Starfleet Academy - Steering Meeting
Well, this is a new experience. You can't say that you have been that focused on Starfleet Academy. Though you made many allies there that have lasted you through to the present day, the school system itself had little appeal to you. You wanted to get out and do and act. There are so many more interesting things than classrooms in this wide galaxy of adventure and terror. So the Academy itself was of relatively little interest. But today, well, you have to focus on the needs of the system that provides you with recruits.
That nasty brutish business that gives you bodies to fill your starships with. Well, that's unkind to Certunn Guk, the Rear Admiral who serves as the Commandant of the Starfleet Academy here in San Francisco, the chief institute of the Academy network.
Kahurangi left no instructions for this particular matter and, indeed, you have seen little need to involve yourself in it thus far. But it doesn't seem so difficult to come to terms with.
Current Personnel Pool:
Standard Starfleet: 9.35 Officer, 11.45 Enlisted, 3.05 Techs
Explorer Corps: 3.5 Officer, 5.65 Enlisted, 6.6 Techs
Starfleet Academy:
Officers (O): 11.70pts (+3.25 Explorer Corps)
Enlisted Crew (E): 16.15pts (+2.95 Explorer Corps)
Science Techs (T): 17.05pts (+2.95 Explorer Corps)
(Emphasising one type will transfer 0.5 from both of the other types to the type you choose)
[ ][ACADEMY] No Change
[ ][ACADEMY] Emphasise Officers
[ ][ACADEMY] Emphasise Enlisted
[ ][ACADEMY] Emphasise Techs
[ ][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift up to 1 pt any Crew type
[ ][EXPLORER] No Change
[ ][EXPLORER] Custom - Shift up to .25 to any Crew type
There is a major science convention underway in the old Sol III city of New York at present. Although most of your attention is on San Francisco at the moment, you have not ignored the rest of the galaxy. The long awaited debate on adopting a new prospective warp factor system that made everything from Warp 9 up to Warp "10" a logarithmic equation. It would keep everything in use a single digit warp factor, if you ignore the decimal places anyway.
At the same time, voices within the Ship Design Bureau and Starfleet Tactical are talking about sweeping underlying changes in how you refer to your ship weight classes. A move away from the accepted "Explorer", "Cruiser", "Escort" system that has stood for decades. Instead they propose "Frigate", "Cruiser", and "Capital Ship". There is quite the debate in progress throughout Starfleet's brass, though you wonder if they shouldn't have more important matters to go on with!
[ ][WARP] Keep to the old system.
[ ][WARP] Adopt the TNG system
[ ][SHIP] Keep to the existing Escort/Cruiser/Explorer system
[ ][SHIP] Adopt the new Frigate/Cruiser/Capital system
Sector Commander's Log, Gabriel BZ, Stardate 25332.7 - Rear Admiral Ainsworth
We are pulling away from the Cardassian sectors after chasing away their scouting parties. It is time to rely on the industrial power of the Federation, rather than its combat power. We have lost the services of a Miranda-A, a Connie-B, and an Excelsior thus far this year, and still have them out. It is time to take advantage of our newly secured position to build up.
Credit Commodore Suarez with the impassioned argument that led to this. We are still sending prospectors into subsector 2e, and expect to have results next month. The mining colony at Collie will be finished next week, I have the freighters I need to rush build a major defensive project, or even a colony at Collie. It looks like consolidating our position is in order.