[x][WARP] Keep to the old system.

The TNG system was incredibly stupid.

[x][SHIP] Adopt the new Frigate/Cruiser/Capital system

Escort and Explorer are roles, not weight classes.

[x][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift 1 Tech to Officer

[x][EXPLORER] Custom - Shift .125 from Tech and Enlisted to Officer

[X]She does know when to stop if someone hints strongly enough. Good on her.
So far she's been doing a really good job out there. Let's see how she handles the defensive preparations.
This is Ainsworth, I'd expect a giant-ass CAPTOR-type minefield somewhere.

Gonna wait on the Shipyard types for the crew votes, don't know what we're low on and what the Amby is projected to need.
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[X][ACADEMY] Emphasise Officers
[X][WARP] Keep to the old system.
[X][SHIP] Adopt the new Frigate/Cruiser/Capital system

We are currently really really tight on Officers, last I checked.

I'm hoping a writein is acceptable on the last one.

[x][ACADEMY] Custom - Techs to Officers

[X][EXPLORER] Custom - shift .25 from Tech to Officer

[X][WARP] Keep to the old system.

[x][SHIP] Adopt the new Frigate/Cruiser/Capital system

This would make the Ambassador our first "capital, explorer" designation and the Kepler a "frigate, science" designation but prevent confusion with older ships from the changeover.
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[x][WARP] Keep to the old system.

TNG would use too many decimal points...

[x][SHIP] Keep to the existing Escort/Cruiser/Explorer system

We're not the Generic Space Military. The current terminology distinguishes Starfleet from the others, and reinforces its commitment to exploration, science and peace.
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[X][ACADEMY] Custom, shift 1 Tech to Officers
[X][EXPLORER] Custom, shift .25 Techs to Officers
[X][WARP] Keep to the old system
[X][SHIP] Keep to the existing Escort/Cruiser/Explorer system

I really like that Starfleet calls capital ships Explorers. Though what I'd prefer would be a compromise Frigate/Cruiser/Explorer system, that's not on offer.
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[X][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift 1 Tech to Officers
[X][WARP] Keep to the old system.
[X][SHIP] Adopt the new Frigate/Cruiser/Capital system
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Briefvoice's plan assumes a full Tech to Officer shift. Do that, not focus officers.
[X][ACADEMY] 1pt Tech to Officers
[X][WARP] Keep to the old system.
[X][SHIP] Adopt the new Frigate/Cruiser/Capital system
[X][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift 1 Tech to Officers

Hey guys, this is the most efficient option. We need lots of enlisted but not as many techs, and we can increase Tech recruitment by +1 with 15pp. Doing the "emphasize officers" option steals enlisted away that we really need for Rennies.
[X][ACADEMY] Custom, shift 1 Tech to Officers
[X][EXPLORER] No change
[X][WARP] Keep to the old system
[X][SHIP] Keep to the existing Escort/Cruiser/Explorer system

I really like that Starfleet calls capital ships Explorers. Though what I'd prefer would be a compromise Frigate/Cruiser/Explorer system, that's not on offer.

Well all we would still call all our capital ships explorers, since we don't have any that are not Explorers. And don't have any plans to build any for the foreseeable future.
In fact the only one that I could think of that might not be called an Explorer would be the Sovereign. Which is more heavy command ship, but even then we will probably end up calling it an explorer anyway.

However labeling the capital ships of nearby powers as explorers, is really not a good way to designate them. We may never build a cpaital ship that isn't an explorer, but having the weight class system recognize that this is not true for everybody else is a good idea.
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[X][ACADEMY] Custom, shift 1 Tech to Officers
[X][EXPLORER] Custom - shift .25 from Tech to Officer
[X][WARP] Keep to the old system
[X][SHIP] Keep to the existing Escort/Cruiser/Explorer system
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Well all we would still call all our cpaital ships explorers, since we don;t have any that are not Explorers. And won't for the foreseeable future. In fact the only one that I could think of that might not be called an Explorer would be the Sovereign. Which is more heavy command ship, but even then we will probably end up calling it an explorer anyway.
The Sovvie's a battleship.
2313.Q4 - Master of Orion
Alukk Daily News

The Constitutional Convention on Alukk has concluded, and with it concludes the power of the Hypercorps. And taking that a step further, so concludes an era of the Orion people. For hundreds of years the pride of the Orion people, the corporations occupied a prized position within our society, but their constitutional guarantees have been destroyed. With outside intervention to artificially prop up the economy, the government has been allowed to gut the underpinnings of our financial system.

