We've been told to expect a war in the next 5 years. I'll support anyone who's up for making some shiny new Miranda-As to smash down the Cardassians' throats.
I'm not opposed to a combat focused escort, but I don't want to design one right now. The Miranda and Centaur are acceptable in their role for the moment, in my opinion. I'd like to wait and improve our tech, rather than rush out a half-baked project for this war.
There would be an even larger backlash against designing a generalist escort, so yeah, what else are we going to build?
Centaur is more generalist tho

Like if you sell your general escort as being "Centaur but better" I bet most of the thread would be a-okay with that.

In any case I don't think we should get cocky about this war, especially since the Klingons and the Romulans are pretty known but still somewhat unpredictable. Maximum weight of firepower is good for ending this with minimal losses, and having more ships pads against losses in general. After the war (or if it never actually goes down) we can have the 'Wartime' Mirandas shadow the Hospital Rennies if it's really a problem. Or throw them at the Syndicate. Or stuff them in the KBZ/RBZ
So, we can activate up to six additional projects without having to ice any of the continuing ones?

I'm digging this new Enterprise crew. I imagine the Betazoid security officer fighting like a Thinker from Worm.
I had tattletale fall in love with a Betazoid in the worm/ST/ sea queens cross on SB... b/c super sherlock vs. Telepathy = mutual migraine
So what's the vote tally for Research looking like?

Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 1015 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5
[X] Generic Team 3 : Hospital Ship Research Project
No. of Votes: 20
[X] Daystorm Institute : 2330s Colony Cores
No. of Votes: 20
[X] Starfleet Science Academy : 2310s Message Networking
No. of Votes: 20
[X] Generic Team 6: Hospital Ship Design
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Starfleet Science Academy: 2320s Federation Datanet
No. of Votes: 1

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: BOOST
[X] [BOOST] Office of Naval Architecture, Admiral Lathriss
No. of Votes: 11
[X] [BOOST] Office of Naval Architecture, Federation Broadcast Service
No. of Votes: 8

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: VSA
[X] [VSA] Vulcan Science Academy : 2320s Targeting Sensors
No. of Votes: 13
[X] [VSA] Vulcan Science Academy : 2320s Geological Sensors
No. of Votes: 6
Total No. of Voters: 21
Few problems with building Miranda-A vs refits, they take more resources, take crew and leave our Miranda low on shield and hull (refit adds one of each so 5 vs 3 total hits). I will need to see our situation at 2313 before I can say either way.
We should probably give Spock some additional resources, both personnel and otherwise. That might pacify the Pacifist faction on the Council.
I'd honestly rather refit the Mirandas we have into something that can take hits. Losing those means taking large crew pool hits, and they are vastly more vulnerable.
I say refit as many mirandas as we can spare to not have in active garrison right now, and build more of them. Centuar-A's can wait until after the war.

Hopefully the Miranda-B will be good enough to make all these ships a good longterm investment as well.

EDIT: actually, given Oneiros' new ship role system, the centaur-A might stop being worth it altogether. If we have a choice of which ships respond to which events, and we have enough cruisers and excelsiors for each sector, why bother with a generalist escort? Presence/Science missions can go to the sector's cruisers, leaving the escorts free to respond to piracy and other police and light combat events.

In this case, the Miranda is the only escort we'll need, with the Centaur's role becoming redundant once we have enough conniebees and rennies.
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Centaur is more generalist tho

Like if you sell your general escort as being "Centaur but better" I bet most of the thread would be a-okay with that.

The Centaur is an expensive piece of shit.

That's my official opinion and it's the opinion I've had on it forever.

I can probably build you a Centaur-A with 1/1/1 crew for the price of a Miranda. That's the highest praise you'll see from me for that design philosophy.
I say refit as many mirandas as we can spare to not have in active garrison right now, and build more of them. Centuar-A's can wait until after the war.

Hopefully the Miranda-B will be good enough to make all these ships a good longterm investment as well.
Well considering that in Canon the Fed was building and refitting the damn things all the way past the Domion war I would like to think it is a safe bet.
Well, two things on that. First, we recently saw an Event where the Oberth on the Neutral Zone detected what it was pretty sure was a cloaked Romulan ship and responded by calling in the Sector Excelsior to respond. Again, for all this talk have we ever seen the narrative written in such a way as to suggest a ship is willingly responding outside its weight class?

Second, if you're a science vessel 'detecting piracy' then you're probably receiving a distress call from a ship under attack. Are you sure that 'don't respond' is the correct course of action in such a case? Most pirate ships probably only have 1C or so after all.

Well it's admittedly not a great example, especially in light of Oneiros saying that distress calls require response regardless, but replace "piracy" with "diplomacy".

The ideal ROE for a science ship would be to take point on science events, and avoid risky combat and diplomacy situations unless they're backing up another ship (like an Excelsior). Hopefully that'll be possible.

Okay, regarding the wider argument over designs/escorts/etc.

One of the mechanics I have been trying to finalise in my head is a method of using Starfleet Tactical Command to designate "Roles" which ship classes belong to. Something more meaningful than Escort/Cruiser/Explorer, which are pure weight-based evaluation. Basically a set of criteria that defines a type of ship for a purpose (FYM explorer could be, >= 5 Science/Presence, Science/Presence no more than 1 behind Combat, a Fleet Escort could have minimum Combat of 3, Hull+Shield of 4, blah blah).

