[X][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift 1 Tech to Officers

[X][EXPLORER] Custom - shift .25 from Tech to Officer

[X][WARP] Keep to the old system.

[X][SHIP] Adopt the new Frigate/Cruiser/Capital system
Ainsworth's big concern is deciding whether it is better to build a handful of outposts or one Starbase. She can put Outposts in forward blocking positions against the Sydraxians, or properly anchor the GBZ entry with a Starbase. The freighters will definitely help, since both outposts and star bases are heavy on the bulk cargo.
Does a starbase have much onboard manufacturing ability? I assume it's got SOME given that it can do some repairs.
Does a starbase have much onboard manufacturing ability? I assume it's got SOME given that it can do some repairs.
To be honest, by the rules, they can't do any repairs right now, that's an ability we unlock by research. I mean, they probably have *some* mechanical capabilities, but nothing big and capable of major repairs or refits. But the tech to unlock Starbase Repairs is ungodly expensive compared to other Starbase techs, something like 150 points.
Honestly, as soon as that outpost is complete we probably ought to go for the Starbase. Those are supposed to be damn hard nuts to crack. They also have on-site fabrication equipment which should actually ease some logistical considerations because various things can be made AT Collie.

Big difference between active use and floating at minimal power.

Just because one ship is badly designed...seriously though we all seem perfectly happy assuming our Excelsiors will last for fifty years or more, including you. I don't think that's a great argument you're making in that context.
And thus, the Ranger-derivatives should be falling apart.

They *are* in active use. Plus, logistics has been on the back burner with the Duranium Lady's expansion. Screw logistics, we will expand.

And so, I doubt the Ranger-derivatives have had any refits or much maintenance over the past decade-and-a-half.
Ainsworth's big concern is deciding whether it is better to build a handful of outposts or one Starbase. She can put Outposts in forward blocking positions against the Sydraxians, or properly anchor the GBZ entry with a Starbase. The freighters will definitely help, since both outposts and star bases are heavy on the bulk cargo.

If it's up to Ainsworth, then outposts.

If it's up to us, then probably a starbase. We need a good repair station and fallback point.
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Ainsworth's big concern is deciding whether it is better to build a handful of outposts or one Starbase. She can put Outposts in forward blocking positions against the Sydraxians, or properly anchor the GBZ entry with a Starbase. The freighters will definitely help, since both outposts and star bases are heavy on the bulk cargo.

I think that since we've got an aggressive RA in Ainsworth there, we'd be better off playing to her strengths and going the multiple-outposts route. If we're pushed back to the Starbase, we've basically lost as far as dominating the GBZ is concerned.
To be honest, by the rules, they can't do any repairs right now, that's an ability we unlock by research. I mean, they probably have *some* mechanical capabilities, but nothing big and capable of major repairs or refits. But the tech to unlock Starbase Repairs is ungodly expensive compared to other Starbase techs, something like 150 points.
150 for cruisers only, and 150 for repairing 2 ships at once, both under the same tech. There's a later tech that also lets them repair cruisers, but I think that's an error - it probably means another ship size.

I got sucked down a rabbit hole of DS9 snippets on youtube, and a question occurred to me. Does Section 31 exist in this quest? Or, if you're unwilling to answer that @OneirosTheWriter (which might be the case whether it exists or not given the secrecy, though you'd think the Admiral would at least be aware of the fact that Starfleet carefully neither confirms nor denies its existence) if Section 31 did exist would it be something you actively kept track of, or just a background detail? That Cardassian ship with the super-cloak had to wind up somewhere, but we haven't heard a peep about it since we got it.
According to omakes, a proto-Section 31 was arrested before it could really get going.

I don't know where the hull of the Kadak-Tor (that was the name, right?) currently is, but the cloaking device had bombs set off next to it, so it should be unrecoverable.
The problem with the outposts is that they need to be defended. They're only C4 H8 L8, and only have S3 for detecting incoming. Two cruisers or three escorts will take them down. If we can detect the Sydraxians incoming, we can scramble a quick response force and turn the outposts into a large advantage in a fight. But this has the problem of chaining our forces to our outpost network, so it commits us to a strategy of killing the Sydraxian ability to fight - the moment we go off to deal with something else, they come back and all they need is a handful of escorts to stay relevant.

