Accelerate repairs/refits is under the same option.
From the next turn I'll add an option for unassigning teams.
But one thing I absolutely want to avoid is situations where teams are being constantly re-voted on, because it bogs things down and impedes voting.
I think the only time it should matter is in those unusual cases where we have a team that is doing something
open-ended, but that isn't always a good thing to have them doing. The big candidate for that is internal diplomacy teams.
Right now we need all our internal diplomacy assets accelerating the mobilization of new assets, we really do need that just to get enough assets to accomplish anything quickly. But we won't want that to continue indefinitely. After, say, ten turns of mobilizing 30-40 points of assets a turn, we'd have eaten up a significant fraction of our overall war support.
So the internal diplomacy teams will probably be reassigned to other tasks between now and then. Otherwise, if the conflict runs long enough, we'll end up drawing down all our war support whether we wanted to or not, and that's just silly.
Engineering and industry teams don't need that kind of thing because they undertake tasks that have a fixed duration; they're done when they're good and ready.
Recon and external diplomacy teams are somewhere in between; they
may need to be reassigned for practical reasons, but in some cases they'll be doing tasks that have a fixed duration, or tasks that will probably make sense indefinitely.
Boy am I glad that the 11th hour diplomacy plan didn't win, which I myself changed to in the 11th hour, since like many, I assumed that the heavy industry team could handle Betazed starbase construction!
And so many of y'all doubted the need for engineers. But behold
@lbmaian, the TRUE GENIUS with the MASTER BRILLIANT PLAN...
[throws aside curtain]
[no seriously, knowing then what I know now, I'd have switched to Grey Lady early in the vote. The only reason I didn't do so
late in the vote was to give SWB's 11th hour plan a fighting chance.]
So one appealing heavy industry option besides the obvious repair berths preparation is finishing up the Courageous repair/refit. That would get her repaired by EOY end of 2315Q1, allowing for either immediate faster use in this crisis, or another FYM, resulting in +2pp and another quarter of events for the ship.
I vote we call up a second heavy industry team and have them work on this. Industry teams are cheep.
Accelerate repairs/refits is under the same option.
From the next turn I'll add an option for unassigning teams.
But one thing I absolutely want to avoid is situations where teams are being constantly re-voted on, because it bogs things down and impedes voting.
I think the only time it should matter is in those unusual cases where we have a team that is doing something
open-ended, but that isn't always a good thing to have them doing. The big candidate for that is internal diplomacy teams.
Right now we need all our internal diplomacy assets accelerating the mobilization of new assets, we really do need that just to get enough assets to accomplish anything quickly. But we won't want that to continue indefinitely. After, say, ten turns of mobilizing 30-40 points of assets a turn, we'd have eaten up a significant fraction of our overall war support.
So the internal diplomacy teams will probably be reassigned to other tasks between now and then. Otherwise, if the conflict runs long enough, we'll end up drawing down all our war support whether we wanted to or not, and that's just silly.
Engineering and industry teams don't need that kind of thing because they undertake tasks that have a fixed duration; they're done when they're good and ready.
Recon and external diplomacy teams are somewhere in between; they
may need to be reassigned for practical reasons, but in some cases they'll be doing things we want them doing forever.
Hopefully it won't add up to more than 2-3 assets being reassigned a turn
at worst, and usually less... Actually, Oneiros, you could place a 'floor' on it and require that we switch no more than, say, two teams per fortnight. If you're worried about it.