I feel the need to point out Chamberlain was trying to buy time to get the Entente ready. Doubt anyone at No. 6 had any illusions about true peace by then.
But since he died not too long after stepping down...
Yeah, it is a meme by now, but...
Straak's demonstrations are action movies. I have no doubt there's some entertainment studio salivating at the chance to buy up the rights to Captain Straak, ACTION GEOLOGIST.
Maybe he needs to introduce 'Friendly Pet Rocks' to all our rivals?
Is there any way we could introduce some more stringent security testing for high ranked officials in the Federation? I don't like the fact that they managed to maintain an infiltrator for three years.
Tricorders should make such testing easy and untroubling, so we shouldn't face too much resistance.
You know, that'd be one way to increase Starfleet and EC recruitment, even if it'd be hilariously meta. Create the Star Trek series, inside the Star Trek universe. We could simply use the EC reports as episode scripts.
I had suggested going for publicity to raise the desirability of a Starfleet job among the population not too long ago.
So, that'd have my vote, conditionally we modify the reports enough and use OLD reports to maintain our op sec and we'd need to create a a ship and crew, by mashing together EC captains and crew past, to create a single Crew and a single ship.... and need to be as varied as possible. Tellarite Engineer, Andorian Security Chief, Vulcan Scientist, Human CMO (A bones expy)... the Captain should be from a new member species, the XO, maybe, an Orion, (that way we can play the anti-syndicate card here) Tactical obviously an Armakian and Helm an Apiata?
Not the Enterprise. the level of Enterprise cult here and in the ST fandom gets to levels it is stupid and doesn't need reinforcing.
Name of the ship needs to be non-national, perhaps the USS Federation? actually that would be an interesting name for a flagship
or maybe the USS Fearless, who Boldly goes where no-one has gone before?
Romulans aren't compulsive chaotic stupid backstabbers.
They just have no issue with doing so if doing a backstab is in the Empire's best interest.
Any number of reasons from maintaining a reputation, positive trade balance, to uncertainly of outcome would keep them from flinging backstabs around all willy-nilly.
Now, not -ALL- Romulas are compulsive chaotic stupid backstabbers.
But what about the Tal-Shiar?