I have an idea for Sousa's political deal.

A deal with the Mercantalist Faction to quietly and subtly expand trade with the Dawair and Yrillians, and possibly the Sydraxians.

That would slide around the Celos treaty without violating it, wuddunit?
I'd rather focus on JUST the Yrillians and Dawiar, because if we try to bring in an impossibility like the Sydraxians, it's going to undermine the deal's ability to be "sold" to the political authorities.

If you skipped it when you were catching up, this is for my money still the funniest omake in the entire thread. And it's all about modules.

"Chekcad uour waifu adn difasepar"

Gets me every time.
Also, it captures Eddie Leslie's personality so perfectly in like five sentences. :D
Or maybe 'not-so-subtly' might be accurate, dozens of freighters making more trips to specific nations isn't likely to go unnoticed. Or they might be. Would they be?

I suppose lesser amounts of targets is easier. Dawair/Yrillians it is. Will wait for someone to write that up.
I have an idea for Sousa's political deal.

A deal with the Mercantalist Faction to quietly and subtly expand trade with the Dawair and Yrillians, and possibly the Sydraxians.

That would slide around the Celos treaty without violating it, wuddunit?

We're probably only trading with the Sydraxians by Yrillian proxy, at best. Though increasing the scale of this might help relations.

Just one more reason to trade more with the Yrillians.
Finally, finally finished reading the whole quest.

Now to see to writing up an omake about our poor luckless bastard who was commanding the USS Saratoga!

Unless, of course, @OneirosTheWriter had something planned for it, or was just going to unceremoniously drum the unnamed captain out of service?
I'd rather focus on JUST the Yrillians and Dawiar, because if we try to bring in an impossibility like the Sydraxians, it's going to undermine the deal's ability to be "sold" to the political authorities.

I'm also pretty sure we decided that we are never ever ever ever going to talk to the Sydraxians again.

Why, you ask? Well let me tell you, my friend.

They're nightmare fuel.

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Finally, finally finished reading the whole quest.

Now to see to writing up an omake about our poor luckless bastard who was commanding the USS Saratoga!

Unless, of course, @OneirosTheWriter had something planned for it, or was just going to unceremoniously drum the unnamed captain out of service?
Feel free - I hadn't locked in anything about them yet.
So, question to the thread.

Do you think that we have, in fact, consigned the Ulith III biophage to a 'footnote in history'? It seems to me that we have.

not quite a footnote. the war against it and the immediate fallout where kind of pivotal. Starfleet rising the occasion and not playing any games to benefit from it proved to the council that they could fully trust Starfleet again, and cooperation with the Romulans paved the way for a normalization of relations and the following nonaggression pact.
not quite a footnote. the war against it and the immediate fallout where kind of pivotal. Starfleet rising the occasion and not playing any games to benefit from it proved to the council that they could fully trust Starfleet again, and cooperation with the Romulans paved the way for a normalization of relations and the following nonaggression pact.

Also resulted in the near wholesale destruction of a species, and of course, their ongoing saga to get to their new/old home.

I also seem to recall we were just a few steps from a meltdown ourselves. There were some lucky rolls in discovering some of the relevant clues. @OneirosTheWriter how close were we to giant blobdom?
So, question to the thread.

Do you think that we have, in fact, consigned the Ulith III biophage to a 'footnote in history'? It seems to me that we have.
Billions of Kadeshi and tens of thousands of other sophonts died in a truely horrible fashion and the event reshaped the political landscape of the quadrant. Some historians will argue that it was pivotal in setting the Federation to turn outwards and start expanding, resulting in the conflict with the Cardassians, it was also the foundation of future friendly relationship between Federation and Romulans, and it even was the starting point for the current confrontational attitude between Romulans and Klingons which seems near certain to cummulate in war in the near future. It will likely be seen as one of the most important events in history, quite possibly the most important event this century.
Captain's Log - 2314.Q1.M2
Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 25387.4 - Captain Samhaya Mrr'shan

"We are the Goshawnar of Lodshar, Lords of Air and Star," was how they introduced themselves.

"Captain, respectfully, but you'll be lords of an ionised particle cloud if you don't drop that weapon's lock on the Certitude," may have been how I replied...

