2312.Q3 - Ex Astris, Scientia
- Location
- Australia
[X][MEDICAL] Use the Renaissance hull form.
Research project is 20pt - Discipline: Ship Design - Cruiser
Avg Cost - 100br 60sr, 3yr build - Estimated production run of 8
C0 S3 H3 L5 P2 D5 +2 to Science value of any Starfleet ship responding to a medical emergency if a hospital ship can respond
[Research Project has been added
Research project is 20pt - Discipline: Ship Design - Cruiser
Avg Cost - 100br 60sr, 3yr build - Estimated production run of 8
C0 S3 H3 L5 P2 D5 +2 to Science value of any Starfleet ship responding to a medical emergency if a hospital ship can respond
[Research Project has been added
Starbase 1 Mission Control Loop, Stardate 28805.4
[Pride of Kadesh Fleet Command Karen Sarjan] Starbase 1 Docking Control, this is the Pride of Kadesh. Requesting docking and clearance for earth orbit.
[Starbase 1 Docking Command Officer Commander Jonas Carlisle] Pride of Kadesh, Pride of Kadesh, this is Starbase 1 Docking Command, request received. You are clear.
[Starbase 1 Docking Operations Officer Lieutenant Commander Hosni Amir] Stand by on physical interlocks.
[Pride of Kadesh Helm Control Aran Sotaan] Green-line on Engineering crews.
[PK FC Karen Sarjan] Ready for physical release.
[S1 DOO LCdr Hosni Amir] Okay, I have green lights from interlocks A through G. Releasing ... okay, still all green. Be advised Kadesh, you are now on tractor anchoring only.
[PK FC Karen Sarjan] I read that as well, Docking Command.
[S1 DCO Cdr Jonas Carlisle] Okay, stand by. All ships logged on Starbase 1 Docking Framework, all vessels on Orbital Tracks 1 through 27, be advised, Kadesh in motion. Kadesh, you are clear to engage thrusters. Transfer to Starbase 1 Mission Control.
[PK FC Karen Sarjan] Engaging thrusters now. We are pulling clear at one-tenth thrusters. All interlocks cleared. Mission Control, this is Pride of Kadesh.
[Starbase 1 Mission Control Comms Officer Lieutenant Mohammed Nejem] Welcome aboard, Kadesh.
[Starbase 1 Mission Control Tracking Office Lieutenant Gretel Schumacher] Kadesh, This is Tracking. Your convoy is waiting on Orbit Track 25, thirty thousand kilometres prograde.
[Pride of Kadesh Mission Control Kayle Nabob] We see them, Okay, impulse engines are green, ship integrity green. Requesting permission to thrust clear of the Starbase impulse exclusion and make an intercept burn.
[Starbase 1 Mission Control Officer Commander Cesar Gonzalez] Understood, Kadesh, stand by.
[Starbase 1 MCCO Lt Mohammed Nejem] Clear all channels, clear all channels. Stand by all Earth Orbit Stations, ultra-heavy underway on Orbital Tracks 16 and 17. Everyone watch those sensors. This is bug on a windshield territory.
[Starbase 1 MCO Cdr Cesar Gonzalez] Kadesh, Mission Control. The way is clear, once clear of the exclusion area you may engage impulse and make your burn.
[PK FC Karen Sarjan] Thank you, Mission Command. Pride of Kadesh is en route to convoy rendezvous. ETA four minutes.
[Commander, USS Stargazer, Captain Maryam Ajam] Convoy is waiting, Fleet Command.
[Commander, Gardenkeeper, Captain Rachel Sarjan] Fleet Command, Carrier Ships Gardenkeeper, Watchkeeper, Oathkeeper, and Hearthkeeper are standing by.
[PK FC Karen Sarjan] Command line is green. Convoy has now joined Fleet Command. All ships, secure and prepare for warp jump to Sol V for Fleet Integration Tests.
Personal Log, Valentina Sousa, Stardate 24805.6
Well that was amazing to watch. It seems somehow too large to move, a flying statement of defiance to humble expectations. It is the last will and testament of the Garden World of Kadesh, their exogenesis sent forth to find rebirth among stars afar. The power that sits within the warp coils, it's visible, tangible in every crackle that rips across the void.
What a time to be alive!
After witnessing such a feat of imagination going off to the Ship Design Bureau's big annual meeting is a joy. I can't wait to see what we can come up with. For a decade now, the successor project to the Excelsior - the Ambassador project - has been discussed and visualised and imagined and argued over. But I think our tech level is starting to push ever closer to making it a reality.
Computer, End Log
Current RP Pool = 230pt
8pts are required to activate a Tech Team
230 / 8 = 28 rem 6
28 Tech Teams may be activated. Unused rp will carry forward to next year
The following Tech Team assignments are carrying over:
Amash Hagan: 2320s Research Centers
Generic Team 4 : Primitive Isolinear Computers
40 Eridani A Shipyards : 2310s WarpCores
Yoyodyne : 2320s EPS Safety
Office of Naval Architecture : 2310s Starship Frames
Caitain Frontier Police : 2310s Equipment
Generic Team 1 : 2310s Long -Range Sensor
Weapons Fabrication Division: Early ToC Weapons
Andorian Academy: Shield Regeneration Project
Federation Broadcast Service : 2310s Communications
Starfleet Science Academy:
Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science : 2310s Special Resources
University of Betazed: 2310s Affiliates Research
Spock: 2310s Diplomacy
Starfleet Medical : 2310s Intensive Care
Taves Nar Orbital Engineering : ToC Starbase Design
Generic Team 3: 2310s Escort - Engineering
Utopia Planitia : 2310s Explorer Combat
San Francisco Fleetyards : 2310s Explorer - Science
Generic Team 2: 2310s Explorer - Engineering
Generic Team 5: Klingon Research
Starfleet Tactical Command - Games & Theory Division: Cardassian Research
[ ][PLAN] Submit a Research Plan, using up to twenty-five Tech Teams (Only changing teams need to be listed)
For an additional +10rp each, an extra Inspiration roll will be applied to a team. Up to five teams may be boosted.
[ ][BOOST] List teams to Boost
For list of tech areas and teams, please see: The State of Play - Research Megapost
A/N: As always, if anyone has a better logo for the more recent teams, all submissions are welcome.