That just makes me think of that Breath of Fire IV, the rpg game I used to play. There's a scene where they need a certain rare material to forge a super weapon or something. And it looks like a giant rainbow pearl. But, it's not just any pearl.... it was apparently made out of fairy poop.

You know how farmers use manure for fertilizer? Fertilizer shortages and thus reduced crop yields from all the manure being used for military production have actually happened in some countries.
Though yes, manpower shortages from sending all those able-bodied men to war too did compound the issue, but...
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Erwin (non canonical picture) :p

Looks familiar...

Ah! The Magnificent Seven and The Great Escape!
Also finding out the foreign anti-nuclear demonstrators were much more polite when protesting unlike US anti-nuclear protestors...

Where would you say the most polite protesters were?

Hm... While there's plenty of poi, I have to mark it down for a lack of poi, eh.
"I see." Carol fell quiet for a moment. "This is going to be hard for me to say, Amy, but I've had my eyes opened to a great many things I didn't know I was doing to you. I'd like to say that I'm truly sorry for what's happened, as shallow and petty as that sounds. It took almost losing you to make me realize that I had two daughters, both of whom I love very much."

Amy forcefully restrained her impulse to unleash a sarcastic reply to this admission.

"Our assigned therapist," Sarah continued, "is willing to help with the initial counseling sessions, though he admits that family counseling isn't his specialty, and will probably refer you to one of his colleagues." She leaned back. "I'm sorry for knowing about this happening, and not doing anything about it." She sighed a bit. "How did you figure out who your biological father was?"

"Similarity in powers and looks, and Carol's attitude towards me after I triggered, and her reaction when I said something," was Amy's response. "I've known for quite some time, I just never thought much about it." She looked at Carol, making eye contact. "You and Mark are the only parents I remember," she said. "And like I told Vicky, I love both of you dearly."

Yay! Reconciliation.
Also, arrange to have some of the really fine Swiss chocolate and some flowers delivered to Ms. Dallon's room at the hospital. Anonymously.

He may be a faux-Nazi, but at least he's got a heart. Somewhere.
A rather foolish one, considering physical security is provided by the US Army, with Tanks, Helicopters, Aircraft, and Soldiers. Or as Smaug would put it, "I do so love a challenge."

Considering the newt got taken out by a guy with a bow, he may find them a bit hard to chew...
What?? Where in the lore does it say they are Chaotic Neutral? They've been Chaotic Good for as long as I remember.

Might be related to the fact that huffing mercury leads to bad thing happening to their brains. For instance, "Mad as a Hatter".
(On a related note, how will her bank respond to her telling them that she needs to withdraw $1000, all in pennies to begin with.....)

"Why did I ever consider moving to Brockton to be a promotion. Damn crazy capes.
There are many humorous stories about spellcasters using a Wall of Iron to protect themselves from the charge of a Bismuth Dragon, only to be pancaked by their wall being pushed over by the dragon's passive Repulsion.

How many have tried surfing on the wall as a means of escaping from the dragon?
Where would you say the most polite protesters were?

Hmm, a toss-up between Hong Kong and Japan. Neither wanted to piss off the Americans too much. Wasn't too bad in Singapore, and the Philippino protestors were protesting the American presence in general (though not too loudly; Subic employed some 50K people locally).

Worst was Bremerton, WA where I got 12 stitches in my scalp for the trouble of showing up that morning.

How many have tried surfing on the wall as a means of escaping from the dragon?

There had to be a couple; One of my players played his wizard like a surfer dood, which made damn near everyone underestimate him, right up until he dropped a Meteor Swarm on them. He would've tried such a stunt.
Uhh @Kryslin ?

Does Crystrani have a mate? Because I am certain Danny wouldn't mind treating the woman who saved Taylor's life to dinner.
I'm reasonably sure any details about the love life of an English Literature Teacher that are relevant will come out in the story. The fact that her title is "Ms." instead of "Mrs." implies she is single, or at least not married, but says nothing about if she already has a boyfriend at this time....

Then again, teachers starting relationships with the parents of students of the schools they teach at is generally discouraged, so it will likely be a few years before she would consider dating Danny.
Dragon: Where is that music coming from? Kinda catchy.

I'm sorry, but "The ONLY music you are allowed to surf to." is just such a ridiculously pretentious title for a bad pianobot cover of Wipeout.

