Not sure if anyone pointed this out to you yet, but can't have two explorer votes
[X][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift 1 Tech to Officers
[X][EXPLORER] Custom - shift .25 from Tech to Officer
[X][EXPLORER] No Change

[X][WARP] Keep to the old system.
[X][SHIP] Adopt the new Frigate/Cruiser/Capital system

[X][ACADEMY] Custom - shift 1 Tech to Officers
[X][EXPLORER] Custom - shift .25 from Tech to Officer
[X][WARP] Keep to the old system.
[X][SHIP] Adopt the new Frigate/Cruiser/Capital system
Hot damn Oneiros that's a lot of updates. A full quarter in a bit more than an IRL day.

Current Personnel Pool:
Standard Starfleet: 18.35 Officer, 26.45 Enlisted, 14.05 Techs
Explorer Corps: 3.5 Officer, 5.65 Enlisted, 6.6 Techs

My tally:

Current Personnel Pool:
Standard Starfleet: 9.35 Officer, 11.45 Enlisted, 3.05 Techs
Explorer Corps: 3.5 Officer, 5.65 Enlisted, 6.6 Techs

For Standard Starfleet, I'm taking into account the following:

2312 EOY: 26.35/35.45/24.05

New ship crewing:
- Renaissance: 3/5/3
- Constitution-B: 3/4/4
- 2 Centaur-A: 2/4/4
- 3 Miranda-A: 3/6/3

Crew casualty replenishment:
- Salnas: 0/1/0
- Endurance: 4/3/3
- Shield: 0/0/1
- Saratoga: 2/1/3

Total: 9.35/11.45/3.05

Starfleet Academy:
Officers (O): 11.60pts (+3.25 Explorer Corps)
Enlisted Crew (E): 16.05pts (+2.95 Explorer Corps)
Science Techs (T): 16.95pts (+2.95 Explorer Corps)

This is missing the 0.1 from Yan-Ros affiliation.

2312 EOY income 11.3 13.25 15.15 2.5 2.2 2.2
2313 Q2 Betazoid Counsellors       0.25 0.25 0.25
2313 Q2 Indoria membership 0.4 0.9 0.4 0.25 0.25 0.25
2313 Q2 Apiata membership -0.1 1.9 1.4 0.25 0.25 0.25
2313 Q3.M3 Yan-Ros affiliate 0.1 0.1 0.1      
2313 EOY income change 0.4 2.9 1.9 0.75 0.75 0.75
2313 EOY income 11.7 16.15 17.05 3.25 2.95 2.95
[X][EXPLORER] Custom - shift .25 from Tech to Officer

Per my calculations, this is the best possible choice for giving us the crew distributions we need. The Excelsiors are Officer heavy and we build a lot of them, and we already have a good Enlisted supply. Curious why everyone is voting for "no change" on Explorer Corps? Our Explorer Corps crew needs are also officer heavy, you know.

Short-term this is okay, since we lack EC officers and have a bit more EC tech than EC enlisted.

Long-term... Our current EC income ratio is 1.1/1/1 in O/E/T. Switching 0.25 tech to officer would result in ~1.3/1.1/1 O/E/T.

Our Excelsiors have 1.2/1/1 O/E/T cost ratio. The projected Ambassador designs are closer to 1/1/1, though it's still in flux.

We'll probably have to rebalance out officer/enlisted/tech in the future.
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Short-term this is okay, since we lack EC officers and have a bit more EC tech than EC enlisted.

Long-term... Our current EC income ratio is 1.1/1/1 in O/E/T. Switching 0.25 tech to officer would result in ~1.3/1.1/1 O/E/T.

Our Excelsiors have 1.2/1/1 O/E/T cost ratio. The projected Ambassador designs are closer to 1/1/1, though it's still in flux.

We'll probably have to rebalance out officer/enlisted/tech in the future.

Sure. We get to rebalance every 4 years, so I agree we swing back a little more balanced next time around.

