[X][CREW1] Standard Starfleet
[X][NAME1] Epona
[X][CREW2] Explorer Corps
[X][NAME2] Turlough
[X][BUILD] 2314 6 Renaissance, 2 Miranda-A refits

OOC: Epona is from Legend of Zelda. And because why the hell not! :D:D
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Well, warp cores are top secret and everyone knows they are, and civilian designs appear to be a loooong way behind the military state of the art. Plus, you can't learn much about how a ship's warp core functions unless you observe it up close; it's inside the ship.

There'd be no need to disseminate misinformation in an online community, because it's much like the secrets of nuclear weapon design. Everyone in the community knows that anyone who does have that information is keeping it secret, so no one actually expects to learn any of it.

A lot of other stuff is less sensitive, and/or easier to figure out, and that's where the deliberate misinformation kicks in. You can't necessarily stop the truth from leaking out entirely, so you generate a bodyguard of lies.

If we did, we wouldn't need a Tellarite-named explorer, now would we? ;)
And since the best lies are rooted in truth, some of those lies are probably things some crazy EC engineer tried out that didn't work. It's been established in Q-canon that Enterprise (and presumably other EC ships) is as powerful as she is in part because those crazy EC engineers hotrodded her to be peaky as fuck and the cost of that performance is that you need to be either a genius or merely very good and taught by the geniuses who did it to actually use the ship. Hence, there's going to be various options that look like they'll boost performance but don't and will actually bork your ship if you try them and aren't Scotty-level. Actually, the EC tweaks even in use would be great disinfo. Conscript Cardassian crews try to work a system that takes effort for Scotty's heirs to wrangle and if they're lucky they'll just burn something out.

God knows what all they did to the engines, but the sensor interfaces probably have a display EVERYTHING setting that's incomprehensible if you aren't at least close to Zaardmani's level.
[Throws things, laughing]

I like Legend of Zelda games, and I like Star Trek, but I really, really prefer to keep them separate. :p


And since the best lies are rooted in truth, some of those lies are probably things some crazy EC engineer tried out that didn't work. It's been established in Q-canon that Enterprise (and presumably other EC ships) is as powerful as she is in part because those crazy EC engineers hotrodded her to be peaky as fuck and the cost of that performance is that you need to be either a genius or merely very good and taught by the geniuses who did it to actually use the ship. Hence, there's going to be various options that look like they'll boost performance but don't and will actually bork your ship if you try them and aren't Scotty-level. Actually, the EC tweaks even in use would be great disinfo. Conscript Cardassian crews try to work a system that takes effort for Scotty's heirs to wrangle and if they're lucky they'll just burn something out.

God knows what all they did to the engines, but the sensor interfaces probably have a display EVERYTHING setting that's incomprehensible if you aren't at least close to Zaardmani's level.
The danger with stuff like that is that the enemy might get it to work. Or even if they can't get it to work today, they might figure out a way to implement it on a fleet-wide basis ten years from now when technology is more advanced and control systems are more reliable.

Plus, you never know, the Cardassians probably have a Scotty or two kicking around somewhere in their fleet. Just because their stereotypical average officer is mediocre by Starfleet standards doesn't mean they all are.

The trick with spreading disinformation is always, always making sure the enemy can't deduce relevant facts from whatever you tell them. The bigger the grain of truth in your lie, the greater the risk that someone will manage to make something out of that grain.
[][NAME2] Turlough

'Turlough' is the name of the most famous architect-engineer in Indorian history. He advocated an artistic style of towers that has come to dominate much of their construction, and he also made the engineering breakthroughs in materials that made them possible. (He was also an inveterate lech and scoundrel by Indorian standards, but it seems to amuse them.)
So what you're saying here is we need to commission this one with a sister ship, the USS Frank Lloyd Wright.
[X][CREW1] Standard Starfleet
[X][NAME1] Epona
[X][CREW2] Explorer Corps
[X][NAME2] Turlough
[X][BUILD] Briefvoice

OOC: Epona is from Legend of Zelda. And because why the hell not! :D:D
Epona is also the name of the celtic godess of horses, fertility, and derived from the indo-european root ék̂wos which means...horse. Like, it's an amazing horse, but do we really want people to get the USS HORSE from their shitty off-brand universal translators?
These translator-equipped aliens already think humans come from the planet Dirt, so we're operating under a disadvantage as it is.

Then again, I suspect that like 80% of the galaxy names their planet of origin "Dirt," "Home," "World," or something like that.
[X][BUILD] 2314 6 Renaissance, 2 Miranda-A refits

I like Centaurs even less than I like plans that are slightly higher risk because we've failed to account for things we've know about for 8 in-game years.