Admittedly, Wipeout is definitely one of the top 5 of all time but, If you're going to utterly disregard the fact there are tons of worthy Surf Rock anthems and pick a single piece of music to be the ONLY song you can ever hear again, it's got to be Miserlou.
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Oi! The 75 in my online name happens to be my birthyear. I wrote that psychology paper in the 90s when a big chunk of people here wasn't even born... Old.... *sigh*
Get off my lawn you little whippersnappers! :p I was born in 74.
I can understand his aversion, though not agree with it. He seems to have an intense phobia of having one's mind or brain "tampered with." To the point the greatest healer in his setting has a pathological neurosis about even healing brains under the most extreme circumstances because she thinks even the slightest change to the brain could be "murdering" the person inside it.
There's also the fact that decent telepath would have been able to carve throughall the various conspiracies Wildbow had running around.
Get off my lawn you little whippersnappers! :p I was born in 74.

There's also the fact that decent telepath would have been able to carve throughall the various conspiracies Wildbow had running around.
Given the intelligence of practically everyone, it'd be the psychic equivalent of reading letters written by one of those giant crayons clutched in a toddler's fist.
Having an almost criminal amount of time to kill, I've been doing a fair bit of re-reading lately. This has lead me to wonder, in standard crossover fashion, what a meeting/confrontation between Naurelin and Ladybird would go.

I'm not about to play a "who would win" game; I've been a D&D nerd longer then I have been a Brony, and have my bias in that regard well established. However, as to who would win a magic contest..... good question, no?
If you think something valuable\useful being poop is going to stop humans from harvesting and using it, then you need to go do some research. As a starting point, look up how we used to get potassium nitrate (saltpeter) for black powder prior to the early 1900s.
Get off my lawn you little whippersnappers! :p I was born in 74.
Pfft. Youngster.

72, for me, and oh god I feel old, because I ran across an article on exactly how (not) effective the 'kids pictures on milk cartons' were.

They had to explain that we used to put missing kids' pictures on milk cartons before they could get into the rest of the article.
Having an almost criminal amount of time to kill, I've been doing a fair bit of re-reading lately. This has lead me to wonder, in standard crossover fashion, what a meeting/confrontation between Naurelin and Ladybird would go.

I'm not about to play a "who would win" game; I've been a D&D nerd longer then I have been a Brony, and have my bias in that regard well established. However, as to who would win a magic contest..... good question, no?

I would put my money on Ladybird.

Why? Ladybird's true power isn't the power of magic, friendship, or even harmony...

It's the power of CUTE. All she has to do is do the great big soulful pony eyes, and quibble the lower lip a bit, and Naurelin shifts down to give Ladybird a hug, the battle lost.
"You're me? I don't know whether or not this is awkward or creepy..."
"Eh, doesn't matter. Let's talk magic..."
"...Oooh. Ok, yeah. I can do that. Is that safe, poking at Nuclear forces like that?"
"Not for whoever gets hit with it."
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I would put my money on Ladybird.

Why? Ladybird's true power isn't the power of magic, friendship, or even harmony...

It's the power of CUTE. All she has to do is do the great big soulful pony eyes, and quibble the lower lip a bit, and Naurelin shifts down to give Ladybird a hug, the battle lost.
"You're me? I don't know whether or not this is awkward or creepy..."
"Eh, doesn't matter. Let's talk magic..."
"...Oooh. Ok, yeah. I can do that. Is that safe, poking at Nuclear forces like that?"
"Not for whoever gets hit with it."
I'm pretty sure everypony wins in that situation.
Having an almost criminal amount of time to kill, I've been doing a fair bit of re-reading lately. This has lead me to wonder, in standard crossover fashion, what a meeting/confrontation between Naurelin and Ladybird would go.

I'm not about to play a "who would win" game; I've been a D&D nerd longer then I have been a Brony, and have my bias in that regard well established. However, as to who would win a magic contest..... good question, no?
Was Ladybird the MLP cross fic that had Greg become a pony? Because I stopped reading that one after that happened, and I don't remember much of interesting high power happening before that.
Was Ladybird the MLP cross fic that had Greg become a pony? Because I stopped reading that one after that happened, and I don't remember much of interesting high power happening before that.
That depends.

Did Celestia and Luna kick things off there by cockblocking QA and turning Taylor into a pony?

And from there, did Taylor soundly kick Shadow Stalker's ass?