The good news is that I have found a healthy source of ionised ocyllete resin, key components to advanced duotronic computers and some of the new isolinear prototypes. Of course, the Seyek science frigate that was in the area is pointing out that as a colony, this is prime Seyek real estate, and I can't help but agree. Naturally, as good friends do, we have worked out a mutually beneficial arrangement, and we are going to be returning with a healthy sample. The problem is that we have made first contact with the Goshawnar, recent clients of the Cardassians.


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 25387.7 - Captain T'Rinta

The S'harien's returned to service has seen us move out beyond Risan space to the Atapa system. This system is known for its many asteroid rings, and heavily cratered, and in one case, fractured planets. We received a request for assistance from a research expedition of the Caitians and Risans. A species of spacegoing rockborer worms that can grow to in excess of a kilometer in length have been inhabiting many of the very large asteroid bodies, and are a current object of study.

Our arrival is complicated, however, by the presence of a Klingon civilian research cruiser.


Captain's Log, USS Zephyr, Stardate 25387.9 - Captain Hegorch

I hadn't known what to expect, but it turns out that Apiata workers are great conversationalists. I suppose you have to be when surrounded by so many, so often. A Tellarite can get comfortable with cramped tunnels and close quarters, but an Apiata city is something else!

We travelled to assist the Federation Diplomatic Service assess the mood of the various member worlds to the Romulan Star Empire and a possible non-aggression pact. Suffice to say, this close to Cardassia? No one cares much beyond wondering if it will free up more resources for the spinward borders! I tell you, I had to disappoint many when I have to point out that Starfleet is not so all-powerful that we were stashing whole fleets over there.

We were able to do some good work reassuring the Apiata that the whole Federation stands with them, just as we know they stand with the Federation!

[Gain +5pp]


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 25388.2

My crew are making many observations of the small Goshawnar craft. It is not unlike an Apiatan stinger. Actually, one of my Apiata crew is obsessively examining every sensor record we can generate of the ship, and preparing a report to pass on to the Intazzi Team at Ship Design Bureau. There is much to learn from these impulse engines, it seems.

Although from everything Commander Kenichi has told me, they could probably also do with a little less performance, a little more safety features. Well, there are many who say similar things about our own warp cores.


Captain's Log, USS Cheron, Stardate 25388.4 - Captain T'Mina

I hold concerns over the welfare of the Federation Ambassador to Ferasa. They are behaving in a most peculiar fashion. Despite this, I am told by the local dignitaries that I am 'imagining things', a most peculiar accusation to level. They say he must just be a somewhat different man than I recall from when I met him last. I suppose it has been a number of years now, but as an eighty year old career diplomat, Ambassador ch'Gortrith was quite set in his ways.

I will investigate further.


Ambassador's Log, Morshadd, Ambassador Elisa Bairn, Stardate 25388.5

It seems like controlling mentats is something that there is considerable resistance to within the noble Houses of the Licori. Notably, the ability to exploit the power of their mentats is a large part of the wrangling and competition between Houses, who are forbidden by their Emperor from engaging in more direct forms of conflict.

In other words, the domestic politics of the Arcadian Empire make it very difficult to restrain the mentats to a degree that the Ked Paddah will accept.

As an update to the war, the last several months have passed in a faux-war sort of state, with no major battles engaged in. Some skirmishing has occurred, but no Ked Paddah offences have been launched, and no move has been made to retake the major colony world now occupied. There are reports that mentats captured on that world have been confined to quarters, allowed only to access theory work instead of practical work.


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 25390.2

I do not believe that I have ever heard science described as the "Life or Death battle against ignorance!"

Nonetheless, I must say that Chag, son of Kowrak, is a most talented scientist, with many insights into torpedo technology. Insights which were shared with me as we prepared to fire precisely calibrated charges into the 54433 Astia planetoid, looking to draw a collection of the rockborers.


Captain's Log, USS Cheron, Stardate 25390.6

I have been proven right. We discovered remains belonging to the real Ambassador ch'Gortrith. The current is an imposter, and will be taken into custody.


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 25391.1

So the little ones are Aieles, but there is a larger cruiser. Well, not cruiser in the usual sense of a higher endurance vessel with broad capabilities. More just a really big warbird. Dangerous looking, I wouldn't want to meet one in a dark alley. On the other hand, they've been scanning us, and I get the distinct impression they wouldn't want to run into Enterprise by surprise in a sunny alley either.

