can limit ourselves to infrastructure directly relevant to the conflict without too much trouble... and as for Erikson we can bring her in next turn- especially if we have Kahurangi doing +10 internal mobilization.
It's more of a fact-finding mission than anything. We desperately need these facts. There's a reason why I'm not saying anything about success, but if we put feelers out we should get a good idea of which houses would be lukewarm about the war at the very least.
e: Their representatives are here on Earth right now too. This opportunity will pass us by if we wait until the end of this conference.

In fact we are already getting a report on the individual houses. It was promised in the update.

But what the diplomacy does grant you is a chance to make contact with the Houses Major representatives. You learn about them, and what makes each House tick.

[Report on the component Houses of the Licori soon]

I would prefer to wait on that report, which seems to cover the very fact-finding you want to do, before assigning further diplomatic actions to the Great Houses.

We based in Seyek space during Ghosts and Whispers. We even use affiliate repair berths for our damaged ships. I think it will be fine. @OneirosTheWriter?

We passed through Seyek space, and omakes suggest even that was controversial. As for repair berths, that's generally been for peacetime repaairs. If you recall, there was a huge debate about whether the Caitians should be allowed to use our berth to repair a Fathership during the Catiian-Dawiar War.

Anyway, we are still in 11th hour diplomacy. Sending our ships to guard a polity that is actually at war with the Arcadian Empire seems like a bad idea until we are formally at war ourselves.