How does a Corvette/Frigate/Cruiser system sound?

I don't like the sound of Capital Ship.

Science Corvette, Garrison Frigate, Cruiser flagship etc.

[X][WARP] Keep to the old system.
[X][SHIP] Write-in: Corvette/Frigate/Cruiser
That clashes horrible with the existing codification of the other races since you suddenly would end up with Fed frigates going against Card cruisers etc...
Well, they're only called cruisers because of how we classify them in intel/battle reports.

Switching systems means switching nomenclature used in reports too.
Ahhhh! Confusing arguments are confusing. Just keep the old system and be done with it!

[X][ACADEMY] Custom, shift 1 Tech to Officers

[X][EXPLORER] Custom - shift .25 from Tech to Officer

[X][WARP] Keep to the old system

[X][SHIP] Keep to the existing Escort/Cruiser/Explorer system
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[X][ACADEMY] Custom - shift 1 Tech to Officers
[X][EXPLORER] Custom - shift .25 from Tech to Officer
[X][WARP] Keep to the old system.
[X][SHIP] Adopt the new Frigate/Cruiser/Capital system
2313.Q4 - The Rat Race
Starfleet Personnel - Promotions Board

Highlighted Officer's Summary

Commissioned as Ensign
Jacqueline Appel - Assigned to Junior Officer, USS Odyssey
T'Wilit - Assigned to Junior Officer, USS Defiant
Mitchie Peh - Assigned to Junior Officer, USS Lexington
Dash sh'Rinboq - Assigned to Junior Officer, USS Renaissance
Shayla Fluttrax - Assigned to Junior Officer, USS T'Mir
Rartay Aronn - Assigned to Junior Officer, USS Defiant

Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Lwaxana Nixa - Assigned to Junior Officer, USS Enterprise-B
Beekeru - Assigned to Junior Officer, USS Enterprise-B
Tezra Vokrek - Assigned to Junior Officer, USS Enterprise-B
Sabine - Assigned to Junior Officer, USS Enterprise-B

Promoted to Lieutenant

Promoted to Lieutenant-Commander
Jelanna Ye Holanna - Assigned to Liaison, Orion Union Reconnoitre Bloc
Tirusec Spaurh - Assigned to Officer, USS Courageous
Celniass Tabrin - Assigned to Office 21 (Icebreaker Unit), Starfleet Decryption Office, Starfleet Signals Division

Promoted to Commander
Adele Chatsworth - Assigned to Officer, USS Endurance

Promoted to Captain
Anne Usha - Assigned to Director, Office of Naval Architecture, Ship Design Bueau
Alexandra Kuznetsova - Assigned to Assistant Director, Starfleet Battle Management Division, Starfleet Tactical Command

Promoted to Commodore
Erzath zh'Darlyth - Assigned to Ground Force, Anti-Slavery Task Force

Promoted to Rear Admiral
Victoria Eaton - Assigned to Commander, Anti-Slavery Task Force
T'Lam - Assigned to Commander, Starbase 6 [Beta Indi]
T'Lorel - Assigned to Director, Starfleet Tactical Field Command

Promoted to Vice Admiral
Nyota Uhura - Assigned to Director, Starfleet Operations Command

Promoted to Admiral

Rear Admiral Arthur Moss - Director, Starfleet Drafting Command, Starfleet Ship Design Bureau
Rear Admiral Ikitha zh'Bessash - Commander, Starbase 5
Commodore Lofap Poll - Director, Ana Font Shipyard