With those, you can then pick the ROEs that belong to roles. In other words ... you have an mechanical+narratively neat way of telling me certain ships shouldn't respond to certain events.

This would never apply to Distress Calls, which must be responded to. But it does mean that crazy response roles won't send your Miranda to conduct diplomacy on its lonesome.

I really like it, but that should've been obvious from the SDB discussion ;)

The different ROE stuff is awesome, and alleviates some of the pressure to keep D low for our smaller ships.

However, I'd suggest using clearly different names between ship weight/size class and ship role, perhaps even renaming things. Something like:

Weight class (mutually exclusive):
- escort
- cruiser
- heavy cruiser? (something that's not "explorer" since that's a role below)

Role (potentially not mutually exclusive):
- science ship (high S)
- diplomacy ship (high P)
- warship combat ship patrol ship (high C and sufficient D)
- command ship (whatever distinguishes a Constellation vs a Centaur-A that allowed the Kearsage to be the ASTF "flagship", perhaps an officer+enlisted crew minimum?)
- explorer (pretty much all the above with higher D requirements, can include both large ones like Excelsior and small ones like Intrepid)

Doctrines and other mechanics outside of ship design would operate on roles rather than weight class, leaving weight class to be more of an internal ship design detail.

Ships/refits started under this plan:
2313 - Starting 2 Excelsiors, 3 Miranda-As, 2 Miranda refits (these replacing 2 Mirandas coming out of refit, so the total amount in service stays the same)
2314 - Starting 4 Renaissance, 3 Miranda refits (2 of these replace Mirandas coming out of service)
2315 - Starting Ambassador Prototype, 2 Excelsiors, 2 Renaissance, 3 Miranda refits, 1 Constellation refit (could easily delay refits if war is imminent)

I'm tentatively in favor of this.

It's ideal for a war that takes place 2 to ~5 years from now.
Not as ideal for a war (beyond the skirmish stage) that starts next year, but I figure that's unlikely.
Any Mirandas that have their refit delayed due to this can stay in the back lines if the conflict is still low level. And if it's not, 3 new Miranda-A + 6 old Miranda is still better than 6 Miranda-A, likely even lower casualties due to weight of numbers.
It's not as ideal for post-war duties, but that's a price I'm willing to pay for less losses.
It delays Renaissance or other larger ship construction to make room for Miranda-A refits, but that actually somewhat counter-intuitively saves us crew a bit. This relies in the fact that Miranda(-A)s are cheap in crew, and that we're still going to do those Miranda-A refits within half a decade, forcing delays in more crew-intensive ship building.
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...do I have to give an opinion?

Look, you guys know I love me some escorts. Nobody ever went to war with enough escorts. You do not purchase bespoke escorts in lots of one or two. You get them in bulk. I wanted more 1Mt slots at our yards for the purposes of speeding up refits and giving us more repair facilities. But I also wanted them so we could build an Actual Miranda Assembly Line.
Oh, research vote:

[X] Plan Steady Goings
-[X] Generic Team 3 : Hospital Ship Research Project
-[X] Daystorm Institute : 2330s Colony Cores
-[X] Starfleet Science Academy : 2310s Message Networking
[X] [BOOST] Office of Naval Architecture, Federation Broadcast Service
[X] [VSA] Vulcan Science Academy : 2320s Targeting Sensors

Slightly favor the FBS 2310s Communication completion to get that immediate 2% combat bonus over the forward defense doctrine that may not even provide fruit in time for a war in the next couple years anyway.
I say refit as many mirandas as we can spare to not have in active garrison right now, and build more of them. Centuar-A's can wait until after the war.

We have 10 Mirandas, 2 of which are in refit right now. I'd say that with war coming up, we don't want more than 3 in refit at any one time so that the others are free to be called up in an emergency*. I'm proposing to build 3 new Miranda-As, so we'd have 13 Miranda-As total after all refits are complete.

*A baseline Miranda isn't great to have in a fight... but it's considerably better than a ship that's half-disassembled for a refit and can't fight at all.

EDIT: actually, given Oneiros' new ship role system, the centaur-A might stop being worth it altogether. If we have a choice of which ships respond to which events, and we have enough cruisers and excelsiors for each sector, why bother with a generalist escort? Presence/Science missions can go to the sector's cruisers, leaving the escorts free to respond to piracy and other police and light combat events.

Well, yes and no. Remember that a certain amount of Events are "unplanned" which means that you just have to roll with whatever ship got caught up in it. Distress calls are the big one, but you never know what space might throw at you.

...do I have to give an opinion?

Look, you guys know I love me some escorts. Nobody ever went to war with enough escorts. You do not purchase bespoke escorts in lots of one or two. You get them in bulk. I wanted more 1Mt slots at our yards for the purposes of speeding up refits and giving us more repair facilities. But I also wanted them so we could build an Actual Miranda Assembly Line.

I'd like to get a 3mt berth at either Ana Font or Lor'vela OCF. That would give us flexibility to do parallel construction with either 2 Excelsiors or 2 smaller ships as we see fit.

Chen's bonus definitely changes the calculus on expanding one or more of our existing shipyards rather than building a new one. At least for the moment.