This is a dark day for all who believe in the freedom of the market.


Presidential Proclamation

When the revolution overthrew the old order, we saw the end of the overt slavery of one Orion by another. And on that day, all of us rejoiced. Then let us now rejoice again, as we purge from our midst the tentacle-like grasp of the corporations that would see us held in bondage in our own homes, to turn our own finances against us as a weapon. An end to the indentured slavery that benefits none but a privileged few.

My friends, my countrymen, there are many who will tell you that I have sold our heritage to the abyss. But I stand here to tell you that this is not the case. Indeed, it is your chains that I have sold. The mortgage held on all our souls has been discharged. No more will the commercial elite among us conspire with the Syndicate to hold us all in penury for the enrichment of the ancient social orders. I tell you now, an era of freedom is before us!


Anti-Slavery Task Force Progress Report

I do not think this is the end. I do think this is the beginning of the end.

The underpinning of Syndicate power has always lain in their legitimacy as part of the Hypercorp system. With the breaking of that system, I believe we will see the end of the Syndicate's ambitions to be equal unto the Union, perhaps for good.

The Constitutional Convention was protected by the Reconnoitre Block, with protection on the fringes by the ISSU. They were careful to keep the Aeroknights out of the way, cleaning up the mess on Duaba. There were a few minor incidents, but thankfully no major Syndicate operation has occurred to steal the headlines.

[Total: 25 Impact, 10 Cost]


[X][ACADEMY] 1pt Tech to Officers
[X][WARP] Keep to the old system.
[X][SHIP] Adopt the new Frigate/Cruiser/Capital system

I suspect we'll want to shift Officers -> Enlisted for Explorer Crew since the most recent, but still outdated, designs I've seen for the Ambassador are quite Enlisted heavy.
[X][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift 1 Tech to Officers
[X][EXPLORER] No Change

[X][WARP] Adopt the TNG system
[X][SHIP] Adopt the new Frigate/Cruiser/Capital system
[X][ACADEMY] Custom, shift 1 Tech to Officers
[X][EXPLORER] No change
[X][WARP] Keep to the old system
[X][SHIP] Keep to the existing Escort/Cruiser/Explorer system

I really like that Starfleet calls capital ships Explorers. Though what I'd prefer would be a compromise Frigate/Cruiser/Explorer system, that's not on offer.

Thing is, calling a sector flagship an "explorer" isn't any more accurate than calling it a "battleship." Those are both functions that a ship is meant to perform, not a description of the ship's size or mass.

Thank the Elements for Oyana! For those that gave their lives like Sorkin and all the police and military that died. For Sierre and Darras and all the radicals who never gave up.

Hurray for the victory of liberty over tyranny!

Hurrah For the Union!
[X][ACADEMY] Custom - shift 1 Tech to Officers
[X][EXPLORER] Custom - shift .25 from Tech to Officer

[X][WARP] Keep to the old system.

The TNG system was needlessly complicated. At some point we need to know what the "max" is, but it isn't terribly necessary now.

[X][SHIP] Adopt the new Frigate/Cruiser/Capital system

Of all things about star trek that ever bugged me it was this. Escorts and Explorers fill a role, not a weight class. I get that the idea is to emphasize that our mission is science and exploration, but it seems to be a needless point to me.
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[X][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift 1 Tech to Officers

[Edit] @Briefvoice has spoken!
[X][EXPLORER] Custom - shift .25 from Tech to Officer

[X][WARP] Keep to the old system.

[X][SHIP] Adopt the new Frigate/Cruiser/Capital system
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Calling what we now call Explorers Capital Ships would allow us to simply call EC ships Explorers, which is much less awkward.