Key Reassignments
Commodore Charlotte O'Dea - Assigned to Chief of Staff, Starfleet Intelligence from Director, Analysis Desk, Starfleet Intelligence
Commodore Eddie Leslie - Assigned to Director, Ana Font Shipyards
Captain Michael O'Hara - Assigned to Chief, Romulan Desk, Starfleet Intelligence from Deputy Director, Security Operations
Captain Leaniss Larai - Assigned to Captain, USS Renaissance - Temporarily attending command classes at Starfleet Academy
Captain Saavik - Assigned to Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, Starfleet Tactical Command
Commander Krabad - Assigned to Lecturer, Starfleet Science Academy from Science Officer, USS Thirishar
Lieutenant-Commander Robert Yang - Assigned to CMO, USS Republic
Lieutenant-Commander Aaron Wolfe - Assigned to Office 24, Special Projects Security, Security Division, Starfleet Intelligence

Changes to Explorer Panel of Captains
Out: Saavik (Reassignment)

Placed on Sabbatical/Convalescent Leave

Notice of Retirement
Rear Admiral Park Seong-ho - Intends to retire apprx 2314.Q2 - Will put hand up for a Vice Admiral role if one becomes available
Rear Admiral Seruk - Intends to retire apprx 2314.Q3


Starfleet Judge Advocate General Corps - Disciplinary Notice

Boards of Inquiry into the following incidents concluded during the year:
The Disablement of the USS Salnas at Stardate 25056.9

A board of Inquiry is to be convened concerning the damage incurred by the USS Saratoga during contact with a hostile Cardassian Jaldun-class destroyer in the Gabriel Expanse.

Board of Inquiry into the Disablement of the USS Salnas in the incident of Stardate 25056.9
Presiding Judge: Captain Harlon Caster
Ship: USS Salnas, NCC-2009

After examining all relevant testimony, Captain T'Leea has been found to have cause to answer for the damage incurred by the USS Salnas, and she has been set aside from duty pending a full Courts Martial. At the same time, her Chief Engineer Commander Jonas Hopper has also been charged, and will face the Courts-Martial. As with Captain T'Leea, he has been stood aside from active duty to answer the charges of the Court.
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Rear Admiral Seruk - Intends to retire apprx 2314.Q3



How does a Corvette/Frigate/Cruiser system sound?

I don't like the sound of Capital Ship.

Science Corvette, Garrison Frigate, Cruiser flagship etc.

Most other nations already standardize on "cruiser" so this wouldn't work out. Indorians even have frigates for escorts IIRC. edit: Actually it's the Gaeni that have "frigate" for a nearly 600kt ship. Indorians have a "frigate" for a light cruiser it seems like. Apiata Stinger was also described as a frigate.

I'd reserve "corvette" as an unofficial weight class for sub-500kt ships. Although Risans do have "heavy corvettes" that are nearly 1mt.
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[X][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift 1 Tech to Officers
[X][EXPLORER] Custom, shift .25 from Tech to Officer

[X][WARP] Keep to the old system.
[X][SHIP] Adopt the new Frigate/Cruiser/Capital system
Retirement comes for all men.

Looks like we don't have to spend those Ppoints after all.

Lotta movement here!

Good to see Leaniss taking command of Renaissance. Might see her on the EC board at some point if she accuits herself well.

And both Eaton and T'Lorel continue to keep pace with each other.
Leaniss on the shakedown cruise for Rennie. notbad.jpg

Seruk retiring. verybad.jpg

No wait.

Seruk could see the thread and knew what Briefvoice was doing!

He can metagame!

[Amarkia Syndicate Event - No responders available]
[Ferasa Syndicate Event - Stalwart unable to pass]

Captain's Log, CAS Perciar, Stardate 25298.4

A small Amarkian colony established in the Gamma Iridia system near Selindra has gone missing. About four thousand souls were present, and have now disappeared. Nearby was a great unearthed cavern.

We are still attempting to discover exactly what transpired here.

[Starfleet unable to respond, -10pp]
Everyone who thinks this was the Syndicate, we shouldn't assume that. This may have been some kind of weird alien Pied Piper spirit, people getting transferred into another dimension by a previously unknown artifact, etc. It certainly illustrates why it's desirable to have more than one ship per sector, especially under the new system, since ships apparently don't regain the ability to respond to two events in one quarter.