The Starbase has no such issues, and it adds a massive sensor array, which is very valuable. But no one is going to challenge our Starbase, so it doesn't add anything in the way of combat power. Whereas outposts would decrease ship casualties when the Sydraxians return.
I got sucked down a rabbit hole of DS9 snippets on youtube, and a question occurred to me. Does Section 31 exist in this quest? Or, if you're unwilling to answer that @OneirosTheWriter (which might be the case whether it exists or not given the secrecy, though you'd think the Admiral would at least be aware of the fact that Starfleet carefully neither confirms nor denies its existence) if Section 31 did exist would it be something you actively kept track of, or just a background detail? That Cardassian ship with the super-cloak had to wind up somewhere, but we haven't heard a peep about it since we got it.

I am fairly certain that Gul Miran, being a pragmatic and decent sort, was kind enough to remove that temptation beforehand by wrecking the super-cloak beyond repair before handing over the Kadak-Tor.
To be honest, by the rules, they can't do any repairs right now, that's an ability we unlock by research. I mean, they probably have *some* mechanical capabilities, but nothing big and capable of major repairs or refits. But the tech to unlock Starbase Repairs is ungodly expensive compared to other Starbase techs, something like 150 points.
That's the tech to upgrade it. We've had starbases do repairs before.
I think that since we've got an aggressive RA in Ainsworth there, we'd be better off playing to her strengths and going the multiple-outposts route. If we're pushed back to the Starbase, we've basically lost as far as dominating the GBZ is concerned.
Perhaps. Maybe start with an Outpost then deploy a starbase once we've got a better logistics pipe going? Can't wait for that freaking Aux Yard.

150 for cruisers only, and 150 for repairing 2 ships at once,both under the same tech. There's a later tech that also lets them repair cruisers, but I think that's an error.

I got sucked down a rabbit hole of DS9 snippets on youtube, and a question occurred to me. Does Section 31 exist in this quest? Or, if you're unwilling to answer that @OneirosTheWriter (which might be the case whether it exists or not given the secrecy, though you'd think the Admiral would at least be aware of the fact that Starfleet carefully neither confirms nor denies its existence) if Section 31 did exist would it be something you actively kept track of, or just a background detail? That Cardassian ship with the super-cloak had to wind up somewhere, but we haven't heard a peep about it since we got it.
The supercloak got blown to bits by Gul Miran. And we can't do much with the Cruiser because we can't let them know we have it. It's about one classification level down from time travel stuff.

The only mention of Section 31 has a been an omake where a proto-section 31 tried a false flag involving whacking Mrr'Shan and Wolfe, it backfired and exposed them, and then Nash zh'Rhashaan took them apart quite thoroughly.
I am fairly certain that Gul Miran, being a pragmatic and decent sort, was kind enough to remove that temptation beforehand by wrecking the super-cloak beyond repair before handing over the Kadak-Tor.
Quite correct. I believe her demolitions job caused substantial structural damage because she wasn't playing around with getting rid of THAT destabilizing black-box toy.
And thus, the Ranger-derivatives should be falling apart.

They *are* in active use. Plus, logistics has been on the back burner with the Duranium Lady's expansion. Screw logistics, we will expand.

And so, I doubt the Ranger-derivatives have had any refits or much maintenance over the past decade-and-a-half.
They're explorer-derived. Probably built to stick around a lot longer.
To be honest, by the rules, they can't do any repairs right now, that's an ability we unlock by research. I mean, they probably have *some* mechanical capabilities, but nothing big and capable of major repairs or refits. But the tech to unlock Starbase Repairs is ungodly expensive compared to other Starbase techs, something like 150 points.

They do already have some limited repair capabilities. Recent examples:
We escaped despite minor damage by making a high risk engagement of the warp drive. We are headed in to Starbase 7 in order to make intermediary repairs.
I have brought the Challorn in to attend the ship, and it looks like we will be able to stabilise the vessel and bring it to Starbase 9 for further repairs.
I don't know where the hull of the Kadak-Tor (that was the name, right?) currently is, but the cloaking device had bombs set off next to it, so it should be unrecoverable.

I am fairly certain that Gul Miran, being a pragmatic and decent sort, was kind enough to remove that temptation beforehand by wrecking the super-cloak beyond repair before handing over the Kadak-Tor.

The supercloak got blown to bits by Gul Miran. And we can't do much with the Cruiser because we can't let them know we have it. It's about one classification level down from time travel stuff.

Ah, thank you - I'd forgotten about that.

According to omakes, a proto-Section 31 was arrested before it could really get going.