You know the first time this problem came up? 2306.Q4! And apparently only NOW does it grab the attention. I'm disappointed.
Ok, we really, really need to grab that academy expansion.
Could we get Officer/Enlisted versions of the Science Academy at the snakepit?
Ok, we really, really need to grab that academy expansion.
Could we get Officer/Enlisted versions of the Science Academy at the snakepit?

I'm sorry, but this is just pathetically sad.

If you want 1 crew unit, buy the expansion two years in advance.
If you want 2 crew units, buy it four years in advance
If you want 3, buy it six years in advance.

Carve that into the part of your brain that deals with this quest, and we won't have to deal with this again.

I would look into an EC recruitment drive to alleviate the crisis, maybe. Can someone on the build sheet see if that's viable?
[X][BUILD] 2314 6 Renaissance, 2 Miranda-A refits

I like Centaurs even less than I like plans that are slightly higher risk because we've failed to account for things we've know about for 8 in-game years.

You know the first time this problem came up? 2306.Q4! And apparently only NOW does it grab the attention. I'm disappointed.

You're starting the cross the line into annoyance that's not in good fun. Buying Academy expansions is one solution to crewing problems. The other is to build less ships.

If people had other political will priorities in previous votes I don't blame them. Those other things we bought were important too.

I would look into an EC recruitment drive to alleviate the crisis, maybe. Can someone on the build sheet see if that's viable?

Nah, doesn't get us enough officers to crew a new EC ship this year.

What, this year? Depends on if we have to crew the two Excelsiors we need to crew in Q2 before or after the Snakepit.
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[X][CREW1] Explorer Corps
[X][CREW2] Standard Starfleet
[X][NAME1] Endeavour

[X][BUILD] 2314 3 Centaur-A, 4 Renaissance, two Miranda refits
I'm sorry, but this is just pathetically sad.

If you want 1 crew unit, buy the expansion two years in advance.
If you want 2 crew units, buy it four years in advance
If you want 3, buy it six years in advance.

Carve that into the part of your brain that deals with this quest, and we won't have to deal with this again.

I would look into an EC recruitment drive to alleviate the crisis, maybe. Can someone on the build sheet see if that's viable?
Dude, I've been saying "we need an academy expansion this turn" for ages.

Stop insulting people who agree with you.

Edit: I was asking the QM because we need to increase our crew income faster than singleton expansions permit.
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I'm sorry, but this is just pathetically sad.
I could see an argument against a specialized Enlisted school since generally speaking that's what things like the Academy do; produce Enlisted. Having something like Officer Candidate School would however make sense for the same reasons having it IRL makes sense.

Oh by the way my earlier question:
@OneirosTheWriter - Since crew is such an issue I've been wondering; can we take: multiple times at the same snakepit? If so is there any cost increases for the second/third/ect takes like there is for shipyards?
well I found the answer to that:
Can we take focused diplomacy (or Academy Expansion) multiple times?
Also, can we new-build Centaur/Miranda/Constellation refits?

Focused Diplomacy Yes, Academy Expansion No.

Yes, if you take the refit you'll be able to build at that level, but it will increase the cost somewhat.
[X] Briefvoice

Also @OneirosTheWriter for our annual RP income we had 146 in 2312. During 2313 we gained 3 (Indoria Membership), 5 (Apiata membership) and 7 (research colony) which is an increase of 15, it should be at 161. I think you missed adding in the Apiata bonus (they went from providing 5 RP to 10 RP)

Also for the Orions, is the Vigilante a syndicate design, I do not have it under the orion designs. And the Light cruiser, is that a Onaya Reliable Intercept Orbiter
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[X][CREW1] Explorer Corps
[X][CREW2] Standard Starfleet
[X][BUILD] 2314 3 Miranda-A, 4 Renaissance, 2 Miranda-A refits
I don't know about the rest of you, but when I looked at the academy expansions getting more and more expensive, I wanted to wait and see if that cost would go down over time. I mean, if the cost increase decayed every three years or so, then we would have a rhythm we could get into of buying 1 20PP increase every third year. Instead, we're looking at our next 4 expansions costing 170 PP in total, more than the titanic Industrial Park. Sure, that's spread out over 4 years, but it's not a small purchase. We were hoping that if the Council saw a real need, they might be inclined to lower the cost, but I guess that's not the case.
[X] Briefvoice

Also @OneirosTheWriter for our annual RP income we had 146 in 2312. During 2313 we gained 3 (Indoria Membership), 5 (Apiata membership) and 7 (research colony) which is an increase of 15, it should be at 161. I think you missed adding in the Apiata bonus (they went from providing 5 RP to 10 RP)
I thought someone already said that this was in error and they're still only providing 5 RP?