[I can imagine a tech that lets explorers do that, by the way, because they're supposed to have exceptional strategic mobility. If there were such a thing as T4/T5 Lone Ranger techs I'd imagine that being one of them.]

Captain's Log, USS Hawking, Stardate 25300.5

Well, how about that. Romulan warp signature coming in, uncloaked. One of those heavy warbirds, the IRW Devoras, with an Admiral Velin in command. They have asked for passage through to Sol. All sorts of turmoil is gripping the brass, but the Council has overridden Starfleet, and the Devoras is on its way. They will be ushered to Sol IV, Mars, rather than Sol III, but the Romulans believe that is good enough. Apparently, they have some Senators on board, and actually importantly, members of the Continuing Committee.

[The Council of the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire have entered negotiations for a non-aggression pact]
Yay! :)

Well, at least, I think yay. I'll feel bad if the Romulans regard this is the last thing they have to check off their checklist of stuff to do before attacking the Klingons. :( Hopefully we can broker peace. Just having Romulans show up in Sol system to have a diplomatic meeting between top levels of their government and ours is a huge, unprecedented thing that never occurred or came close to occurring in canon.

I'm hoping that this process includes either negotiated extension of the Neutral Zone to coreward (arguably necessary if relations with the Romulans are to keep their present tone), or (gasp) relaxation of the Neutral Zone rules, which would arguably be a lot better and might signal a permanent shift in Romulan-Federation relations even more important than the upcoming war.

Sector Commander's Log, Gabriel BZ, Stardate 25304.5 - Rear Admiral Ainsworth

We are pushing Commodore River's Task Force into subsectors 1g and 2g to see if we can bring a Cardassian force to battle. We want to try to blood them to see if we can restrain their interest in scouting. They have let a few scouting Jalduns retire without attempting to group up, which makes me suspect that Starfleet Intelligence may have erred in suggesting that the Cardassians were not building major defensive emplacements.

Beyond that, I am of the growing opinion that a Starbase at Collie should be a feasible proposition. It would almost certainly lock in our presence in the Gabriel Expanse and, with the Sguirri outpost, provide a potent springboard.

The problem I face with trying to expunge the Sydraxians fully from the GBZ is that I am not able to pursue them into Moskar and beyond. That is, there will always be a safe haven they can build out from. What I would like to do is place my own major outpost in that subsector, which would begin to properly block them off ... however, I simply don't have the Engineering ships to do that. Perhaps I can get the Vice Admiral or even the Diplomatic Service to intercede with the Amarki...

I think she's a little TOO amibtious, but there's nothing fundamentally wrong with that as long as she's not stupid. I thinkhope.
[X][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift 1 Tech to Officer
[X][EXPLORER] Custom - Shift .125 from Tech and Enlisted to Officer
[X][WARP] Adopt the TNG system
[X][SHIP] Adopt the new Frigate/Cruiser/Capital system
Might get a bonus to that. If we had some kind of ship-shore party support doctrine research T'Lorel would be all over that.
Yay! :)

Well, at least, I think yay. I'll feel bad if the Romulans regard this is the last thing they have to check off their checklist of stuff to do before attacking the Klingons. :( Hopefully we can broker peace. Just having Romulans show up in Sol system to have a diplomatic meeting between top levels of their government and ours is a huge, unprecedented thing that never occurred or came close to occurring in canon.

I'm hoping that this process includes either negotiated extension of the Neutral Zone to coreward (arguably necessary if relations with the Romulans are to keep their present tone), or (gasp) relaxation of the Neutral Zone rules, which would arguably be a lot better and might signal a permanent shift in Romulan-Federation relations even more important than the upcoming war.

I am very hopeful that we can negotiate either limited trade or trade with the Sotaw as intermediary. It would be helpful.
[x][SHIP] Adopt the new Frigate/Cruiser/Capital system

given how rarely escorts seem to be used as escorts, and how using explores as a ship size class seems odd to me the change makes sense to me.