The only mention of Section 31 has a been an omake where a proto-section 31 tried a false flag involving whacking Mrr'Shan and Wolfe, it backfired and exposed them, and then Nash zh'Rhashaan took them apart quite thoroughly.
On the other hand, I'd point out that in canon Section 31 was created with the Starfleet Charter, so if it did exist, it wouldn't be a proto-Section 31 at this point. I'm having some trouble findin the omake; is it considered canon? (Are all threadmarked omakes canon? I've been assuming they're as canon as Oneiros decides he wants them to be...)
On the other hand, I'd point out that in canon Section 31 was created with the Starfleet Charter, so if it did exist, it wouldn't be a proto-Section 31 at this point. I'm having some trouble findin the omake; is it considered canon? (Are all threadmarked omakes canon? I've been assuming they're as canon as Oneiros decides he wants them to be...)

Some of mine haven't been threadmarked. I assume that means something, but I don't know what.
On the other hand, I'd point out that in canon Section 31 was created with the Starfleet Charter, so if it did exist, it wouldn't be a proto-Section 31 at this point. I'm having some trouble findin the omake; is it considered canon? (Are all threadmarked omakes canon? I've been assuming they're as canon as Oneiros decides he wants them to be...)
That's not entirely correct. Section 31 is a legal section of the Federation Charter that authorizes it to use extreme measures in self-preservation; it does not call for the establishment of an agency named as such. Section 31 the organization is a rogue paramilitary conspiracy that uses this as some sort of legal cover/guiding document. In my mind they're something like a cross between ''''historical'''' Majestic 12 and Sovereign Citizens.
That's not entirely correct. Section 31 is a legal section of the Federation Charter that authorizes it to use extreme measures in self-preservation; it does not call for the establishment of an agency named as such. Section 31 the organization is a rogue paramilitary conspiracy that uses this as some sort of legal cover/guiding document. In my mind they're something like a cross between ''''historical'''' Majestic 12 and Sovereign Citizens.
I just went and watched the DS9 episode where they were "introduced", so I was going entirely off of what they said they were. Thanks for explaining!
I voted against changing the nomenclature, but I'm not super-freaked out about it.

Remember that generic terms such as "escorts" and "cruiser" are used much more often for other people's ships. We call our ships by their specific class names like Excelsiors and Connie-Bs and such. Just think of "capital ship" as something that applies to discussion of other people's navies, not our own. I mean "capital ship" may very occasionally be used as a term of art to refer to certain design principles on Federation ships, but it's really not going to be in your face every day.

You can still call Excelsiors 'Explorers'.
Honestly this is probably going to increase the frequency with which I refer to foreign heavy ships as 'explorers.' I did that before, now sheer cussedness makes me feel more like doing it. :p

TNG literally had just that happen with Booby Trap with a ship that had run for centuries; stationary, but only because of a power drain effect, and parked in the middle of an asteroid-heavy area where minor impacts should have been common to boot. There are numerous other cases of ships being discovered long after their use-by date should have passed due, even Federation ships; Pegasus was fused with an asteroid but still working pretty much okay on the parts that weren't fifteen+ years later. Hell, TAS had a three hundred thousand year old spaceship that worked just fine except for the possession entity onboard.

Space is a very gentle environment in terms of mechanical systems. Even modern satellites don't usually measure their lifespan by the reliability of their mechanical systems, but by their fuel to make orbital adjustments or their electronics.
Not counting exotic god-tech and the like, most of these ships share the core point that they remained in a fixed location and did not experience major ongoing stress on their machinery. That's apt to make a difference.

Given that the structural integrity field and so on are needed, it seems reasonable to assume that starships underway are exposed to considerable stresses, as are ships exposed to ongoing use in other ways. The fact that a ship can last a long time when sitting still does not translate into an indefinitely long service life.

A car parked in a climate-controlled garage and ignored could plausibly be in working order ten years later with only slight refurbishment and/or replacing the gasoline. The same car, driven heavily every day for ten years, will accumulate a host of mechanical defects and probably be in rather poor condition, even if it was carefully maintained throughout that time.

It's funny you mention Straak, because as freaking HILARIOUS as the Rock Whisperer thing is he's got not actual applicable bonus.
This is true, but you get the point. :p

We have a LOT of scientific masterminds, experts, specialists, and many bonuses that are applicable stacked up and benefiting the Explorer Corps. They are probably the most ludicrously overpowered survey, mapping, and resource search organization in the known galaxy. By contrast the Cardassians and Klingons (and presumably Romulans) efforts are relatively anemic, I suspect, even if they're good by galactic standards.