They are beginning to withdraw now, possibly spotting the inbound warp signatures of a pair of Seyek crusiers, which will occupy this colony site until their engineers can establish an outpost.

[Gain +15sr, +25 with Seyek]

Captain's Log, USS Inspire, Stardate 25391.5

A beryllium isotope used as a minor component in a variety of duranium alloys as been discovered on a moon in the Ichitha system, a minor Caldonian colony world. They will attempt to see if the resource will stand up to more expansive mining efforts, however, we have secured a sizeable supply of the material during our mapping work.

[Gain +15sr]


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 25391.9 - Captain Straak

Finding a way to extract one and a half million tons of tritanium ore from a planetoid without causing it to collapse and destroy the microbial lifeforms that exist on it was difficult. Enough so that the computer analysis described it as impossible. However, the main computer was not taking into account the ability of ytridian quartz to form crystalline structures in void with considerable tensile strength when -

[Chief of Staff's Note: You know how this goes, Admiral. Let me know if you feel the need for a geology lesson and I can reattach the snipped twenty-three minutes of report]

[Gain +30br]


Captain's Log, USS Cheron, Stardate 25392.5

The fake Ambassador used a suicide implement, but we were nonetheless able to determine that they were originally Lecarrean. The local head of Starfleet Intelligence shook his head and laughed at Lecarre gambits being so clumsily uncovered. However, there was a curious lack of laughter to accompany my agreement that he had been clumsily on the verge of detection for the last three years as he impersonated a high-ranking member of the Federation diplomatic community.

Imagine my surprise.



Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 25392.9

Our assistance to the Caitian-Risan team is complete, and they have their necessary samples and observations. The Klingon vessel, likewise exploring this area, is also moving on. We may meet them again in future, it appears.

[Gain +5pp, +10rp]


Starfleet Intelligence Flash Alert
To: All Commands, All Systems

Flash Alert - Federation-Romulan policy update.

Non-Aggression Pact in effect. rpt. Non-Aggression Pact in effect.


Federation Broadcast News

The Mars Accord between the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire ushers in a new era to a galaxy once riven with fear and rivalry. A pledge of peaceful coexistence and non-aggression, with a framework for conflict resolution, has been signed in orbit around Sol IV, or Mars by the local name. It is anticipated that negotiations could even see the end of the Romulan Neutral Zone within the next few decades, though both sides say there is as yet no rush.

Some analysts cast doubt on the value of the treaty, suggesting that this is simply the RSE shoring up their flank before heading to war with the Klingon Empire. For their part, the Klingon Empire's Ambassador on Sol III had this to say, "I wish my honourable counterparts in Starfleet and the Federation luck and vigilance in their treaty with the Romulans, who are ever treacherous."


Sector Commander's Log, Gabriel BZ, Stardate 25394.5 - Rear Admiral Ainsworth

Our prospectors are telling us that our entry subsector is probably one of the poorer areas within the Expanse, and that we will encounter more noteworthy holdings as we progress. I should hope so.

The Cardassian forces that have been demonstrating against our forces have pulled back and appear to have returned towards 67 Gabriel entirely. I have a bad feeling that we will need to pay the Sydraxians another visit presently. If I wait another month before attempting a reconnaissance in force of that area of space, I will have considerable assets returning, however, which should make any fight against a Sydraxian mobile force bloodless, and any outpost they may have constructed much more manageable.

Oh! I've just received a message from an Amarkian Admiral with the incoming task force details. I'm passing them through now:


CAS Abhriec - Riala
CAS Jolintoor - Hebrinda
CAS Odala - Hebrinda
CAS Atorfroil - Brieca
CAS Icafroil - Brieca
CAS Ilotraia - Centaur-A
CAS Tamac - Calac
CAS Socac - Calac

Riala, 2 Hebrinda, 2 Brieca for battle
2 Calacs+Centaur A for convoy escort

3 Cargo Ship
2 Freighter
1 Passenger
1 Colony Ship
1 Prospector
1 Engineering
1 Super-Freighter


Good job peeps! We are friendlier and peacelier with the Romulan Star Empire than at any point in canon!
And so the Federation presence in the GBZ doubles. The Cardassians will be feeling a little bit hot once they hear of the Armaki's arrival.

Pity about our entry zone being poor.