Are ex-EC captain bonuses no longer a thing? When the first couple batches of EC captains moved up they gave various perks, but Nash never got a shot at that and now it looks like Saavik won't either?
Agreed; @OneirosTheWriter, could you give us confirmation on that? It's particularly significant for captains who may be staying at the rank of 'captain' for a period of several years before being promoted, such as Saavik (whose time in rank as captain dates back to about the same time she took command of S'harien).

I think it's gone the way of omake bonuses. Cute when the quest was small, but potentially unbalancing as our ex-EC captain count continues to rise.
There's only about 3-4 former Explorer Corps captains in these generic staff positions at any one time. Once they graduate to sector command or task force leadership positions (as Nash, Eaton and T'Lorel did, and as Thuir is likely to do soon), it's not so much of a problem because they just become "the commodore with the killer stat line."

[By the way I found it a bit odd that we didn't get to pick replacements for either T'Lorel or Eaton in their former positions. :( ]

Yes, we saved the Romulans from an existential crisis that was largely their doing, and our relations with them are only 'somewhat defrosted' as a result.

The Klingons, on the other hand, got involved even though none of their worlds were under direct threat. Though stopping the biophage was in their long-term interest, of course.
One of their colonies was in fact eaten by the Biophage. Tregh'bak, I believe the name was.

Just because one ship is badly designed...seriously though we all seem perfectly happy assuming our Excelsiors will last for fifty years or more, including you. I don't think that's a great argument you're making in that context.
Who said the Soyuzes were badly designed? The problem isn't that they were badly designed, it's that they'd been in service since 2240 or earlier. Sixty years of service can very, very easily wear out a machine, especially if the ship is of a small hull type that isn't deemed profitable to refit or overhaul late in its career.

To be honest, by the rules, they can't do any repairs right now, that's an ability we unlock by research. I mean, they probably have *some* mechanical capabilities, but nothing big and capable of major repairs or refits. But the tech to unlock Starbase Repairs is ungodly expensive compared to other Starbase techs, something like 150 points.
We've had ships do minor repairs and overhauls at starbases, I think- not everything requires berth time. But not major ones.

They're explorer-derived. Probably built to stick around a lot longer.
The Ranger-class was laid down before 2245 and any derivatives of the type were probably completed in the 2240s or '50s at the latest. It's already "a lot longer" for those ships.
Who said the Soyuzes were badly designed?

The fact that they were going through Warp Cores, which is as close to a completely self-contained system as there is on the ship and which would have numerous features to prevent the ship transmitting stresses to it so that the usual shake-the-ship events don't misalign the MARA assembly, like some people change socks is pretty much all the proof that's required. That shouldn't happen. Ever. Especially with brand-new installs.
There is a mechanic in this quest where hulls, after they get old, get an increased chance of failure. It will happen to all of our ships, if the quest goes long enough.
The Soyuz design in Starfleet service had reached that point.
Vulcan still has at least one in service.

The Ranger hulls that logistics use are fast approaching that point.
All Good Things (USS S'harien 2309-2313)
Summary of Five Year Mission Results (2309-2313)

USS S'harien

Captain Saavik


Met new species: Bajorans, starting relations 30/100
+75 Relations with the Qloath
Gain 15br/yr colony site option, Ariel V-8
Meet new species: Ittick-ka [25/100]
Gain new mining colony site: Castor IV-2, 20 (25) sr/yr

-1 Officer, -1 Enlisted, -1 Technician Casualty
Crew Rating + 1 (Blooded)
Saavik gains +1 P

+9 Impact
+6 Cost


Escaped Attack
EOY - 2313
End of Year Report Card - 2313

[x][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift 1 Tech to Officer
[X][EXPLORER] Custom - shift .25 from Tech to Officer
[X][WARP] Keep to the old system.
[X][SHIP] Adopt the new Frigate/Cruiser/Capital system

Starting Resources
1250 Bulk Resources
535 Special Resources
78 Political Will
158 Research Points

Starting Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet: 26.35 Officer, 35.45 Enlisted, 24.05 Techs
Explorer Corps: 9.5 Officer, 11.65 Enlisted, 12.6 Techs

Spent During the Year

832 Bulk Industrial Resources
567 Special Industrial Resources
154 Political Will
254 Research Points

Standard: - 6 Officer, 5 Enlisted, 7 Technician
Explorer: - 1 Enlisted, 1 Technician

Career Casualties
Standard: 17 Officer, 25 Enlisted, 21 Technician
Explorer: 6 Officer, 8 Enlisted, 7 Technician

1 Excelsior, 1 Constellation, 1 Centaur, 3 Miranda

Gained During the Year

Political Rewards

+50pp/+20rp for Apinae, Indoria Ratificiation

Anti-Slavery Operations

345 + 181 = 526 Impact
(120 / 2) + 33 = 93 Pre-Resilience Cost
93 - 27 = 66 Cost

Starting Impact/Cost 345/120
End Impact/Cost: 526/93(66)

Political Will Income Penalty: 66% of Annual Income
[Political Crisis averted as now below 100% penalty]

USS Enterprise


Enabled Treaty of Celos
Successfully Oversaw Apinae Ratification
Fiiral Reformation Disaster averted
+50 Relations with Seyek
+10 Relations with Qloath

USS Courageous



Meet new Species: Yan-Ros, 75/100
+25 Relations with Yan-Ros

+1 Crew Rating

USS Sarek



Discover pre-warp civilisation near 15 Themis
Successfully oversaw Indorian Ratification
Gain Igata Nikelda, +1 S

USS S'harien


-1 EC Enlisted, -1 EC Technician Casualty

Meet new species: Ittick-ka [25/100]
Gain new mining colony site: Castor IV-2, 20 (25) sr/yr

Saavik gains +1 P

USS Stargazer

+10 Relations with Dylaarians

USS Odyssey



Discover new colony option, Kappa Tau [+15br/yr]
New Race Encountered: Laio, 50/100
Gain +25 Relations with Gaeni

Other Ships

USS Avandar - +3 Impact
USS Blizzard - +3 Impact, +30br
USS Bull -
USS Calypso - +5pp
USS Challorn -
USS Cheron - +3 Impact, +15pp, +5br
USS Docana - +10rp
USS Dryad -
USS Endurance -
USS Excelsior -
USS Gale - Gain 10pp, Gale +1 Crew Rating, gain +25 Relations with Yan-Ros, gain +10 with Honiani
USS Hawking - +10rp
USS Hood - +20pp, +10 with Licori
USS Inspire -
USS Lightning - +3 Impact
USS Salnas - Lost 10pp, Damaged for 3 months, -1 Technician
USS Sappho - Located mining colony option: Proxima Eridani, 15br/yr colony option, -10br, -15sr repair costs, 6 month repair to create a replacement Constellation warp core
USS Thirishar - -5pp, -10 Relations with Caldonia
USS Torbriel - +10rp
USS Valiant - +10pp
USS Vigour - +5rp, +10pp, +25 with Gaeni
USS Winterwind -
USS Yukikaze - Missed event

Ships Lost

Ships Damaged
USS Endurance, Excelsior
USS Korolev, Constitution-B
USS Shield, Miranda-A
USS Saratoga, Constitution-B
USS Salnas, Excelsior
USS Sappho, Constellation

Ships Scrapped

Ships Laid Down
2 Excelsior
3 Miranda-A
2 Refit Miranda-A

Ships Crewed
1 Constitution-B
1 Excelsior
2 Centaur-A
3 Miranda-A
1 Renaissance

Ship Commissioned
USS Odyssey - Excelsior, NCC-2013
USS Defiant - Constitution-B, NCC-1746
USS Valiant - Constitution-B, NCC-1747

Refit - USS Shield - Miranda-A, NCC-1661
Refit - USS Fidelity - Miranda-A, NCC-1634

TSS Miracht Agrad - Excelsior, NCC-2018

Final Stockpile with Annual Income
1250 - 832 + 95 + 795 = 1323 Bulk Resources
535 - 582 + 80 + 570 = 603 Special Resources
78 - 154 + 236 + (97*(0.34)=33) = 193 Political Will
158 - 254 + 140 + 156 = 200 Research Points

New Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet:
26.35 - 17 + 0 + 11.7 = 21.05 Officer
35.45 - 24 + 0 + 16.15 = 27.6 Enlisted
24.05 - 21 + 0 + 17.05 = 20.1 Techs
Explorer Corps:
9.5 - 6 + 0 + 3.25 = 6.75 Officer
11.65 - 6 + 0 + 2.95 = 8.6 Enlisted
12.6 - 6 + 0 + 2.95 = 9.55 Techs

Standard Starfleet: 20.95 Officer, 27.5 Enlisted, 20 Techs
Explorer Corps: 6.75 Officer, 8.6 Enlisted, 9.55 Techs

* Academy Steering Committee Changes take effect as of 2314.EOY
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